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(Copper) (R4C11)

Life needs to be ordered to the last detail, then I wont feel attacked
Give them their orders they do what they need to do

Feeling Attacked
Nerds with pocket protectors; The authority on ancient Chinese history
Spasmodic rage and hysteria at feeling attacked
The great rigidity ** Cramped
Very one dimensional mind (one interest, one viewpoint); Need for rules & order
Get everything right at detail level; Very obsessive & compulsive
Cant easy connect with them, Stiff, no emotions Had to talk to wife on the phone
The desire for power (to keep from being attacked) Delusion of being a general
Slowness of comprehension, need to labor to understand
Fear of fire because its so quick and unpredictable

turn blue

Most in nervous system

Cramps and spasms anywhere and everywhere in
Seizure, spasms after suppression or attack; >
night, start in hand
With women, tend hormonal times, at puberty,
pregnancy, and menopause
If they get wet in an uncontrolled circumstances (downpour unexpected)
Lots of cramps, twitches in extremities, calf cramps, twitchy legs
Happen when they try to relax, same with sexual activity, they try to relax and has twitches and cramps
Better from cold drinks, calms them down
Abdominal cramps come on quickly; from stress; cant bear to move
Cramps in stomach w/nausea and vomiting
Big cough remedy; Spasmodic cough, goes on and on middle of night; chronic cough; whooping; cold drinks
will stop/sooth; Worse 3 am
Facial grimaces when stressed, they try to hide (look down a lot)
Dart tongue out of the mouth
Easily turn blue if having a spasm, during asthma attack etc
Very Fearful
(of getting hurt, of something disrupting them, of getting disrupted)
Others approaching; people; strangers; touch
Of dark; In evening
Something will happen; disease; misfortune; accidents;
Of losing self-control; insanity
Tremulous; Undertaking anything; A new enterprise


(Copper) Row 4

(Sankaran) Cuprum
Intermittent attacks so they have to be ready to defend themselves
Coughs paroxysms
3 y/o
Very restless, could not sit in one place
Asthma worse at 2-3 in morning
Boy has practically no fear
Despite falling down stairs he will keep doing same thing again
Once his father hit him
My father is strong, he can hit you
Normally handle on his own, he will hit back
Falls frequently but very brave about it
If you hit my Im going to hit you back
Rem: Cuprum

Cuprum stalwarts
Give them their orders they do what they need to do
They are cramped thru out
Their idea of themselves is cramps
Small idea of themselves is pretty small altho presenting in larger way
Worse form heat
Dont like on battle field put themselves sin position
Inflammatory systems throughout
They can be very nervous
Aurum: not caught up in details, as CEO, details happen at different level
Cupr: drive to get everything right at detail level

Kali vs. Cuprum

Kali: moral sense of duty
Cupr: a need to perform
Emotionally, not bend (cupr)
Just has itself
Kali acct, organized on time follow letter of tax code, wont be dishonest, a little formal
Cupr acct, very organized very precise, let me see your expense log, I need to see them
Arg, almost does have what they need
Is about power (delusions of being a general but in reality its not that they become CEOs its that they become
the authority on ancient Chinese history)
Delusion of being attack
Need to defend against attack
The spasmodic rage and hysteria at feeling attacked
The great rigidity


(Copper) Row 4

The one dimensional mind

Need for rules
The desire for power as a way to keep form being
Desire for order
Slowness of comprehension, need to labor over
things to understand
Fear of fire because its so quick and unpredictable
Worse from suppression, if they get suppressed
by medicine at anytime (if taking acne might get seizure disorder)

Most in nervous system
Cramps and spasms anywhere and everywhere in
Seizure twitches spasms after any suppression or
Tend to come on a night
Might start in the hand
With women, tend to be hormonal times, at puberty, pregnancy, and menopause
If they get wet in an uncontrolled circumstances
(downpour unexpected)
Better from cold drinks, calms them down
Facial grimaces when stressed, they try to hide
(look down a lot)
Dart tongue out of the mouth
Easily turn blue if having a spasm, during asthma
attack etc

Abdominal cramps come on quickly from emotion

or stress or suppression where they cant bear to
Have to sit totally still (Bry)
Cramps in stomach w/nausea and vomiting
No reliable food cravings
Big cough remedy
Spasmodic cough that goes on and on and on,
people will come in for chronic cough
Just cant stop coughing, esp in the middle of
night, sudden attacks asthma or cough
Whooping cough

Better from cold drink, will stop or sooth (Caust

stops as soon as you dislodge some mucus)
Worse 3 am
Lots of cramps and twitches in extremities
Calf muscle cramps in bed
Cramping of the hands
Restless legs, twitchy legs
Happen when they try to relax, same with sexual activity, they try to relax and has twitches and cramps

Cuprum Mental State

A rigid state in all areas
Very obsessive
Very compulsive
Driven remedy; to accomplish things,
just right

(Makes them even more vulnerable)
Get everything right at detail level

Nerds with pocket protectors

In technology
(things exact)

Slow Learners
May study a long time to understand
Huge Vulnerability
Wants to keep people away

Vulnerability is their rigidity

Delusion of being a general

If Im a general, I can strike before being struck, Im back here and not on
the front lines
But Cuprum is less able to do this
Dont become CEO


its rigid
yet it can be bent so easily
Delusion of being attack
Need to defend against attack
The spasmodic rage and hysteria at
feeling attacked
The great rigidity
The one dimensional mind
Need for rules
The desire for power as a way to keep
from being attacked
Desire for order
Slowness of comprehension, need to
labor over things to understand
Fear of fire because its so quick and
Worse from suppression, if they get
suppressed by medicine at anytime (if
taking acne might get seizure disorder)

Feeling attacked
Delusion being attacked
A vulnerability to attack
Delusion: being pursued by police
Fear: of anyone approaching
Delusion; going to be arrested

Can Respond w/Rage

Fear of strangers
Im going to be attacked (delusion)

Adult Temper tantrums

Their Response
(They see it as attack)

Research & Prove

Might go to bible, would read every
phrase in every book to his point
need to defend
If you push them

They might get Hysterical

Very one dimensional

A stress
Starts Seizure, or fit of coughing

The authority on
ancient Chinese history

one interest or
tolerate only one viewpoint

Has aspirations

Absolute order
And clear rules
Love the military it also provides
safety to its members

Turrets syndrome big for tics, tremors, uncontrollable spasms

Order in Life

Had to talk to wife about problems on

the phone
(May not have the anger)

But almost doesnt have what they need

Delusion: is selling green vegetables
( a low level profession )
The other side of polarity
things explained a certain way

Can be slow to understand

Not great with lots of other people

Like board games

Computer games with lots of rules

Boy with seizure disorder, everyone in own house on

own computer, Studied game year, before joining team
If time will become experts
Temper tantrums
Or very timid, tense
Sits in office straight up, struggles to
answer, stutters, stammers

Cant make emotional contact

Could see them as timid awkward kid,
if threatened you see rage
anger once a year or once a day

but they need to be stiff, need to

need things orderly in a small

They want a sexual relationship
They want one
But relationships need to be pretty ordered
A church thats ordered
A social club thats ordered
An open ended book clubsometimes
we talk about the booksometime we
dont cupr wouldnt like that

Emotionally, impatience when is this
class going to be over, they arent
sticking to syllabus
I need to learn just what it says I need
to learn

Cant easy connect with them

but they need to be stiff,

need to need things orderly in a
small way
Have to be formulas and rules
Not light and playful

A tightness
If you push them in case taking, neck
muscles tighten, foot tapping
Hard time with yoga
Stuttering (if you push them)

No emotions
Really hard to express emotions
Sexuality very difficult
Often come out in adolescence (when
learn about sexuality)
Penetrates too far
Fear if do express emotions, might get
out of control

Cuprum phosphoricum
If arg is the queenpretty well structured but not enough need direction from king
For Cuprum they are the general
The most important soldier who is arranging all the things for the king
Cramps and strong ethical sense
Extremely trustable, good sense of dignity, but not so easily able to do what he wants
To recognize his own pathdaemon
The Roman soldier
They would sign up for 20 years
At end of career they would become a farmer, big plot of land, big villa
Cuprum-phos very anxious person
Often working for someone else at a high level
Usually they have good sense of trading commerce
They might have fantastic skills
But inside not satisfied
Able to dream about a very significant shift in their life
After remedythey can make this shift
Their life is really far away, their marriage, their job, etc not really what they want
After remedy they might move to Alaska...etc
Often asthma, resp things, with bleeding
Often cough that might look like coralium ruben (streaks of blood)
And getting sick in very dramatic
Back pain, for lumbago
Spastic component
Writers cramps, (keynote)

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