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1. Consider the set S = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2n+1)}, where n is a positive integer larger than 2007. Define
X as the average of the odd integers in S and Y as the average of the even integers n S. What is the
value of X-Y?
(a) 0

(c) 2

(b) 1



(e) 2008

2. Ten years ago, the ages of the members of a family of eight people added up to 231 years. Three years
later, one member died at the age of 60 years and a child was born during the same year. After another
3 years, one more member died, again at 60, and a child was born during the same year. The current
age of this 8 member joint family is approximately:
(a) 21 years

(b) 22 years

(c) 23

(d) 24

(e) 25

3. If x=-0.5, then which of the following has the smallest value:

(a) 2

(b) 2


(d) 2


4. If, () = , then for what value in 2 6, does the function attains its maximum value?
(a) 2

(b) 3

(c) 4

(d) 5

(e) 6

A punching machine is used to punch a circular hole of diameter two units from
a square sheet of aluminimum of width 2 units, as shown below. The hole is
punched such that the circular hole touches one corner P of the square sheet
and the diameter of the hole originating at P is in line with a diagonal of the
5. The proportion of the sheet area that remains after punching is:










6. Find the area of the part of the circle (round punch) falling outside the square sheet

(a) 4









7. Two circles are drawn inside a third circle, such that they touch each other externally
and the large circle internally, such that the points of contact with the outer circle



is thus divided into 4 parts with areas p, q, r and s as shown in the figure. Then which of the following
is true?
(a) + = +

(b) =

(c) + = +

(d) =

8. Find the value of log 22 + log 33 + log 44 + + log

(a) 1.5 log !

(b) log (( + 1)!)

(c) log ( 2 !)

(d) 2 log(( + 1)!)

632011 622011

9. If = 632010 622010 , then what can be said about the value of m?

(a) < 62

(b) 62 < 63

(c) 63 < 64

(d) 64

10. A two digit number is reversed and twice the resultant number is subtracted from the original number.
If the result obtained is 13, what can be said about the original number?
(a) It is a perfect number

(b) It is a prime number

(c) It is an even number

(d) none of the above

11. Out of 15 points that lie on a plane, 3 points lie on a line and 4 points lie on a line parallel to it. If no
other 3 points are collinear, find the number of triangles that can be formed using these points.
(a) 450

(b) 354

(c) 455

(d) 420

(e) None of these

12. Given that = 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5! + 100!, find the last two digits of

(a) 1

(b) 9

(c) 13

(d) 19

13. Given that = 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5! + 100!, find the remainder when m is divided by 168
(a) 33

(b) 129

(c) 153

(d) 67

The digital root of a number is the number obtained by adding all the digits, then adding the digits if the
number thus obtained, and then continuing the process till a single digit number is obtained. Also, the order
of the digital root is defined as the number of times the process of adding the digits of a number is carried out
to reach the final single digit number For example, 129 has a digital root equal to 3 and the order is 2.
14. How many three-digit-numbers have a digital root equal to 6?


(a) 21

(b) 45

(c) 90

(d) 100

15. How many three-digit-numbers have a digital root equal to 9 with the order 1?
(a) 21

(b) 45

(c) 90

(d) 100

16. There are 6 tasks and 6 persons. Task 1 cannot be assigned either to person 1 or to person 2; task 2
cannot be assigned to either person 2 or to person 3 or to person 4. Every person is to be assigned
one task. In how many ways can the assignment be done?
(a) 144

(b) 180

(c) 192

(d) 360

(e) 716

17. When you reverse the digits of the number 13, the number increases by 18. How many other twodigit numbers increase by 18 when their digits are reversed?
(a) 5

(b) 6

(c) 7

(d) 8

(e) 10

18. Salman, Ranbir, Katrina start from the same place and travel in the same direction at speeds of 30, 40
and 60 km per hour respectively. Ranbir starts two hours after Salman. If Ranbir and Katrina overtake
Salman at the same time instant, how many hours after Salman did Katrina start?
(a) 3

(b) 3.5

(c) 4

(d) 4.5

(e) 5

19. The Graph of against + is as shown below. (all graphs

are drawn to scale, using the same scale on each axis)
Which of the following shows the graph of y against x?



20. Diameter of the base of a water filled inverted right circular cone is 26 cm. A cylindrical pipe, 5 mm
in radius, is attached to the surface of the cone at a point. The perpendicular distance between the
point and the base (the top) is 15 cm. The distance from the edge of the base to the point is 17 cm,
along the surface. If water flows at the rate of 10 meters per minute through the pipe, how much time
would elapse before water stops coming out of the pipe?
(1) < 4.5 minutes
(2) 4.5 minutes but < 4.8 minutes
(3) 4.8 minutes but < 5 minutes
(4) 5 minutes but < 5.2 minutes
(5) 5.2 minutes

21. Aditya has a total of 18 red and blue marbles in two bags (each bag has marbles of both colors). A
marble is randomly drawn from the first bag followed by another randomly drawn from the second
bag, the probability of both being red is 5/16. What is the probability of both marbles being blue?

(a) 16

(b) 16

(c) 16

(d) 16

(e) None of the above

22. A teacher noticed a strange distribution of marks in the exam. There were only three distinct scores:
6, 8 and 20. The mode of the distribution was 8. The sum of the scores of all the students was 504.
The number of students in the in most populated category was equal to the sum of the number of
students with lowest score and twice the number of students with the highest score. The total number
of students in the class was:
(a) 50

(b) 51

(c) 53

(d) 56

(e) 57

23. A rectangular swimming pool is 48 m long and 20 m wide. The shallow edge of the pool is 1 m deep.
For every 2.6 m that one walks up the inclined base of the swimming pool, one gains an elevation of
1 m. What is the volume of water (in cubic meters), in the swimming pool? Assume that the pool is
filled up to the brim.



(a) 528

(b) 960

(c) 6790

(d) 10560

(e) 12960

Answer the questions based on the trends lines from the following graphs.
Note: Left side of X axis represents countries that are poor and right side of X axis represents
countries that are rich, for each region. GDP is based on purchasing power parity (PPP). These are
World Bank (WB) estimates.

24. Which of the following could be the correct ascending order of democratic regions for poor?
(a) North America, C and E Europe, South America, Middle East, Asia Pacific
(b) Scandinavia, Western Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific, Middle East
(c) Scandinavia, Western Europe, North America, C and E Europe, Middle East



(d) C and E Europe, Africa, South America, Western Europe, Scandinavia
(e) Africa, South America, Western Europe, North America, Scandinavia

25. Which region has the highest disparity, of democratic participation, between rich and poor?
(a) North America (b) C and E Europe

(c) Africa

(d) South America

(e) Western Europe

26. The maximum GDP of African region is higher than the maximum GDP of South American region by
factor of:
(a) 10

(b) 100

(c) 2

(d) 4

(e) None of these


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