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Ali Emmott

Endangered Species
The Polar Bear

Global warming has become an applicable environmental threat

on our plant but is diminishing the existence of the polar bear species.
Recent news shows that the polar bear is the first animal to become
endangered because of global warming. (Polar Bear Facts, 2012) Just
like ourselves, animals defend their lives; they have a good of their
own, suffer pains and pleasures. Therefore when it comes the
endangered species the polar bear, there are many ethically problems
to evaluate.
The polar bear intrinsic value is considerably a large amount. Not
only are they a living thing but crucial to the arctic habitat and
environment. Although as human beings hold the greatest intrinsic
value we should act human towards animal species. Platonic Dualism
the beginning of Western Philosophy essentially saw human beings as
being separate from and superior to the external world and nature.
(Thiroux & Krasemann, 2012, p. 372) reasoning should not separate
human being from nature but where animals are concerned the
importance of reasoning should be expanded to include sentientism so
that animals can be respected even though they cannot reason.
(Thiroux & Krasemann, 2012, p. 358)

Ali Emmott
With that being said, global warming causing the polar bear to
become endangered which we as humans have created the on going
issues with global warming. We are creating this environmental issue
that is harming not only polar bears and the arctic habitat but global
warming also has an impact on us human beings as well. Relating
Jermey Benthams ethical theory utilitarianism to the concern of the
endangered polar bear, we should all morally act about a desirable or
good end. (Thiroux & Krasemann, 2012, p. 37) Therefore when humans
act in the consequentialism form of utilitarianism, which is a form of
results-based ethics they are concerned about the outcome of ones
actions. This claims that the ethically right choice in a given situation is
the one that produces the most good and the least bad for the largest
number of people. If we act in the form of utilitarianism there may be
some sacrifices to be made but the both humans and polar bears
would benefit from the outcomes.
On the other hand or the nonconsequentialism theory, says as
the dominate species it should be our duty for us humans to save the
polar bear. The polar bear endangerment due to the climate change is
also a message to humans about how are actions that are directly
linked to the environment and planets well being. And as the dominate
species it should be our responsibility to preserve the arctic habitat
which that is the home of the polar bear. Taking action in saving the

Ali Emmott
arctic may ultimately save their existence of the polar bear but also
help our planet tremendously.

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