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Note from Michael Russ:

I knew that David Wilcock had not publicly disclosed the vitally secret Thanksgiving day
'Disclosure" date, so I was very shocked by the Bill Ryan 'announcement.'

This shows it does not pay to reveal vital, best held secret information, even to those you feel are
completely truthworthy. To err is human! So love and forgive all concerned! However, I am greatly
pleased to receive this swift blog update directly from David Wilcock himself!!

Excerpt from David Wilcock's excellent blog that answers everything that you could want to know
about tptb and their Obama plans....


David Wilcock writes

As you may know, I traveled to meet Dr. Pete Peterson with Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy of Project
Camelot in June. Peterson is a very highly-positioned insider in the UFO cover-up, an expert in
super-advanced reverse-engineering technology, as his video testimony clearly illustrates.

Peterson told us a great deal more information off the record than he shared on video. We were
clearly told that we could be hurt or killed if we were to release any of this information. I have not
and do not intend to talk about this stuff, as none of it will really help anyone grow or evolve
spiritually. Peterson said it was OK for us to announce that a formal government disclosure was
pending, but strictly forbade us from saying the date.

In Zurich, Switzerland, just a week later, during Bill Ryan's lecture -- also available on video -- I
reminded him of Peterson's testimony from the audience. My stomach hit the floor when he actually
said the date we were given out loud in front of the whole audience -- November 27, 2009. This was
a spontaneous, maverick decision, and I knew right away it had dramatically reduced the possibility
that it would ever happen on that day.

The attacks have already started, even though I myself never announced this date. The simple fact
that the date was announced publicly made it almost impossible that it would actually happen then.
I had many, many journalists and radio show hosts writing me, urging me to go forward with the
date and be on their show to announce it, and I kept telling everyone not to spread this around -- to
contain the damage.

Nonetheless, the prevalence of Bill's video from Zurich meant that just about everyone figured out
what the date was anyway -- and many Internet sleuths were very proud of themselves. Now we
have nothing to show for it, exactly as I expected. That doesn't mean it won't happen, but I most
certainly will never be involved in leaking a date like this again if another one comes my way.

As I have always said, my intutive data said this event would come hand-in-hand with an economic
event that would make October 2008 just look like the warm-up band. We have not seen this event
yet. Therefore we have not seen disclosure yet. However, there are great signs that it is on the way.

I strongly encourage you not to get hung up on dates. What really matters is not having the
government tell you UFOs are real. It's the Now. It's you. Right here, in this moment. The real you.
Behind the mask. Your cosmic identity. Breathe in, breathe out. Feel it. Live it. Become who you
really are.


The time window of November 27th has been far from inconsequential. Less than two weeks
beforehand, as I will discuss in the next article, there was the announcement that much of the 400-
oz gold bars in Fort Knox and throughout the world are in fact gold-plated tungsten bars.

Yes. Tungsten.

This metal weighs just about the same as gold. Once you drill out a little crater on the bottom and
blend in a little lead, it's perfect. Coat it with real gold, doped with enough harder metal that it won't
scratch off from the softness, and you're good to go. How they ever thought they could get away
with this, once it came time to present it to other central banks as 'Good Delivery,' is absolutely

Obama visited China in person, the very next day, after they discovered they had been given fake
gold in these very high-level interbank transactions. According to the various articles you can read
about this, the changeover in Fort Knox was made during the Clinton administration.
The only reason why the gold was delivered to China in the first place was that the US had very
high-stakes futures / derivatives trades that then failed completely, and they had to pay up with the
real gold. Or apparently real. Honestly... did you really think they wouldn't do an assay on their new

According to Benjamin Fulford, although the original collapse window was October / November,
which probably explained the November 27th potential date for disclosure, the next new window is
for January.

Again, I strongly encourage you: DO NOT PANIC. That is exactly what the negative side wants
you to do. Focus on the fear, the unknown, the abyss... and begin living your life with
overwhelming dread, as if you're already doomed. This is emphatically not how my dreams are
describing the upcoming events.

Whether or not an economic event happens in January, and / or disclosure happens at this time, is
anyone's guess. Even if I got more specific detail I would likely keep it to myself, so I have no
feeling of guilt over spoiling it for everyone else on Earth if the date got 'leaked.'

Thus, the whole international Ponzi scheme of printing phony 'fiat' currency is collapsing. This will
reach a head very soon, and will be even more sweeping than October 2008's economic changes.

We are being consistently told in my intuitive data that this is a very good thing, and the damage to
the common people will be minimal. In fact, within a relatively short time it will turn for the
positive in ways we could never have imagined.


Nonetheless, our insider sources -- particularly from the Neocon / Majestic side of the fence -- do
not see much farther than to expect this will lead to a collapse of civilization and chaos. This is very
unlikely, based on the 'big picture' perspective of how our planet is being 'managed' by much more
evolved forms of intelligent life.

I am told that Majestic now feels ET disclosure is a necessity in order to not have the world spiral
completely out of control.

Energy technologies will be released that can help to turn things around while there is still a chance.

This disclosure now appears to be intimately connected to the economic collapse. It will also create
a massive economic stimulus -- a new space race and the mass-production of new technologies.


At the same time, with television shows like 'V', the whole disclosure is being very obviously 'spun'
to make the right-wing / Republican / Fundamentalist Christian elements of society associate
Obama with the ETs, and see them as being very negative and demonic. I will back this up with
exact transcripts, video clips and news stories in the next article.

This way Majestic gets to eliminate their enemy -- the man they did not want to be president -- at
the same time that he makes the announcement.
It drives me nuts that when you get to talk to real insiders, they absolutely hate Obama and are
working like crazy to get rid of him as fast as they can -- but then a very vocal and persistent
minority on the Internet thinks Obama is a total 'puppet' for the New World Order, and follows their
marching orders to a tee.

I am completely done with arguing over whether Obama is a good guy or a bad guy, or taking any
of these attack letters seriously. I have had dreams about him recently where he is literally throwing
up over how overwhelmed he feels by what's happening. He needs our support, not our hate. He is
an honest, kindhearted and highly intelligent man who stepped into something much bigger and
much darker than he realized.

What a shame it is when the people who are the most educated about insider politics are unable to
identify their own valuable allies.

And if you think a black man isn't as smart or capable as a white man, just take a step back and look
at yourself. Since most of the attackers are religious, is that really what you were taught as a
Christian? Did Jesus say "love thy fellow man, love thy neighbor as thyself, but if he's black, then
not so much?"

The push-pull of forces around the American government are much greater than one president and
his coterie of trusted associates can offset. That's why you've seen so many reversals, compromises,
troop increases, forgotten promises and the like. Most people's opinion of what a president can
actually do, by himself, at this time in history, is extremely naive -- but that doesn't mean it's
impossible to create real and lasting change.


Benjamin Fulford just announced he has multiple sources saying Obama will be asked to step down
in January, either through a challenge to his presidency by a fake birth-certificate technicality or
something else that is not voluntary.

I heard exactly the same thing from other independent sources -- that in January there will be some
crazy attempt made to say he wasn't actually born in Hawaii -- like his parents were on vacation in
Kenya or something stupid like that -- and therefore cannot remain as President.

You guys at the top of the pyramid. I know if I actually came and sat down with you and your tall
friends to talk this over, you would serve me up for dinner before I'd ever get out of that room alive.
I've been working out a lot more lately, so the meat would be good-quality lean protein. Not a lot of
fat to add flavor, but you probably wouldn't cook the steaks anyway. Thanks, but I'll respectfully
decline the invitation should you decide to offer it. ;)

Nonetheless, with everyone here as my witness, I ask you -- do you really think people will buy into
this crazy plan? Do you really think a fake technicality will be sufficient to invalidate a president
who actually won by a substantial popular mandate? Seriously.

Unlike Fulford, I have not heard there is any truth to plans for his assassination. The last thing they
want to do at this point is to make him into a martyr, as he would be even more powerful in death
than he was in life -- the next Martin Luther King "Black Messiah", as they secretly called MLK.

I was very surprised to see this same data point about a challenge to the legitimacy of his presidency
in January surface publicly from Fulford. Had it not, I would not have discussed it at all. Seeing
Fulford mention it tells me it is far more likely to be a real plan. And this is a disclosure I am more
than happy to throw off the tracks by a preliminary announcement.


Even though Fulford himself has bought into the idea that Obama is a puppet of the New World
Order, he hasn't made that intuitive leap to see that if your puppet is doing what you want, why
would you be so intent on getting rid of him? Think about it.

I never answer letters attacking me for my Obama stance. Not a single real insider I've ever spoken
to has indicated that his or her bosses are anything other than flaming pissed about Obama being
President of the United States.

Obama wasn't supposed to win -- Hillary was. The fix had been in for years: Bush / Clinton / Bush /
Clinton. Just like an old, comfortable pair of slippers you dug out of the closet. It was telegraphed in
'24', where a woman was President. Lady Evelyn de Rothschild personally went on television to
blast Obama and support Hillary more than once.

They have put out a gorgeously vast array of propaganda to sway public opinion against him, but it
still hasn't tipped the poll numbers much below 50 percent even in spite of the depressed economy.
Those who are intoxicated with hate are still the minority, much as it only further increases their
indignation to tell them so.

Look. Obama is an absolute demon to these insiders. Why? Because he is fraternizing with the
enemy -- countries like India, China, Russia and Japan that have thrown off the military-industrial-
complex control -- to create an international coalition that will strip the New World Order /
Illuminati of its unfair and deleterious influence.

It is so very obvious -- but yet there is massive financing and grassroots support out there for all the
propaganda that is being written to convince everyone that Obama is nothing short of a
cannibalistic, devil-horned Antichrist.

The opposition from the far right is so unilateral, undying and monotonous that it is truly like a
cartoon. Great comedic fodder for Saturday Night Live, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert
and the like. What a bizarre and marvelous time in history this is -- and it's about to get much, much
more interesting!


Check out the millions of dollars that were spent on the most sophisticated propaganda operation
ever seen in modern history -- the new television series 'V'. I must say it gets an A+ for effort. It is
so absolutely blatant and transparent in targeting and attacking Obama, and his upcoming
disclosure, that I am amazed more people aren't already writing and talking about it.

The leader of the Vs, Anna, is absolutely 100-percent designed to remind you of Obama in every
possible way. Episode 4 specifically targets his inspiring speeches as if they were mass
brainwashing in action -- thanks to a sinister alien technology at work.

I only had two letters come in this week about how blatantly Episode 4 tied in the swine flu vaccine
as being an ET-manufactured attack against Earth's population. It is so obvious it makes me giggle
with delight, because it shows how desperate they must be to make propaganda that is this
unapologetically blatant.

Given the huge preponderance of UFO information already out there, I'd say it's far more than a day
late and a dollar short. They may well convince some of the far-right crowd, but I doubt that one
television show will inspire them to create the total anarchic breakdown of society the insiders are
expecting. This will be covered far more in the next article.

I'm not mad at you for believing what you've read in the conspiracy media... honestly. Hate is a fun,
addictive high that just so happens to throw you off the rails of spiritual growth. It reminds me of
rappers who oscillate between delivering socially-conscious messages in one verse while dissing all
their fellow DJs and rappers and pumping up their egos to supernatural heights in the next.

Now is definitely the time to practice acceptance and forgiveness if you want to stay on track --
even towards your real enemies. The old-school spiritual teachings are no less relevant today then
they were the day they first came through.

I simply ask that you respect me enough to allow me to express my opinions on this website
without being attacked by you, and angrily referred back to propaganda articles often written by
NSA and Pentagon sources posing as independent journalists.

I have consistently put out David's Blog entries that share various data points shedding light on my
perspective, backed up with credible data, for well over a year and a half now. It is not my job to
keep endlessly repeating the same information, nor would it be fun for most people to read.


Again, the insiders calculated that this economic event would reach critical mass in November, but
we have heard testimony that Obama pulled a series of cooperative international moves that offset
the event a little while longer. Various testimonies, not just Fulford's, suggest the event will reach its
apex somewhere between January and March of next year.

Disclosure does appear to be intimately correlated with this impending, massive economic shift, but
no insider can give me a completely straight answer about why or how. All we know is that they are
clustered together. Whether disclosure will occur before, during or after such an economic event,
realized on a mass scale, is not precisely known.

Now that you have all the backstory in place, let's go on with the show... my far-reaching
appearance with George Noory that started this Internet revolution in the first place. Enjoy!

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