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Production Company

A production company provides the physical basis for works in the realms of the
performing arts, new media art, film, television, radio, and video.
They may fundraise to support the production or seek help with a parent or partner
company or a private investor. They handle budgeting scheduling, scripting, the
supply with talent and resources, the organization of staff, the production itself,
post-production, distribution, and marketing.
Production company idents are the logos and images associated with that
production company. To create an effective production company ident, bright
colours and bold images are often used to draw in the attention of the audience.
The typography and images used can often represent the production company's
genre that it focuses on, for example a sans-serif font with bright colours may
represent a more modern and up to date production company whereas a serif font
with a plain background may represent a more sophisticated and traditional
production company. An effective image that is used for a production company
ident is a simple yet unique image that can immediately be associated with that
production company, for example Disney is the Disney castle.
E.g. DreamWorks:

For this production company ident clouds have been used as a background. Clouds
are quite commonly found in production idents as they connote dreams and the
association between dreams and the media is strong as people like to view film as
dreams becoming reality. The little boy fishing on the moon connotes playful
innocence, lost in his own little world, much like the movie can become the
audience's own little world where they can escape everyday life. The child may
also represent the target audience as the majority of DreamWorks productions are
aimed at children. The moon symbolises night-time which also connects in to the
theme of dreams and imaginary worlds as the night is when most people are asleep
and therefore dreaming.

The production company I have chosen to produce my thriller if it were made

would be 'Heyday Films'. This is because they have proven to be successful in the
thriller genre, producing movies such as 'I Am Legend', 'Gravity' and 'Page Eight'.
They have a wide range of genres which they produce showing their flexibility
when it comes to production, this means that they have the experience of other
genres as well so that a hybrid genre may be made successfully (action/thriller).
They are a British company, I chose this because the demand for British television
is becoming increasingly popular, British production teams are highly valued by
Hollywood and I would like to stick to traditional British production. The company
has been around since 1997 and is based in London. It is a fairly young company
and is therefore fresh and futuristic, also shown by the sans-serif font on the logo,
this means more up-to-date ideas that are modern and suits the ever-changing
public views.
Heyday could fund the production through private investors or through their
partner, Warner Brothers, whom they have produced numerous successful films
including the Harry Potter film series.

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