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Using Thinking Maps to Teach Nutrition and Physical Activity Concepts


Thinking Maps as a Tool

* Identified on Thinking Map tool

Circle Map

PreK Kinder
Identify foods and healthy snacks you like to eat and drink.
Lower Elem
Describe the main function (nutrients) our body needs?
Identify a variety of healthy snacks.
Upper Elem
*What facts, details, or key information do you know about food?
Identify and define key nutrients and their functions
What facts, details or key information do you know about physical
How do we make choices about our food?
Where can we access healthy food options?
How can we encourage others to eat healthy?

The Bubble Map

What do fruits (or veggies) taste/look/smell/feel like?
Lower Elem
*How would you describe an orange?
Describe key components to a healthy meal.
Identify opportunities for physical activity outside of school.
Upper Elem
How would you describe someone who eats healthy?
How would you describe someone who is physically active?
Describe ways you can support others in making positive food
and physical activity choices.
Explain the components to properly lose/gain weight
Describe how to take a more personal responsibility for eating
healthy foods.



Nutrition/Physical Activity Concept

For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663. Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips. California Department of Public Health

Double Bubble Map

PreK Kinder
Compare foods based on GO, SLOW and WOW
Lower Elem
*What are the similarities and differences between an apple and
an orange?
Compare and contrast healthy and less-healthy food choices for
a variety of settings.


Upper Elem
Compare and contrast a diet high in sugar, salt and fat versus a diet
high in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Compare current eating and physical activity habits with those
recommended for your age.
Compare and contrast healthy and risky approaches to weight
Distinguish between facts and myths regarding nutrition
practices, products and physical performance.

Tree Map

PreK Kinder
Classify produce as fruits or vegetables.
Classify activities as With Toys or Without Toys (equipment).
Lower Elem
Classify different foods into their proper food group.
Describe food by taste, smell, texture, etc

Daily intake
include at
least 3 oz
of whole

Upper Elem
*How would you classify the different food groups?
o What are some details about each food group?
Provide examples of Go, Slow and WOW foods.
Critique ones personas diet for overall balance of key nutrients

Developed by
Huntington Beach Union High School District
Network for a Healthy California

Brace Map

PreK Kinder
*What are the parts of an apple?
Lower Elem
What are the different parts of a plant? Identify parts we eat!


Upper Elem
Learning the Food Label and its parts

(serving size, servings per container, calories, fat, sodium, fiber, vitamins, minerals)

Define all the components to a healthy lifestyle.

Flow Map

PreK Kinder
What are the steps to washing fruits and vegetables?
Lower Elem
What are the steps to making a healthy snack from 2 food
*What are the steps you would follow in order to make a salad?


Upper Elem
What steps do you need to take in order to eat a balanced
breakfast before school?
Make a plan to choose healthy foods and beverages
Develop practical solutions for removing barriers to healthy
eating and physical activity.

For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663. Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips. California Department of Public Health

Multi-Flow Map


A balance of
foods from
different food

PreK Kinder
What causes a person to be healthy?
Lower Elem
What are the effects of eating a healthy breakfast?
Discuss influences on food choices.
Upper Elem
*What is the effect of a healthy meal on the body?
What is the effect of eating in moderation?
What is the effect if you engage in daily physical activity?
What is the effect if you engage in harmful activities to gain or
lose weight?
Discuss influences and how peers/media/family affects our food
and physical activity choices.

Bridge Map

PreK Kinder
Choose healthy foods in a variety of settings.
Lower Elem
Examine the importance of eating a nutritious breakfast every


Upper Elem
*What is the relationship between an orange and vitamin C?
o What other foods have similar nutritional relationships?
What happens when you eat healthy foods?
What happens when you are more active?
Critique ones personal diet for overall balance of key nutrients
Identify strategies for eating more fruits and vegetables.

Developed by
Huntington Beach Union High School District
Network for a Healthy California

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