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Our Lady of Good Counsel

& Guardian Angels Parish

54 Harvey Street,
Elton, Bury BL8 2RD
Tel: 0161 764 1630

Email: olgcga@b

Parish website:
Parish Twier: @olgcga
Diocesan website:

Newsleer for the weekend - 10th/11th October 2015

Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year (Year of St. MarkYear B)


Bro. Nicholas Hutchinson,
David Lindley, Elaine Hardman,
Michael Dewsnap, Phyllis Daly,
Maurice Berry, Margaret Reilly,
Sean Reilly, Joan Hearle, Phillip
Bailey, Alan Radcliffe, Mary
Hanson, Maddie Clayton, Paddy
Harrison, Larry Hindes, Alex
Riley, Michael Naughton, Phil
Bailey, Ted Whiley, Bill McPhee,
Joe Barrett, Patsy Frazer, Steven
McGuiness, Barbara Kendal, John
Durcan, Caroline OKeefe, Adila,
Rebecca Russell, Maureen
McNicoll, Steven Rogers, Lana
Nuttall, Patricia Gough. Special
Patrick Brady, Josie Gavin,
Marie Tobin, Leonard Llewellyn,
Fr Michael Fasnacht, Fr Patrick
Earley, Cathy McGuigan, John
Gilligan, Ian Appleton, Terry
Plummer, Antoinetta Di Stefano.
Kevin Astley, Mary Mooney,
Annie Maloney, Vincent Smith
Vincent Dynan, John Mercer,
Deborah Howarth, Sheila Byrne,
Magdalen Rothwell, John Flynn

First Reading: Wisdom7: 7-11
Riches are nothing in comparison to wisdom
Psalm 89 Response: Fill us
with your love, that we may rejoice.
Second Reading: Hebr ews 4:
12-13 The word of God is living
and effective.
Gospel Reading: Mar k 10: 1730 Sell all that you have, and
follow Jesus way.

To include someone on the

prayer list please give their name to
Fr. Paul, put it through the letterbox
of the Parish Office, call the Office on:
0161 764 1630 or e-mail to
Please use the White Mass
Intention envelopes for Mass
intentions which you will find in the
porches. Thank you.
When adding the
name of someone sick
please ensure that you
have their permission (or
the permission of their
family). The list is updated
each week. and because of space the
names of the sick will be removed from
the list after four weeks. You can ask
for them to be added again.

First Reading: Isaiah 53: 10-11
Psalm 33
Second Reading: Hebrews
Gospel: M ark 10: 35-45

St Theresa of Lisieux
For the week beginning Sunday
11th October we pray for the
people of the Parish of St
Marys, Littleborough and their
Parish Priest, Fr Arthur Neary.

You are now able to access the

weekly parish newsletter from
our twitter feed @olgcga


Saturday 10th October: 28th Sunday of the Year
7.00 pm: Mass
Sunday 11th October: 28th Sunday of the Year
8.45 am: Mass
10.30 am: Mass
12.15 pm: Celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism
Monday 12th October:
9.15 am: Eucharistic Service
Tuesday 13th October: St Edward the Confessor
7.00 pm: Eucharistic Service
Wednesday 14th October: St Callistus
9.15 am: Eucharistic Service
Thursday 15th October: St Teresa of Jesus
9.15 am: Eucharistic Service
Friday 16th October:
10.30 am: Funeral Mass for Patrick Brady
Saturday 17th October: 29th Sunday of the Year
7.00 pm: Mass
Sunday 18th October: 29th Sunday of the Year
8.45 am: Mass
10.30 am: Mass
12.15 pm: Celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 10th October:
Saturday 17th October
The Rosary (for the sick and peace)
7.00 pm every Monday
Dont forget we have Tea and Coffee in the
Parish Centre after the 10.30 am Mass each
Sundaycome and join us!
Childrens Liturgy of the Word.
Just a reminder that we have the Childrens Liturgy of
the Word at the 8.45 and 10.30 am Masses each week
We are also hoping to start it at the 7.00 pm Mass on
Saturday evening very soon.
If you would like to be a part of the team leading the
childrens liturgy of the word at any of the Masses,
please contact the Parish Office for further information.

28th Sunday of the Year

If you wish to contribute to the View from the Pew,
please contact the Parish Office. These are anonymous
comments from parishioners.
Today is Prisoners Sunday and Jesus makes it clear to us in
the Parable of the sheep and the goats that when we visit someone in
prison we visit Jesus. He also makes it clear in the Sermon on the
Mount that anger is equivalent to murder; when tempted to consider
ourselves better than convicted criminals we should bear this in mind.
There is one incident in the gospels where Jesus is called upon to
act as judge in what would in those days be regarded as a criminal case.
This was the case of the woman caught in the act of adultery. The response of Jesus here is interesting and creative. He finds a way to
acknowledge the seriousness of what she has done (do not sin again)
to make the accusers look at themselves (let the one who is without
guilt cast the first stone) and to rehabilitate the offender.
Let us like Jesus show love, mercy and saving justice to victim and
offender alike.

The Offertory Collection for:

For the weekend 26th /27th September was:
Envelopes: 875.71 Loose collection: 346.00
Total: 1221.71
For the weekend 4th /5th October was:
Envelopes: 879.52 Loose collection: 284.93
Total: 1164.45
CAFOD collection to date: 588.90
Thank you for your generosity.
If you wish to join the Gift Aid scheme please see Fr Paul at the
back of Church after Mass. It only takes a couple of seconds!
If you cannot fulfil your rota duty, please arrange a swap with another
team. Thanks.
This weeks team: Marcia Cook & Lawrence Cook
Next weeks team: George Ponka & Simon Carlon
Spaces on the Minibus: We cur r ently have some spaces on the minibus for the 10.30 am Mass minibus run. If you or someone you know
would benefit from this fantastic service please call the Office.
Having got some new volunteer drivers, we are now in need of a
few more non-drivers who would like to team up with drivers in helping the people we collect to get into the minibus. If you would be interested in doing this please contact the Parish Office.
Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to volunteer or for
more information.
The Parish Minibus Fund
As I think everyone knows by now, we launched a special fund
in order to start building up some money that we have set aside for
when we will have to replace our parish minibus. The minibus is a great
asset, bringing some of our older parishioners to Mass (who wouldnt
get here without it), enabling our two schools to take the pupils on trips
that would be too expensive because of the cost of coach hire, different
parish groups using it, and of course being a very visible sign of the
presence of the parish in our area. Many people have said they didnt
realise that it was used so much! People have been very generous over
these past few weeks with individual donationsthank you so much.

This week we have received donations of 100, 14.00,

20.00, 50.00 & 10.00 (a big thank you to the doners!) Therefore the running total in the fund currently is: 4256.00.

Tuesday 13th October
Tuesday Club: lunch/bingo
UCM: Rosary and thoughts on our Christmas Meal
Thanks to all who contributed to the success of our Social, it
was a great evening and enabled us to give the Cancer Support Centre the proceeds of our last two events so far, i.e.
410 for which they were extremely grateful.
Wednesday 14th October (note date change from 15th)
7.30 pm Jesus. A Pilgrimage Session 5, in the Parish Centre
Thursday 15th October
9.00 am Teacher interviews in the Parish Centre
7.30 pm Proclaim15 Diocesan delegates meeting in Parish
Tuesday 20th October
Tuesday Club: ArtistGeoff Kenyon
Wednesday 21st October
8.00 pm Social Events Group Meeting.
Thursday 22nd October
7.30 pm Baptism Preparation Meeting (No 2) in the Walsingham Room
7.30 pm Jesus. A Pilgrimage Session 6, in the Parish Centre
Friday 23rd October
12.30 pm Wedding: Louise Wilkinson & Mark Dagnino
Saturday 24th October
10.30 am3.00 pm Maintenance Day
Sunday 8th November
Remembrance Sunday
Tuesday 10th November
8.00 pm Guardian Angels School Full Governing Body Meeting (in School)
Wednesday 11th November
7.30 pm Our Lady of Lourdes School Full Governing Body
Meeting (in School)
Sunday 15th November
10.30 am Mass Annual Mass with and for the bereaved
(families of those whose funerals have taken place here in the
past 12 months).
Flowers on the Sanctuary.
If you would like to have the flowers
on the sanctuary in memory of someone or
something special just let Fr Paul or Sharon
know and they will arrange it, or you can
simply put all the details on an envelope, and
put the donation in the envelope and pop it
through the office letterbox.
The flowers on the sanctuary this week are in memory of Ian
Fee and Vincent Dynan whose anniversaries occur around
this time.
To help us with the change over in our recording systems,
could those who have the following boxes of envelopes
please complete the form below and return it to the Parish
Office. We need to know the names and addresses of those
who have the following box numbers:

12, 45, 78, 90, 94, 99, 110, 111, 124, 238, 240.
-----------------------------------------I have box number
Name: .
Address: .
Tel Number: ..
Please return to the Parish Office as soon as possible.

The Book Club meets in the Parish

Centre lounge on the last Wednesday of each month. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 28th
October 2015 at 7.30pm.
Everyone is welcome. A variety of
books are discussed (and swapped)
from historical fiction, chick lit, the Classics and crime. We
even have our own gossip columnist!! With a glass or two of
wine/soft drinks and nibbles the evenings are always relaxing
and unlike conventional book clubs there is absolutely no
pressure to read a set book. We look forward to meeting new
members and if you are interested in joining us simply come
along on 28th October or contact Jill on 0161 763 1651.

Awaken Your
Catholic Faith
Awakening Faith is a six week
programme which can help people
to be re-introduced to faith and the
church. It is all done within a relaxed and comfortable setting.

Thinking of
becoming a Catholic?
Seeking Christ is a programme
for people who want to have a
look at the Catholic church, people who have either been baptised
in another Christian tradition or never been baptised.
We have had our introductory meeting, and we are now
in the process of sorting out dates for the next few meetings. So please keep an eye on the newsletter. Anyone
wishing to join us for one of these programme, but didnt
make it to the introductory meeting can of course still join
us, just contact us on 0161 764 1630.

Planning on getting married in 2016 or even

2017 at Guardian Angels?
Please remember that all couples are required
to give at least 6 months notice (by Diocesan Law) in order
to marry in the Church. So, if you are planning on getting married in
2016 and have not yet made contact with us and booked in your wedding, please do so as soon as possible.
Please telephone the office (0161 764 1630) to make an appointment for an initial meeting with Fr Paul, so that the availability of the
Church can be checked and details can be put in the Parish Diary.

Jesus: A Pilgrimage
Fr James Martin, SJ brings the Gospels to life in
Jesus: A Pilgrimage. Another great session on Thursday
evening. Its not too late to join us.
In preparation for Session Five, please read Chapters 9
& 10.
Wednesday 14th Oct* (please note this has changed from the 15th
Oct due to a clash of meetings), Thursday 22nd Octall beginning at
7.30 pm in the Parish Centre.

Guardian Angels School are collecting
tokens from Flora cartons and trying to
get enough for a Samsung Galaxy tablet. The promotion runs in Tesco stores from 23rd September to
24th November 2015. All tokens gratefully received, please just
pop them through the Parish Office letter box or leave on the windowsill at the back of church. (W e will check on whether Our
Ladys are collecting them also, if so well divide them up between the schools).

The Clusterers
Sunday 25th October
Ashworth Valleyfor the autumn colours.
Moderate with some steep parts.
Leader: Jeff Smith Tel: 0161 764 7269

Macmillans Worlds

Largest Coffee
Thursday 24th September
25th Anniversary Year
A total of 1749.00 was raised at the coffee morning,
so a very big thank you to everyone who contributed to making it such a wonderful success, through organising, helping,
attending or buying tickets. Thank you.
Three new DVDs available from the Dept for Evangelisation (please ask at the Office for a copy): 10.99 each

Paul Vallely: How Pope Francis will change Catholic

Social thinking. (Recorded live 8th September 2015)

Fr Denis McBride: The Passion Narrative in the Gospels

David Wells: Evangelii Gaudium and the vision of

Pope Francis for the Church.

Are you coeliac? We have special hosts for those who are
coeliac. If you need a special host, please come to the sacristy
before Mass and ask the sacristan to put a coeliac host out for
you. Please also let Fr Paul know that you will be coming up
for a coeliac host.


We are getting to that point in the year when we will soon be
beginning the next series of our Ten Week Draw. The agents books are
ready for collection from the back of Church this weekend. If anyone would like to become an agent who isnt already one, please let
either Fr Paul or Sharon know and we will prepare a book for you.
The first draw will take place next SUNDAY 18th OCTOBER
and the final draw will take place on SUNDAY 20th DECEMBER.
Could the agents please get their agents books into the office by
Wednesday 14th October.
As we are currently running the minibus appeal, on this occasion
we will put the money left over after the prizes are allocated into the
new minibus fund. Please do support the 10 week draw. Thank you.
Reception Classes 2016 in both of our schools.
Parents of children starting in Reception in 2016 are reminded that they
should apply on-line using the Bury Metro web-site. This must be done
even if a form has already been submitted to school. We suggest that
applications are made as soon as possible using this system.
From our Social Events Group.
Christmas extravaganzaSunday 22nd November
Wine tasting quiz eveningSaturday 5th December
More details to followbut put the dates in your diary now!

Having your child baptised at Guardian

If you are planning on having your child baptised,
please pick up a leaflet from the Welcome and
Information Centre, which outlines our baptism
preparation programme.
Please note that the first thing that parents have to do is contact the
Parish Office (telephone on 0161 764 1630 or call in) to book onto
the First Meeting, held on the first Sunday of each month. Please do
not just turn up for the meeting without first booking in through
the Parish Office. This means that our Baptism Preparation Team have
a workable number of people each month.
To receive our Parish Newsletter by e-mail each weekend, simply email the Parish Office on: with the tag line newsletter and we will
add you to the list. Follow us on Twitter also @olgcga for reminders
and updates on parish events, & a link to the newsletter each week. Follow the Department for Evangelisation: @SalfordDFE

St Gabriels H.S.
Annual Coffee Morning
The 54th St Gabriels Coffee Morning, will be held on Saturday
17th October at 10.00 am 12.30 pm. This is held to raise money for
Bury African Outreach to support Class 4 at the Good Shepherd School
in Tororo, Uganda which educates special needs pupils and focuses on
vocational skills which they can use to make a living. Sister Theresa,
who is the founder of the Good Shepherd school, visited St Gabriels
earlier this year and enthused pupils and staff with the impact of the
schools work. St Gabriels are proud of their association with such a
worthwhile cause and receive regular updates about the children and
schools that the money goes towards. The money raised really does
make a difference to the care and education of these children.
Those of you who have attended past Coffee Mornings will
know how much effort is put in by pupils, staff and the PTA to make
this event such a great success. Please support us by coming along to
join in the fun and sending in any items that could be sold or won on
one of the stalls. Any donations of cakes, groceries, beauty items,
books, toys, DVDs, CDs, bottles, bric a brac, jewellery, bags or chocolate bars would be greatly appreciated for the various stalls and tombolas. Its a good time to have a clear out before the Christmas season
approaches! There will also be the annual Pet Show and activities for
all ages with plenty of refreshments available. Admission will be 50
pence per person or 1 per family.
The Eucharistic Ministers, Readers &
Welcomers Rotas ar e now available to collect fr om the Welcome &
Information Centre.


Friday, 2nd October, was CAFOD's Autumn Fast Day.
The CAFOD Envelopes were distributed, and there are still some at the
back of Church. Please return the envelopes as soon as possible so that
we can then send the money on to CAFOD.
Taking to heart Pope Francis message in Laudato Si - we now have a
bicycle parking rack situated by the Library & Welcome and Information Centre door (between the house and church). Please feel free to
use it, but do chain your bikes to it for security purposes.
Grand Fundraising Race Night
Saturday 17th October 2015
8.00 pm
Guardian Angels Parish Centre
Entry: 5.00 per person.
Please call 0161 253 5117 for a ticket (for catering purposes)

St Gabriels H.S., Bury.

Grade 4: 6503 - 7026 per annum
20 hours per week, term time only
9.50am - 2.10pm (with a 20 minute break)
Required for as soon as possible
The Governors are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic
individual to act as First Aider and Administration Assistant
to join our hardworking and dedicated Administrative team.
The primary purpose of the post holder is to make an
effective contribution to student first aid and general reprographics/printing function.
St Gabriels is an outstanding oversubscribed and
highly successful school. Candidates who are not Catholic
are expected to be sympathetic to the Catholic Faith.
In October of 2011 it was judged outstanding by
both Ofsted and the Salford Diocese inspections.
Employees of St Gabriels RC High School have a responsibility for, and must be committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and for ensuring that they are protected from harm.
Appointment is subject to a satisfactory enhanced
disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service.
For more information, please visit the vacancies section of
the schools website:
The closing date for applications:
12.00 noon: Monday, 19 October
All applications should be emailed to:
Please submit all items for inclusion in the newsletter to the
Parish Office no later than Wednesday evening.
Either pop them through the Office letter-box or e-mail them
in. Anything received after Wednesday evening cant be
guaranteed to make it into the next weekends newsletter.
Question for the Week: What sceptr es and thr ones,
priceless stones and gold, or concerns about health and beauty, come between me and a more selfless following of

Maintenance Day
Saturday 24th October
10.30 am3.00 pm
This Maintenance Day will give us
the chance to clear up after the summer and
get ready for the winter.
There will be jobs that can be done by people of all
agesloads of work to be done! As usual there will be a
chippy lunch provided for everyoneso come along and
help out.
Also, we are having another Maintenance Day on
Saturday 21st November, and we will end that day by setting
up for the Christmas extravaganza which takes place the next

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