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The Management and Continuity of 7 Which of the following characteristics

Life : The Human Breathing of the alveolus facilitates the exchange

Mechanism of respiratory gases?
I Its wall is moist.
1. Which of the following is not part of II Its wall is one-cell thick.
the respiratory system in humans? III Its wall is thin and dry.
A The heart
B The lungs A I only
C The alveolus B I and II only
D The intercostal muscles C II and III only
D I, II and III
2. The function of the human rib cage is
to 8. The exchange of gases takes place
I protect vital organs such as the between
lungs. A the alveolus and the capillaries.
II assist in the breathing B the alveolus and the bronchus.
mechanism. C the bronchioles and the capillaries.
III separate the chest cavity from D the bronchioles and the bronchus.
the abdominal cavity.
9. The diagram below shows a model of
A I only the respiratory organs involved in the
B I and II only breathing mechanism.
C I and III only What will happen when the structure
D I ,II and III labelled X is pulled downwards as
3. The function of very small hairs or A The balloon expands.
cilia in the trachea is to B The balloon contracts.
A kill the bacteria in the inhaled air. C The balloon will burst.
B absorb oxygen from the inhaled D The balloon remains the same
air. size.
C move mucus upward and out into
the throat. 10. During exhalation, which of the
D warm and moistened the air as it following statements
passes through the trachea. are correct?
I The ribs moves
4. Which one of the following upward and
statements is true? outward.
A Breathing is a chemical process. II The diaphragm
B The bronchi end in clusters of air relaxes
sacs called the alveoli. III The pressure
C Exhalation is the process inside the lungs
whereby air is taken into the and chest cavity
lungs. increases.
D The wall of the alveolus is very
thin and moist to facilitate gas
exchange. A I and II only
B I and III only
5 The human lung is protected by the C II and III only
A sternum. D I, II and III
B rib cage. Which of the following happens during
C diaphragm. inhalation?
D intercostals muscles.
I The external intercostal muscles
6 The exchange of respiratory gases contracts.
occurs in the II The ribs moves upwards and
A pharynx. outwards.
B trachea. III The pressure inside the lungs and
C alveolus. thoracic cavity decreases.
D bronchioles.
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III
Carbon monoxide is a waste
product of respiration.
12. The diagram
B Secondary smokers refers to those
below shows a
who smokes occasionally.
model of the
C Carcinogens are substances that
originates from carbon
organs involwd in
the breathing
D Hydrocabons can interact with
pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide
What will happen when the structure
to form haze.
labeled P is pushed upwards as
4. Which of the following is incorrectly
A The balloon will become bigger.
B The balloon will become smaller.
Chemica Harmful effect on
C The balloon will burst
l the respiratory
D The balloon remains the same
substan system
A Carbon Reduces the
monoxid ability of blood to
e transport oxygen
B Tar Corrodes the
respiratory tract
13. The diagram below shows a C Nicotine Causes addiction
model of the respiratory organs to smoking
involved in the breathing D Sulphur Damages lung
mechanism. dioxide tissues

Which of the structure labeled A, B,

C and D represents the bronchus?

Transport of Oxygen in the Human


1. The red pigment found in red blood

cells that helps in oxygen transport is
A globulin
B haemoglobin
C oxyhaemoglobin
D immunoglobulin

2. Oxygen passes through the wall of

the alveolus via a process known as
A osmosis
B diffusion
C transpiration
D active transport

3. Which one of the following

statements is true?

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