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State - Practice Paper I for Class X

II F SnT 2013-15
Date: January, 2015

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 80

Four alternatives are provided for each question. Choose the most appropriate
alternative and write it in the space provided.

10 1 = 10

1. Localised form of obtaining electrical energy can be done by using

(A) Nuclear power reacher
(B) Thermal power station
(C) Solar cell panels
(D) Hydroelectric power
2. The ultrasound wave send by a transmitter of a sonar returns in 6s from the floor of the ocean to the
receiver, the sonar is at a ___________ distance from the floor
(A) 3 km
(B) 6 km
(C) 4.5 km
(D) 9 km
3. Which of the following is used to remove acidic stain on clothes?
(A) Sodium palmitate
(B) Sodium oleate
(C) Sodium dodecylsulphate
(D) Sodium stearate
4. In nuclear power plant the scarcity of boron rods results in
(A) bursting of reactor
(B) nuclear reaction is completely stopped
(C) melting of core
(D) electricity generation decreases
5. When a small piece of sodium is dropped into water, the liberated gas which may catch fire is
(A) hydrogen
(B) oxygen
(C) helium
(D) nitrogen
6. The hydrocarbons derived out of fats are
(A) aromatic hydrocarbons
(C) proteins

(B) aliphatic hydrocarbons

(D) carbohydrates

7. The chief salt that causes hardness of water is

(A) sodium chloride
(C) copper sulphate

(B) potassium chloride

(D) calcium chloride

8. Raghu is suffering from very high temperature and viral infection. Which part of his brain is not
functioning properly?
(A) Cerebrum.
(B) Hypothalamus.
(C) Cerebellum.
(D) Pons.
9. The decomposition of which part of an animals body adds phosphorous to nature?
(A) Hair
(B) Bones
(C) Muscles
(D) Blood.
10. Concentrated nitric acid is added to a sample of cooking oil to detect adulteration, If an adulterant is
present, it turns
(A) yellow in colour.
(B) black in colour.
(C) reddish brown in colour.
(D) yellowish brown in colour.
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II. Match the terms in column A with the related explanation in column B.



Column A


Column B
controls metabolic rate
regulates uterine contraction
controls milk production
decreases the amount of calcium in blood

III. Answer the following questions:


12. Name the efficient fuel from cow dung? Also mention its main constituents.
13. What should be the mass of a star in the stage of red giant to turn into white dwarf?
14. A star is said to have yellowish white colour what could be its surface temperature?
15. What is transmutation? Give an example.
16. Write the electronic configuration of iron atom.
17. Name the products of incomplete combustion of automobile fuels.
18. What is the structural formula of n-butane
IV. Answer the following questions

16 2 = 32

19. Write any two applications of simple harmonic motion

20. (a) No engine is 100% efficient why?
(b) A person develops an engine whose efficiency is 45% what do you mean by this?
21. A sound wave has a velocity of 450 ms1 calculate the frequency of the wave, if the wavelength of the
wave is 90 cm
22. What happens to a red giant with mass more than 1.4 times the mass of sun
23. An engine is designed to convert 20% of heat energy into work. If the steam in the engine has 80 kJ of
heat energy what is the useful work done by the engine?
24. Name the nuclear radiation which cause highest frequency. What damage do they cause to our body?
25. How is amorphous silicon obtained?
26. Write the molecular and structural formula of benzene.
27. Give two reasons why hard water is not fit for industrial boilers.
28. Distinguish between
(a) gaseous cycle and sedimentary cycle
(b) myxoderma and cretinism.

(i) Identify the above muscles.
(ii) Where do you find them?
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30. Give reasons.

(a) People living in coastal areas do not suffer from goitre.
(b) Adrenaline is called emergency hormone.
31. Using special enzymes, scientists have successfully isolated the gene that controls the production of
insulin and have inserted this gene into the DNA of certain bacteria. These bacteria can now produce
insulin. What is this technique known as? Define.
32. (a) Deforestation destroys the environment. Explain.
(b) Ganesh is a honey vendor. He wanted to make profit. What would he choose to do and how?
33. Write any two characteristics of Pteridophytes.
34. (i) A farmer observes that his land has plenty of insectivorous plants and decides not to cultivate
immediately there and to wait for a season or two. Why?
(ii) Name the process that results in sudden heritable changes in an organism.
V. Answer the following questions

5 3 = 15

35. Explain how doping in p-type semiconductors increases the conductivity?

36. Show with an example that iron is capable of displacing less reactive metals from the solution of their
37. What is LPG? Name the main component of LPG? Why is it a popular fuel?
38. (a) Mention the carbon compound having 3 on functional group and write structure formula of it.
(b) Describe than tetra valency of carbon
39. Renu touches a hot pot accidentally while cooking and she removes her hand immediately.
(a) Which part of the nervous system is involved in this action?
(b) What is this action called?
(c) What do hot pot and removal of hand represent in this action?
VI. Answer the following questions

3 4 = 12

40. With a neat diagram explain the working of an induction coil.

41. Draw a neat diagram of the electrolyte cell to show refining of copper. Name the electrolyte and
electrodes used.
42. (a) Draw the L.S of a flower and label the reproductive parts.
(b) How are monocot flowers different from dicot flowers?
(c) List any two characteristic features of chordates.


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