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The brain and spinal cord cannot be examined as directly as other systems of the body
thus much of the neurologic examination is an indirect evaluation that assess the function is
33an specific body part or parts controlled or innovated by the nervous system it provide cr
itical intimation that no other test can provide it tells us whether the patients nervous system is
working normally or not. It also helps to diagnose and localize the disease with in the nervous
The human nervous system is a highly specialized system responsible for the control and
integration of the body activities the ability to conduct neurologic assessment depends on the
nurses knowledge of neuro anatomy and neuro physiology and skill in recognizing and
interpreting subtle divisions from normal neurological assessment of the neurological patient is
based upon highly developed nursing assessment and clinical reasoning skills. The nurse must
know what parameters to assess. Proper technique for assessment and appropriate method of
documentation and how to interpret the data to decide what action should be taken. To detect
subtle and

obvious changes in the neurologic examination and to in corporate such

information in to the context of the patient profile

The purpose of neurologic assessment for the advanced practiced nurse functioning in an
expanded role is,

To identify the presence of nervous system dysfunction .

To determine the effects of nervous system dysfunction on activities of daily living

and independent function.

To detect life threatening situation.
To establish neurological data base for the patient.
To provide data base upon which nursing diagnosis, will based.
Assessment of a client experiencing a neurologic disorder is a challenge.
Neurologic disorders range from simple to complex and have profound consequences for
activities of daily living(ADL) and survival. Neurologic assessment establishes baseline data
that are used to compare ongoing assessment. Diagnosis actual potential health problems,
manage client care evaluate health problems manage client care evaluate the outcome.

Need for the study

Head injury is a major public health problem, especially among male adolescent and
young adults ages 15-24, and among elderly people of both sexes 75 years and older. In the 19
th century little was understood about the brain and even less was known about how to treat
injury to it. Most serious injuries to the brain resulted in death due to bleeding or infection.
Today,we understand a great more about the healthy brain and its response to trauma, although
science still has much to learn about how to reverse damage resulting from head injuries. In
globally each year traumatic brain injuries(TBI)contribute substantial number of deaths and
cases of permanent disability. In 2015,approximately 5 million people died from injuries
globally, and 90% came from low or middle countries. India is also experiencing and
increasing trend in injuries , particularly due to road traffic injuries(RTI)at an alarming annual
rate of 3%.the world report on road traffic injuries prevention indicates that 2020, road traffic
injuries will be a major killer accounting for million deaths and 15 million disability
adjusted life years(DALYS)traumatic brain injuries(TBIS)are a leading cause of morbidity,
mortality, disability and socio economic losses in india and other developing countries. It is

estimated that nearly 1.5 -2 million persons are injured and 1 million succumb to death every
year in india. Road traffic injuries leading cause(60%) of TBIS followed by falls (20%-25%)
and violence (10%)alcohol involvement is known to be present among 15%-20% of TBIS at
the time of injury. In Tamilnadu every 5 mts some one become permanently disabled due a
head injury. 70,000-90,000 of those who survive will have life long disabilities. 2000 more will
live in a persistent vegetative state. Tamilnadu had the highest number of road accident in the
country at 67,232 and the second highest number of deaths at 15,176. At Rajeev Gandhi
government hospital and average of 60 road traffic accident victims is seen per day. In
Coimbatore is a main city in Tamilnadu were the accidents are happening regularly. The
statistical report say in a year of 2015
50,000 traumatic brain injuries in each year
28,000 of this injuries require hospital admission
Every 5 mts someone die from a head injury
Hence the investigator observed that most of the head injury (RTA)cases are admitted in the
hospital.Investigator also identified head injury patients are more risk for complication of
paralysis, coma, intra cranial hemorrhage some time death due to lack of knowledge regarding
staff nurses in early assessing of complications.Through the screening, investigator found there
were more than 50,000 traumatic brain injury patient among 1,00000

Statement of problem
A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding knowledge
Glasgow coma scale among final year B.Sc. Nursing students in

selected college at

Objectives of the study

To assess existing knowledge regarding Glasgow coma scale among final year B.SC Nursing
To assess the post test knowledge regarding Glasgow coma scale among final year B.SC
Nursing students
To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding glasgow coma scale
among final year B.SC Nursing students.
To determine the association between the

socio demographic variables and post test

knowledge score among final year B SC Nursing students

There is a significant difference between the level of knowledge regarding Glasgow coma scale
among final year B SC Nursing students.
There is a significant association between the levels of knowledge and their selected
demographic variables.

Operational definition
I. Effectiveness :It is an extent to which an action produces a desired outcome. In this study if
refers to the extent to which structured teaching programme on Glasgow coma scale is
effective in improving the knowledge of nursing students

II. Planned teaching programme:It refers to systematically well planned set of instruction which
focuses on a group designed to provide information regarding Glasgow coma scale through
lecture cum discussions with the use of A V aids
III. Knowledge: It refers to awareness and understanding of Glasgow coma scale of patient among
nursing students measured by knowledge questionnaire

Nurses need adequate knowledge regarding Glasgow coma scale in assessing patients with
neurological disorders

Delimitation of the study

The students who are studying final year B SC Nursing in Sree Abirami College Of Nursing.
The students who are willing to participate.
The study was limited to sample of 30 final year B SC Nursing students

Projected outcome
The study will help the students to gain knowledge regarding Glasgow coma scale

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