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Vice Chancellors Research Student

of the Year Research Degrees:
February 2009for the submission of work for

University Research Committee

August 2015

Postgraduate Research Degrees:

Guidelines for the submission of work for examination

Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................... 2


Notification of Intention to Submit ................................................................... 2


Submission of Work for Examination .............................................................. 3


General Format of the Submission ................................................................. 4


Title Page .............................................................................................. 4


References ............................................................................................ 4


Page numbering .................................................................................... 5


List of Contents...................................................................................... 5


Resubmission following referral ............................................................. 5


Multiple volumes .................................................................................... 5


Copyright Statement .............................................................................. 5


Optional Pages ...................................................................................... 6

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Postgraduate Research Degrees:

Guidelines for the submission of work for examination



These guidelines are written for postgraduate research degree candidates to inform
them of the Universitys requirements on the submission of work for examination.
Supervisors and other staff involved in the PGR Student Lifecycle may also find them
to be a useful reference point.
In the case of resubmission following referral, section 2 Notification of Intention to
Submit does not apply. In these instances, where an oral examination/viva is
required, Registry will either liaise with the examination team to agree a date at the
point the referral is confirmed or make arrangements at least 3 months prior to the
date of resubmission (as appropriate).
The regulations governing the form of the work submitted (including word lengths) for
examination are as detailed in the Students Handbook of Regulations (Appendix 2,
Regulations Governing Research Degrees) and must be observed.


Notification of Intention to Submit

In accordance with the standard research degree timeline, you should complete and
submit the Notification of Intention to Submit form to your School Research Office at
least 2 months before the date that you intend to submit your thesis. Please note
that the date of intended submission should be no later than your expected course
end date. Your expected course end date can be found under the My Research tab
within the Student Portal.
A copy of the Notification of Intention to Submit form can be downloaded from the
Progression Monitoring section of the Research Unilearn site.
You are encouraged to liaise with your supervisory team as early as possible to
agree an appropriate strategy for the finalisation and completion of your thesis (and
any associated documentation/material), which should include the timely provision of
a final draft for comment and sufficient time for you to make any recommended
changes ahead of your submission date. Please bear in mind that poor time
management is not considered to be a valid ground on which the University could
approve a claim for extenuating circumstances.
Following receipt of your completed form, and in accordance with the Universitys
regulations (Appendix 2 of the Students Handbook of Regulations), your Supervisor
will then complete and submit for processing the Application for Examinations
Arrangements. Please note that it can take up to 2.5 months for an examination
team to be approved and appointed. Once the examination arrangements have been
finalised, you will receive notification from the Registry Office.
Please note that the University endeavours to ensure that oral examinations (where
required) are scheduled to take place at least 10 weeks, but normally not more than
12 weeks, from the date of submission please ensure that you are available to
attend any examination that may be required during this period. If you are a
candidate for a masters degree (excluding MPhil), the requirement for an oral
examination is at the discretion of the examination team and a date will not be set
until the examination team has confirmed that this is required following receipt of your

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Postgraduate Research Degrees:

Guidelines for the submission of work for examination


Submission of Work for Examination

On or before the date of intended submission, the following documents should be

submitted to your School Research Office:

The appropriate number of bound copies (i.e. one for each examiner) of your
thesis and any supporting documentation/materials (conforming to the
approved format detailed in section 4 below and presented in temporary
binding standard tape or comb binding are recommended)


The completed Research Degree Coversheet and Candidate Declaration



The completed University Repository Form* (Part A or Part B, as applicable)


The completed Joint Authorship Declaration Form* (PhD by Publication

candidates only)


A soft copy of the work submitted for examination must be uploaded in full, as
a single document in Word or PDF format, to the appropriate Turnitin site
within Unilearn

* Available to download from the Examination area of the Research Unilearn site
Please note that the School Research Office will be unable to accept work submitted
for examination where all of the above have not been provided or where the
submission does not comply with the Universitys guidelines for submission.
No alterations to your submission will be permitted once it has been accepted for
Following submission, your School Research Office will arrange for your supervisor
to complete and submit the Research Degree Supervisors Declaration Form. This
will then be submitted, along with your thesis and any accompanying documents/
materials, to the Universitys Registry Office where it will be processed for
examination. You will receive an email confirming receipt from Registry, along with
an explanation of the stages of the examinations process that will follow, normally
within 5 working days of submission.
Before the work is submitted to the full examination team for formal assessment,
Registry will invite your Internal Examiner to review your Turnitin originality report and
make a judgement on whether or not this report causes them to suspect research
misconduct may have occurred. If research misconduct is suspected, the
examination arrangements will be put on hold pending the outcome of the research
misconduct investigation. If your Internal Examiner is satisfied that there are no
issues that require investigation at this stage, they will confirm to the Registry Office
that the examination may proceed.
For information pertaining to the examination phase, please refer to the document
entitled Postgraduate Research Degrees: Guidelines for Examination.

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Postgraduate Research Degrees:

Guidelines for the submission of work for examination


General Format of the Submission

Typing should be double or one and a half line spaced, except for the abstract which
must be single spaced, on one side of A4 of approximately 300 words. A font type
and size that ensures readability must be used for the main text (for example 10 point
in a font such as Arial or Verdana, or a 12 point in Times or Times New Roman);
single spacing may be used for quotations, footnotes and references.
Pages may be single or double-sided.

Title Page

The title page shall give the following information:

the full title of the thesis;
the full name of the author (which must be the same as the name under which
he or she is currently enrolled);
the award for which the degree is submitted in partial fulfilment of its
that the degree is awarded by the University of Huddersfield;
the Collaborating Establishment, if any;
the month and year of submission.


A thesis submitted to the University of Huddersfield
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
The University of Huddersfield in collaboration with the
Borchester Farmers' Club
April 2008



Bibliographic citations and references must be consistent throughout the thesis;

general guidance can be obtained from the candidates supervisor.
Any appropriate standard system of referencing may be used.
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Postgraduate Research Degrees:

Guidelines for the submission of work for examination


Page numbering

Page numbering must consist of one single sequence of standard Arabic numerals
(i.e., 1, 2, 3 ) throughout the thesis, starting with the title page as page number 1.
Page numbers must be displayed on all pages EXCEPT the title page. The
pagination sequence will include not only the text of the thesis but also the
preliminary pages, diagrams, tables, figures, illustrations, appendices, references etc,
and will extend to cover all volumes in a multi-volume thesis. Roman numerals must
not be used for page numbering.

List of Contents

The thesis must have a list of contents, giving all relevant sub-divisions of the thesis
and a page number for each item.
In a multi-volume thesis the contents page in the first volume must show the
complete contents of the thesis, volume-by-volume, and each subsequent volume
must have a contents page giving the contents of that volume.
The final word count, excluding appendices but including footnotes and endnotes,
must be inserted at the bottom of the contents page.
If a thesis contains tables there should be a separate list of each item, as
appropriate, immediately after the contents page(s). Such lists must give the page
number of each item on the list.

Resubmission following referral

Where a candidate is referred to complete amendments/further work, the work

resubmitted for examination must bear the month and year of the resubmission on
the title-page and not the month and year of the original submission.

Multiple volumes

Where a thesis consists of more than one volume, each volume must contain a title
page in the form set out above and also include the appropriate volume number, and
the total number of volumes, e.g. Volume I of III.

Copyright Statement

The following notes on copyright and the ownership of intellectual property rights
must be included as written below:


The author of this thesis (including any appendices and/or schedules to this
thesis) owns any copyright in it (the Copyright) and s/he has given The
University of Huddersfield the right to use such Copyright for any
administrative, promotional, educational and/or teaching purposes.
Copies of this thesis, either in full or in extracts, may be made only in
accordance with the regulations of the University Library. Details of these
regulations may be obtained from the Librarian. This page must form part of
any such copies made.

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Postgraduate Research Degrees:

Guidelines for the submission of work for examination


The ownership of any patents, designs, trade marks and any and all other
intellectual property rights except for the Copyright (the Intellectual Property
Rights) and any reproductions of copyright works, for example graphs and
tables (Reproductions), which may be described in this thesis, may not be
owned by the author and may be owned by third parties. Such Intellectual
Property Rights and Reproductions cannot and must not be made available
for use without the prior written permission of the owner(s) of the relevant
Intellectual Property Rights and/or Reproductions.


Optional Pages

You may include dedications, acknowledgements, list of abbreviations etc. as

You may also include a short academic biography, including details of your degrees
and/or a brief background statement of your research experience.

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