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PSO Training Materials Notebook

Questions to Ask My Supervisor

VISTA National Integrated Training 1

PSO Training Materials Notebook

Questions to Ask My Supervisor

2 VISTA National Integrated Training

PSO Training Materials Notebook

VISTA National Integrated Training 3

PSO Training Materials Notebook

Thoughts about poverty....

4 VISTA National Integrated Training

PSO Training Materials Notebook

“AmeriCorps taught me that change

is a gradual process, but can be

accomplished. It took a lot of work,

but we made real progress.”

—AC VISTA Karen Lenthal

VISTA National Integrated Training 5

PSO Training Materials Notebook

Thoughts about my VISTA assignment...

6 VISTA National Integrated Training

PSO Training Materials Notebook

VISTA National Integrated Training 7

PSO Training Materials Notebook

Thoughts about entering my community/organization...

8 VISTA National Integrated Training

PSO Training Materials Notebook

VISTA National Integrated Training 9

PSO Training Materials Notebook

“…You don’t have to have a college

degree to serve. You don’t even

have to make your subject and

your verb agree to serve... You

only need a heart full of grace. A

soul generated by love.”

—Martin Luther King, Jr.

10 VISTA National Integrated Training

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