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Physics I Laboratory

Faculty of Science, UOIT

Lab # PhyI-01: Measurement and Evaluation of

Physical Parameters
Introduction (Knight, Ch.1: 1.8)
This laboratory is an introduction to physical measurement and error analysis procedures. There are many
different techniques for determining physical parameters. Some of these methods are called direct
measurements as one reads the desired physical quantity directly from a measuring device (for example, a
time interval t is measured with a stopwatch and a distance L is measured with a ruler); others called indirect
measurements are based on obtaining the results from calculations involving the directly measured quantities
(as in the case of velocity = L/t).
Any measured value of a physical quantity is not an exact number. We can determine their value only within
a certain accuracy that depends on the method and equipment used. Thus, each determined quantity X is
valid within a certain interval of values, namely X X , X + X , that is recorded as X = X X , where

X is a mean value of X, and X uncertainty (see Fig.1). Therefore, the higher the precision of the method,
the smaller is the interval or uncertainty X.

Figure 1: Confidence/Valid Interval Illustration

In this experiment, we will be using calipers (Appendix 1) to measure an objects dimensions, a triple beam
balance (Appendix 2) to determine its mass, and Archimedes Principle of Displacement to indirectly
determine the volume and density of irregularly shaped objects.

Archimedes Principle
Archimedes principle states that a body wholly or partially submerged in a fluid is buoyed up by a force
equal in magnitude to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. It is important to remember that fluids
include liquids and gases, and that the buoyant force exerted by a fluid is not determined by the properties
of the object but only by those of the fluid. This force is given by:

Fb = f Vf g


where f is the density of the fluid, Vf is the volume of fluid displaced and, g is acceleration due to gravity.
It is the buoyant force that keeps ships afloat and hot air balloons floating in air.
Archimedes principle is useful for determining the volume, and therefore the density of an irregularly
shaped object by measuring its mass in air, m, and its effective mass when submerged in water, me. This
effective mass under water will be its actual mass minus the mass of the fluid displaced. The difference
between the real and effective mass m = m - me therefore gives the mass of water displaced and allows
the calculation of the volume of the irregularly shaped object V = m/water. The real mass divided by the
volume thus determined gives a measure of the average density of the object = m/V.

Lab # PhyI-01: Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Parameters

Physics I Laboratory

Faculty of Science, UOIT

Density set (one aluminum/brass cylinder or block and one irregular-shaped aluminum block), calipers,
string, overflow can, beaker for catching water, graduated cylinder (50 ml), and triple-beam balance.

Figure 2: Experiment Equipment

In this lab, you will examine both regular- and irregular-shaped objects and apply different experimental
methods to determine the physical parameters of length, mass, volume, density and buoyant force. Both the
volume and the density will be determined by two different methods, and the calculated values of density
will be compared to reference data. This will allow you to put side by side the precision of different methods
and discuss reasons and sources for their inaccuracy.

Experiment #1: Length, Diameter and Volume

The objective of this experiment is to measure the dimensions and volume of objects and to perform an error
analysis for both direct and indirect methods of measurements.

Procedure (Experimental Method)

In this experiment, you will be determining the volume using two different methods. The first method is an
indirect and is based on calculating the volume using measured linear dimensions. It can only be used for
regular-shaped objects and is called the Volume Equation Method. The second method is a direct volume
measurement that can be used for both regular- and irregular-shaped objects and is sometimes called the
Displaced Volume Method.

Volume Equation Method

This method is applied effectively only for regular-shaped objects. Using the calipers, measure the
geometrical parameters given below at least 5 times and at different positions (even regularly shaped objects
have surfaces that are not perfectly ideal):
for the cylinder: measure the height h and the diameter of the cylinder d;
for the regular-shaped block: measure the length l, the width w and the height h of the block.
You have to take so many decimal places in calipers readings as you can (See Appendix 2 of this manual).
Record the results in Table 1.1.

Lab # PhyI-01: Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Parameters

Physics I Laboratory


Faculty of Science, UOIT

Height h, cm

Diameter d or
width w, cm



Table 1.1. Measurements

Length l, cm
Displaced volume
VD, ml (cm3)

irregularshaped object


Displaced Volume Method

For both the regular- and irregular-shaped objects, find the objects volume by finding the volume of water
that each one displaces:
1. Put the beaker under the overflow can spout as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Displacement of Water Experiment

2. Pour water into the overflow can until it overflows into the beaker. Allow the water to stop overflowing
on its own and empty the beaker into the sink. Now, return it to its position under the overflow can spout
without jarring the overflow can.
3. Tie a string to each of the objects (including the irregularly-shaped object).
4. Gently lower the first object into the overflow can until it is completely submerged. Allow the water to
stop overflowing and then pour the water from the beaker into the graduated cylinder. Measure the volume
of water that was displaced by reading the water level in the graduated cylinder in milliliters (1ml = 1
cm3). Record this volume VD in Table 1.1. Repeat this procedure at least 5 times.
5. Repeat this procedure for the other object.

Since the shape of an object is not perfectly-ideal, when you try to determine the value of one of its
dimensions, measurements in even slightly different places can give you slightly different results. In this
case, one can only state a mean value of the measurements, not an exact value. The measured spread in data
gives you a statistical uncertainty. One more uncertainty instrumental comes from the use of non-ideal
measurement tools; in this case, from the calipers. When we want to measure an objects volume by the
Displaced Volume Method, we also can obtain slightly different results for each different measurement. The

Lab # PhyI-01: Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Parameters

Physics I Laboratory

Faculty of Science, UOIT

reasons for this can be numerous: water left in the beaker, the waters surface shape in the overflow can due
to its surface tension, and others. To calculate the measurements uncertainties, follow the recommendations
found in the Significant Figures and Error Analysis file. This file is posted on WebCT.
1. First, calculate the mean values of all measured quantities in Table 1.1 (h, w or d, l, VD) using the following

i =1


where xi is the ith result of measurement of quantity x, and N is the number of such measurements.
2. Calculate the absolute statistical uncertainties of these (h, w or d, l, VD) measured quantities:

(x x )

i =1

x , stat =

N ( N 1)

3. Calculate the absolute uncertainties of all measured quantities taking into account the instrumental

x =

) + (

x , stat

x ,inst

where x,inst = 0.05 mm is the instrumental uncertainty of calipers and

graduated cylinder instrumental uncertainty.
4. Calculate the mean volume for the regular-shaped object:


= 0.5 ml (cm3) is the

VC = h for the cylinder or
VB = l h w
for the block.
5. Calculate the absolute uncertainty of the volume VC or VB measurements:

C = VC

B = VB

d h
+ ,
d h

l h w
+ +
l h w

6. Record the data obtained in Table 1.2. Compare the results for the two different volume methods.
7. Make a conclusion stating which method is more accurate and why.
8. Example of calculations can be found on Blackboard.

Lab # PhyI-01: Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Parameters

Physics I Laboratory

Faculty of Science, UOIT

Table 1.2. Analysis

Regular-shaped object:
value, x













Height, h
Diameter of cylinder or
width of block, d/w
Length of block only, l
Volume calculated, VB/C
Volume displaced, VD

Irregular-shaped object:

Mean value,

Volume displaced, VD

Experiment #2: Mass and Density

The objective of this experiment is to measure mass and density parameters, and to carry out an error analysis
for both direct and indirect methods of measurements.

Procedure (Experimental Method)

In this experiment, you will find the densities of regular and irregular shaped objects made from two different
materials (brass or aluminum) and will compare the obtained results with the known density values of these
materials (for reference you can use CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, 2001, available
at the UOIT library or go to: property of materials web site).
Using the triple-beam balance, find the mass of all the objects used in Experiment 1. Record the results in
Table 2.1. Since the result of the measurement of the objects mass depends only on the property of used
balance, it is not necessary to repeat measurements several times, do just one measurement and for
uncertainty use the instrumental uncertainty of the balance.
Note: do not forget to carefully balance the balance before weighing the object.

Lab # PhyI-01: Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Parameters

Physics I Laboratory


Faculty of Science, UOIT

Mass m, g

Table 2.1. Measurements

m,inst , g
m , g

regular-shaped object
irregular-shaped object

1. Calculate the density, , of each object using the mean volume values from Table 1.2:


2. Calculate the densitys absolute uncertainty:


= m + V ,
m V
where m = 0.05 g is the balance uncertainty, and V is the volume uncertainty C,, B, or D in Table
3. Record all of the calculated density and uncertainty values in Table 2.2.
4. Obtain the accepted value for the density of brass and aluminum from a reference book CRC Handbook
of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, 2001 and record the material name.
5. Compare your results and make a conclusion.
Table 2.2. Analysis

V, cm3
m, g
V, cm3
m, g

, g/cm
regular-shaped object,
indirect volume
equation method
regular-shaped object,
direct displaced
volume method
object, direct displaced
volume method

Lab # PhyI-01: Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Parameters

Physics I Laboratory

Faculty of Science, UOIT

Appendix 1. Vernier Calipers: Instructions on Use

Figure 4: Vernier Calipers Reading

Vernier calipers is a very precise measuring instrument; the reading error is 1/20 mm = 0.05 mm.
Close the jaws lightly on the object to be measured.
If you are measuring something with a round cross-section, make sure that the axis of the object is

perpendicular to the calipers. This is necessary to ensure that you are measuring the full diameter and not
merely a chord.
Ignore the top scale, which is calibrated in inches. Use the bottom scale, which is in metric units.
Notice that there is a fixed scale and a sliding scale. The numbers on the fixed scale are in centimeters.
The tick marks on the fixed scale between the numbers are in millimeters.
There are twenty tick marks on the sliding scale. The left-most tick mark on the sliding scale will let you
read, from the fixed scale, the number of whole millimeters that the jaws are opened.
In the example above, the leftmost tick mark on the sliding scale is between 21 mm and 22 mm, so the
number of whole millimeters is 21.

Next we find the hundredth of millimeters. Notice that the twenty tick marks on the sliding scale are the

same width as nineteen tick marks on the fixed scale. This means that at most one of the tick marks on
the sliding scale will align with a tick mark on the fixed scale; the others will miss.

Lab # PhyI-01: Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Parameters

Physics I Laboratory

Faculty of Science, UOIT

The number of the aligned tick mark on the sliding scale tells you the number of tenth of millimeters. In

the example above, the 7th tick mark on the sliding scale is in coincidence with the one above it, so the
caliper reading is (21.35 0.05) mm.
If two adjacent tick marks on the sliding scale look equally aligned with their counterparts on the fixed
scale, then the reading is half way between the two marks. In the example above, if the 7th and 8th tick
marks on the sliding scale looked to be equally aligned, then the reading would be (21.38 0.05) mm.
On those rare occasions when the reading just happens to be a "nice" number like 20 mm, don't forget to
include the zero decimal places showing the precision of the measurement and the reading error. So not
20 mm, but rather (20.00 0.05) mm.
Take a look at the Java applet found at:

Appendix 2. Triple Beam Balance: Instructions on use

Figure 5: Triple Beam Balance

The triple beam balance is used to measure masses very precisely; the reading error is 0.05 gram.
With the pan empty, move the three sliders on the three beams to their leftmost positions, so that the
balance reads zero. If the indicator on the far right is not aligned with the fixed mark, then calibrate the
balance by turning the set screw on the left under the pan.
Once the balance has been calibrated, place the object to be measured on the pan.
Move the 100 g slider along the beam to the right until the indicator drops below the fixed mark. The
notched position immediately to the left of this point indicates the number of hundreds of grams.
Now move the 10 g slider along the beam to the right until the indicator drops below the fixed mark.
The notched position immediately to the left of this point indicates the number of tens of grams.
The beam in front is not notched; the slider can move anywhere along the beam. The boldface numbers
on this beam are in grams and the tick marks between the boldface numbers indicate tenths of grams.
To find the mass of the object on the pan, simple add the numbers from the three beams.
As with a ruler, it is possible to read the front scale to the nearest tick mark and estimate one more
decimal place.
Take a look at the Java applet found at:

Lab # PhyI-01: Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Parameters

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