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Hi David, it was nice to hear from you! It's a pity that you aren't coming with your friends, but I'm sure
they'll have fun here.
Moldova is an amazing country and there are many places with cultural and historical value you can visit.
For example, in Chisinau, there are some interesting museums like "National Archaeology & History
Museum" or the "Water Tower Museum" which has a wonderful view. Outside the city, I recommend your
friends to visit "Orheiul Vechi" which is a beautiful church on the top of a cliff and have a look at the
stunning countryside landscapes, or other monasteries like "Curchi" or "Hancu" monasteries.
Talking about the best way to travel, i would suggest to choose the car, because it's a lot more
comfortable, a quick way to get to the destination, you can organize the journey as you want, and you
don't depend on timetables or the weather. However, traveling by car can be a bit more expensive,
because of the car rent and the fuel but i am sure it's totally worth the money.
I hope my advice will help your friends and they will enjoy their trip.
Lots of love, Cezara.

1) essay on endangered animals:

Human activity can be both beneficial and harmful for animals. Species are endangered mainly because
of people, so I strongly believe that there is a lot more to do to protect them.
All around the world, there are animals put under risks. For example, wildlife such as tigers, eagles,
rhinos, elephants, bears are being hunted for their horns, skin, fur or even organs. Water pollution causes
harm to fish, whales, sharks, dolphins, destroying their natural habitat. Additionally, climate changes are a
reason why polar creatures like bears or seals are endangered.
We need to protect these animals because they keep safe the natural balance in the world. For instance, if
there were no bees, all the plants would die because there would not be any bees to pollinate them, and
that means people would not have food. Moreover, we have to protect extinct species just because the
world would not be such a mysterious, captivating and wonderful place without them. The future
generations would not have the chance to see them alive rather than in pictures.
There are many ways to keep safe endangered animals. One thing would be to make hunting illegal,
because, as i said it is one of the things that harm animals. Furthermore, people could set up special
organizations and shelters to protect animals under threat.
Overall, animals have a significant role in the world, so it should be our duty not only to protect them, but
to offer them proper conditions for life.

2) essay on sport for people who work a lot:

Sometimes, people who study or work too hard tend to forget about themselves due to their schedules
and this lifestyle usually affects their health. I think it is important for people to exercise regularly,
because the benefits sport offers are way more significant than the drawbacks that come with it.
First of all, busy people have a very busy lifestyle. There are many stress factors at work that cause
physical and mental problems. Sometimes people have to work over their schedules, therefore they stay
up late, which can lead to health issues.
Furthermore, the more active your body is during the day, the more likely you are to have a better rest at
night. Sport is a good way to avoid depression, makes you think clear and be relaxed.
Although there are many health benefits of sport, taking more exercise has its drawbacks. For example,
going to a modern gym is quite expensive, and not everyone has the opportunity to buy a gym card. Also,
one of the biggest problem for people who work a lot is not having time to exercise due to their busy
To sum up, exercising has its ups and downs when it comes to students or just people who work a lot.
Either way i am sure that sport is always good if you want to achieve a clear mind in a healthy body.
REPORT - cafeteria
The aim of this report is to outline the issues of the existing student caf of the college and to recommend
some ideas for the facilities of the new cafe so that it would be attractive for students.
The opening hours of the cafe
The cafe is opened for only 4 hours a day, when there are students who have more classes and when they
want to use the cafeteria it is closed. It is highly recommended to extend the opening hours of the cafe.
Lack of choice
The menu of the cafe consists only of two main dishes, a soup and a dessert, however there is no
available food for vegetarian students. It would be a good idea to add more choices of food in the menu to
make it more interesting for students, especially for ones who don't eat meat.
The cafe has only a few tables for students who want to eat, and there are never enough places for them
to sit. As well, the existing furniture is getting old and uncomfortable to use. If possible, the furniture
should be replaced with new, decent and comfortable one.
High prices
Even though there is not much choice of food, the prices are too high and there students who can't afford
to eat at the college cafeteria. If the prices were lower, a lot more students would use the cafe.
To sum up, the college cafeteria would be more successful among students if the facilities were improved.

Hi David,
As soon as your friends will enjoy a full week in my local area they have to visit many places.
One of them and I think the most beautiful known place in our country all over the world is " Cricova
Winery ". It is very long, about 5 km. They could try our wine and all sorts of grape.
Another place linked with our history is Orheiul Vechi. There flows our river Nistru and there is a fortress
from the ancient times.
As a conclusion there they can buy books about the place or they will be followed by a guide who will
bring them all the information they need.
I hope they will enjoy our beautiful country.
1) essay on endangered animals:
Nowadays, everyone is busy with their own problems: work, school, complicated relationships, quarrels
with friends or parents and other.
If you take regular exercice you can sleep better , you start to think more clearly and you're lifestyle
becomes different. It becomes much more healthier than before.
The biggest problem is that there is lack of comunication between children and their parents. Parents
come back to home stressed from work and children are studying late at night.
I think that if a person really wants to change her life, it isn't such a big deal. You can always go for a walk
on run in the park, dance and practice some exercice at home and it doesn't cost too much.
If you want to change something, become better and improve your skills, train hard and take regular

2) essay on sport for people who work a lot:

This is a complex problem. Animals have to suffer for human benefits. We can change animals live
starting from ourself.
When global warm appeared, humanity didn't managed to save the animals are under threat. By illegal
hunting disappear important species and in consiquances ecosistem is broken. Hunting white rhynos is
band because there are rear species.
Without a doubt we need to protect them because the balance of the nature will be broken and the world
will not be the same. Because of human ignorance birds are in danger, so people invented zoo and
natural parks to save the animals.
In my opinion the government should pass enviromental laws by prohibeting hunting and kiling animals.
To sum up, animals should be treated better and we need to respect them because we live on the same
planet and they are a part of our community.

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