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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

The anti-social behavior and criminal acts have increased now a days. Deep study has been
conducted by many researchers in detail for the cause and nature of ant-social acts or criminal
behavior or murder or murderer, particularly by Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones from
Rochester Institute of Technology, the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Award for Writing, came to
the conclusion that the criminal behavior develops due to heredity and environment. This
evidence has been generated from a number of twin, family, and adoption studies as well as
laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is more often an
interaction between genes and the environment that predicts criminal behavior. Having a
genetic predisposition for criminal behavior does not determine the actions of an individual, but
if they are exposed to the right environment, then their chances are greater for engaging in
criminal or anti-social behavior.

In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our Rishis and savants that the behavior of the
native depends on:

a) Desh: in present day terminology means environment i.e. under which the native has been
nurtured or has grown such as the environment in family, schooling, friends, culture and the
societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the development of the native's mind, and
the native's environment nurtures what is inherent in the natal horoscope. The horoscope is
examined with reference to Desh, that is, prediction depends on an understanding of the Desh
under which a particular native develops. Astrological interpretation and prediction will vary
according to cultural customs and expectations.

b) Kala: the kala is the time of occurring of the event. In astrology we calculate the timing of the
event by dasha and antar dash and transit of the planets. One with aggressive and impulsive
tendencies will not act on these at all times. His super-ego developed under Desh will assert

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

some control over his actions. In other words, his free will and the influences around him will
prevent his mind from going astray at most times. But under the influences of Dasha and transit,
one will lose his control over the senses and under the influence of genetic tendencies he will
behave in anti-social manner.

c) Patra: is the native himself. "The self" "individual" We can say lagna which has tendencies
i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the native has genetic tendencies to anti-social behavior, but it
is the Desh which develops and flourishes these tendencies. Human beings since prehistoric
times have relied on the primitive instinct of aggression for survival. Some natives who have
developed super-conscious minds are less aggressive, whereas others with only the slightest
provocation become aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social acts.

Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep observation and experience that the jeeva
do four type of Purshartha (purpose of life)

a) Dharma, duties i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family, our society, our country etc.

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

b) Artha: "purpose to serve" means earning money to serve the life..

c) Kama: "Sex" "what motivates our Karma" enjoyments and enjoy comfort of life to fulfill his

d) Moksha: "freedom" "overcoming Kama" in present day terms peace of mind and
contentment, when one is not disturbed if one's desire is not fulfilled.

But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior is due to

a) Jada i.e.. material and money

b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts of life. Desires.

c) Jameen i.e. protection and safety of one's life.

One wants to survive and protect himself and his family from all calamities of nature and
circumstances. There is similar proverb in English too. It says that the criminal acts are done for

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

"W cube" i.e. wealth, woman, and wine. It indicates that the most people are interested only in
Artha and Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and Moksha. The Dharma and Moksha are
two banks of a river of Artha and Kama. These bank do not allow the river to go errant. Earn as
much as possible and enjoy as much as you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as
balancing factor. When you go into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma and
Moksha, you will ha, full of tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When a person is full of passion
and anger he commits anti-social acts and crime. So the conclusion of present researches and
the thinking of our savants and rishis are the same. When a native is mentally troubled, full of
tension, insecurity, and anger he commits anti-social acts and crime. When there are genetic
tendencies for aggressions, impulses and anger and environment supports the same, makes
the native anti-social and criminal. So an individual's antisocial or criminal behavior can be the
result of both, their genetic background and the environment in which they were nurtured.

The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurate is astrology? To find out, a
member of the Kansas City Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five astrologers
posing as a man interested in working with young people. He gave each astrologer the birth
date, birth time and place of John Gacy instead of his own, plus a computerized natal chart from
a company internationally recognized for accuracy (Neil F.Michelsen), and asked them for their
advice. The astrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work and none could see
any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test because his chart should portray a clear
picture of a sadistic sexually motivated killer. If astrologers are able to spot personality traits and
destinies in any chart, then this is one they should have no trouble with.

(John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST being
the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some
hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49
GMT. Both times give a Sagittarius ascendant.) The astrologers declared him as guy boy. (I
think that the horoscope was prepared on calculations based on Sayana system not on
Nirayana system which mislead and prediction failed.)

According to Nirayana system the ascendant should be Scorpio where you include war time or
not and apply the rules of astrology. You will find him anti-social or having criminal behavior. We

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

will analyze the chart in the article. One must remember that such persons are always
aggressive and impulsive and are not able to keep attention focused on one subject.

A more elaborate test was carried out in the 1960s by Michel Gauquelin. In his book Astrology
and Science (Mayflower 1972), which is an English translation of his book l'Astrologie devant la
science (Planete 1966).

In his 1972 book, Gauquelin concluded "Confronted with science, modern and traditional
astrology are seen to be imaginary doctrines. To predict the future by consulting the stars is to
delude the world, or at least to delude oneself." (p.138)

The recent studies between self control and criminal activities, published in Science Alert,
Sydney by Mel Williams, suggests that "the low self-control to be the strongest risk factor for
crime." It is what the astrology suggests. The sudden flare up of anger, and irritability and low
self-control is the main cause of criminal activities. It also points out toward prevention and cure
of the criminals. It point outs that the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures criminals
because they increases self control.

But according to me the astrology is capable of pin pointing the behavior of the native. The
Astrology can indicate aggressiveness, impulsiveness, his passion and full of anger behavior of
the native. According to astrology, a native is aggressive, impulsive, full of anger and passion, if
there are following yoga present in his chart.

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

(1) The 4th house indicates mental make up and manners of thought. Rahu in 4th, if
aspected by Mars in lagna and Saturn in 7th, it indicates the revengeful behavior of the native.

(2) Gulika in 3rd point to impulsiveness and thoughtful action.

(3) If Lagna lord is weak and afflicted.

(4) The combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes the native murderer.(Saravali, Ch
15, sh 2)

(5) If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa yoga is formed. The native with Sarpa yoga becomes
murderer. (Saravali, ch:21, sh 42). Even if there are malefic planets in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th
and 10th and lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.

(6) If Sun and Mars are posited in Lagna, one becomes murderer. (Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)

(7) When Gulika is in 9th house, the person will be murderer of his parents and preceptors.
(Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:5)

(8) If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the native will be murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX,

(9) If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by Scorpio, the native will be murderer, master
of rogue and robbers. (Jataka Parijat, IX, Sh:121)

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

(10) If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet, the native will commit crime.
(Jatak Parijat VI, sloka 6)

(11) When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra, conjunction with malefic,

(12) When malefic planet be in kendra without benefic aspect and Jupiter in 8th house, the
native will be slaughterer of animals. (Jataka Parijat Ch: VI, Sloka 14)

(13) If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th or vice versa, the native e become aggressive and
impulsive.(Jataka Tattva, Chapter lagna, sloka 145 to 154)

(14) If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or 9th.

(15) If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th and aspected by malefic planet, the native become
aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking some drug.

(16) The native become impulsive and aggressive after the punishment from government
officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturn conjoin.

(17) If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are conjoined.

(18) If Sun and Moon are posited in Trine or lagna, Jupiter in Kendra, and there is kala hora of
Saturn or Mars at birth.

(19) If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted with Mercury, the native becomes
aggressive and impulsive..

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated by the lagna. But lagna has 30
degrees. So our savages have described the nature of the native with reference to Dreshkona
of the lagna. (Saravali) Others savants have also described the nature of the native from
Navamsa of the lagna. The Moon is controller of impulsiveness of mind. If Moon is afflicted or
posited in malefic sign in malefic house, the native becomes impulsive. If Moon is influenced by
Mars, the native is impulsive and aggressive. Therefore Moon is also treated as Lagna in Indian
astrology. The lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house are indicator of self. Mercury is another planet
which controls our nervous system. Though Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its
affliction weakens the nervous system of the native and native becomes aggressive, revengeful
and impulsive. One should also note the malefic Argala i.e. malefic planet in 2nd, 4th and 11th
house from lagna and Moon. One becomes impulsive, aggressive, ant-social, criminal or
murderer only when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its depositor or Self, or navamshesh or
kendra are occupied by malefic planets without the influence of benefic planet. For micro
analysis one should examine D/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the
chart. It will be clear from the following charts.

Case 1

John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST being
the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some
hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic planets are posited in three kendra 4th, 7th
and 10th and lagna lord is afflicted in 7th, (rule 6) Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, maraka and is
depositor of Sun and Moon, the two lagna. There is exchange of houses between 3rd lord
Saturn and 7th lord Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moon is combust. The lagna,
Moon, 10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses of self. So the impulsive, revengeful and aggressive
behavior is indicated. The astrologer in Chicago predicted him a guy boy and Sagittarius lagna,
because calculations were not based on Nirayana system.

More over if we see the Navamsa chart of the native; we would find that lagna is occupied by
Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st). The 10th house is occupied by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and
Gulika and aspected by Saturn. Again the same aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated.

Case 2

The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961, at 11:25 hrs at Delhi. She got married at
the age of 21st. with a boy whom she does not love. She was attached to another boy
physically and mentally. She murdered her husband.

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lord Sun in 10th house, the
house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagna also. The 3rd lord Mars is posited in 12th in the
sign of Sun with Rahu, the Mars is 8thth lord Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and
7th lord Jupiter and retrograde Saturn, the depositor of Ketu and 6th lord. The 11th house is
occupied by Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter is retrograde, debilitate, posited in the 5th indicates
love marriage. The conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord indicates two marriages. The 7th house
is aspected by Mars from 12th and Saturn from 3rd, no benefic aspect on 7th. All the houses of
self are afflicted. The 7th lord, 7th house and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted. lord

In Navamsa chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited in lagna with Venus, the 10th and
5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited in 6th, Moon the 11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by
Saturn and Sun. Jupiter is posited in 4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self and action are
afflicted. So she committed the murder of her husband with the help of her lover..

Case 3

She was born on 8th March, 1924, at 3:35 Delhi. She killed her three children and hanged

The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th lord, and Gulika. The lagna lord is posited in
12th in the sign of Mars and aspected by 3rd and 2nd lord, retrograde Saturn from 10th. Saturn
aspects Moon from 10th and 7th house as 10th aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th in Mars's
sign, 10th lord is posited in 3rd and combust, conjoined with Sun and Ketu.11th house is
occupied by Saturn; so all the houses of self are occupied by malefic planets. Therefore the
native is impulsive and aggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by 6th lord and

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

aspected by Rahu. The 5th lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. The karaka of children
Jupiter is posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So the killing of children is indicated. The 8th lord Moon
is posited in dual sign in kendra and depositor is posited in 12th.and aspected by Saturn from
10th. (See article Suicide)

In Navamsa chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsa chart and Rahu are conjoined in 8th house
in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn. The lagna is Mars's sign and aspected by Sun,
Gulika and Venus, the 12th lord. The 3rd house is aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th house
indicating suicide. There is no improvement in the chart.

Case 4

The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962, at 16:52 at Delhi. He has premarital
relation with a Brahmin girl. The brother of girl took objection to the affairs. The Muslim boy
killed the brother of the girl with the help of his friend.

The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th lord Mercury and Rahu from 9th with
7th lord and karaka Venus aspect the lagna. So he loved a Brahmin girl. Lagna lord Mars is
posited in 7th in enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The Moon is posited in 10th with Gulika in
fiery sign. The depositor is posited in 8th. The 3rd house is occupied by its lord Saturn and
Ketu. 11th lord Mercury is posited with Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord,
Sun, Moon and houses of self are afflicted. So the native is aggressive, revengeful and
impulsive. Jupiter is retrograde posited in 4th in the sign of Saturn and aspected by Moon and
Gulika. If we consider the 7th house as the lagna of spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and
both are afflicted.

If we look at the Navamsa chart, we will find again malefic sign in lagna, occupied by Rahu and
aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupy the 4th and aspected by Saturn. So the native is

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

first grade aggressive and impulsive.

Case 5

The native was born on 2nd April, 1959, at 10:12, at Kanpur India. The native was uncontrolled
child since childhood. He got enmity with co-student during an election. The native lost election
and had nurtured enmity toward the said student. After a couple of years, both got posted in the
same city and in the same office. The native's revengeful feeling woke up. He killed the
co-student in Sat/Sun dasha.

The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars and aspected by 8th and 9th lord Saturn. The
Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu is aspected by Sun and
Mercury. The Mercury is lagna lord, retrograde and combust. All the kendra are occupied by the
malefic planets forming Sarpa yoga indicating impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior.
The Jupiter is also retrograde and posited in Mars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord. There is no
benefic influence on lagna.

If we examine Navamsa chart, we would find that the lagna lord is posited in 2nd house in the
sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun is posited in 4th with Gulika in enemy sign. The 10th lord Moon
is posited in 6th, the depositor, the Jupiter is posited in 12th with Mercury, the depositor of
Rahu. The Self is occupied by malefic planets and there is Sun in kendra. Moon has Argala of
Rahu and Sun. Therefore there is no relief in Navamsa chart also.

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

Case 6

The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer, Rajasthan. He had love affairs with a
girl. The brother of the girl took objection to it. He killed her brother with the help of his friend.

The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th. The malefic planets are posited in
Kendra with out benefic aspects and no benefic planet in kendra. Moon, 3rd lord is combust in
4th. The 4th house is occupied by Sun, Mars and Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th lord is posited
in 6th. 11th house is also occupied by Gulika. The Saturn 10th lord is posited in 12th and
aspecting 2nd, 6th and 9th house. So all the factors indicating Self are afflicted.

If we examine the Navamsa chart, we find that lagna is occupied by Mars and aspected by
Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by Sun and aspected by Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn
and Rahu are in 8th house. Therefore the native is aggressive and impulsive and committed

More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the astrology can indicates the traits of an
individual and it is the duty of social thinkers to convert these individual in the benefit of the
society. I am unable to understand that why the general masses at large and scientists
particularly, desire to hear anti-social or criminal word from the mouth of an astrologer. The
astrology is the science of Time (Kala) based on the science of astronomy and indicates only
the traits of the personality of an individual and time, when the even will take place. If there is
malefic influence on the Self, lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house of the chart, influence of Mars,
Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, the native will be aggressive and impulsive. In his impulsion and
aggressiveness he commits crime. It is the society or say environment which converts these
traits of impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and revengefulness into an anti-social or criminal
behavior or can turn these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in the department
of police or army where these traits are required. They have low self-control. The Prayanam and
Yoga creates self-control and can prevent and cure criminals. The recent researches of the
various universities also support the same.

[Note: The readers are requested to make charts and study the article]

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Anti-Social and criminal behavior - an Astrological perspective

Written by Dr.S.C.Kursija
Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:59

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