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I Topic: Free Sex Among Teens

Sub Topic: Free Sex For Health Hazards

Target: Teen Youth hamlet singsaren
Day / Date: Monday, 13 July 2015
Time: 15 minutes
Place: Home pack hamlet RT 04 Singosaren
After participating in extension activities, teens are expected Bantul Yogyakarta Youth Singosaren can
understand about the dangers of casual sex.
After participating in extension activities, expected adolescent Youth Singosaren Bantul Yogyakarta will
be able to:
1. Understand the meaning of free sex
2. Knowing the causes of free sex
3. Knowing the ways of preventing promiscuity
4. Knowing the dangers of casual sex
1. The definition of the meaning of free sex
2. The factors causing free sex
3. ways of preventing promiscuity
4. The dangers of casual sex
- Flipchart
- Extension
- Question and answer




Extension activities

Participants activities




2 minutes

7 minutes

2 minutes

1. Giving greetings
2. Describe the purpose of extension
3. Mention the material / subject to be
Explain the material sequentially and
regular counseling.
1. Definition of Free Sex
2. Causes Free Sex
3. Prevention Free Sex
4. Dangers of Free Sex







- Ask for male and female students describe
or mention the back:


1. Definition of Free Sex


2. Causes Free Sex




3. Prevention Free Sex

4. Dangers of Free Sex
-Provide An opportunity for respondents to
-Provide An opportunity for respondents to
answer the questions posed
-Provide Praise for the successful
respondent to explain the question and
answered questions.


4 minutes

-Menyimpulkan Material
has submitted
-Menyampaikan thanks
for your attention and time
has been given to the participants
-say greetings

answering Greetings

Evaluation Methods: Discussion and Questions & Answers


A. Definition of Free Sex
Free sex is sex or sexual intercourse outside of marriage. It is inappropriate if a man having sex outside
marriage. In Islamic free sex or sexual intercourse outside of marriage is called adultery.
Free sex can be defined as sexual intercourse performed independently (multiple partners) were not in

accordance with the norms that exist in society.

B. Causes Free Sex
A small portion who have sex outside of marriage is because there are several steps that normally done
before someone dared to have sex, namely:
Holding hands
Limited to kisses on the cheeks and forehead kiss
Kiss lips (kiss francs)
Petting (start daring to undress the top)
Gets fingered-sensitive part (dare to openly)
Having sex
Ironically, the sex was done at home, the house where they shelter, sex is generally carried out on the
basis of consensual, and some even have multiple sexual partners. Most of them use contraceptives are
sold freely and using methods coitus interruptus.
Factors that lead to promiscuity, namely:
1. Family environment
Family environment in question is whether or not enough religious education from parents to their
children. Adequacy of affection and attention of the child obtained from his family. Adequacy of
exemplary received the child from his parents, and so are the rights of children from their parents. If not,
then the child will seek refuge in the streets and in places that do not educate them

Children will be raised in an unhealthy environment for the growth of his soul. Children will grow up in
an environment free association.
2. Environmental community
Communities that are less supportive, as a society dominated by prostitutes, thugs, drunks, etc., so it can
affect teenagers in the neighborhood.
3. The neighborhood association
In the adolescent milieu ABG, there is a term that sounded more leads to negative things than positive
things, that the term "Son of Gaul". This term became an icon for the world of today's teenagers are

characterized by hanging out in cafes, pacing at the mall, understand the terms bokul, fun style, dressed in
cramped and tight then show off curves, and show sexy body part.
Instead those who do not know and are not interested in the things mentioned above, will be assessed as a
teenager who is not slang and plebeian. As a result, teenage slang is what usually become victims of
promiscuity, of whom are stuck in sex behavior.
4. Lack of religious education of families
Lack of religious education that is not obtained from an early age from family, especially his parents, so
that they can easily fall into the negative thing.

Factors causing teenagers to sex behavior one of them is due or effect of eating a variety of
spectacle. What ABG watch, correlated positively and significantly in shaping their behavior,
especially feature films and soap operas, both films are watched on television or the movie on
the big screen.
Indeed grateful because there is a tendency of Indonesian film world started to rise again, which
is marked by the emergence of a few Indonesian films are sold in the market. Call for instance,
the movie What's Up With Love, Eiffel I'm in Love, 30 Days for Love, and Virgin. But gratitude
was immediately disappear with the emergence of the impact of the film. Especially towards the
audience adolescence.
The films mentioned above demand in the market not because of the quality of the filming but
rather because the film sold a teenager's life, even very exploit teenage life. The film is in
demand by many teenagers ABG cinematografinya not because of quality, but because of the
film's storyline elevate the lives of today's youth romance. The film is desirable adolescent
teenager, because many scenes showing exciting to carry messages dating style is very "brave",
and openly violate social norms, especially religious norms
8. Drugs
Free sex and drugs are closely related. Where people who have fallen under the influence of
drugs, most of them certainly been very promiscuous. Good relations outside marriage or with
multiple partners.
9. The influence of western culture
Togetherness almost gone in compassion, honesty, morals and ethics are now faded in our lives
in the midst of globalization, even with their proud adopting western culture and consciously or
unconsciously be an agent of a foreign culture.
By imitate Western lifestyles socially liberal young children / adolescents us especially in big
cities becoming increasingly concerned about the elderly. Parents are so dizzy. They are no
longer able to stem the pattern of young people today.
10. Print
The increasing number of magazines and pornographic books that also contains pornographic images,
thus making teenagers now many fall into promiscuity and free sex
11. Lifestyle
Adolescent lifestyle now that the world is always followed by sparkling night, like clubbing, clubbing,

drinking, smoking, hanging out in cafes and so forth.

12. Technological advances (internet)
By using the Internet, people can look for a lot of forbidden sites, as well as sites that show a lot of naked
people pose especially women or sex sites.
Sites that are not useful and is not suitable for viewing. The site would reduce faith in God and tend to
take them for doing something wrong. But many people do not know or do not think about it. They are
too eager to see pictures of it all.
13. Economic Factors
Economic factors, such as poverty is one of the causes of free sex.
14. Condoms are sold freely
Condoms are sold freely in pharmacies is one of the causes of free sex because we know that condoms
can prevent pregnancy, so it can perform free sex anytime.
C. Prevention Free Sex
Actually, to keep teens from sexual promiscuity can be done by:
1. Provide positive guidance of the school or a parent at home
2. Increasing discipline at school and at home
3. Providing sex education through seminars or talk show health or
sex, so teenagers know how dangerous free sex.
4. An important role of parents in providing advice and educate
children with strong religious guidance.
5. An important role of parents in the future growth and development of adolescents is
Importantly, among others, parents should be able to be a friend of his son
6. Establish good relationships between parent and child is the
good communication
7. The government must also enforce the law as straight-upright.
For example eradicate child trade actors who became one
the source of the sex slavery.
8. Creating a harmonious family environment
9. Train children to express themselves
10. The development of self-esteem
11. Developing skills and independence of children
12. Increase faith and piety
13. promiscuity in sexual intercourse

D. Hazard Free sex

The dangers of casual sex is:
1. Discontinuation of school
As a result of promiscuity and free sex is the breaking of school due to free sex and promiscuity, they do
not fully focus by studying at school and just thinking about his girlfriend or what to do after school
(dating in places romantic, dinner, etc.). That is what can lead to children dropping out of school because
of lazy and only thinking of his girlfriend studying alone, especially when it's broken heart, certainly lazy
umtuk perform any activity.
2. The early marriage
From free sex that has been done, then forced to marry at a young age because they have to account for
what has been done by both parties. Married at a young age are also many who do not have a good impact
for both parties, for instance: as psychic and psychological unpreparedness, it can lead to quarrels and
divorce and for a wife, because the reproductive organs are not functioning properly as an adult woman,
then it could causing bleeding during childbirth and other diseases.
3. Pregnancy outside marriage
Courtship is free, will open up the possibility of free sex activities that lead to pregnancy. If, in the case of
pregnancy, the subject must be ready to become parents. Being a parent, of course membewa many such
consequences should

lose the chance to complete the study, finding a living for the family, psychological readiness to
become head of the family, readiness to build a family, readiness for dealing with parents
(explaining about the pregnancy), psychological readiness to deal with questions of community
and family, and so on other.
If it should become parents at a young age, then have we had a shadow, roughly what is most
likely the work we are doing to fund our families? While on the other hand, provision for
berkompetinsi find a decent job, we may not have. If, after our analysis turns out we are not
ready to become parents at a young age, it is better not to going out first. Then, that at a young
age the better we avoid going out first so that we have time can we really maximize to prepare
for our future.
4. Abortion (abortion)
Pregnancy outside of marriage can cause the couple decided to abort for fear if known parents,
spouses are not ready to get married and others.
Young women who seek an abortion in non-medical personnel (herbalists, traditional birth
attendant) often have strategic death. Please note that the abortion can be done with two kinds of
action, namely:
Abortion done alone

Abortions itself, for example by taking obat0obatan that harm the fetus, or by performing acts
that deliberately abort fetuses.
Abortions performed others
Other people here can be a doctor, midwife or TBA. The means used are also diverse.
Abortion performed by a doctor or midwife is generally carried out preformance five stages,
1. Infants killed by being stabbed or crushed in the womb
2. Babies dismembered his body to be easily removed
3. Pieces bayidikeluarkan one by one from the content
4. The pieces are reassembled to ensure complete and
nothing left
5. The pieces baby then thrown into the trash / river, buried in a vacant lot, or in the fuel in the furnace
Whereas a midwife usually have an abortion by giving potions on expectant mothers and mothers belly
menguurut to forcibly eject the fetus in the womb. This is very dangerous, because the sorting is not
necessarily produce the desired results and is likely to bring defects for the fetus and a great trauma for
Abortion have a higher risk to the health or safety of a woman.
Health risks for women who have abortions are:
Physical Health Risks and Safety
At the time of an abortion and after an abortion there are some risks that will be faced by a woman,
a. Sudden death due to severe bleeding
b. Sudden death due to anesthesia failed
c. Slow death due to a serious infection around the womb
d. Torn uterus
e. Damage to the cervix that will cause defects in
next child
f. Breast cancer (due to estrogen hormone imbalance
in women)
g. Ovarian cancer
h. Cervical cancer
i. Heart cancer
j. Abnormalities in the placenta / umbilical that will cause defects in
The next child and severe bleeding during the next pregnancy
k. Become infertile or unable to have children

l. Pelvic cavity infection

m. Infection of the lining of the uterus
The process of abortion is not just a process that has a high risk in terms of health and safety of a woman
physically, but also has a very great impact on the mental state of a woman.
This phenomenon is known in psychology as Post-Abortion Syndrome or PAS.
Basically a woman who had an abortion will experience things like the following:
a. Disgrace
b. Screaming hysterically
c. Nightmare many times about babies
d. Want to commit suicide
e. Start trying to use illegal drugs
f. Can not enjoy longer sexual intercourse
5. Sex Disease or Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Gonorhoea, Chlamydia, Herpes, Fungus Infection,
Syphilis HIV / AIDS etc.)
Premarital sexual relations, will trigger a multipartner. And because there is no regular partner will tend to
have multiple partners. This situation will exacerbate the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases such
as gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes, Fungus Infection, Syphilis and AIDS. PMS often end up with a disease
complications such as infertility or infertility.
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
Caused by bacteria. The infection starts a few days to a few weeks after having sex with an infected
In men, this disease causes the discharge of male genitalia. Urinating can be a pain. These symptoms
can be hard / not felt at all
Caused by a virus, can be treated, but not curable
Symptoms appear 3-10 days after having sex with this disease
Early symptoms appear, such as blisters which then opens into the small hole and watering
In 5-10 days the symptoms disappear
The virus resides in the body and can reappear at any time
Fungal infections
Caused by the fungus

Red lead activities under the skin of a man who is not circumcised
caused by bacteria. Lesions appear 3 weeks-3 months after having sex with this disease
sores look like holes in the skin with a higher edge. In general, do not hurt
wound will disappear after a few weeks, but the virus will persist padfa tubuhdan disease can appear in
the form of blisters on the entire body. These blisters will disappear as well and the virus will attack other
body parts
shypilis on each tahapabn curable with penicillin
AIDS can make our life useless, and ruin our lives even if we avoid it with a condom when we have sex,
he still can not be avoided. Everyone can be affected if we do not try to avoid it.
AIDS is a collection of symptoms due to damage to the immune system. Caused by the HIV virus
arises due to frequent change of sexual partners. Also can through blood transfusion, syringes, wound,
and transmission from mother to baby

Dr.H.Boyke Dian Nugraha, SpOG, MARS. Gynecology and consultants. Jakarta, 2000.
Vitello, Iip. Love Between Reality Pre-Marital Sex. Jogjakarta 2008.

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