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We share and gather a lot of information from 'blog' postings but, at the end of the day, only you can join
together the jigsaw pieces of all this information into what feels right for you, in your heart. You will
resonate with some things and perhaps not with others which will require further investigation and
personal research in order to obtain satisfactory answers to questions. Below are some of my thoughts if
asked to summarise the 'common denominator' factors I've found in most teachings, research and study
(all of which contain a bit of truth and a bit of untruth as is the nature of the 3rd dimensional
experience). In the light of changing times we are learning that we need:-

1. To become ever vigilent of our thoughts (which create our experiences and for which we, and only we,
are totally responsible) and transform these immediately we find them straying from anything less than
our highest vibrational expression. (Cancel, Clear, Delete + as we become more aware, change any error
thought pattern/s as they arise constantly to test us).

2. To hold steadfast (despite what is going on around us or what is happening to us experiencially) to the
highest vibration of 'Love'within our hearts - and seeking out/meditating on what that really means - as
we endeavour to radiate and maintain a genuine internal high vibration of love. Love is the answer, was
always the answer to all life's challenges. God is Love beyond our wildest imaginings. We have been
created from/with and in that Love and therfore, that innate spark of love, that exists within, is our true
essence to which we must aspire and remember. Mother Teresa recognised this and saw it in everyone
with whom she came in contact. For her she saw, without judgement, God's creation and Love in
everyone and everything that exists which helped her complete her selfless and challenging life's mission
as a servant of God whom she truely loved and appreciated in return. She didn't necessarily acknowledge
outer expressions but rather saw beyond that to the innate inner expression of God's own perfect love
within all of his creations. With this awareness, wisdom and knowledge was added to her the gift and
sheer joy experienced in her practice of selfless giving and nurturing of others-whom she knew were but
'mirror reflections' of the same, of herself and of our Creator - all being apart of ONE whole body in
unity with LOVE as the infinite and evolutionary life force - as nothing exists separate or outside of that
except those who choose to cut themselves off by refusing to see, realise and accept this ONE truth.

3. To trust, know and believe that when we operate from and endeavour to maintain this high vibrational
frequency - that all good things are attracted/added to us also, as has been taught in the holy, wise and
ancient teachings of yesteryear. As we witness the ever increasing intensity of darkness that is surfacing,
on our planet, for purging and cleansing, it is understandable that many may experience fear, confusion
and other low vibrational energies. These are the energies which the dark forces, in their ignorance, both
rely upon and use as food and bait adding fuel to their deceptive tactics in an orchastrated and desperate
attempt to gain total control and win in this illusionary 'game of life'. The real 'armaghedon' that we
must first confront, really exists within ourselves, as individuals which is reflected back to us in our
experiences. Negative Global Consciousness is, therefore, an external manifestation representing the
magnetised collective expression of individual low vibrational energies - growing continuously and
rapidly together both in size and momentum. If left unaddressed, this monsterous and destructive entity
has the potential to culminate in the experience of a 'Global Armaghedon. When we awaken to a non-
judgemental awareness, in realising, accepting and taking responsibility for the individual part we have
played in all of this then we have taken the first step along the road to 'recovery' healing and evolution.
Comforting to remember that the greater the appearance of darkness merely reflects the even greater
manifestation and infiltration of light and its inevitable end game victory.

Armed with a deeper understanding of the 'rules of the game' and the huge test/challenge now
confronting us, we must take action both on an individual and global level. The most constructive thing
we can do right now, to be of service in healing global issues, is to throw the first pebble into the ocean
by healing our individual issues with love, causing an expansion which will ripple outwards in all
directions. Recognise also that the forces of light (high vibrational energies) far outweigh those of the
dark (low vibrational energies) . Knowing this we must also unite, worldwide, armed with the highest
frequency of love, steadfast faith, courage and trust in order to counteract the potentially devastating
consequences of non-action. Amidst the appearance of chaotic confusion, struggle and turmoil, we must
endeavour and continue to express our highest potential and vibration in every moment for it is both the
solution and the key to entering the 'Golden Age' victoriously unscathed in one piece - complete and re-
united in body and spirit.

4. To seek, find and hold steadfast to our true beliefs and values, emotionally, mentally and at all levels.
We need to remember this lest, in lapsed moments of vulnerability, we ever encounter others, who, in
their arrogant ignorance, attempt to sway or subtly control us through their expectation that we must
fit into their way of thinking or 'modus operandi'. It will be discovered that there is no judgement when
functioning at our highest vibrational levels - for, in such a state, one attracts and experiences, in return,
the equally high vibrations of acceptance, love, respect, non-judgement, compassion and understanding,
viewing ourselves/circumstances/people or situations from a much more enlightened perspective. These
high vibrational energies will either repel - or integrate, transmute and transform all forms of
negativity. It takes huge discipline to become vigilent and aware, in every moment, of every thoughtform
or imagery that we choose to entertain in our minds. For in every moment we are creating and
attracting experiences, through our thoughts, whether we are very wisely conscious of it, or not.

5. To acknowledge, truely appreciate and give thanks to God for His magnificant and bountiful
creations and for the opportunity to experience and continuously learn from its colourful diversity.

"Love our enemy (our enemy being our greatest teacher for it simply reflects back to us, as a warning,
that which we are personally or collectively projecting) and "love thy neighbour as thyself'. As for
miracles - ".... for this and more ye can do" (through the energy of unconditional pure love and
compassion). We need to remind ourselves of the wisdom contained in these words. In every moment we
have a choice as to how we wish to react or express ourselves. We are totally responsible for the outcome
and consequences of our own choices. Love is the solution to ALL challenges we face or may have to
face. In understanding and awakening to these fundamental principles in the world of creative energy, we
become 'enlightened' and ready to take the next evolutionary step.

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