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Your Name: Skylar Linnett

Grade Level: 4th

Subject: Language Arts
Lesson Title: Chapter 10 Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing
Materials Needed: Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing book, questions for students, TTQA questions, writing
utensils, language arts notebook.
Prerequisite Skills: Reading for comprehension, stopping to check for comprehension, reading ability,
ability to answer and think about questions while reading.
RL.4.IA.1 - Employ the full range of research-based comprehension strategies, including making
connections, determining importance, questioning, visualizing, making inferences, summarizing, and
monitoring for comprehension.
RL.4.1 - Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when
drawing inferences from the text.
RF.4.4 - Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Lesson Objective(s): Given time to read the chapter and questions to check for comprehension, the
student will be able to answer most of the questions independently covering the material read, during
the time allowed for TTQA.
1. Provide objectives: (What are students going to learn?)


The students are going to demonstrate the ability to read for comprehension by reading
sections of chapter 10 with their partners, independently, and following along with the text while the
teacher reads aloud and stopping to answer questions in order to check for understanding. The students
are then going to demonstrate the ability to take information they were able to comprehend from the
reading and apply it to questions asked in order to answer them through writing in their language arts
spiral notebook.
2. Demonstrate knowledge or skill: (Input/Modeling by the teacher) Time:
(Open the book to chapter 10, page 108.) The chapter title is Dribble! Does anyone have any guesses
or predictions what this chapter might be about? (Allow the students to give their predictions) I will
begin this chapter by reading aloud. (Read pages 108 110 aloud)
3. Provide guided practice: (Guided practice with the teacher) Time:
On pages 111 and 112 and 113, we will do some choral reading. I will read aloud the beginning
of each page, and we will choral read the rest of the page together. (Read the beginning of page 111
and then stop to remind the students that we are going to finish this page together. Then read the rest
of the page with the class choral reading. Read the beginning of the next page and stop halfway through
in order to give the class another option for choral reading, finally read the first half of page 113 and
then finish the page with the class.) Now that we have all spent some time reading together, you will
read the next couple of pages with your elbow partner. While you are reading with your partner, make

sure to stop and check for comprehension. Then we will come back together to discuss! (Allow the
students time to read pages 114-117 with their partners.) When you finish reading these pages, put
your thumb up to signal that you are finished and ready to move on. (When the students finish reading
those pages, tell them that they will be reading independently and silently to themselves pages 118 and
119.) When you finish reading those pages, use your thumb to let me know that you are ready to move
on. (Give them time to read, and as a class, choral read the entire last page together.)
4. Check for understanding and provide student feedback: (How will you know students understand
the skill or concept? How will they know they get it?)? Time:
(The teacher will pause during the read aloud portion in order to ask questions to the class and
provide feedback to those answers in order to check for comprehension while the students are listening
and following along.)
Questions for read aloud portion:
Questions for partner reading portion:
Questions for independent reading portion:
5: Provide extended practice and transfer: (Independent practice of the skill) Time:
For the next page or two, you all will read silently. When you finish reading the page,
put your thumb in the air so I know that we can move on. (When the students put their thumbs in the
air, the teacher will then ask questions in order to check for comprehension.)
(When the book is finished, the students will work on responding to the TTQA questions which will
involve comprehending the reading material. They will work on this with a partner and on their own.)
6. Assessment / Closure: (How do you evaluate student progress or provide closure to this lesson?)
The students will be evaluated using informal assessment. The teacher will be able to observe
and evaluate the students on their answers to the comprehension check questions to determine if they
are understanding the chapter material. As a more formal assessment, the students will be turning in
their written responses to the TTQA questions for the teacher to check and monitor how the student is
doing in regards to comprehension of the story.
7. Plans for differentiation: The students will have the opportunities to read in partners, on their own,
and following along with the text. Throughout this entire chapter, the students will be able to use
different reading techniques in order to benefit each student and their reading ability. They will have the
opportunity to follow along in the text while the teacher reads aloud, they will have the opportunity to
choral read in order to alleviate the pressure of reading aloud, they will also have the opportunity to
read aloud in partners, and they will have a chance to read silently to themselves or whisper read if
needed. The questions asked will also change from right there questions to inferencing questions in
order to benefit each student and their range of abilities for answering questions.
When it comes time to write answers in order to respond to the TTQA questions, the students
will be able to answer the first two questions in pairs (if wanted), and then complete the next two
questions on their own. If the student is struggling, the teacher will be available to help the students by

answering questions and guiding them to the sections of the chapter to reread in order to determine the


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