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"Substantial" means of real worth or considerable value --- this is the usual and

customary meaning of the term

Words and Phrases 2 (Volume 40A, p. 458)
D.S.C. 1966. The word substantial within Civil Rights Act providing that a place is a public

accommodation if a substantial portion of food which is served has moved in commerce must be
construed in light of its usual and customary meaning, that is, something of real worth and
importance; of considerable value; valuable, something worthwhile as distinguished from
something without value or merely nominal

Counter Standards:
Legal Definition: Words and Phrases is a multi-volume set containing judicial definitions, from
both state and federal courts, of words and phrases. These definitions have been used in deciding
court cases and should be accepted as the legal definition of the word in todays round.
Common Definition: The court case ruled that the word must be used in its customary meaning
which is the definition provided above.
Attacking their standards:
Over limiting: Since the US ocean policy is so huge, placing a percentage on substantially over
limits the topic by forcing nearly every aff case out of topical ground. Even a single percent,
when considering the entire ocean policy, is such an exponential amount that it would be nearly
impossible for a single policy to reach. They over limit the topic with their definition causing so
little aff ground meaning that education is not achieved in this round. So either they have to
prove that there not over limiting or you cannot vote for them because they hurt education.
No bright line: If you vote us down on topicality then you destroy the bright line for what is
topical, including aquaculture, overfishing cases, and integrated multitrophic aquaculture cases
which are all some of the most common aff cases on this topic.
Counter Voters:
Education: Limiting cases means that you limit the amount of education. Just because you
havent heard of this case doesnt mean it isnt topical. In fact we increase education because
now you will go home and research this topic. If we came to a debate tournament and just reread predetermined blocks every round we wouldnt develop quick thinking skills that would
help us in the real world. Thus we increase education 2 fold
Dont vote on potential abuse make them physical shows you that they cant run anything, voting
on potential abuse leads a race towards the bottom in teams crying abuse in order to win rounds
Reasonability should be preferred in voting on T, we are replacing the current aquaculture system
with something better, this is one of the most basic and topical cases and therefore should be
reasonably thought of as a potential case

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