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Tobacco regulations and health law

Tembakau adalah tanaman yang subur di indonesia. Produk tembakau menjadi salah satu pendapatan
negara karena cukainya yang cukup tinggi. Walaupun harga produk olahan tembakau seperti rokok
terbilang tinggi namun masyarakat masih saja membeli produk tersebut. Hampir 50 % pria dewasa di
Indonesia mengonsumsi rokok sehari harinya. Bisa dibilang ini suatu kejadian luar biasa.
Banyak pendapat yang pro maupun kontra tentang produk tembakau. Kandungan zat kimia yang ada
dalam tembakau sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Lebih dari 4000 zat kimia berbahaya dan lebih dari 43
zat karsinogenik yang tekandung di dalamnya. Selain berbahaya zat tersebut dapat menyebabkan
kecanduan sehingga pencandu sulit untuk berthenti. Namun di sisi lain cukai tembakau yang begitu besar
juga berguna bagi pembangunan di Indonesia. Apabila semua industri tembakau ditutup maka akan ada
jutaan orang yang kehilangan pekerjaanya.
Resiko orang yang merokok dapat mengidap kanker seperti Acute myeloid leukemia, Bladder and kidney,
Cervical, Esophageal, Gastric, Laryngeal, Lung, Oral cavity and pharyngea, Pancreatic, penyakit paru
paru akut seperti pneumonia dan kronik seperti COPD, Penyakit kardiovaskular seperti Abdominal aortic
aneurysm, Coronary heart disease, Cerebrovascular disease, dan Peripheral arterial disease, penyakit
reproduksi seperti impotensi dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin, hingga penyakit lain seperti katarak,
osteoporosis, periodontitis, dan hasil operasi yang buruk. Semua orang tentunya tidak ingin mengidap
salah satu atu lebih dari penyakit penyaikit tersebut.
Dalam upaya menangani kasus kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan produ tembakau, maka pemerintah
indonesia membuat beberapa aturan khusus seperti kewajiban penyediaan ruang khusus di tempat umum
bagi tempat perokok agar tidak mengganggu orang lain. Selain itu ada aturan khusus terkait bungkus
produk tembakau agar mencantumkan bahaya kesehatan apabila mengkonsumsinya. Selain itu
pembatasan dalam pengiklanan produk tembakau juga haru dibatasi atau bahkan dilarang di area tertentu.
Disamping itu kajian masalah agama tentang pengharaman rokok juga diperlukan karena tentu akan
mengurangi aktivitas rokok di masyarakat.
Berhenti merokok memanglah sulit bagi orang yang sudah kecanduan. Namun kata kata sulit atau
nanti harus dibuang jauh jauh jika mempunyai niat untuk berhenti. Keinginan untuk merokok bisa
dialihkan dengan mencari kesibukan lain. Terlepas dari semua itu memohon doa kepada Allah dan
kesadaran diri sendiri akan pentingnya masa depan adalah kunci dalam usaha penghentian aktivitas
Daftar Pustaka
Permenkes No 28 Tahun 2013 tentang Pencantuman Peringatan Kesehatan dan Informasi Kesehatan pada
Kemasan Produk Tembakau
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services , 2004, The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report
of the Surgeon General. USDHHS.
World Heatlh Organization, 2015, Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic.

Managing Tobacco Product Based on Health

Tobacco is a plant that thrives in Indonesia. Tobacco products became one of the country because of their
excise revenues are quite high. Although the prices of processed tobacco products such as cigarettes is
high but people still buy the product. Nearly 50% of adult males in Indonesia consume cigarettes a day day. You could say this is an extraordinary event.
Many opinions are the pros and cons of tobacco products. The chemicals present in tobacco is very
harmful to health. More than 4000 harmful chemicals and more than 43 carcinogenic substances that is
contained in it. In addition to the harmful substances can lead to addiction so difficult to stop addict. But
on the other hand is so big tobacco excise tax is also useful for development in Indonesia. If all of the
tobacco industry is closed then there will be millions of people who lost their job.
The risk of people who smoke may develop cancer like acute myeloid leukemia, Bladder and kidney,
Cervical, Esophageal, Gastric, Laryngeal, Lung, Oral cavity and pharyngea, pancreatic, lung disease acute lung such as chronic pneumonia and COPD, cardiovascular diseases such as abdominal aortic
aneurysm, coronary heart disease, Cerebrovascular disease and Peripheral arterial disease, reproductive
diseases such as impotence and disorders of pregnancy and the fetus, to other diseases such as cataracts,
osteoporosis, periodontitis, and poor operating results. Everyone certainly do not want to suffer from one
or more.
In an effort to handle health cases which is related to tobacco product, the Indonesian government made
some specific rules such as the obligation to provide a special space in a public place for a smoker so as
not to disturb others. In addition there are special rules related to tobacco product packaging to include a
health hazard when consumed. In addition to the restrictions in advertising tobacco products are also
touched restricted or even banned in certain areas. Besides, the study of religion issue of the prohibition
of smoking is also necessary because it would reduce cigarette activities in the community.
Quitting smoking is indeed difficult for those who are addicted. But the word - the word "difficult" or
"later" should be thrown away - far away if it has no intention to stop. The desire to smoke can be
diverted by finding something else to do. Apart from all that pleading prayer to God and self-awareness of
the importance of the future is a key activity in smoking cessation efforts.
References :
Permenkes No 28 Tahun 2013 tentang Pencantuman Peringatan Kesehatan dan Informasi Kesehatan pada
Kemasan Produk Tembakau

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services , 2004, The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report
of the Surgeon General. USDHHS.
World Heatlh Organization, 2015, Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic.

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