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Grounding techniques help bring the Magician back to a "normal" state of consciousness. This is often
necessary after an intense ritual when one has spent a significant amount of time in an altered state of
consciousness. Depending on the intent and nature of the ritual and the emotional/psychological state
of the magician there may be some residule energy associated with the ritual. This is normal, but when
the ritual is over it is necessary to return to a normal state of mind. If you have just performed, for
example, a ritual to get revenge on an enermy, fueled by rage, you want to let that go when youre
done. On a lighter note, sometimes after a ritual you may just feel a bit unbalanced, or maybe
somewhat euphoric, which also warrants a good grounding.
In everyday life, there are a multitude of "mundane" ways one can ground. People who are especially
sensitive to the problems, emotional baggage, personal dramas or even physical pain of others can
benefit greatly by grounding regularly, possibly several times daily. People like this are a form of
Psychic Vampire, and grounding is a good way to Banish the draining effect they sometimes have.
Grounding is also a good way to overcome stress and anxiety. Nearly everyone experiences these
things from time to time for one reason or another, and finding ways to ground ourselves is a great
solution to overcoming these feelings. One of the fastest ways to ground is to shock your body slightly.
Splashing your face with cold water is probably the most common way to do it.
Focusing on breathing slowly and deeply as opposed to shallowly and rapidly is good, too. Ever heard
the phrase "Take a deep breath and count to 10"? To do this, simply become aware of your breathing
and slow it down. Breath in counting slowly and evenly to 4. Now hold your breath in for 4, Breath out
4, hold your breath for 4. Make sure you dont close your throat when holding your breath either in or
out. Just use your lungs to stop your breath. Focus your attention on the sensation of your breath going
in and out. Continue this exercise until you feel calm and grounded.
Paying close attention to things around you can help you reorient yourself.
Stretching and general body movement, such as waving your arms around or going for a walk, seem to
be helpful as well.
Most anything that normally calms you down will help you to ground, such as watching TV, playing
video games, reading, a relaxing bath or shower (which are easily ritualized through visualization), and
even eating. In many religious and magic(k)al traditions a feast will follow ritual work, though the
participants may not be aware of this reason, for the grounding effect a meal has. Sometimes you may
not really feel like eating, but you should, if possible, have something sweet followed a small amount
of protein. High protein food is harder to digest and therefore redirects the persons energy into their
body. Moreover, high protein food will help adjust brain chemistry in the direction of normal beta wave
Laughter might well be the best method, though, as many a seasoned Chaos Magician will attest.
Centering techniques generally focus upon ones center of gravity. Theyre used for the purpose of
helping the Magician summon energy and find stability for whatever work theyre doing. Centering
techniques focus the mind and get it ready to work. This type of technique should effectively "Banish"

thoughts that arent in accordance with your current work, whether that work is an Enochian Ritual, a
math exam, or a job interview.

I personally use only one method of Centering. Ive been using it since I was a kid and its always
served me well. When I was about ten years old my father put me in Martial Arts classes because I was
being picked on by neighborhood bullies. This not only led to the bullies not picking on me anymore,
but also gave me a lifelong passion for such things as energy work and meditation. My martial arts
instructor taught me about keeping one point of consciousness at the Dantian. The Dantian is used as a
focal point for internal meditative techniques and refers specifically to the physical center of gravity
located in the abdomen three finger widths below and two finger widths behind the navel. He
demonstrated how maintaining "one point" was useful, not only in fighting, but in daily life. When he
put his consciousness at his Dantian he became immovable. He could lay on beds of nails while grown
men broke concrete blocks on his stomach with sledgehammers. Things like this tend to get the
attention of a ten year old boy. During our meditations, people would sway and bounce from the energy
they were cultivating. The instructor, from time to time, might even walk up and hit or kick them. They
didnt lose their focus. I found that by putting my focus on my Dantian I was more balanced, stronger,
more energetic, and more graceful.
So heres my personal Centering practice. Its incredibly simple, but will allow you to bring focus and
find balance. This technique can be performed standing, sitting, or lying down. If sitting in a chair
youll want to sit so that with your feet flat on the floor your torso, thighs and shins roughly form the
shape of a stair step. In other words, the angle between your spine and thighs is about 90 degrees and
the angle between your thighs and lower legs is about 90 degrees in the other direction. It is better that
these angles be a little more than 90 degrees rather than less. Your head should rest comfortably on
your neck. Your spine should be erect so that your head balances there without much muscle tension
keeping it in place. Sit up straight and find that balance point. You may look slightly downward, or
simply close your eyes. You may simply rest your hands on your thighs. Your nose and your navel
should be in line. Your ears and shoulders should be in line. You may rock a little front to back and to
each side to find the balance point.
Now release any remaining muscle tension and concentrate on your breathing. At first, simply let your
breathing become very natural. It will find its own pace and you may notice that it slows and deepens.
Inhale gently through the nose, hold, and exhale through the mouth, each period lasting for about five
seconds. Allow the breath to sink into your abdomen. Imagine that the breath is moving like a wave
between your lungs and the point in the center of your abdomen a couple of inches below and behind
your navel. Bring your attention fully to that energy center. Allow all of you attention to focus at that
point. It may be helpful to imagine a point of white light in your abdomen. Visualize with each breath
that the the abdomen fills with energy; feel it warm and tingling. Continue to return your awareness to
your Center whenever it drifts away. Focus all of your attention there. Note any sensations you have
there and let them go. Releasing your mental constrictions there will allow the energy to move up your
spine and throughout your body. You may feel energized, but at the same time you may have a feeling
of being in balance. Focus your attention without desire for any particular result. Check your posture
and bring it back to balance when you feel it slip.
Creating a Neutral Environment
As was mentioned earlier, a magician will usually have to create a neutral environment prior to ritual

work, get rid of residue left lingering after magic(k)al work, and neutralize negativity from people,
places, and things in the everyday world. Negative energy in various forms can collect where we live,
where we work, and basically anywhere people find themselves. For example, arguments with spouses,
children, parents, or friends cause it. A stressful work environment causes it. Ive even noticed large
family get togethers that seem to be quite happy on the surface sometimes seem to cause it. These are
all perfectly normal everyday situations that will happen from time to time, but all produce negative
energy that must be Banished.
Before formal magic(k)al work it is a good idea to clean the area physically. Pick up any clutter,
vacuum, mop, whatever seems necessary. Also, make sure you will not be interrupted. Disconnect your
telephone, close any open curtains and lock the doors if necessary. If you are working at home and have
family, tell them you are not to be disturbed for a while. Now you are ready to begin banishing any
negativity that might be present. There are several ways of doing this. Heres a simple one:
Standing in the area to be Banished, face any preferred direction. Ground and Center. Hold out your
projective hand (right if right handed) palm down at waist height and point your fingers at the edge of
the area. Visualize energy flowing out from your fingertips as a bright light (coloured if you wish) and
slowly walk clockwise around the area. Now form it with your visualization into the form of a dome, it
should encompass the whole area. Now extend the energy down into the floor, see it forming into a
complete sphere of brilliant light as you stand at its center. Feel it dissipating all of the negativity in the
area. When the area seems clean, finish the technique by turning the palm and clenching your fist
pulling it back to your body.
Smudging, the burning of certain herbs to create a cleansing smoke bath, is another common method
which is used to purify people, ritual space, and ceremonial tools and objects. This technique is
traditionally used to Banish negative energies by cleansing, purifying and protecting the magician and
the working area, and also bringing physical, spiritual and emotional balance. It is easily performed by
burning traditionally purifying incense or herbs such as frankincense, myrrh, sage, thyme or rosemary.
The physical act of smudging can be as simple as fumigating the area by walking clockwise around the
area and visualizing the smoke dispelling any negative energy.
For formal ritual work, I like to smudge before and after. The first smudging is for the purpose of
cleansing the space, myself and and any participants and for banishing any unwanted energies.
Cleansing the ritual space before and after the event is essential. The final smudge is to Banish any
negative vibrations and energies attracted or created during the ritual. Smudging is also an easy way to
banish yourself and your living space on a regular basis. Many people with desk jobs can even get
away with this method of Banishing at work.
Ritual Banishing
The Golden Dawns Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Aleister Crowleys Star Ruby, Peter
Carrolls Gnostic Pentagram Ritual, and countless other Banishings fall into the area of Ritual
Banishings. All of the ones just mentioned are good, as well as many others out there. Most use
various combinations of visualization, gesture, movement, words of power, invocation, sometimes
evocation, breath control, and a wide array of symbol systems in a psycho-dramatic fashion to Banish.
Many of these rituals ground, center, create a neutral environment for, and protect the magician all with
one short, usually no more than ten minute ritual, making ritual Banishings excellent for beginning and
ending longer sessions of magic(k)al work.
Many magicians also perform Banishing Rituals as a daily routine, such as in the morning just after

they wake up and at night before bed, in addition to using them to open and close their ritual work.

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