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Case study
Commerce college admission

Roshan Shah

Ripa Shah (10mca100)

Problem arises in existing system:

Currently Manual system:

The current system is totally manual so there is a need of large amount of
employees. All the workers are done on paper so that is a lot of wastage of paper.
Due to some accidental problem data might be lost because there isnt any proper
storage facility.

Very tedious process to get all details:If you required getting the detail of student that is merit detail, student detail, fees
detail, form detail, merit no and fees to get any detail you have to search all paper
and then collect all the detail. So it very tedious.

No security of data
Lack of efficiency and man power

Project Definition:-

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Historically, operations such as student information, admission forms, accept from

process, merit list process, pending/doubtful case, and admission forms waiting list
process were done manually writing this information on paper
Clerical staff for recording day to day transactions generally maintains this system
Computerization enables to keep record of reservation transaction through the historic
records of business transactions.

Functional requirements
1) Student information
In this system student detail are filled student details like student no, name ,mark
sheet , etc are filled.
It is used when the new student is taking admission in the school when all the
personal detail of a student is filled up.
If student is transferred from the other college then all the details of that is
written in that.
2) Fees register file: In this we store which student has pay fees and which student fees and which
student fees is pending
3) Merit list and waiting list: In this which student has which merit no and he can get the admission in this
college and which should have probability about the forget admission in this
4) Admitted students file: In this we can also see the admitted student divisions.
5) Division wise register file: In this system we can also see the admitted students divisions.
6) Generate various report: As per the requirement all the reports is generated reports like approved merit
list, waiting list, various admission reports, waiting list, various admission
reports, fees collected report etc.
Non functional requirement: This system is used by only the authorized person.
In this system only for commerce ( college not other college course.
In this system we cannot see information of student who are cancelled who have
does not pay the fee.
Workflow in SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle)
1. Project planning and feasibility study:The goal of the system is to prepare automatic merit list and store the data of students in database.
2. System analysis and requirement definition:Commerce College Admission System Page 3

In this system we require to store the student information, fees register file, merit list and waiting
list, admitted student file, division wise register file.
And also required various reports like approved merit list, waiting list, fees collected reports,
merit list reports etc.
3. System design:Refine features and operations into more detail by creating design document.
4. Implementation:Write code to develop the system.
5. integration and testing:Bring all components into testing environment and we test them individually.
Assemble system.
Test the whole system.
6. Acceptance installation and deployment:Final stage of developing software.
User takes under his/her control.
7. Maintenance:Resolve changes.
Do corrections
Add functionality.
Output of inception phase:Inception phase-1:1. Early Part Of Inception Phase:Gather the student information
Gather the norms (rules and regulation)
Gather mark sheet details
2. Planning for inception phase:In this phase decide which process has done in this phase.
Process of the system:1)

Admission norms analysis

Accept from process
Prepare merit list process
Admission process
Pending/doubtful case
Application distribution process

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7) Prepare waiting list process

Gather people who know the system how to use it like clerk.
3. Extend the system vision:This system is used for preparing commerce college students merit list
Information about schedule and cost.
Gather knowledge of risk.
4. Setting Evaluation Criteria:This system is only used by Commerce College.
2. Inception Phase-2:1. Execute core workflow:List requirement of employee.
Understand system context.
->Actor of the system:-staff and admin
->Use case of the system:1) Admission norm analysis
2) Application distribution process
3) Prepare merit list process
4) Accept form process
5) Prepare waiting list process
6) Admission process
7) Division Management
8) Eligibility Management
9) Admitted student Management.
Give priority to use case
In this system main use case is merit list process.
2. Analysis
In this process main flow is merit list.
3. Design:In this step design the usecase and classes.
3. Inception Phase 3:Fitting project into development environment:Process
->Process configuration and improvement
->Change management
Select tools to carry out process:->Tool selection
->Acquisition tool
->General tool
-support the core workflow
->Administrative tool
-project management
-Document generation
->Advance tool
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-Project Management (Planning, estimating, tracking)

-Document generation
->Advance tool
-Buy from vendor
Develop in company
Services for project
->Technical service
->System administration
->Data backup
4. Inception phase 4:Finding critical risk:1. Resolve system scope:Is what is to be within the system clear?
Are the entire actor identified?
Is the general nature of the interface to the actor set forth?
Can what is within the scope stand by itself as a functioning system?
2. Resolve ambiguities in the requirements needed in this phase.
Has the limited number of use-case requirement needed to reach the
objectives of this phase?
Have requirement been identified and detailed in the Supplementary
3. Establish candidate architecture.
Does it meet users needs?
Is it likely to work?
Can it appropriately employ the technology it will be built upon?
Can it be efficient?
Can it exploit resources?
Can it be reliable and fault tolerant?
Will it be robust and resilient?
Will it evolve smoothly as requirements are added?
4. Mitigate the critical risks
Have all the critical risk been identified?
Have the identified risks been mitigated or is there a plan for mitigating them?
5. Judge the worth of the initial business case
Is the initial business case good enough to justify going ahead with
the project?

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Output of elaboration phase:Use case model for commerce college admission system:-

(ii) use case description:Prepare merit list process-main flow of event

->When student give admission forms than than their student detail wise admin prepare the merit list.
->If student is fit in requirement than he or she is eligible and selected otherwise not selected.
(iii) Analysis model for admission process:Commerce College Admission System Page 7

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Usecase model

Analysis model

Analysis class

Usecase model

Analysis model

Analysis class

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Collaboration diagram for commerce college admission system:-

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