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A Sin Against The Holy Spirit

The Message of Fatima is a prophetic message. It has been tested by the

Church and found to be from God. Five Popes have publicly endorsed it and two
have gone there on pilgrimage.
Furthermore, Sacred Scripture warns us: "Do not extinguish the Spirit. Do
not despise prophecy. Test all things and hold fast to that which is good." (1
Thes. 5:19-22) Fatima is good. We must hold fast to it.
Our Lady wants us to do everything that we can to cause all Her requests be
obeyed as soon as possible. She told us that we would be opposed, both within
and outside the Church.
In the Second part of the Secret She warned us that "Russia would spread its
errors throughout the world, raising up wars and persecutions against the
In the Third part of the Secret She warned of widespread Apostasy within the
Church. (For proof of this last statement, read Frre Michel's book "The Third
But still all of us are expected, despite these obstacles, to work and pray for the
obedience to all Our Lady's solemn requests. Our Lady of Fatima told us dire
consequences would befall us if we did not act:
"If My requests are not granted ... entire nations will be annihilated."
"Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the
whole world (for its sins) if we do not beforehand obtain the conversion of that
poor nation."
Many people have tried to do their part. Many millions of souls signed the IFRC
pledge formula personally undertaking to pray the Rosary daily, to wear the
Brown Scapular, to personally consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary and to do their daily duty.
Among these devotees of Our Lady, many have understood that their duty
includes advising their pastors of their spiritual needs as explained by paragraph
37 of the Constitution on the Church (Vatican II) and as the new Code of Canon
Law indicates (see Canon 212).

In light of this duty, in the last 13 years or so, 4,000,000, that is four million
petitions for the Consecration of Russia have been received in the Vatican. In
addition to this, over 400 Bishops have publicly indicated their willingness to
obey Our Lady of Fatima's solemn request to Consecrate Russia at the same
time as the Pope. Pope John Paul II has publicly (before 250,000 people and
published in his L'Osservatore Romano) acknowledged that the Consecration of
Russia has not been done.

But This Work To Get Russia Consecrated Does Not Go Unopposed.

The hoax now is perpetrated by followers of Cardinal Casaroli's policy of
appeasement* of the Communists that the Consecration is done even
though the Pope publicly acknowledges that it is not done.
The Hoax continues. Just as the bogus interview of 1982 was used to
discourage the public campaign for the Consecration of Russia, now the bogus
interview of July 1989 of Maria Fetal (who subsequently de facto acknowledged
that her testimony is not worthy of credibility) is used to advance the latest
chapter in the Hoax against Fatima.
Even though we have demonstrated the falseness of all these claims some
Casaroli followers continue to perpetrate it by bogus letters from Sister Lucy.
These false letters still have the effect of stopping the flood of petitions needed
to get the Consecration done. These bogus letters, works of the devil (the father
of lies) still impede Our Lady of Fatima's Triumph.
*Cardinal Casaroli retired December 1, 1990 but followers of his policy
still continue to promote appeasement of Communist regimes.

On the same day we had several

far away persons come to visit
us at The Fatima Crusader office
near Niagara Falls. Pictured in
Father Gruner's office is the
Ukrainian Catholic Bishop of
Toronto, Bishop Isidore Borecky,
Bishop Paul Vasylyk from
Ukraine and Arthur Skinner from
New Zealand.

Criminal Journalism Brings Us Closer To Cruel Enslavement

As long as such baseless "evidence" is fed to the general public, the campaign
to get Russia consecrated as Our Lady of Fatima solemnly requested will be
hindered. Every man, woman and child in the whole world will suffer either
enslavement or annihilation at the hands of Communist Russia if it is not soon
consecrated. Everyone has a right to know this truth. Everyone's property,
freedom and lives hang in the balance. Very many souls will be lost eternally if
it is not done soon. The consequences are tremendous. Because vital
information about the full Message of Fatima (particularly the absolute need we
all have to obtain the Consecration of Russia as well as the full text of the 3rd
Secret) is effectively withheld from the general public, awful things will befall
us. One cannot imagine the extent of the terrible hardships, sufferings and
deaths that will result in the near future from the irresponsible stewardship of
the message of Fatima. And the disinformation, bogus interviews and half-truths
against Fatima will continue.
As long as Sister Lucy continues to suffer this order of silence for more than 30
years, these bogus interviews and hoax letters and false, lying witnesses will
continue to confuse the public about the Consecration of Russia.
The consequences of this hoax being perpetrated on the faithful is catastrophic.
Father Caillon and The Fatima Crusader have previously pointed out that to
spread lies against the Consecration of Russia is a crime. The responsibility of
those guilty of this criminal journalism is incalculable.
This hoax has permitted us to be dragged closer and closer to World War, (and
which has already resulted in 50 million abortions per year and 25 regional wars
causing over 4 million dead in the last 10 years) is all based on Sister Lucy
being silenced while the appearance of her being able to speak is maintained.
The world is led to believe it is on the road to peace when it rushes toward
annihilation and enslavement.

Our Lady is the spouse of

the Holy Spirit. He
inspired and sent Her in
God's name solemnly
requesting the
consecration of Russia
and the dire
consequences all of will
suffer is not done. To
extinguish this message
of Our Lady, is to despise
Our Lady and to sin
against the Holy Spirit.

You Must Help Now

This state of affairs will last until either the prophecy of the "annihilation of
nations" and "the enslavement of the whole world by Communist Russia" takes
place or until the full truth is widely and publicly acknowledged by the Pope,
Bishops and faithful that only through the exact obedience of the Pope and
Bishops to the solemn request of the Queen of Heaven to Consecrate specifically
Russia in a solemn public way will we be delivered from the hell on earth of
Communist enslavement that awaits all of us.
You must raise your voice now. Ask for Sister Lucy to be free to speak. Circulate
petitions to this effect. Send your postcards in asking for this before it is too
late. Be informed. Read the Chronology of a Cover-up in this issue and get extra
copies to give to your family, friends, neighbors and fellow parishioners. Take

out space ads in your local newspapers and reprint them in full put our
address and our toll-free number in the ad offering free extra copies to be
circulated. Ask for our "camera ready" ad copy to put in your local newspaper.
Mail in the form in this magazine for these things or call us at 1-800-263-8160.
Offer your help now.

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