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By Home Group 3:
Anantama Karis Fadila (1306387815)
Bramantyo Utomo (1306387840)
Doniaji Riandito (1106071662)
Laksamana Zakiy Ramadhan (1306436754)
Michael Kelvin Eddy Husin (1306436804)
Raden Muhammad Alif Bryan Riztama (1306387834)

Universitas Indonesia

In this papers we would like to discuss about Our Responsibilities as the

Manager of Environment, one thing that is important as a human because we are
gifted with intelligence, we have to use it properly to preserve and utilize our
environment as we live on this earth.
This papers were made in order to increase understanding about environment
management by humans. this papers were based on various sources of references,
information, news. hopefully this papers can give a wide information and knowledge
about our nature to the reader

Depok, 18 October 2015


this paper discuss about human task as the manager of nature. as a human that were
gifted with moral and intelligence, we have to preserve our natural resources and
environment that were given to fulfill every daily needs. human is expected to be able
to maintain the balance of nature. However, as the times keep moving human
population keep increasing along with their selfishness. As a result maintaining the
balance of nature is hard to achieve. Therefore we need some efforts to be able to
utilize and preserve our nature and environment without harming it.


FRONT PAGE............................................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................iv
CHAPTER I..............................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND..........................................................................................1
1.2 OBJECTIVE..................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II.............................................................................................................2
2.1 We as The Manager of Our Body..................................................................2
2.1.1 Healthy Life..........................................................................................2
2.1.2 Healthy Food........................................................................................3
2.2 We as The Manager of Environmental Health..............................................3
2.3 We as the Manager of Environment..............................................................4
2.3.1 Water Management...............................................................................4
2.3.2 Waste Management..............................................................................4
2.4 We as The Manager of Global Environment.................................................5
2.4.1 Environmental Health, Pollution, And Toxiology................................5
2.4.2 Growth in Human Population...............................................................6
2.5 We as the Infrastructure Manager..................................................................6
2.6 We as The Manager of Disaster and its Mitigation.......................................7
2.6.1 Natural Disaster Landslide................................................................7
2.6.2 Disaster Mitigation...............................................................................8
2.6.3 Extraordinary Event or Disaster...........................................................9
CHAPTER III.........................................................................................................10


Article Cl-2.............................................................................................10


Relation Between LSPB and Article.......................................................11


Relation with LSPB 1......................................................................11


Relation with LSPB 2......................................................................12


Relation with LSPB 3......................................................................13


Relation with LSPB 4......................................................................13


Relation with LSPB 5......................................................................14


Relation with LSPB 6......................................................................15

CHAPTER IV..........................................................................................................16


as a human that were gifted with intelligence and moral, we were given a task
to preserve and utilize natural resources that were given properly. in this case
human can be called as a manager of nature and environment. however as the
times keep going and the technology keep developing, more and more obstacles
that human have to be able to pass it. yet most of the obstacles come from human
itself. human have high selfishness, because of it not a few of them who exploit
the natural resources without thinking the negative effect or consequences that we
will get. they were just thinking about economic benefits that they will get. as a
consequence of their greed and selfishness, currently human faces many problems
that occur.
Indonesia also having the same kind of problem, because the management of
nature and environment is not working properly the nature and environment keeps
getting corrupted. start from deforestation, pollution and many more.

a. give information to the reader about the importance of healthy living.
b. give information to the reader about we human as the manager of nature and
c. give information to the reader about the negative effect on environmental
d. give information to the reader about the facts on environmental crisis that is
currently happening in Indonesia.
e. give information to the reader about the correlation between the LSPB and the



2.1 We as The Manager of Our Body

From the first aspect we will talk about health and health cause by the
good structure of our live to maintance the habit. But some factors has
influence the habit such as background and characteristic, lifestyle, social
and economics aspect. And addition or the way to improve good health the
Government launch the Public Health to To assure that all populations
have access to appropriate and cost effective care, including health
promotion and disease prevention services
2.1.1 Healthy Life
Refers to the practices of population groups that are consistent with
supporting, improving, maintaining and/or enhancing health. As it applies
to individuals, healthy living is the practice of health enhancing behaviours,
or put simply, living in healthy ways. It implies the physical, mental and
spiritual capacity to make healthy choices. Our body is our temple, and we
need to take care of it to have a healthy life.
It seems everywhere we look these days there is some sort of
promotion or advertisement about good health and lifestyle. Basically it
involves having the right mindset, good healthy balanced diet and regular
exercise.. We dont have to join the gym or become vegetarians, but
achieving a healthy lifestyle is simple and its entirely our own
responsibility. Our bodys are like complex machines, without the right care
they breakdown, without the right knowledge they cant be used to there
full potential.

2.1.2 Healthy Food

Diet evolves over time, being influenced by many factors and complex
interactions. Income, food prices (which will affect the availability and
affordability of healthy foods), individual preferences and beliefs, cultural
traditions, as well as geographical, environmental, social and economic
factors all interact in a complex manner to shape individual dietary
patterns. Therefore, promoting a healthy food environment, including food
systems which promote a diversified, balanced and healthy diet, requires







government, and the public and private sector. And for eat by pyramids,
The Healthy Eating Pyramid is a simple visual guide to the types and
proportion of foods that we.
should eat every day for good health. We divide by three there are the
foundation layer (vegetables and legumes), the middle layer (milk, egg,
meat, etc) and the top layer (healthy fats).
2.2 We as The Manager of Environmental Health
Good environment consist of many things, one of them is healthy
residence. A healthy residence is consist of clean water supply, garbage
disposal sansitasion, transportation facility, social service facility. The
proper housing standards according to the goverment policy must have
ventilation, strong foundation, water resistant floor, proper bedroom,
sansitation, waste disposal, and solid material. Related with the housing,
sansitaion have muc affect with our environment healthy, poor sansitation
can impact on many diseases such as hepatitis, diarrhea. Poor sansitation
can be because of uneducated people, weak infrastructure and bad human
resources. Life expectancy is the parameter for the life quality and other
things, In indonesia, life expectancy is about 70 years old, but its an

average national life expectancy. Analyzing trough the data that the highest
life expectancy is from jakarta, and followed by other city. There are so
many factors that affecting high life expectancy in jakarta such as good
education and also good public health service and any other things. The
environment which is not healthy will affect on our healthy, such as in
chernobyl or fukushima, after nuclear disaster that place wasnt able for
being lived, and now its abandoned. The environment responsible to most
of disiases, and its because of chemical substance in the environment
which produced/earned by human which nor responsible. Parallely the
good public health service could save many of lives.
2.3 We as the Manager of Environment
2.3.1 Water Management
water is a necessity for human to survive, 50-60% of human body
consist of water. when human do activities they lose water in their bodies
for about 1500 ml through sweat, urine, feces, and respiration. when
someone having a lack of water they will develop dehydration. there are 3
kinds of dehydration which are mild, moderate and severe. when the
condition has become severe they might lost their life. other than for
human to drink water has many usage. it can be used for industrial work,
transportation, recreation and agriculture.
water undergoes rotation called Water Cycle. In this scenario water
from the ocean evaporate, it move to the atmosphere and then condensed
into clouds. After several times when the cloud can no longer carry the
amount of water, the cloud releases it in the form of rain. the water from
the rain absorbed by the ground become and underground flow which will
be distributed to springs, rivers, lakes, or going back to the ocean.

2.3.2 Waste Management

waste management is every activities and actions required to manage
waste from its inception to its final disposal This includes amongst other
things, collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste together with
monitoring and regulation. It also encompasses the legal and regulatory
framework the relates to waste management encompassing guidance on
waste management have 3 basic principle which is REDUCE, REUSE,
RECYCLE. in Reduce as the name implies we minimize the production of
waste, in Reuse the waste will be cleaned up or sanitized to be used as
again, in Recycle the waste are being turned into raw material again which
then will be used as a whole new product.
there are so many ways that can be used to dispose waste, below are
the example of it:

Recycling : Some of the material can be recycled into new

Portland Cement : This treatment is cement based solidification

and stabilization
Incineration : in this case some of the hazardous waste can be

burned as energy sources

Landfill : is the most common treatment for the hazardous
waste, it is defined as disposal facility where all the hazardous

material were placed on a land.

Pyrolysis : hazardous waste is eliminated in an ultra high
temperature electrical arc

2.4 We as The Manager of Global Environment

2.4.1 Environmental Health, Pollution, And Toxiology
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural
environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of
chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the
components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or
naturally occurring contaminants.
The effect of pollution is very affecting human health and almost
every part of the human body can be affected.
2.4.2 Growth in Human Population
growth in human population can also be considered as a basic
environment problems because there has been a lot of population on the
eaarth, and each of that people is very dependence to the modern
technology wich can create a big effect on the environment and nature.
currently most of the environmental damage on the earth caused by
overgrwoth of human popultion, with te ability to change the environment.
2.5 We as the Infrastructure Manager
Infrastructure is a key point of what is very essential for us Indonesian
to make our country leave the current level into the higher standard, to
make us par with countries that we can say is in a higher level than us.
Infrastructure is basically all the facilities (that can be built) that a country
could give to its people, something that makes the people of the said
country have an easier life. What differs infrastructure from other
government policy is that infrastructure are made by bricks and mortars.
They are something real, an object of some sorts. For example, the most
common and vital infrastructure is road. Road increases the mobility of the

citizen, making them able to reach places that they have not reached before,
it is the key of new opportunities. That is why Indonesia is still thriving to
do its best in providing good transportation infrastructure, especially road
for its people.
In this case, we have to manage it like China. Tens of thousands
kilometers of road and highway has been built throughout China in a very
limited amount of time. This is very appreciable, if not very impressive. In
managing its infrastructure, Indonesia have to take China as example, or
inspiration even. The effort that the Chinese government has taken to
provide the best to their people is just simply wonderful. They also built
thousands of hospital and schools across their country. This is because the
Chinese embraces a believe that the key to their nation development is not
their government, economic, social standards or anything of that. They still
believe that the key is their people. Once they have given so much to their
people, they believe that their people will give back something greater out
of them.
Now, this is what Indonesia still does not have. Indonesia have not put
its trust enough in its people. In managing infrastructure, Indonesia is still
afraid that once they have given so many to its people, the people will not
give anything back, or even the people will be spoiled and unproductive.
Indonesia have to leave behind this stereotype when it comes to managing
infrastructure. Indonesia have to believe the current generation and the next
generation is different than the past, that once given, the people will give
something back. The people will provide sustainability and develop
something even more greater than what Indonesia has ever dreamed of. The
key to managing a sustainable infrastructure in Indonesia is a synergic and
trustful relationship between the government of Indonesia and its people.
Once achieved, there will be nothing that is impossible for Indonesia to
achieve and make their mark in the world.

2.6 We as The Manager of Disaster and its Mitigation

2.6.1 Natural Disaster Landslide
Indonesia is the place where landslide occurrence is common. This is
due to rains, the instability of the slope itself, and the natural disaster which
occurs frequently because Indonesias geographical location. Landslide can
also be caused by human actions, such as deforestation and the suctioning
of groundwater.
Landslide can cause topography changes, injuries and loss of lives,
and major financial loss. There are currently no organization that handles
and monitors landslide in Indonesia, even though there is one organization
called Badan Metrologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) that only
handles the factors that causes landslide such as weather, rain, and
Terrain Instability, which is the primary cause of landslide, is a
condition when the pushing force of the slope is much larger than the
retaining force. The pushing force itself is a combination of the angle of the
slope, water content of the soil, and weights that encumbers the soils
Landslides can be prevented by two means, Mechanical Soil
Stabilization and Natural Soil Stabilization. Mechanical stabilization
involves the use of Geotextile and Geogride, and natural stabilization can
be done by adding vegetation on the slopes that could strengthen the soil
via roots.

2.6.2 Disaster Mitigation

A disaster can take many different forms, and the duration can range
from an hourly disruption, to days or weeks of ongoing destruction. In

general, disaster is divided into 2 types: Natural Disaster is a type of

disaster that is caused by natural phenomenon; and Man-made Disaster is a
type of disaster that is initiated by human actions, some notorious example
of this is Bhopal and Chernobyl Incident.
Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening
the impact of disasters. In order for mitigation to be effective we need to
take action as soon as possible, such as before the disaster happens, to
reduce human and financial consequences later. It is important to know that
disasters can happen anytime and at any place and if we are unprepared,
consequences can be fatal.
An effective mitigation requires that we have the understanding of
local risks by analyzing it, addressing and reducing the risk, and invest in
long-term community well-being. Because without mitigation actions, we
are jeopardizing our safety, financial security and self-reliance.
The three main points of Disaster Mitigation is: Knowing and
Monitoring the Risk of Disaster; Reducing Disaster Risks (prevention,
structural actions by making physical buildings in order to prevent or
reduce the impact), non-structural actions, creating regulations, and
educating community to the potential of disaster; and lastly, Emergency
Response Readiness (general readiness, contingency plans, and rehearsals
for disaster).
2.6.3 Extraordinary Event or Disaster
Extraordinary event means the emergence or appearance of an
incidence of morbidity and mortality and/or the increasing an incidence of
morbidity and mortality that is significantly epidemiology in a population
group within a certain time. Plague (an Extra- ordinary Event) is the
increase in incidence of morbidity and mortality, which is expanding
rapidly both in the number of cases as well as the area of the disease.

Plague consist of infectious diseases, food poisoning, toxicity of

hazardous materials, et cetera. Detrimental effects of this event includes
sickness and mortality, and the impact on the economic sector (for the
mitigation cost) and tourism, and has the potential to spread widely across
the regions or even internationally. This can lead to a massive catastrophe.
Other kinds of extra ordinary events: The emergence or appearance of
an infectious disease that previously did not exist or was not known. For
example the MERS Virus from Middle East, which does not existed
previously, suddenly emerges and infects hundred-thousands of people.


Article Cl-2

Bagaimana Menata Indonesia?

Wilayah Indonesia, terbentang dari Pulau Weh sampai Papua, dengan
sejumlah pulau besar maupun pulau-pulau kecil. Kekayaan sumber daya
alam, baik hayati maupun nonhayati, yang melimpah belum mampu
menyejahterakan rakyat secara menyeluruh. Dilihat dari sisi sumber daya
manusia, ada banyak masalah yang harus dihadapi bangsa Indonesia. Salah
satunya problem kesehatan. Akhir-akhir ini, muncul berbagai penyakit, yang
dipicu oleh asupan makanan yang tidak sehat seperti aneka sayuran dan buah
yang mengandung residu pestisida, aneka makanan yang mengandung
pengawet berbahaya, aneka makanan yang mengandung pewarna toksik
(pewarna cat, pewarna tekstil yang digunakan untuk pewarna makanan).
Contoh, baru-baru ini diketahui ada pabrik saus yang menggunakan pewarna

cat, atau industri rumah tangga yang mengolah kulit atau kikil menjadi
kerupuk kulit,menggunakan formalin. Penyakit juga dapat muncul akibat
penggunaan kosmetik yang mengandung bahan berbahaya. Persoalan
kesehatan pun juga dijumpai di lingkungan. Artinya lingkungan yang tidak
sehat baik tanah, air, maupun udara yang tercemar. Lingkungan yang tidak
sehat akan berdampak pada manusia atau organisme yang lain dan ujungujungnya akan berdampak pada ketidak seimbangan ekosistem.
Krisis lingkungan juga telah terjadi di beberapa wilayah seperti di
Pulau jawa. Pulau Jawa berada di ambang krisis, daya dukung lingkungannya
sudah mengkhawatirkan. Namun, ijin penambangan masih diberikan dengan
mengonversi daerah tangkapan air, hutan, dan kawasan pertanian. Dari 2003
2013, ijin usaha pertambangan di jawa mencapai 1000an dengan total wilayah
yang akan dikonversi 471.378 ha. Jumlah itu belum termasuk lahan yang
dikuasai blok minyak, serbuan baru pabrik semen, ekstraksi perusahaan air,
konversi untuk properti dan kawasan industri baru, serta infrastruktur industri
internasional seperti pelabuhan Cilamaya. Konversi lahan besar-besaran
itu,membuat situasi Jawa ke depan dapat dipastikan makin mengerikan dan
sangat rentan konflik. Data Kompas 2014,menunjukkan sejumlah perusahaan
semen dari dalam dan luar negeri telah dan siap masuk di Jawa, di antaranya
Siam Cement (Thailand) di Jawa barat, Semen Merah Putih (Wilmar) di
banten, Ultratech di Wonogiri, dan Jui Shin Indonesia di Jawa Barat. Adapun
semen Puger akan beroperasi di Jember, dan semen Panasia di Jawa tengah.
Belum, yang akan masuk ke Luar Jawa. Padahal, RPJMN (Rencana






pembangunan harus didorong untuk meningkatkan kedaulatan pangan, tidak

boleh merusak daya dukung lingkungan dan mengganggu keseimbangan
ekosistem. Jawa, tidak hanya dibebani industri ekstraktif, tetapi juga
kepadatan penduduk yang mencapai 1.057 jiwa per km dengan bangunan serta
gedung yang semakin tidak teratur dan tidak sehat. Lebih dari 50% penduduk

Indonesia tinggal di Pulau Jawa. Problem batu akik pun, harus dicermati,
sebab dapat berdampak pada overeksploitasi bahan tambang.

Relation Between LSPB and Article


Relation with LSPB 1

After I read the article and I understand the main problems
and congenital problems that would concern us. That vegetables
contaminated by peptisida who will enter the body will lead to
poisoning, brain and nerve disorders, diarrhea and immune disorder.
The most popular use of formalin is for embalming dead bodies at the
mortuaries. A shot of 50ml to 200ml is enough to preserve a dead
body at least for a short period. The standard dose, however for fixing
the body of an adult is 500ml to 1000mls, that is half a liter to a liter.
Formalin is the aqueous solution of Formaldehyde, a highly
toxic chemical compound with the formula CH 2O. It is the simplest
aldehyde, which can be obtained from its cyclic trimer trioxane and
the polymer paraformaldehyde. A 100 per cent formalin solution
consists of a saturated solution of formaldehyde (this is about 40% by
volume or 37% by mass) in water, with a small amount of stabiliser,
usually methanol to limit oxidation and polymerisation. The medical
experts say formalin can causes disorders in the oral cavity, the
gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney, lung, heart, and the central
nervous system in the early phase of reaction.
The Artificial Flavourings why it is used? Because Cheap
chemical mixtures that mimic natural flavors. But they didnt
considered for the reaction this chemicals if contact with our body,
the risk are linked to allergic reactions, dermatitis, eczema,
hyperactivity and asthma and can affect enzymes, RNA and thyroid.
And sometimes people take advantage of this to increase

trading profits without consideration of the results and the

consequences it will have on their consumers. The important thing is
how to get good results in various ways. Things like this are common
in Indonesia as traders and farmers in Indonesia are also not getting
cheap capital to sell to consumers and forced to do something like
this to get maximum profit.

Relation with LSPB 2

Undirectly with good health environment the life expectancy
near the infected area could be higher than before. And also the good
public health service too. Infected area like told in article are
hazardous area, it could infected human and make many diseases
which is very not healthy. Public health service has to be better. And if
its needed they have to move to better area. In indonesia, life
expectancy is about 70 years old, but its an average national life
expectancy. Analyzing trough the data that the highest life expectancy
is from jakarta, and followed by other city. There are so many factors
that affecting high life expectancy in jakarta such as good education
and also good public health service and any other things. With the bad
sansitation, some area will be stated as diseases source, and it will
make the environment so unhealthy, also related with the bad hosuing
standards, such as no ventilation, the air wont be changed/not fresh.
And the oxygen will not come from outside.


Relation with LSPB 3

In the article Indonesia's clean water supply keep decreasing
because of waste that polluting the river and land that was used as a
water filtration was converted into houses and industry, there are still
so many cases about environment pollution by waste, Massive

Industrialization in Indonesia might cause the increase in production of

Hazardous waste. this article show that the crisis of environment in
Indonesia is mainly caused by the increase of industrialization in
Indonesia this also show that the environment management in
Indonesia is still lacking because of the minimum awareness of the
people about their environment.

Relation with LSPB 4

In the article, it said that many food in indonesia and many
stuffs that were used in daily life are using chemicals that contain
toxicity that is dangerous for human which can cause sickness or even
the article also mention that the growth of human
population in indonesia might triggered the massive industrialization
on java island. this can create so many environmental damage in
indonesia. for example the massive industrialization can be a huge
contributor to air pollution.


Relation with LSPB 5

In the article, it very clearly seen that there are so many
incorrect practices that could led to Indonesia far behind in its effort to
reach sustainable infrastructure.


infrastructure are

something that is well planned, and we could really see that the
examples of the wacana is not well planned at all. Once something is
not well planned, of course it will not reach the second milestone of
achieving sustainable infrastructure, which is sustainable development.
Sustainable development means trying to execute the plan
of the construction in a very efficient manner, and of course eco

friendly. Once a project is not planned to be sustainable, for example

the illegal mining in the wacana, the development is not going to be
sustainable to. This is very harmful both to the environment, and the
well being of every human involved in it. If it is sustainable, a mine is
a very great source of income for the region and even the nation, and it
could open the job opportunities to the local.
It is a terrible truth that if the first step is not achieved in
order to reach sustainable infrastructure, the rest of it will go down
too. Indonesia have to rethink its policies in developing its
infrastructure. Indonesia needs sustainable infrastructure more than
other countries, and this thing needs to be taken care of as fast as it

Relation with LSPB 6

The article mentions about the health crisis in Indonesia,
specifically Java Island, which stems from unhygienic, and
biologically engineered foods as well as crops that use chemicals as an
anti-pest measure. The foods that have those traits are usually labelled
as inorganic and are cheaper than their organic counterpart.
Sizeable number of foods are also intentionally given chemical
coloring to improve the appeal, or given formalin for preservation
which are detrimental for human body. Another cause for health crisis
is the unhealthy environment be it soil, water, or even polluted air.
This is due to lack of vegetation especially in rundown city environme.
This is related to the FG06s LSPB about extraordinary event,
which is Plague, can be initiated if extreme measures against the
health crisis in Indonesia is not taken. As we all can see, bacteria from
the unhealthy foods or the environment can be transmitted into human
body, and then between humans. The contagious nature of the bacteria

could only mean the spread-out will only increase exponentially by




Human as the manager of nature and environment should be the one to

preserve, maintain, and reorganize this nature. however the facts prove otherwise. as
we can see from the article above, the environmental crisis in indonesia keeps
increasing. without thinking the detrimental effect that could happen to the society
they keep exploit the natural resources in their place, creating imbalances in the
nature system. the growth in human population and massive industrialization both are
huge contributors to environmental crisis happening in Indonesia.

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