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The Vocabulary of Domination: A War of Words

If you ask your current or historical enemy to define you, he will have nothing good to say.
The power to Define is the power to control.

In a war of words, lies are told. Given the opportunity to write your name in a book -let’s say in a
dictionary; your enemy will have nothing good to say about you. Your name will be slandered.
This linguistic pattern can be seen in these five words: Slave, Vandal, Barbarian, Mongoloid and Nigger.
All five words originally defined a group of people whose upliftment ran contrary to the Roman-English agenda.

1. Slave
 English: One bound in servitude as the property of a person.
 Slavic Origins: *Slovenia is a Slavic country in Europe: “Slav” means famous in Slavic
Word History: Slave and Slav are historically identical. The word slave first appears in English
around 1290, spelled sclave. Slavs became slaves in the early 800’s when the Roman Empire tried
to stabilize a German-Slav frontier. The wars made the Slavs (Slavic People) the enemies of Rome.

2. Vandal
 English: One who willfully or maliciously destructive individual.
 Vandal Origins: A Germanic tribe who conquered Rome, Spain and North Africa. Defeated Rome
in year 455AD. * Southern Spain was called, Vandalicia "the country of the Vandals,”

3. Barbarian
 English: A fierce, brutal, or cruel person. An insensitive, uncultured person.
 Berber Origins: Berbers conquered and occupied Southern Europe for 700yrs. Berbers are from
N.Africa *Barbary was the name for most of North Africa

4. Mongoloid
 English: retarded; idiot; stupid
 Mongolian Origins: Genghis Khan & the Mongols, during the 13th century defeated Rome,
establishing the Mongol Empire * the largest contiguous empire in the history of the world.

5. Nigger
 English: lazy, stupid, dirty, parasite; a disparaging term for a Black person
 African Origins:
i) Egyptian Pharaoh was called N-G-R (NetGer) - God
ii) Ethiopian Royalty - Niggus Negas (King of Kings).
iii) Lingala (Nga’la): a Kongo-Bantu uses the word “Nga” meaning self.
iv) Lingala: Nga-nga (nganga) means God or The “self within the self”.
v) Naga in Southern Indian means God or the original

African Countries & Places

Ngola (Manding-Congo) means "King/Lord.."
Niger (West Africa; Sacred River)
Niger (country in West Africa)
Nigeria (country in West Africa)

“Never Give an Afrikan word an English definition.”

Maniga M. Otep

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