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1)The end of human civilization is inevitable,..

in practical life,nothing goes

up,nothing grows,without going down and collapsing,some day,..
everything which has a beginning,must has an end,...human civilization began about
ten thousand years ago, never existed before that, it must has an end,that
it will never exist after it,..therefore,the question is only about the timing of
this collapse and how destructive it will be.

2)the existence of the resistance is a complete proof of the existence of an

opposite force with the same strength,..therefore,the existence of very strong
resistance is enough proof that the collapse is very near,and will be very
sharp,..we can know how heavy the the weight in the hands of an athlete is,from the
way he is trembling,..we can know how ill a person is,from the degree of his fever
and the strength of his pain,..and we can know how dangerous a situation is from
the way people react toward it.

3)the very strong resistance can be easily observed around us,..just try to open
the subject of the near collapse of civilization in front of someone and see how
tense and irritated he will become,and yet,he will deny any truth in this
idea,..only the truth makes people deeply concerned,..and this denial is a very
strong resistance to avoid the pain of facing the truth,..if the threats were
moderate,people would have reacted differently,..they would have shown some
concern,but this complete freezing,is a stunning proof that the dangers are
huge,...this state of deep horror is not temporal nor occasional, lasted as far
as we can detect it,and is gaining strength with time

4)If it was ascertained that a huge meteorite will hit the earth after twenty
years,Civilization will collapse right now!!

if scientists become certain that a great meteorite will hit the earth after twenty
years,..when will civilization collapse?
will it collapse after twenty years,or earlier than that?
and how much earlier that would be?
my answer is that the collapse would be very much earlier than twenty years,...but
why is that??
the life of most people is programed by a very optimistic assumptions,..this news
will cause great disturbance in their lives,..great shock and great
frustration,..enough to cause the immediate collapse of civilization.
even if scientists were not completely certain that this event will take place,..a
good degree of probability would cause the same result.
if we applied the same idea on other causes like peak oil and global warming..etc.
we will conclude that these causes will not be the direct causes of the
collapse,..the collapse will happen much earlier than that.

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