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Executive Summary

Major players
CEO and Jane the CIO

Business Problems

Organizational Structure

Organization Strategy

Lack of support from the business units

Enterprise wide Architecture

Enterprise =Strategy + Business+ Technology
EA aims to bridge the gap between management decision holders and
operational teams.
EA enables you to build your business wisely
Enterprise wide Architecture Benefits
1. Eliminates wasteful spending of resources brought about by
duplication and redundancies
2. solves the battle of best practices issue
3. improved organization vision and strategy
4. Agility/flexibility.. makes the business more amenable1
5. Reduces complexity of business processes
6. Cost effective
1. Time consuming
2. Costly to start up

3. Disruptive
4. Acceptance issues
Intrinsic in nature

Opportunity for achievement

Opportunity for advancement

Opportunity for growth in stature peer recognition

Extrinsic in nature




After considering the advantages and benefits and all the risks involved Jane
undertakes this process there needs to be

tech road map set up

priority matrix that decides which processes and work streams gets

New enterprise architecture

Master Data Management (MDM)


Implement reward system

Feedback repository

Benefits of scrum
Focus on customer value
Interactive & incremental delivery

Continuous improvement
Concept of quality
Intense collaboration
Very disciplined

In my proposal I decide to use the SCRUM master strategy which tech describes as the facilitator for a product development team that
uses scrum, a rugby analogy for a development methodology that allows a
team to self-organize and make changes quickly. The scrum master
manages the process for how information is exchanged.
The ScrumMaster is there to help the team in its use of Scrum. Think of the
help from a ScrumMaster as similar to a personal trainer who helps you stick
with an exercise regimen and perform all exercises with the correct form. A
good trainer will provide motivation while at the same time making sure you
dont cheat by skipping a hard exercise. The trainers authority, however, is
limited. The trainer cannot make you do an exercise you dont want to do.
Instead, the trainer reminds you of your goals and how youve chosen to
meet them. To the extent that the trainer does have authority, it has been
granted by the client. ScrumMasters are much the same: They have
authority, but that authority is granted to them by the team.

Recccomendation 2

New enterprise architecture

Master Data Management (MDM)


Implement reward system

Feedback repository

Master Data Management

Single source of data provides:

Better information

improved business capability

Improved technical capabilities

cost savings

Successful implementation of MDM

Develop an enterprise objective for information policy
Business ownership
IT role

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