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A List of Greek Music Palimpsests

Author(s): Neil K. Moran

Source: Acta Musicologica, Vol. 57, Fasc. 1 (Jan. - Jun., 1985), pp. 50-72
Published by: International Musicological Society
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Musikarchiiologieals Traditionsforschung


conceptual, and is so common over an extended geographical area, and in a variety

of cultures, that it should be regarded as a principal characteristic of music in Indian
On the other hand, the music for the Rabinal Achi indicates a well-knit, well
organized, precise polyphonic structure. Rural and urban music, despite the
differences in performance styles, are nevertheless two sides of the same coin: They
are complex in structure and form, and entirely American in origin. Though we have
little documentation, the Rabinal Achi offers one of the few clues to the music and
drama of High Maya-Quich6 civilization before European contact.*
Folk Music of Mexico. Libraryof Congress, Vol. 19, 1947. Recorded by Henrietta Yurchenco.
Indian Music of Mexico. Folkways P413, 1948. Recorded by Henrietta Yurchenco.
Mexico South: The Isthmus of Tehuantepec.Folkways FE 4378, 1976. Recorded by Henrietta


Music of the Maya-Quiches of Guatemala. Folkways FE 4226, 1978. Recorded by Henrietta

ModernMayanMusic.IndianMusicof Chiapas,Mexico.Recordedby RichardAlderson.

Folkways FE 4377, 1975.

Mountain Music of Peru. Collected by John Cohen. Folkways FE 4539, 1966.

A List of Greek Music Palimpsests



The earliest known Greek liturgical document which gives an indication of the
modality before the incipit of a hymn dates from the seventh century' but between
this source and the codex Lavra B' 32 with a primitive form of "Chartres" notation
from the second half of the tenth century2 the musical evidence for the development
of Greek liturgical music is very thin indeed. One has had to rely heavily on the
evidence of remnants of Greek music theory in Latin treatises from the eighth to
tenth centuries or to postulate the existence of an earlier corpus on the basis of the
later evidence. Even for the Middle Byzantine period the scholar is frequently
presented with curious anomalies which can only be explained with the assistance of
non-Greek sources. For instance, not a single asmatikon in palaeo-Byzantine
notation has come down to us although such books have survived from Bulgaria or
ancient Rus with Slavonic texts.3 The reasons for this situation are several. One can
* Many thanks for editorialassistance to Mrs. Paige Lyons.
C. H. ROBERTS,Catalogueof the Greekand LatinPapyri in the JohnRylands Library,vol. III (Manchester
1938), p. 28-35. In his catalogue Robertsedits the text of the last two odes of a canonin the first plagal mode on
a papyrus fragment from Egypt.
2 Cf. CONSTANTIN FLOROS, UniversaleNeumenkunde(Kassel 1970) I, p. 63.
in: Musik des Ostens 3 (1965), p. 20-26. Elena
3 Cf. C. FLOROS,Die Entzifferungder Kondakarien-Notation,
Tonieva recently discoveredfragmentsof anotherexampleof a Greek asmatikonin Sofia. In 1983 she delivered
a preliminaryreporton her findings at a conferenceat Bacvkovo.

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests


assume on the one hand that wars in the Middle East were not conducted with a less
degree of fanaticism in the Middle Ages than they are today. On the other hand
Greek scribes would have had easier access to papyrus or paper than their
colleagues in the West but papyrus and paper tend to disintegrate with time. The
responsibility for the greatest loss of Greek sources, however, rests squarely on the
shoulders of the Crusaders who sacked Constantinople in 1204.
A hitherto unexplored avenue of research for improving this situation is presented
by the under-writing on palimpsests. A Greek text on parchment might no longer be
required for any number of reasons but rather than being discarded the parchment
was frequently washed and scrapped and then re-used as the surface for a new text.
As the ink of the older text had generally been absorbed into the hide, it could often
still be discerned. Outdated liturgical sources or codices in archaic uncials were the
not infrequent victims of this process but when one considers that over a hundred
lamb hides might be required for a single volume, one is not surprised that scribes
adapted this rather barbaric procedure.4 Greek texts are thus now to be found
hidden under Arabic, Bulgarian, Georgian, Syriac, Hebrew, Latin as well under
Middle Greek writing.
The procedures first adopted by researchers such as Angelo Mai, G. B. Niebuhr
and Constantine von Tischendorf in the nineteenth century for revealing the older
texts can now be regarded as no less "barbaric" for they resorted to chemical
reagents in attempting to resurrect the under-writing.5 If the leaves subjected to
these processes were not irreparably damaged, they were often completely
blackened by the chemicals. In the hectic search for unknown classical or Biblical
sources, liturgical and musical texts were either ruthlessly destroyed or totally
disregarded. The development exactly parallels the activities in the field of
archeology of the same era. This situation was completely changed in 1914 when
Gustav Kogel introduced the use of ultra-violet lamps to the study of palimpsests.6
Besides being much more effective than the chemicals, the rays did not damage the
parchment. Since 1914 the scientific aids for studying palimpsests has come to
include infra-red photographs, filters, composite prints, positive photostats, photomicrographs and fluorescing substances.7 All of these techniques are constantly
being improved by new developments in photography. Some of the techniques of
physical and optical examination at present being discussed include thermic neutron
activation, radiography and amplification of contrasts by chemical means.8 It is in
anticipation of the wider application of these techniques that the present list of
parchment palimpsests is advanced.

DE STRYCKER, Die griechischen Handschriften des Protoevangeliumslacobi, in: Griechische

ed. Dieter Harlfinger(Darmstadt 1980), p. 577-612, esp. p. 587.
Kodikologieund Textiiberlieferung,
s Cf. W. WATTENBACH,Das Schriftwesenim Mittelalter,3rd ed. (Leipzig1896), p. 299-317 and ROBERT
DEVREESSE,Introductiona l' tude des manuscritsgrecs (Paris 1954), p. 14-16.
6 G. KOGEL,Ein neuer Typ der
in: ZentralblattfiirBibliothekswesen47
(1930), p. 656 sq.
7 REGINALDB. HASELDEN, ScientificAids for the Study of Manuscripts (Oxford 1935).
' Cf. Les
du CentreNationalde
Techniquesde Laboratoiredans l']tude des Manuscrits= ColloquesInternationaux
la RechercheScientifique548 (Paris1974).

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests

The list concentrates upon the "sung" repertoire in contrast to the "recited" texts
contained in the lectionaries of the Old and New Testament. For the latter a special
type of "ekphonetic" notation was employed. The two types of musical texts most
frequently encountered in Greek liturgical books or rolls are the stichera and the
canones, a musical form developed in the seventh century.9 By the tenth century the
stichera came to be arranged in a book known as the sticherarium, which in turn
was composed of the triodium, the pentecostarium and the octoechus (also known
as the paracletice).10The canones in contrast were compiled in a book called the
hirmologium. In the palaeo-Byzantine period chants also appeared in the menaea,
i. e. the collection of twelve books arranged according to the church year from
September first to August 31st." The menaea or menologia are, however, in the
main "text" books and are excluded from this examination except in those instances
where musical notation is explicitly mentioned.
The more melismatic musical items of the sung repertoire were preserved in
books known as asmatica, psaltica or contacaria.12 Knowledge of the contents of
these books is only a recent phenonemon but nevertheless these or related terms
(e.g. kaliphonikon) occasionally appear in printed catalogues. According to S.
Rossi, for instance, the under-writing of the palimpsest Messina gr. 157, a
"condaciarium" of the twelfth century, also appears to be a "condaciarium". Next
to the definition of the contents of palaeo-Byzantine music manuscripts, it is
probably in the investigation of these melismatic chants that the palimpsests may
have the most to offer. The list includes finally a large number of "liturgica" which
may or may not prove to be harbouring musical texts.
The results of this survey confirm the results of other examinations of parchment
palimpsests in that most of the codices can be dated to either the thirteenth or
fourteenth centuries.'" Both the economic malaise of the period and the closing of
many Basilican monasteries in Italy are to be cited as contributing factors. The
Renaissance brought however a new interest in Greek texts and the resulting higher
prices must have saved many codices from destruction. An arrangement by
centuries of the upper texts on the 110 codices here under discussion gives the
following picture:
saec. XI: 3
saec. IX: 1
saec. XI-XII: 4
saec. IX-X: 1
saec. XII: 11
saec. X: 3
saec. XII-XIII: 5
A Historyof ByzantineMusic and Hymnology,2nd ed. (Oxford1961),p. 198-245.
10 The triodion
comprisedthe sticherafor the ten weeks beforeEaster.Thepalaeo-Byzantine
includedthereadingsfromthelectionariesandthecanonsfromLent.The sticheraforthe servicesfromEasterSundayto
The octoechusarrangedthe sticheraovera periodof
the SundayafterPentecostwerecontainedin the pentecostarium.
eight weeks in accordancewith the hagiopolitanmodalsystem. Cf. C. FLOROS,UniversaleNeumenkunde(Kassel
1970)I, p. 46-49.
in: BollettinodellaBadiaGrecadi
11 Cf. OLIVERSTRUNK,TheMenaiafromCarboneat the BibliotecaVallicelliana,
27 (1973),p. 3-9. Themenologiantextson palimpsestshavebeenstudiedin particularby theBollandistes
in Belgium.
in: Musik des Ostens3 (1965),p. 17-26.
12 C. FLOROS,Die Entzifferung
withstrayobservationson theirorigin,in:
13 ELIASA. LOWE,Codicesrescripti:A list of the oldestLatinpalimpsests
MelangesEugeneTisserant= Studi e Testi235 (Cittadel Vaticano1964)V, p. 67-113.

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests

saec. XIII: 34
saec. XIII-XIV: 10
saec. XIV: 28



XV: 7
XVI: 1

Over a third of these codices probably originated in southern Italian scriptoria.

Three codices have an upper-writing in Georgian (i. e. Birmingham, Ming. georg. 8;
Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 8 and Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 41), two in Bulgarian
(Leningrad, BAN, Srez. 72 and Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 70) and a single codex has a
Syriac text (London, Brit. Lib. Add. 14665).
The under-writing dates from the fifth to the fourteenth centuries. The earliest
source (Athos, Lavra, Theta 46) includes a number of hymns to the Trinity and the
most recent product was derived from a Late Byzantine music manuscript which
featured compositions by a certain "Manuel" (Vat. gr. 1837). Fragments of
sticheraria appear in six codices, whereas the triodium, pentecostarium and
paracletice are represented respectively by sixteen, six and eight codices. Only
further research will reveal what is meant by the designation "tropologium" for two
codices in the Ambrosiana of Milan (Q. 40 sup. and Q. 57 sup.). The term
"canonarium" (cf. index) can however be taken as a synonym for hirmologium.
Research into palimpsests has not infrequently resulted in the linking of leaves
from a single original manuscript in codices which today are very distant from one
another. The best example of this detective work is the text by Strabo discovered by
cardinal Angelo Mai and G. Cozza Luzi in the under-writing of the codices Vat. gr.
2061, Vat. gr. 2306 and GrottaferrataA' d' 23.14Research into the music palimpsests
is only at its beginning yet a number of hypotheses might be advanced about the
possible common origin of certain leaves. In a study of manuscripts from the Terra
d'Otranto, Andr6 Jacob lists two manuscripts from the end of the thirteenth century
containing the Schedographia which has been falsely attributed to Manuel
Moschopoulos (Vat. Barb. gr. 102 of 1290/91 and Paris gr. 2572 of 1295/96).15 Both
of these codices are palimpsests, measuring respectively 224 X 157 mm. and 225 X
180 mm. Although only the under-writing of the first has been studied in any detail
(cf. Richard no. 728a, I, p. 139), it is possible the palimpsest leaves for both sources
came from the same library. It remains to be investigated if this is equally true for
the palimpsest Paris gr. 2574, also with works attributed to Manuel Moschopoulos.
In the present list two other thirteenth century palimpsests with the works of
pseudo-Moschopoulos can perhaps be traced to the same scriptorium, even if they
are somewhat smaller in size, i. e. codex Venezia, Bib. Naz. Marc., Gr. XI, 1 (dim.:
140 X 115 mm.) and codex Wolfenbiittel, Gudiani gr. 112 (dim.: 155 x 115 mm.).
Among palimpsests with the works of Manuel Moschopoulos from the fifteenth
century are the codices Vat. gr. 19 (from 1425), Vat. gr. 21 (from 1423) and Milano,
14 W. ALY,De Straboniscodicerescriptio= Studi e Testi188 (Cittadel Vaticano1956).
'5 Cf. ANDRt JACOB,Les ecrituresde Terred'Otrante,in: La
Grecqueet Byzantine= Colloques
Internationauxdu CentreNationalde la RechercheScientifique559
(Paris 1977), p. 269-281 and J. J. KEANEY,
Moschopulea,in: ByzantinischeZeitschrift64 (1971),p. 303-321.

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests

Ambr. Q. 6 sup. (from 1425). The multifarious assortment of texts upon which these
codices are written would lead one to believe that they are related. According to
Franchi de' Cavalieri (cf. Richard no. 719, addenda xviii-xix) the two Vatican
codices can be linked to the three palimpsests Vat. Urban. gr. 154-156, which also
contain works attributed to Manuel Moschopoulos. Fifteenth century copies of the
Schedographia of Moschopoulos also appear in the palimpsests Paris gr. 2575 from
1424 and Paris gr. 2575A from 1428. More recently Ernst Gamillscheg has been able
to link all these manuscripts as well as some thirty others with the name of Georgios
Vaiophoros, a Constantinopolitan scribe who had a predilection for palimpsest
leaves.'6 A study of the under-writing of the various sources which Vaiophoros drew
upon would doubtlessly lead to the discovery of other musical items.
A few music palimpsests which possibly fit into the complex of thirteenth century
Italo-Greek scriptoria can be culled from the list at the end of this article:

Vat., Archivio di S. Pietro, H. 45, with medical works (235 X 185 mm.)
Vat., Barb. gr. 297 with works of Nicholas of Otranto (a. 1236, 147 X 110 mm.)
Vat., Pal. 114 with tragedies of Euripides (8vo)
Vat., Pal. 232 with a treatise against the Latins (16mo)
Vat., Pal. 306 with the Isagogica of Nicephorus Blemmydes (16mo)
Vat., gr. 170 with the history by Constantine Manasses (144 X 109 mm.)
Vat. gr. 1912, part V, with homilies of Theophanes Cerameus (260 X 195 mm.)
Milano, Ambr., I 15 sup. with the Opera et Dies by Hesiod (184 X 151 mm.)
Paris, suppl. gr. 1232 with writings of Nicholas of Otranto (193 x 134 mm.)
Wien, phil. gr. 158 with the Etymologicum Gudianum (235/240 X 170/175 mm.)

All of these codices either exhibit a pendent for classical/grammatical themes or

feature local Italo-Greek authors. In a discussion of southern Italy in the thirteenth
century Nigel Wilson specifies nine codices with similar contents from Otranto, four
of which are palimpsests (Escorial 18, Paris 2089, Laur. Conv. sopp. 152 and Vat. gr.
it is not possible, however, to ascertain if
1135).17 From the published descriptions
these codices contain
In conclusion three Latin music texts might be mentioned. The Greek palimpsest
Vat., Borg. gr. 19 contains twelve folios from a Latin antiphonary of the eleventh or
twelfth century. The palimpsest leaves 1-83 in Vat. lat. 1486 (saec. XII) stem from a
troparium of the eleventh century.'" The description of the under-writing of codex
Leiden, Univ. Bib., fonds Perizon. Q. 68 reads as follows: "codex rescriptus est;
textus prior cum notis musicis, paulo antiquior (s. XV?) quis fuerit non elucet".19
dergriechischenKopisten8oo-i6oo, TI.1/A:
VerzeichnisderKopisten(Wien1981),p. 52-53.
of the ByzantineWorld,in: GriechischeKodikologieund Textiiberlieferung,
17 NIGELG. WILSON,TheLibraries
DieterHarlfinger(Darmstadt1980),p. 276-309,esp. p. 298.
Prisciani.Cf. B. NOGARA,Codices
's Vat. lat. 1486, saec. XII, ff. 90: Commentarium
a f. 1 ad f. 82v ad tropariumquoddam
VaticaniLatiniTomusIII, Codd.1461-2059 (Rome1912),p. 18: "Membranae
ItaliaeMediaesaec. XI in. cum neumis(ex. gr. f. 33v. 57v. 58. 6ov) pertinuerant".
19 Leiden,Bib. Univ., Periz.Q. 68, saec. XVI, ff. 10: RudimentaGrammaticae.Cf. K. A. DE MEYIER,Bibliotheca
UniversitatisLeidensis.CodicesmanuscriptiIV. CodicesPerizoniani(Leiden1946),p. 97.

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests


Bibliographical references in the list of
Greek palimpsests are given in accordance
with the Richard numbers in Marcel Richard's systematic classification of catalogues of Greek manuscripts:
Marcel, Richard
Repertoire des bibliotheques et des catalogues de manuscrits Grecs, 2d ed. (Paris
1958) and the supplement:
Repertoire des bibliotheques et des catalogues de manuscrits Grecs, Supplement I,
1958-1963 (Paris 1964).
The following abbreviations will be used for
items not included in Richard:
Aland, Kurt (ed.)
Materialien zur neutestamentlichen Handschriftenkunde (Miinster/Wf. 1969).
Batiffol, Pierre
L'abbaye de Rossano (Paris 1891).
British Museum
Catalogue of Additions to the Mss
1931-1935 (London 1967).
Canart, Paul
Un loge de Sainte Euphemie dans
le minologe premitaphrastique de
septembre, in: Analecta Bollandiana 80 (1962), p. 325-326.
Catalogue des manuscrits grecs de
l'Archivio di San Pietro = Studi e
Testi 246 (Citt" del Vaticano 1966).
Le dossier hagiographique des SS.
Baras, Patapios et Raboulas, in:
Analecta Bollandiana 87 (1969), p.
Le palimpseste Vat. gr. 1876 et la
date de la translation de S. Euphemie, in: Analecta Bollandiana 87
(1969), p. 91-104.
Codices Vaticani Greci, Codices
1745-1962 (Citta del Vaticano
1970), 2 vol.
Notes sur quelques manuscrits
de Pologgrecs des

ne, in: Serta Turyniana, ed. by

John L. Heller (Urbana 1974), p.
Canart, Paul and Julien Leroy
Les manuscrits en style de Reggio,
in: La Paleographie Grecque et
Byzantine = Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique 559 (Paris
1977), p. 241-259.
Devreesse, Robert
Les Manuscrits grecs de 'Italie
Meridionale = Studi e Testi 183
(Citta del Vaticano 1955).
Fischer, William (ed.)
Nachtriige und Bemerkungen zu
den Katalogen des Lambecius-Kollar und von Nessel iiber die Handdes
Rechts in der Wiener Hofbibliothek von Carl Eduard Zachariii
von Lingenthal, in: Zeitschrift der
Savigny-Stiftung fiir Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abt. 19
(1898), p. 57-81.
Formentin, Mariarosa
I codici greci di medicina nella tre
Venezie = Univ. di Padova, Studi
bizant. e neogreci 10 (Padova
Gamillscheg, Ernst and Dieter Harlfinger
Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten 8oo-16oo, T1. 1/A: Verzeichnis der Kopisten (Wien 1981).
Granstrem, E.
Katalog greceskikh rukopisej Leningradskikh khranilidl, in: Vizantijskij Vremennik
XXIII, p. 166-204, no. 298-426
XXIV, p. 166-197, no. 427-455
XXV, p. 184-211, no. 456-512
XXVII, p. 273-294, no. 513-556
XXVIII, p. 238-255, no. 557-603
XXXI, p. 132-144, no. 605-623
XXXII, p. 109-130, no. 623a-636.

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N. K. Moran: A Listof GreekMusic Palimpsests


Griechische Handschriften
Griechische Handschriften und
Aldinen, eine Ausstellung anliiJ3lich der XV. Tagung der Mommsen
Gesellschaft in der Herzog August
Bibliothek Wolfenbiittel 16. Mai
bis 29. Juni 1978 (Braunschweig
Halkin, Franqois
Manuscrits Grecs de Paris. Inventaire Hagiographique = Subsidia
Hagiographica 44 (Bruxelles 1968).
Manuscrits grecs du fonds "theol." a' Vienna, in: Analecta Bollandiana 96 (1978), p. 211-213.
Krastanov, Trendafil
Neizvesten starobolgarski rekopispalimpsest, verojatno ot XI vek vev
Vatikanskata Biblioteka, in: Duhovna Kultura, Sofia, 62 (1982),
fasc. 7.
Sledi Nezalicimi, novootkriti bolgarski palimpsesti vev Vatikanskata Biblioteka, in: Za Bukvite,
Sofia, 8 (May 1983), p. 6.
Lackner, Wolfgang
Codices Chrysostomici graeci IV:
Codices Austriae (Paris 1981).
Lake, Kirsopp and Silva Lake
Dated Greek Minuscule Manuscripts to the Year 1200 (Boston
1934-1939), 10 vol.
Lebedeva, I. N.
Opisanie rukopisnogo otdela biblioteki Akademii Nauk SSSR, t.
V, Greceskie rukopisi (Leningrad

Mazal, Otto
Byzanz und das Abendland. Ausstellung der Handschriften- und
Inkunabelsammlung der bsterNationalbibliothek.
Handbuch und Katalog (Graz

Mioni, Elpidio
Catalogo di Manoscritti Greci esistenti nelle Biblioteche Italiane
(Rome 1964), 2 vol.
Nikolopulos, Panagiotis
L'Inventario dei Codici Vaticani
Greci 2403-2631, in: Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoud6n 35
(1966-67), p. 129-131.
Noret, Jacques
Manuscrits grecs du Nouveau Testament, in: Analecta Bollandiana
87 (1969), p. 460-468.
Les fragments hagiographiques
palimpsestes du ms (Gr. 1) de
Gothembourg, in: Analecta Bollandiana 95 (1977), p. 269-273.
Petta, Marco
Codici greci della Puglia trasferiti
in biblioteche italiane ed estere, in:
Bollettino della Badia Greca di
Grottaferrata26 (1972), p. 83-129.
SC'apov,J. N.
Gre'iskie rukopisi v sobranijakh
Var'avi i Krakova, in: Vizantijskij
Vremennik 34 (1973), p. 257-261.
Sola, J. N.
De codice Laurentiano X plutei V,
in: Byzantinische Zeitschrift 20
(1911), p. 373-383.
Tisserant, Eugene
Codex Zugninensis Rescriptus Veteris Testamenti = Studi e Testi 23
(Rome 1911).
Thibaut, Jean-Baptiste
Monuments de la notation ekphonetique et hagiopolite de l'Vglise
grecque (St. Petersburg 1913).
Turyn, Alexander
Codices graeci vaticani saeculis
XIII et XIV scripti annorumque
notis instructi ... (Citti del Vaticano 1964).

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests



Dated Greek Manuscripts of the

thirteenth and fourteenth Centuries in the Libraries of Italy (Urbana 1972), 2 vol.
Dated Greek Manuscripts of the
thirteenth and fourteenth Centu-


ries in the Libraries of Great Britain (Washington, D.C. 1980).

Wilson, Nigel and D. I. Stefanovid
Manuscripts of Byzantine chant in
Oxford (Oxford 1963).



Mone Z6odokhou Peges

membr., 154ff., 300 x 210 mm., (palim. ff.
man. sec., 13 s., Evangelia (R. 23, no.
man. pr., (ff. 152-153), 11 s., minuscule,
2 col., liturgical material?
R. 122, p. 222; R. 23, p. 456, no. 983; R.
32a, p. 261, lect. 983; R. 121, no. 29, p. 31;
R. 123, no. 33, p. 168.

Mone Vatopediou
membr., 216ff., 250 x 190 mm., (largely
man. sec., a. 1105, Tetraevangelion and
man. pr., 10 s., unical, 2 col., liturgical
items for Good Friday including the
communion hymn of the day, cf. f. 132.
R. 191, p. 171; Lake and Lake, III, p. 14;
R. 32a, p. 269, lect. 1141.

Ethnike Bibliotheke
874 (olim 120)
membr., chart., 383 ff., 210 x 150 mm.,
(the palimpsest leaves are derived from
two different codices)
man. sec., 14 s., 16 s., Evangelia
man. pr., 9 s., 11 s., uncial and minuscule, 2 col., Triodion (R. 146); hymns,
i.e. odes, in uncial (R. 151)
R. 146, p. 157; (not listed in Aland); R.
147, p. 142-3, i. cxx; R. 151, p. 96.
Hiera Synodos tes Ekklesias tes Hellados
membr., 189ff., 230 x 190 mm., (palim. ff.
man. sec., 11/12 s. (R. 41 = 14 s.),
,,Jahrespanegyrik" (R. 41)
man. pr., (ff. 1-8), 11 s. (R. 41), ,,untere
ist eine schwer zu lesende Minuskel des
11. Jhs. mit roten Musikzeichen" (R.
R. 166, p. 298; R. 41, II 17-20; R. 167, p.

membr., 191ff., 210 x 170 mm., (totus
man. sec., 13 s., Pentekostarion
man. pr., 8 s., 11 s. (from two different
a) f. 1-112, 168-191, readings of prophetologion and apostolos, 8 s.
b) f. 113-167, Stikherarion, 11 s.
R. 191, p. 190.
Mone (Hagiou) Dionysiou
membr., ? ff., 16 mo. (palim. = 4to., totus
man. sec., 13 s., Commentary on the
man. pr., 11 s. (original folios folded),
troparia (from parakletike)
R. 184, I, p. 325, i. 3603.
Mone (ton) Ivro6n
membr., 277ff., 8vo. (palim. from two
different ms)

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests


man. sec., 13 s., Psalter with commentary

man. pr., 10 s., minuscule, 2 col.
a) f. 1-248, Canones in Deiparam,
b) f. 249-277, Troparia
R. 184, II, p. 6, i. 4184; R. 20, p. 12; R.
186, p. 10.

Mone Karakallou
membr., ? ff., 8vo. (totus rescriptus)
man. sec., 13 s., Heortologion for 12
months (= triodion, pentekostarion,
and parakletike)
man. pr., 11 s., minuscule, The texts
show evidence of musical signs (R. 186)
R. 184, I, p. 131, i. 1540; R. 186, p. 12.

245, no. XIII

membr., chart., ? ff., fragments
man. sec., 13 s. (R. 186), Troparia
man. pr., 10 s., minuscule, liturgical
material (R. 186)
R. 184, I, p. 150, i. 1758; R. 186, p. 9.
Mone Koutloumousiou
membr., 238ff., 157 x 105 mm., (totus
rescriptus with leaves from at least eight
different manuscripts)
man. sec., 14 s., Psalter
man. pr., 6-13 s., uncial and minuscule
3) f. 28, 60, 125, 126, 138, 143, 154, 161,
Triodion of 13 s. with musical signs 7)
liturgical material of 12 s.
R. 184, I, p. 281, i. 3155; R. 20, p. 15; R.
23, p. 440; R. 32a, p. 160, i. 1904; R. 32a,
p. 245, i. lect. 703; R. 41, I 501; R. 186, p.
15, R. 489a, p. 81.
chart., membr., 199 ff., 8vo. (palim. folio at
end of paper ms with the akoluthiai of
various feasts, 16 s.)
man. sec., 14 s., stikhera
man. pr., 12 s., liturgical material
R. 184, I, p. 312, i. 3442; R. 186, p. 8.

membr., 175ff., 4to. (totus rescriptus)
man. sec., 14 s., Menologion
man. pr., 13 s., liturgical material
R. 184, I, p. 317, i. 3531; R. 186, p. 14.
Mone Megistes Lavras
Theta 46
chart., membr., 608ff., 210 X 130 mm.,
(first and last palim. folio in a paper
Parakletike of the 14 s.)
man. pr., 5 s., ,,hymnoi triadikoi"
R. 195, p. 139, i. 908.
Omega 81
membr., 122ff., 180 x 130 mm., [palim. a)
f. 1-83 b) 83 sq.]
man. sec., 9 s., Gerontikon with lives of
man. pr., ? s., f. 1-83, Canones in
R. 195, p. 345, i. 1893.

Selly Oak College
Mingana georg. 8
membr., I f., 110 x 87 mm.,
man. sec., 10 s., Text in Georgian
man. pr., ? s., late uncial, liturgical text
R. 217f., p. 258-259.

Andover-Harvard Theological Library
Z. 243
membr., chart., 202ff., 210 x 150 mm.,
(84ff. palim.)
man. sec., 14 s., Lectionary of the Gospels
man. pr., minuscule, liturgical texts
R. 49, I, p. 1049; R. 23, p. 402, evl. 180; R.
32a, p. 214, lect. 180; R. 50, p. 3.

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Archivio di San Pietro
H. 45
membr., 312ff., 235 x 185 mm., (totus
rescriptus, various mss)
man. sec., 13 s. (italo-gr.), Claudii Galeni methodus medendi
man. pr., 9-12 s., uncial and minuscule
c) codex liturgicus (triodium et pentecostarium) of 12 s. with troparia
d) codex liturgicus (Menaea) of 10 s.
with troparia
f) codex liturgicus of 11 s. (or 10-11 s.)
Canart 1966, p. 66-71 with details of
foliation; Noret 1969, p. 466.

Barberiniani Greci
297 (olim III. 16)
membr., 125ff., 147 x 110 mm. (palim. ff.
16-22. 69. 72. 76bis. 88)
man. sec., a. 1236, Homiliae, grammatica, hagiographica
man. pr., 10-11 s., fragments of parakletike or menologion
Turyn 1964, p. 35sq.; Aland 1969, p. 35,
lect. 2117; R. 728, p. 24; Petta 1972, p.

338 (olim III. 57)

membr., 86ff., 300 x 230 mm. (partim
man. sec., 12 s. (from Reggio, cf. Canart/Leroy), Prophetologion
man. pr., 10 s., 12 s., liturgical texts (ff.
50. 53: Gospel lectionary of 12 s.; ff. 64.
71. 72. 79: Menologion with readings,


ff. 1-8. 15-19, Gospel lectionary, 10 s.

(Aland no. 2121)
ff. 23-28. 30-32. 35-56. 59-69. 71-73.
75. 78 bis. 81. 83. 85-91, Gospel lectionary of 12 s. (Aland no. 2122)
ff. 57. 58. 69. 76. 77, Slavonic texts (+
84, cf. Krastanov)
ff. 92-165, hymni et res liturgici
R. 728, p. 30; R. 20, p. 237; Aland 1969, p.
36, lect. 2121 and lect. 2122; Krastanov
1983, p. 6 (with ref. to double-palimpsest

Borgianai Greci
7 (= L. VI. 7)
membr., II + 51ff., 265 x 183 mm.,
man. sec., a. 1353 (italo-gr.), Liturgy of
St. John Chrysostom with lectionary
man. pr., 11 or 12 s., minuscule, liturgical ms (,,notis musicis certe instruebatur")
R. 730, p. 118-120; Petta 1972, p. 103.

19 (= L.VI.20)

membr., 68ff., 179 x 125 mm., (totus

rescriptus, various mss)
man. sec., 14 s. (R. 727 = 13 s.),
Musica graeca liturgica (asmatikon,
man. pr., 9-11 s.
f) ff. 43-45. 48-50. 54-59 ex antiphonario lat. saec. XI-XII
h) f. 60 + 51, ex lectionario saec. X
(conspic. notae musicae rubrae).
i) ff. 37-38. 61. 68, officii canones, 11 s.
R. 730, p. 132-133; R. 727, p. 244, i. 21;
Aland 1969, p. 36, lect. 2123 and lect.


R. 728, p. 27; Aland 1969, p. 35, lect.

2118; Canart/Leroy 1977, p. 258.
388 (olim III. 107)
membr., 165ff., 220 X 165 mm.
man. sec., 13 s., Ecclesiastes et canticum canticorum cum commentariis
man. pr., 10-12 s. (four Greek, one
Bulgarian and two Serbian texts, cf.

Chisiani Greci
11 (= R. IV. 11)
membr., II + 112ff., 160 X 115 mm.,
(totus rescriptus)
man. sec., 13 s., Writings of John of
Damascus and Andreas, archep. Caesar., Sententiae.
man. pr., 9 s. uncial, 10 s. minuscule
I) lectionarii fragmenta, 9 s. uncial (cf.
Aland no. 2125)

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests


II) fragmenta Triodii cum notis musicis,

10 s. minuscule (ff. 96v. 1-8. 9-16.
64-88. 89-96)
R. 730, p. 12-15, i. 11; R. 731, p. 321-322;
Aland 1969, p. 36, lect. 2125.

Palatini Greci
chart., membr. (ff. a, 1-3), a + 94ff., 8vo
(paper ms of tragedies of Euripides with
vita Euripidis, 14 s.)
man. sec., f. 1-3 rescripta, 14 s., 16 s.,
versiculus ex ps. CXXXVIII et argumentum Electrae Euripidis et Hecubae
man. pr., 10 s., Menaeum mensis iuni,
canones in SS. Eusebium et Asclepium,
cathisma in S. Agrippinam.
R. 734, p. 54-55.
membr., 132ff., 16mo (palim., fragmenta
ex variis mss)
man. sec., 13-14 s., 2 col., Greek - Latin
(italo-gr.), Nicolai Hydruntini, Syntagmata adversus Latinos
man. pr., 9-10 s., uncial; 10-12 s.,
minuscule, fragmenta ex variis libris
R. 734, p. 125; Devreesse 1955; p. 46.
membr., 106ff., 16mo.
man. sec., 13-14 s., Nicephori Blemmydae, Isagogicae epitomae liber primus
man. pr., 10-11 s., Collectionem praebere videtur mutilam Canonum rhythmicorum, quorum singuli octonas plerumque odas, in Officiis divinis cantari
solitas, complectuntur.
R. 734, p. 172.

Pii II Greci
membr., 94ff., 8vo.
man. sec., 15 s., Octoechus
man. pr., 12 s., fragmentum exhibet
libri cuiusdam liturgici
R. 735, p. 164.

19 (olim 37)
membr., VI + 124ff., 216 x 145 mm.,
(palim. ex variis mss)
man. sec., a. 1425, Manuelis Moschopuli, Schedographia
man. pr., 10 s., f. 123 ex cod. saec. XI,
Iosephi hymnographi canon de Georgio
Armeniae epis.
R. 719, p. 19 and addenda xviii; R. 41, II
F. 123 functions as a cover for the ms. It
does not appear to have an upper-writing
but was probably drawn from leaves from
various mss, which were re-used in the
codices Urb. gr. 154-156 and Vat. gr. 21.
21 (olim 35)
membr., II + 118ff., 180 x 125 mm. (from
seven older mss)
man. sec., a. 1428, Manuelis Moschopuli, Erotemata
man. pr., 10 s., 13 s.
2) f. 100, Triodii fragmentum
R. 719, p. 20-21 and addenda xix; Gamillscheg 1981 gives date as 1423.
170 (olim 1045)
membr., chart., VI + 184ff., 144 x 109
mm. (palim. ex variis mss)
man. sec., 13-14 s., Constantini Manassis, Breviarium historiae metricum
man. pr., several mss, 9-12 s. 1) canones with odes, uncial of 9 s.
R. 719, p. 194-195.
308 (olim 430)
chart., membr., IV + 362ff., 210 x 148
mm. (palim. I. II. 362 in a paper codex
with Theodori Prodromi, Exegesis, 14 s.)
man. sec., ff. I. II. 362, 12-13 s., canones ex menaeo men. dec et jan.
man. pr., 10 or 11 s., canones with odes
R. 719, p. 456-459.
456 (olim 590)
membr., 467ff., 300 x 219 mm., (palim. f. 1
in a 13 s. codex with homilies of Gregory

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests

man. sec., f. 1, 13 s., table of contents

man. pr., 10 s., Paracletices fragmenta duo (canon).
R. 720, p. 216-218.
495 (olim 767)
membr., 239ff., 250 x 198 mm., (palim.
2-13. 18. 20-27. 217-238 ex variis libris)
man. sec., 11 s., 14 s. (italo-gr.) pars
antiquior, Ioannis Damasc. dialectica et
de fide orth.
pars recentior, dialecticae capita, varia
philosophica et theologica,
man. pr., 11 s.
f. 2-13, codex liturg. saec. XI notis
musicis instruct.
R. 720, p. 316-321, Noret 1977, p. 273.
The palimpsest leaves from G6teborg no.
1 and from Vat. gr. 495 derive from the
same South Italian source (Noret, p. 273).
membr., 180ff., 247 x 177 mm., (partim
man. sec., 11-12 s. (italo-gr.), Theophylacti Bulgariae homiliae
man. pr., 10-11 s. (from two codices)
f. 60, fragmentum libri liturgici notis
musicis instructi, 11 s.
R. 721, v. III, p. 64-65; Devreesse 1955, p.

860 (olim 798)

membr., I + 160ff., 260 x 192 mm.,
(palim. ff. 1. 4. 7. 48-57. 144. 152 from
four codices)
man. sec., 9 s. with palim. folios of 14 s.,
Vita Barlaam et Ioasaph
man. pr., folia rescripta ex codicibus 4
c) f. 4. 49-54. 56. 59 ex codice liturgico
R. 721, p. 427-428.
membr., 185ff., 195 x 150, 244 x 155 etc.
man. sec., 10 s. (same hand appears in
Vat. gr. 2061; italo-gr.), Eusebii, Onomastion
man. pr., 8 s., 9 s., (from four codices)
C) f. 153 + 154, 166-177, 180-183, 178


+ 185, Triodion, 9 s. uncial (10 folios

folded in half, originally measuring
about 244 x 155 mm.)
Batiffol 1891, p. 65; Devreesse 1955, p. 18,

1547 (olim 1551)

membr., II + 183ff., 165 x 120 mm. (totus
man. sec., 12 s. (italo-gr., from Reggio,
cf. Canart/Leroy), Anthologium sive officiorum delectus in potiores anni festivitates
man. pr., 11 s., f. 145 + 148, canon
R. 723, p. 123-126; Devreesse 1955, p. 59
n. 4; Canart/Leroy 1977, p. 258.
membr., 170ff., 185 x 127 mm. (totus
man. sec., 13 s., Psalter
man. pr., 12 s. (one ms with leaves
folded in half), troparia ... pertinent ad
Pentecostarium, italo-gr. ?
Canart 1970, I, p. 190, i. 1812, R. 20, p.

membr., chart., I + 266 ff., 200 x 155 mm.
(Palim. ff. I. 14-254. 260-266)
man. sec., 12-13 s. (related to Reggio
scriptorium, cf. Canart/Leroy)
Anastasima, ff. 253-4. 255-259, contacia saec. XV.
man. pr., 10-12 s. (from five codices)
B) intra ff. 18-266: e codice liturgico
saec. XII, Troparia in Paracletice.
C) intra ff. 18-266: e codice liturgico
saec. XII, italo-gr., Troparia ad Pentecostarium et ad Menaea.
Canart 1970, I, p. 192; Canart/Leroy 1977,
p. 259.
membr., II + 243ff., 305 x 230 mm.
(palim. ff. 8-11. 14-42)
man. sec., 12 s., Paracletice sive Octoechus Magnus

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests


man. pr., 9-12 s. (from four codices)

A) ff. 8. 17-19: saec. XII, troparia
B) ff. 9-11. 15. 20. 22-25: saec. X,
italogr. Liturgicus
C) ff. 16: uncial saec. 9 ?, Liturgicus
Canart 1970, I, p. 212.
The palimpsest leaves in this codex are
related to those in Vat. gr. 1864 and Vat.
gr. 1873.
membr., I + 138ff., 255 x 155 mm. (totus
man. sec., 13 s., Paracletice
man. pr., 10-12 s. (from four codices)
A) ff. 1. 6-7. 46-55. 66-132; saec. XI,
italogr. codex liturgicus (triodium et
D) ff. 27-28, 33-34: saec. XI, codex
melurgicus, stikherarion?
Canart 1970, I, p. 262.
membr., 229ff., 175 x 125/130 mm. (palim. ff. 108-185)
man. sec., 16 s., Varia liturgica
man. pr., 11-14 s. (two or three codices,
partly from Reggio)
f. 156, 11 s. ?, troparia (canones with


B) ff. 167-185: codex melurgicus recentior; vestigia notarum musicarum (eg.

,,tou kyr. Manoue-l")
Canart 1970, I, p. 285; Canart/Leroy 1977,
p. 258.
membr., 164ff., 175 x 110 mm. (totus
man. sec., 14 s., Exapostilaria menaeorum, triodii et pentecostarii
man. pr., 12 s. (two codices)
B) ff. 160-165 (original leaves folded in
half), codex liturgicus cum notis musicis
Canart 1970, I, p. 292.
membr., 158ff., 220 x 150 mm.

man. sec., 14 s., Liturgica varia secundum usum italograecum

man. pr., 11-15 s. (from three or four
A) -ff. 1-30, saec. XI-XII vel XII, Triodium notis musicis instructum
Canart 1970, I, p. 308; R. 32a, p. 314, lect.

membr., chart., 203ff., 136 x 97 mm.
(palim. ff. 1-4. 14-77)
man. sec., 14 s., Psalterium continuatum cum dogmatica et liturgica varia
man. pr., 10-11 s. (three codices)
B) ff. 14-53. 62-77: saec. X vel X-XI,
italogr. menaea cum canonis Theophanis
C) ff. 54-61, italogr. codex liturgicus,
Canart 1970, I, p. 395; R. 20, p. 267;
Devreesse 1955, p. 49 n. 5.
membr., chart., I + 378 ff., 163 x 145 mm.
(ff. 216-217. 226. 233. 242-243. 270 rescripta saec. XIV)
man. sec., a. 1010-1011 (italo-gr.),
Psalmi 1-151
man. pr., 10-11 s. (two codices)
B) ff. 242-243 (one folio folded in half),
11 s. Fragmenta Paracletices (canon
Iosephi toni 3)
Canart 1970, I, p. 426; Lake and Lake VII,
pl. 482; R. 20, p. 268.
The codex is related to Vat. gr. 1820

membr., 103ff., 170 x 140 mm.
man. sec., 12-13 s., Menaeum men.
man. pr., 7-10 s. (from four codices)
A) f. 1-8, 10 s. (folios folded in half),
codex liturgicus (canons et troparia)
Canart 1970, I, p. 434; R. 41, I 67 nota,
113-114; R. 726, p. 10-14, Canart 1962, p.
325-326; Canart 1969a, p. 91-104.

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests

membr., chart., 207ff., 290 X 205 mm.
(Miscellaneus saec. X-XVI) no. VII, f.
89-92. 97-104.
man. sec., 14 s. (a. 1354?), 12ff. rescriptus, Flavii Iosaphi oratio
man. pr., 8-12 s. (from three codices)
C) f. 100: bis rescriptum
recentior: 12 s., liturgica (troparium et
antiquior: uncial 8 s. ?
Canart 1970, I, p. 472; R. 41, I 141-142,
651, II 206-208. Palimpsest leaves from
this codex also appear in Vat. gr. 984 and
Vat. gr. 1882 (R. 41).
membr., 187ff., 260 x 195 mm. (Miscellaneus saec. X-XIV) no. V
man. sec., 13 s. (ff. 59), Theophanis
Ceramei homiliae
man. pr., 12 s. or 12-13 s., f. 57-58
(folio folded in half), stikherarion
Canart 1970, I. p. 651; Canart 1969, p.


1955, p. 28.

membr., 139ff., 209 x 154 mm.
man. sec., 13 s., Evangelia
man. pr., 11-12 s. (Bulgarian and
a) Bulgarian Evangelia, 11 s.


Biblioteca della Badia
A' a' XIII
membr., 62ff., 160 x 120 mm.
man. sec., 15 s. (R. 32a = 14 s.), (italogr.), frag. menologii evangeliarii
man. pr., (ex variis libris), Biblical,
narrative and liturgical texts
R. 381, p. 11-12, i. 13; R. 32a, p. 232, lect.
468; R. 382, p. 276.

B' a' XVII

membr., 210ff., 180 x 140 mm.
man. sec., 15-16 s. (R. 382 = 14 s.,
italo-gr.), Sermones
man. pr., 10 or 11 s. (from several mss)
f. 8, canones seu hymni in sanctos
R. 381, p. 95-96, i. 17; R. 382, p. 276.

A' y' VII

membr., 115ff., 110 x 80 mm.
man. sec., 14 s. (from Grottaferrata),
Anastasimon, Litania de sanctis
man. pr., 10 s., Fragmentum cod. hymni, officium S. Juliani
R. 381, p. 370, i. 105; R. 32a, lect. 507; R.
382, p. 279.

b) ff. 81. 85-86. 90. 93. 98. 101. 105-106. E' a'
text in

109-110; hymnographic
12 s.
Krastanov 1982, fasc. 7; R. 32a, p. 314,
lect. 1935; Nicolopoulos 1966, p. 129-131.
Biblioteca Laurentiana
Plut. V, cod. X
membr., chart., II + 247 + I ff., 135 x 185
mm. (palim. ff. 150-187)
man. sec., 14 s. (italo-gr.), Carmina et
Orationes theologicae diversae
man. pr., (f. 150-187), ? s., menaeum
mensis maii cum notis musicis
Sola 1911, p. 373-383; R. 41, II 308 n. 1;
R. 349, I. p. 23-30; Devreesse 1955, p. 60.

membr., 156ff., 220 x 160 mm.

man. sec., 13 s. (R. 383 = 12 s., from
Grottaferrata), Idiomela
man. pr., 10 s. (R. 381 lists separately
as A' y' XXXIX), Hymni ferialium
R. 381, p. 386-387, i. 137; R. 381, p. 414, i.
6; R. 382. p. 280; R. 383, p. 367, i. 10.

E' a' VIII

membr., 154ff., 170 x 130 mm.
man. sec., 13 or 14 s. (R. 383 = 13 s.,
from Grottaferrata), Idiomela
man. pr., 10 s., 12 s. (from two codices)
a) f. 1-100, Pentikostarion (10 s.)
R. 381, p. 415, i. 8; R. 382, p. 280; R. 383,
p. 367, i. 12.

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests


E' b' V


membr., 121ff., 190 x 140 mm.

man. sec., 14 s. (italo-gr.), Contacia

notis musicis praesignata
man. pr., 10 or 11 s. (R. 381 lists
separately as A' y' XXXVIII), Odae
hymnorum et Stichera
R. 381, p. 386, i. 136; R. 381, p. 420, i. 19;
R. 382, p. 280; R. 383, p. 367, i. 21.

Z' a' IV
membr., 77ff., 180 x 140 mm.
man. sec., 12 s. (italo-gr.), Etymologium
man. pr., 10-12 s., palim. includes
hymns, 11-12 s.
R. 318. p. 442-443, i. 4; R. 382, p. 280.

Katholikon Orthodoxon Patriarcheion
Panagiou Taphou
36 (,,Euripides palimpsestus")
membr., 278ff., 8vo. (totus rescriptus)
man. sec., 12 s., Commentary on prophets of Old Testament
man. pr., 10-12 s. (7 or 8 different
codices) includes liturgical material (R.

R. 444, I, p. 108-112;

R. 20, p. 85; R. 447,

Biblioteka Akademii Nauk SSSR

Russkij Arkheologiveskij Institut v Konstantinopole
membr., 197ff., 232 x 160 mm.
man. sec., 11 s., ,,Jahrespanegyrik" (R.
man. pr., 8-9 s., uncial, Triodion? (R.
41 = ,,enthilt Oden")
Lebedeva 1973, p. 12-16; R. 41, II 86 n. 3,
III 202-204; R. 485a, XVI, p. 231, i. 59.
Biblioteka Akademii Nauk SSSR
72 (olim 24. 2. 25)
membr., 207ff., 255 x 205 mm.
man. sec., 13 s., Bulgarian Gospel Lectionary
man. pr., 8-9 s. (R. 485a = 7-8 s.)
includes liturgical hymns (R. 492)
among menologion texts
Lebedeva 1973, p. 16-18; R. 485a, XVI, p.
227, i. 38; R. 492, p. 283-284 (writes # 71
instead of #72).

Gosudarstvenaja Publiznaja Biblioteka im.

M. E. Saltykova-9&edrina
Otdel Rukopisej

p. 38. Four folios from this codex are in

Leningrad (Publ. Bibl., gr. 261). cf. R. 20,

membr., 1 f., 195 x 150 mm. (from Sinai)

man. sec., 10 s., Georgian text
man. pr., 5 s., uncial, liturgical text?
R. 485 a, XVI, p. 222, i. 15; R. 486, p. 6; R.
491, v. 2(5), p. 230.

p. 85.


membr., 3ff., 195 x 132 mm. (from Sinai)
man. sec., 11 s., Georgian text
man. pr., 7-8 s., uncial, liturgical text ?
R. 485a, XVI, p. 228, i. 43; R. 41,1 89 n. 3,
91 n. 2; R. 486, p. 23; R. 491, 2(5), p. 230;
Granstrem 1964a, v. XXV, p. 199, i. 470.

Biblioteka Jagielloniska

membr., chart., 122ff., 8vo., (Canart 117 x

91/92 mm.).

man. sec., 15 s., Various fragments of

Slavonic texts (menaeum, octoechus
man. pr., 13-14 s. (Canart 11 s.), liturgical texts (triodion)
R. 83, p. 29-30; Canart 1974, p. 560;
1973, p. 260.

membr., 119ff. 190 x 150 mm.
man. sec., 12-13 s., Bulgarian text
man. pr., 10-11 s. (from three minus-

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests

cule codices), liturgical texts and other

unknown texts
R. 485a, XVIII, p. 274, i. 183; R. 486, p.

membr., 6ff., 230 x 158 mm.

man. sec., 13-14 s., Psalter, ps.I-VII
man. pr., 11 s. minuscule, liturgical text
R. 485a, XIX, p. 233, i. 281; Granstrem
1968, XXVIII, p. 250, i. 585.


membr., 251ff., 198 x 125 mm. (palim. ff.

26. 27. 240-241)
man. sec., 13 s., Liturgical ms with
musical notation (stikherarion, triodion,
man. pr., 11 s. minuscule
ff. 26 + 27 (340 x 220 mm.), hymns
R. 485a, XIX, p. 233, i. 280; R. 485a,
XVIII, p. 270, i. 164; R. 486, p. 49;
Granstrem 1964a, XXV, p. 205-206, i.
495; Thibaut 1913, p. 108, fig. 53.


British Library
Additional Manuscripts
Add. 14665 (,,Fragmenta codicis Zuqninensis" = Vat. sir. 162)
membr., 9ff., 235/255 x 150/165 mm. (f. 3
= double palimpsest)
man. tert., (f. 3), 9 or 10 s. Syriac text
man. sec., ? s., uncial Greek liturgical
man. prim., 5 s., uncial
Old Testament text (3 Reg., VIII-IX)
Tisserant 1911, p. vi, liii; R. 20, p. 104; R.
528, p. 23; R. 540, p. 86.
Add. 43790 A, B (fragments of liturgical
no. B, 6.
membr., 1 f., ? mm.
man. sec., 14 s., Fragment of a Gospel
man. pr., 11 s. ?, Liturgical text
British Museum Catalogue 1967, p. 231;
Noret 1969, p. 466.

110 + 112

membr., 1 + 15ff., 105 x 155 mm. (from

man. sec., 13 s., Evangelia (the same
text also appears in the mss gr. 37 and Biblioteca Universitaria
Fondo San Salvatore Gr.
45 on other palimpsest leaves)
man. pr., 6 s., uncial, Liturgical text
membr., 331ff., 248 x 190 mm. (totus
R. 485a, XVI, p. 225, i. 27; R. 32a, p. 214,
lect. 174; Granstrem 1964a, XXV, p. 204,
man. sec., 12-13 s. (related to Reggio
i. 489; R. 491, v. 2(5), p. 229-230; R. 769,
scriptorium, cf. Canart/Leroy), PraxaI, p. 606.
postolos (Aland no. lect. 606)
man. pr., 11-12 s. (various mss), in566
cludes musical texts from the triodion,
membr., 103ff., 235 x 175 mm. (palim. ff.
pentekostarion, parakletike and meno1. 10-12. 20. 27. 42. 28. 81. 98-99)
man. tert., 13 s., Nomokanon (GranR. 588, p. 158; R. 32a, p. 241, lect. 606; R.
strem no. 457)
589, IV, fasc. 3-4, p. 318; R. 592, p. 170;
R. 593, p. 192; Canart/Leroy 1977, p. 259.
man. sec., 11 s., minuscule, Menologian
texts (ff. 10-12. 28; Granstrem no. 276)
man. prim., 8 s., uncial, Liturgical texts
(ff. 10-12. 28; Granstrem no. 37)
Granstrem 1964a, XXV, p. 191, i. 457; R.
membr., 125ff., 250 x 185 mm. (totus
487, v. 1899, p. 12-13; R. 485a, XVI, p.
226-227, i. 37; R. 485a, XIX, p. 232, i. 276;
man, sec., 13 s., Musica sacra (R. 593
= contacia)
R. 489a, p. 81.

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests


man. pr., 11 s. (R. 593 = 12 s., ff.

106-107, 10 s.), Menologium musicis
notis instructum saec. XI
R. 588, p. 192; R. 589, V, fasc. 1-2, p. 138;
R. 592, p. 170; R. 593, p. 196.
membr., 182ff., 170 X 120 mm. (partim
man. sec., 13-14 s., Euchologium
man. pr., 11-12 s., Triodion (f. 92 sq.)
R. 588, p. 210; R. 589, V, fasc. 3-4, p. 143;
R. 593, p. 200.

membr., 126ff., 138 x 110 mm.

man. sec., 12 s., Kondakiarion
man. pr., ? s., ,,la parte palinsesta
conteneva la stessa materia della scrittura sopraposta; era cioe un Condaciario" (R. 589).
R. 588, p. 215; R. 589, V, fasc. 3-4, p.

membr., 63ff., 170 x 130 mm. (partim
man. sec., 14 s., Liturgia (frag. euchologii)
man. pr., 12 s., Menaeum, quod canones ineditos habuisse f. 38: ,,tropari di
canone in onore di Michele arcangelo"

(cf. R. 589).
R. 588, p. 217-218; R. 589, V, fasc. 3-4, p.

membr., 89ff., 190 x 145 mm. (palim. ff.

man. sec., 13 s., Kalophonikon

man. pr., 12 s., vestigia triodii et evangelistarii
R. 588, p. 218-219; R. 589, V, fasc. 3-4, p.

membr., 212ff., 202 x 160 mm. (fere totus

man. sec., 13-14 s., Octoechus

man. pr., 11-13 s. (from five mss)

f. 120. 145. 146. 160. 161: double palimpsest recentior: triodion (with music), ? s. antiquior: St. Basil, 6 s., uncial
f. 123 (R. 589: ,,1 con musica")

R. 588, p. 232-233; R. 589, V, fasc. 3-4, p.


Biblioteca Ambrosiana

D 108 sup. (olim N 96)

membr., I + 204 + I ff., 290 x 218 mm.

(one palimpsest leaf (f. 171) in a parchment Gospel lectionary of the 13th century)
man. sec., 14 s. (italo-gr.), troparium
man. pr., 10-11 s., odae sacrae
R. 601, I, p. 294, i. 263; Devreesse 1955, p.

E 101 sup.
membr., I + 176ff., 255 x 172 mm.
man. sec., a. 1150, Theodorii Studitae,
Sermones et Anastasii Sinait. narrationes
man. pr., 9-11 s. (several mss), includes
leaves from a liturgical codex exhibiting
musical signs
R. 601, I, p. 351, i. 308; R. 32a, p. 221, lect.
286; Lake and Lake, III, pl. 223-224.
F 106 sup.
membr., I + II + 335 + III ff., 255 x 194
man. sec., 13-14 s. (from San Salvatore), ,,Spezialpanegyrikum" (R. 41) with
homilies of the emp. Leo VI.
man. pr., 8-9 s. (various mss) f. 335,
frag. hymnologii, 9 s.
R. 601, I. p. 421, i. 358; R. 41, I 77, 82-83,
II 232-7.

I 15 sup. (olim T 140)

membr., I + 136 + Iff., 184 x 151 mm.
man. sec., 14 s., Hesiodi Opera et Dies
cum commentariis Ioh. Tzetzae
man. pr., 11 s., liturgical codex
R. 601, I, p. 544, i. 454.

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests

Q 6 sup.
membr., 93ff., 209 x 143 mm. (palim.
except ff. 1-4. 91. 92)
man. sec., a. 1426 (italo-gr.), Manuelis
Moschopuli, Erotemata
man. pr., 11 s. (various mss) f. 90,
hymni cum notis musicis, 11 s. ?
R. 601, II, 742-743, i. 662; R. 20, p. 131;
R. 23, p. 81, no. 135; R. 32a, p. 48, i. 0135;
Petta 1972, p. 101; Gamillscheg 1981
dates codex to 1425.

Q 40 sup. (olim T 364)

membr., chart., IV + 186 + Iff., 232 x
160 mm.
man. sec., 12 s. (italo-gr.), Synaxarium
man. pr., 8-11 s. (various uncial and
minuscule mss)
f. 68-69: troparia, 11 s.
f. 75-111. 114-152. 154-155: tropologium, uncial, 8 s. ?
f. 112-113: tropologium, uncial ? s.
R. 601, II, p. 756-757, i. 673; Devreesse
1955, p. 58.
Q 57 sup.
membr., chart., I + 220 ff., 250 x 202 mm.
man. sec., 13 s. (italo-gr.), Sticherarium
cum notis musicis
man. pr., ? s., Tropologium
R. 601, II, p. 766-767, i. 680; R. 603, p. 23;
Petta 1972, p. 101.


Bodleian Library
Selden Manuscripts
Arch. Seld. supra 2
membr., 180ff., 210 x 150 mm.
man. sec., 13 s., Evangelia (R. 32a, lect.
man. pr., 9-13 s. (from seven mss)
c) ff. 101. 106: liturgical ms with neumes, 10 s., minuscule
e) ff. 172-176. 179: service book, 13 s.
R. 32a, p. 206, lect. 26; R. 32a, p. 48, i.
0134; R. 32a, p. 315, lect. 1954; R. 651, I,
c. 583; R. 652, II/1, p. xviii, 621, i 3390;
Wilson and Stefanovid 1963, p. 44.
Arch. Seld. supra 9
membr., 127ff., 230 x 140 mm. (totus
man. sec., 14 s. (Turyn = a. 1340),
Hagiographical texts and homilies
man. pr., 9-12 s. (from three or four
a) ff. 1-43: 11 s., one or two liturgical
R. 652, II/1, p. xviii, 621, i. 3397; R. 32a,
p. 226, i. lect. 368; R. 20, p. 174-175; R.
41, II 611, III 760-761; R. 42, p. 344-345;
R. 651, I, col. 588, i. 8; Turyn 1980, p. 105.

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Mss graeci
membr., 152ff., 200 x 150 mm.
man. sec., 13 s., Homiliae Michaelis
man. pr., 8-11 s. (various uncial and
minuscule mss, cf. R. 41)
f. 30-36: liturgical ms (odae ?) uncial
f. 76-81: hymni, 10 s., minuscule
f. 8-29. 37-61. 63-66: hymni, minuscule
f. 110-103: odae, 11 s., minuscule
R. 622, III, p. 98-106; R. 20, p. 153; R. 41,
I 103-105, III 528 n. 1, 541 n. 2, 544 n. 1,

557, 564 n. 1.

Bibliotheque nationale
Ancien fonds grec
membr., 95ff., ,,petit" (palim. ff. 1-8)
man. sec., 12 s. (italo-gr.), Evangeliarium
man. pr., 10 or 11 s., ,,ecclesiatica" (R.
R. 58, I, p. 31; R. 673, 77; R. 674, p. 353;
Devreesse 1955, p. 55.
membr., 209ff., ,,petit" (fere totus rescriptus)
man. sec., a 1236, Anonimi sermones

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests

man. pr., 11 s., 2 col., ecclesiastica (R.

R. 58, I, p. 227; R. 675, p. 759.

man. sec., 13 s. (R. 667 = 12-13 s.),

man. pr., ? s., minuscule, Octoechus ?
R. 673, p. 88; R. 58, III, p. 118; R. 667, p.
37; R. 676, p. 372.


membr., 176ff., 265 x 200 mm. (palim. ff.

man. sec., 11-12 s. (consists of two
codices), Homiliae et narrationes miraculorum
man. pr., (ff. 149-176): 11 s., minuscule, Menaeum with odes
R. 41, III 796-797; R. 58, I. p. 241-242; R.
674, p. 357-358; Halkin 1968, p. 140-141.
membr., 158ff., 192 x 140 mm.
man. sec., 13 s., Nomocanon
man. pr., 11 s. (two minuscule codices)
b) ff. 44. 45. 50. 55. 67. 70. 76. 77. 91.
143. 146. 147. 150: ,,officium ecclesiasticum continebatur"
R. 675, p. 761-762; R. 58, II, p. 28; Petta
1972, p. iii.


membr., 278ff., 260 x 170 mm. (palim. ff.

man. sec., 13 s., Menaeum decembris et
januarii cum synaxariis
man. pr., 12 s. (R. 765 = 11 s.),
R. 673, p. 86, i. 19; R. 58, II, p. 98; R. 675,
p. 763-764; Halkin 1968, p. 214.
membr., 260ff., 230 x 180 mm. (palim. ff.
man. sec., 13-14 s., Synaxarium annuum
man. pr., 10-11 s., ecclesiastica (R. 675)
Halkin 1968, p. 228; R. 58, II, p. 108; R.
675, p. 764-765.
Fonds Coislin

membr., 179ff., 323 x 238 mm.

Supplement grec

membr., chart., 165ff., 193 x 134 mm.

man. sec., 13 s., Miscellanea (autographe de Nicolas d'Otrante)
man. pr., 9-13 s. (from eight mss)
V) liturgical text ?, 12 s., uncial (56ff.)
VIII) fragment of a liturgical roll, 12 s.
R. 670c, p. 403-407; R. 676, p. 378-380,
Halkin 1968, p. 303; R. 672a, p. 154; R.
680, p. 32.
membr., 394ff., 202 x 155 mm. (palim. ff.
man. sec., 12-13 s. (italo-gr.), Praxapostolus cum commentariis
man. pr., 12 s. ?
ff. 1-145: ,,ms qui contenait, semble-til, un texte avec notation musicale (recueil d'hymnes? menees?)
R. 670c, p. 566-568; R. 680, p. 26-27;
Halkin 1968, p. 308.
Biblioteca Vallicelliana

11 (B35)
membr., 197ff., 289 x 245 mm. (palim. ff.
man. sec., a) 11 s. b) 12-13 s.
a) hagiographica et homiliae b) menologium, ff. 156-189
man. pr., ff. 156-189: 10-11 s., Sticherarium cum notis musicis
R. 41, III 210-211, 730-731; R. 75, II, p.
47 (C 972)

membr., 81ff., 194 x 137 mm.

man. sec., a. 1425 (italo-gr.), Miscellanea, Varia excerpta Patrum
man. pr., 13 s., Canonarium
R. 75, II, p. 80-83; Petta 1972, p. 113.

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests

63 (D 61, olim 60)

membr., 169ff., 286 x 138 mm.

man. sec., 14 s. (italo-gr.), Menologium

et Synaxarium (Petta = Typikon di S.
Nicola di Casole)
man. pr., 11 s., Canonarium


a) Menaeum mensis decembris

b) Paracletice
R. 849, III, p. 75-78.

R. 75, II, p. 95; Petta 1972, p. 113; R. 43,

I, p. 833.

Biblioteca Capitolare
CXX (olim 110")
membr., 111ff., 205 x 140 mm. (partim
man. sec., 15 s., Contacarium cum notis

64 (D 62)
membr., 128ff., 210 x 164 mm.

man. sec., 14 s. (italo-gr.), Prophetologion

man. pr., 11 or 12 s., Canonarium
R. 75, II, p. 95-96;
1972, p. 114.

R. 20, p. 235; Petta

Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana
Gr. Classi, Append. II
Gr. II, 85 (coll. 561, olim Nanianus CVII)
membr., chart., XVII + 191ff., 150 x 103

man. sec., 14 s., Interpretationes et

homiliae Patrum, Medica
man. pr., 11 s., Menaeum et Triodium
R. 848, I/i, p. 250-255; R. 850; p. 204;
Formentin 1978, p. 69, 91.

Gr. II, 116 (coll. 961, olim Nanianus

membr., IV + 106ff., 198 x 140 mm.
man. sec., 13 s.
a) Questiones et Responsiones
b) Ioh. Zonarae, Expositio
man. pr., 9 s., 11 s. (from two codices)
a) canones ecclesiastici (menaeum), 11
s. (orig. folios folded in half)
R. 848, I/i, p. 339-340; R. 850, p. 382-383.


man. pr., 9-11 s. (two codices)

a) ff. 11-14. 17-18. 23-31. 43. 46-48.
50-51. 54. 65-71. 82. 88: liber musicus
cum notis musicis, 9-10 s.
Mioni 1964, II, p. 490-491, i. 323.

CXXXIV (olim 123)

membr., chart., V + 79ff., 280 x 220 mm.
(totus palim.)

man. sec., 14 s., Parakletike

man. pr., 10-11 s. (three or more different codices)
ff. 1-6: canones liturgici
Mioni 1964,

II, p. 509-511;

R. 41, I

Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek
lur. Gr. 18
membr., III + 82ff., 152/153 x 92/93 mm.
(totus rescriptus)

man, sec., 11 s., Nomocanon

man. pr., 6-11 s. (from six uncial and
minuscule codices)
2) ff. 9-23. 54-66. 68. 70-71. 73. 75-81:

hymni in minuscule, ? s.
R. 859a, II, p. 33-34; R. 859, II, p. 34; R.
862-3, VI, p. 74; Fischer 1898, p. 67-71, i.
8; Lackner 1981, p. 70, i. 83.

Gr. Classi, Append. XI

Gr. XI, 1 (coll. 452)
membr., 108ff.,

140 x 115 mm.


Phil. gr. 158

membr., II + 243ff., 235/240 x 170/175

man. sec., 13 s., Anthologia (grammatica, epistulae, fabulae etc.)

man. pr., 12 s. (two codices)

mm. (totus rescriptus)

man. sec., 13 s., Etymologicum Gudianum

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests


man. pr., 8-12 s., (from several uncial

and minuscule codices) includes leaves
from a Sticherarium
R. 859a, I, p. 261, i. 158; R. 41, III
1026-1027; R. 655b, p. 396; R. 859, IV, p.
90; R. 865a, II, p. 11; Mazal 1981, p.
359-360, i. 281.

Gudiani graeci
membr., 149ff., 155 x 115 mm.

man. sec., 13 s. (italo-gr.), Erotemata

man. pr., 9-12 s. (five different codices)
2) ff. 25/30. 33/38. 41. 46: Heirmolo-

Theol. Gr. 27

3) ff. 129-134.

membr., chart., III + 316ff., 325/340 x

245/260 mm.
(palim. ff. III. 4. 48. 74. 87. 100, 168)
man. sec., 14 s. (ff. 101-106: 15 s.),

Homiliae Gregorii Naz.

man. pr., 11 s.
,,Heirmologion in der Kanonordnung"
R. 859a, III/1, p. 44-47; R. 859, I, p. 45;
R. 862-3, III, 463-466; R. 865a, II, p. 2;
Halkin 1978, p. 212; Mazal 1981, p.
154-155, i. 93.





148: Triodion, 12-13 s. (italo-gr.)

zum Teil (ff. 130/133.


bis re-

scriptus, zuunterst lat. liturgischer Text

ff. 136/143: vielleicht sogar ter rescriptus
4) ff. 137/142, 146/147: liturgische Poe-

sie, bis rescriptus

Griechische Handschriften 1978, p. 37-40,
i. 10; R. 32a, p. 184, i. 2360; R. 32a, p.
317, lect. 1981; R. 871, IX, p. 74-75, i.


A. Saecula quibus exarati sunt palimpsesti

saec. V:
saec. VI:
saec. VII-VIII:
saec. VIII:
saec. VIII-IX:

Ath6s, Meg. Lavra, Theta 46; Leningrad, Pub. Bibl. gr. 8

Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 110 + 112
Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 41
Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 566; Milano, Ambr. Q 40 sup.
Leningrad, BAN, Srez. 72; Milano, Ambr. F 106 sup.; Miinchen,

saec. IX:

Athenai, Ethn. Bib. 874; Citta del Vat., Vat. gr. 170; Vat. gr. 1456;
Vat. gr. 1820
Verona, Bib. Cap. CXX
Citta del Vaticano, Pal. gr. 232; Milano, Ambr. E 101 sup.
Ath6s, Vat. 925; Ath6s, Iver6n 64; Ath6s, Karakallou 245 (XIII),
Citta del Vaticano, Arch. di San Pietro, H. 45; Barb. gr. 338; Borg.

gr. 262

saec. IX-X:
saec. IX-XII:
saec. X:

gr. 19; Chis. gr. 11; Pal. gr. 114; Vat. gr. 456; Vat. gr. 1820; Vat.

saec. X-XI:

saec. X-XII:

gr. 1876; Grottaferrata, A' y' VII; Grottaferrata, E' a' VI;
Grottaferrata, E' a' VIII; Miinchen, gr. 262; Oxford, Seld., Arch.
Seld. supra 2
Citta del Vaticano, Barb. gr. 297; Pal. gr. 306; Vat. gr. 308; Vat.
642; Vat. gr. 1844; Vat. gr. 1866; Grottaferrata, B' a' XVII;
Grottaferrata, E' b' V; Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 70; Milano, Ambr.
D 108 sup.; Paris, Bib. Nat. gr. 298; Paris, Bib. Nat. gr. 1624;
Roma, Bib. Vail. 11; Verona, Bib. Cap. CXXXIV
Citta del Vaticano, Barb. gr. 388; Grott., Z' a' IV; Jerusalem,
Taphos 36

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests

saec. X-XIII:
saec. XI:

saec. XI-XII:
saec. XII:


Citta del Vaticano, Vat. gr. 21

Andros 92; Athenai, Hiera Syn. 108; Ath6s, Vat. 1175; Ath6s,
Dionysiou 69; Ath6s, Karakallou 27; Citta del Vaticano, Arch. di
San Pietro, H. 45; Borg. gr. 19; Vat. gr. 19; Vat. gr. 495; Vat. gr.
1547; Vat. gr. 1827; Vat. gr. 1837; Vat. gr. 1873; Krakow, Jag.
932; Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 75; Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 82;
Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 566; London, Brit. Lib. Add. 43790 B, no.
6: Messina, gr. 128; Milano, Ambr. 1 15 sup.; Milano, Ambr. Q 6
sup.; Milano, Ambr. Q 40 sup.; Miinchen, gr. 262; Oxford, Seld.,
Arch. Seld. supra 9; Paris, B. N. gr. 1139; Paris, B. N. gr. 1371;
Roma, Bib. Vall. 63; Venezia, Bib Naz., Gr. II, 85; Venezia, Bib.
Naz., Gr. II, 116; Wien, theol. gr. 27
Citta del Vaticano, Borg. gr. 7; Messina, gr. 93; Messina, gr. 152;
Roma, Bib. Vall. 64
Ath6s, Koutl. 86; Ath6s, Koutl. 369; Citta del Vaticano, Arch. di
San Pietro, H. 45; Pii II gr. 46; Vat. gr. 1812; Vat. gr. 1813; Vat.
gr. 1820; Vat. gr. 1839; Vat. gr. 1882, Vat. gr. 1912; Vat. gr. 2502,

Messina, gr. 160, Messina, gr. 161; Paris, B. N. gr. 1572; Paris,
B. N., suppl. gr. 1232; Paris, B. N., suppl. gr. 1299; Venezia, Bib.
Naz., Gr. XI, 1
saec. XII-XIII: Wolfenbiittel, Gud. gr. 112
saec. XIII: Ath6s, Koutl. 86; Ath6s, Koutl. 458; Roma, Bib. Vall. 47
saec. XIV: Vat. gr. 1837
ante saec. IX: Ath6s, Meg. Lavra, Omega 81; London, Brit. Lib. Add. 14665
ante saec. X: Birmingham, Ming. georg. 8 (uncial)
ante saec. XI: Wien, iur. gr. 18
ante saec. XII: Messina, gr. 157; Messina, gr. 165; Wien, phil. gr. 158
ante saec. XIII: Milano, Ambr. Q. 57 sup.; Paris, B. N., Coislin 40
ante saec. XIV: Cambridge-Andover, Z. 243; Vat. gr. 860; Firenze, Laur. plut. V,
cod. X; Grott., A' a' XIII.
B. Index nominum et rerum
canonarium Roma, Bib. Vall. 47, 63, 64; cf. hirmologium.
canones Ath6s, Iver6n 64; Citta del Vaticano, Borg. gr. 19; Pal. gr. 306;
Vat. gr. 170; Vat. gr. 308; Vat. gr. 1547; Vat. gr. 1837; Vat. gr.
1866; Vat. gr. 1873; Vat. gr. 1876; Vat. gr. 1882; Messina, gr.
160; Verona, Bib. Cap. CXXXIV.
canones in Deiparam Ath6s, Meg. Lavra, Omega 81.
canones in sanctos Citta del Vaticano, Pal. gr. 114; Vat. gr. 19; Grott., B' a' XVII.
condaciarium Messina, gr. 157;
hirmologium Wien, theol. gr. 27; Wolfenbiittel, Gud. gr. 112.
hymni Citta del Vaticano, Barb. gr. 388; Vat. gr. 2502; Grott., A' y' VII;
Grott., E' a' VI; Grott., Z' a' IV; Leningrad, BAN, Srez. 72;
Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 82; Milano, Ambr. F 106 sup.; Milano,
Ambr. Q 6 sup.; Miinchen, gr. 262; Paris, B. N., suppl. gr. 1299;
Wien, iur. gr. 18.

hymnoi triadikoi
Iosephus Hymnographus

Ath6s, Meg. Lavra, Theta 46.

Citta del Vaticano, Vat. gr. 19; Vat. gr. 1873.
Ath6s, Vat. 925.
Andros 92; Ath6s, Vat. 925; Athos, Karakallou 245, no. XIII;
Ath6s, Koutl. 86; Ath6s, Koutl. 369; Ath6s, Koutl. 458; Birming-

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N. K. Moran: A List of GreekMusic Palimpsests


ham, Ming. georg. 8; Cambridge-Andover, Z. 243; Citta del

Vaticano, Arch. di San Pietro, H. 45; Barb, gr. 388; Borg. gr. 7;
Pal. gr. 232; Pii II gr. 46; Vat. gr. 495; Vat. gr. 642; Vat. gr. 860;
Vat. gr. 1820; Vat. gr. 1839; Vat. gr. 1866; Grott., A' a' XIII;
Jerusalem, Taphos 36; Leningrad, pub. Bib. gr. 8, 41, 70, 75, 110 +
112, 566; London, Brit. Lib. Add. 14665; London, Brit. Lib. Add.
43790 B, no. 6; Milano, Ambr. E 101 sup.; Milano, Ambr. I 15
sup.; Oxford, Seld., Arch. Selden. supra 2; Oxford, Seld., Arch.
Seld. supra 9; Paris, Bib. Nat., gr. 298, 1139, 1371, 1624; Paris,
B. N., suppl. gr. 1232.
Manuel Vat. gr. 1837.
menaeum Citta del Vaticano, Arch. di San Pietro, H. 45; Barb. gr. 297; Barb.
gr. 338; Pal. gr. 114; Vat. gr. 1866; Firenze, Laur., pl. V, cod. X;
Leningrad, BAN, Srez. 72; Leningrad, Pub. Bib. gr. 566; Messina,
gr. 93; Messina, gr. 128; Messina, gr. 160; Paris, B. N., gr. 1196;
Venezia, Bib. Naz., Gr. II, 85; Venezia, Bib. Naz., Gr. II, 116.
musica Verona, Bib. Cap. CXX.
neumae Athenai, Hiera Syn. 108; Ath6s, Karakallou 27; Ath6s, Koutl. 86;
Citta del Vaticano, Borg. gr. 7; Borg. gr. 19; Chis. gr. 11; Vat. gr.
495; Vat. gr. 642; Vat. gr. 1827; Vat. gr. 1837; Vat. gr. 1839; Vat.






gr. 1844; Firenze, Laur., plut. V, cod. X; Messina, gr. 128;

Messina, gr. 165; Milano, Ambr. E 101 sup.: Milano, Ambr. Q 6
sup.: Oxford, Seld., Arch. Seld. supra 2; Paris, B. N., suppl. gr.
1299; Verona, Bib. Cap. CXX.
cf. paracletice
Athenai, Ethn. Bib. 874; Citta del Vaticano, Pal. gr. 306; Vat. gr.
170; Vat. gr. 308; Vat. gr. 1837; Grott., E' b' V; Leningrad, BAN,
RAIK 109; Milano, Ambr. D 108 sup.; Miinchen, gr. 262; Paris,
B. N., gr. 1196.
Ath6s, Dionysiou 69; Citta del Vaticano, Barb. gr. 297; Vat. gr.
456; Vat. gr. 1813; Vat. gr. 1873; Messina, gr. 93; Paris, B. N.,
Coislin 40; Venezia, Bib. Naz., Gr. XI, 1;
Ath6s, Vat. 925.
Citta del Vaticano, Arch. di San Pietro, H. 45; Vat. gr. 1812; Vat.
gr. 1813; Vat. gr. 1827; Grott., E' a' VIII; Messina, gr. 93.
Grottaferrata, E' b' V.
Athos, Vat. 1175; Citta del Vaticano, Vat. gr. 1827; Vat. 1912;
Paris, B. N. gr. 1572; Roma, Bib. Vall. 11; Wien, phil. gr. 158.
Vat. gr. 1866.
Athenai, Ethn. Bib. 874; Ath6s, Koutl. 86; Citta del Vaticano,
Arch. di San Pietro, H. 45; Chis. gr. 11; Vat. gr. 21; Vat. gr. 1456;
Vat. gr. 1827; Vat. gr. 1844; Krakow, Jag. 932; Leningrad, BAN,
RAIK 109; Messina, gr. 93; Messina, gr. 152; Messina, gr. 161;
Messina, gr. 165; Venezia, Bib. Naz., Gr. II, 85; Wolfenbiittel,
Gud. gr. 112.
Ath6s, Dionysiou 69; Ath6s, Iver6n 64; Citta del Vaticano, Arch.
di San Pietro, H. 45; Vat. gr. 1812; Vat. gr. 1813; Vat. gr. 1820;
Vat. gr. 1837; Vat. gr. 1866; Vat. gr. 1876; Vat. gr. 1882; Messina,
gr. 160; Milano, Ambr. Q 40 sup.
Milano, Ambr. Q 40 sup.; Milano, Ambr. Q 57 sup.

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