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30 Minute Lesson Plan

Teacher: Daniel Scheetz

Grade Level: 3rd

Month: October

Overall Concept: Teri Teri Rhythm and pentatonic solfege

Present: Teri Teris
Practice: Solfege Handsigns
Objective: The learner will
Sing and label: solfege do, re, mi, so, & la, Dictate: Rhythm (Sixteenths)
Identify: Sixteenth rhythm
Materials Needed:
A. Vocal Warm-Up
B. Dance Josey:
D. Cubix Blocks:
E. Closing
3-4 minutes

5-7 minutes

Slide Whistle
Overhead projection Solfege map
Tideo the turtle (stuffed turtle), overhead projection rhythm map
Cubix Blocks

A. Greeting: Vocal Warm-Up

a. Match Highs and lows, woo, woooo, woooooo!
i. students create their own, whole class imitates
b. Slide whistle warm up matching high and low with slide whistle
b. Warm up voices with solfege Pentatonic
i. Use hand signs and in different keys
B. Opening Song/Activity: Dance Josey (Standing Circle Activity)
a.sing song all the way through with instruction to listen for which
animal Im singing about. Do actions from the first time
(Chicken=Chicken wings, Fence Post= arms straight up, Can't dance
Josey= chicken dance (as model))
i. Sing all the way through with instruction to listen for where
the chicken is sitting
ii. Sing all the way through with instruction to listen for what Josey
cant do.
iii. sing all the way through with instruction to listen for the
name of Joseys friend that she meet of the song
b.students repeat phrases as needed and scaffold till they can sing
the song by rote.
c. do the whole song with actions.
d. Ask Students how they would dance
i. modeling student goes to middle and demonstrates, rest of class
replaces previous action for cant dance Josey with the students dance.

ii. Repeat step d. as necessary

e. Go to board and map out melodic contour showing where it goes high
and low
f. Sing Dance Josey using solfege and hand signs following dance josey
10-12 mins.

C. Activity/Movement: Tideo (Sitting Circle Activity)

a. Have students listen to me sing Tideo asking the students:
i. how many times do I say Tideo? how many windows do we
b. students repeat phases as needed and scaffold till they can sing
the song by rote.
c. Introduce Tideo the turtle to class and begin the passing game
i. explain what they do at Jiggle Tideo
d. While students are playing game, sing counter melody to tideo, play
game 3-5 times getting used to counter melody
e. Have students sing countermelody with you while playing
f. Divide circle in half to sing counter melody and melody.
g. Bring class back to front where the students learn the rhythm at the
board, identifying the new rhythm teri teri.

5 minutes

D. Song/Drill and Practice: Cubix rhythmic dictation

a. pass out cubix blocks
b. have students notate using the blocks the rhythm you clap t
i begin with simple rhythms using quarter and eighth notes
ii. focus on rhythms using teri teris (sixteenth notes)

3-4 minutes

E. Closure: Good bye Everyone (to tune of skip to my lou

a. have everyone listen to you sing the song
Good bye (student name) time to go,
Good bye (student name) time to go,
Good bye (student name) time to go,
I like music class!
b. student join in when ready
c. go around the class and say everyone name in the song
i. when a students name is said they go and line up
ii. when the whole class has line-up replace student name
with the word everybody

Tideo Rhythm Chart

Dance Josey Solfege Chart

dd d d d dm r m

dd d d d dr d l,


dd d d d dm


r m

30 Minute Lesson Plan

Teacher: Daniel Scheetz

Grade Level: 4th Grade

Month: October

Overall Concept: Singing and playing

Teri eiri

Previous Knowledge:
Ta, Ti Ti, Pentatonic Scales

Objective-- The learner will: Sing tiri tiri rhythms and be able to create tiri tiri patterns in cubic
blocks, they will play recorders and sing together as a group.
Material Needed: Slide Whistle, Recorders, Cubic Blocks,
3-4 minutes

5-7 minutes

A. Greeting (Vocal Warm-up and Listening)

a. Greet students at door have them sit in circle and imitate your voice on
a slide whistle.
i. students should go high in low in pitch to match slide whistle.
ii. Have students show you their own pattern and have everyone
imitate that student.
b. Get everyones attention through rhythm claps and have the student
B. Opening Song/Activity: Dance Josey (Standing Circle Activity)
a.sing song all the way through with instruction to listen for which
animal Im singing about. Do actions from the first time
(Chicken=Chicken wings, Fence Post= arms straight up, Can't dance
Josey= chicken dance (as model))
i. Sing all the way through with instruction to listen for where
the chicken is sitting
ii. Sing all the way through with instruction to listen for what Josey
cant do.
iii. sing all the way through with instruction to listen for the
name of Joseys friend that she meet of the song
b.students repeat phrases as needed and scaffold till they can sing
the song by rote.
c. do the whole song with actions.
d. Ask Students how they would dance
i. modeling student goes to middle and demonstrates, rest of class
replaces previous action for cant dance Josey with the students dance.
ii. Repeat step d. as necessary
e. Go to board and map out melodic contour showing where it goes high
and low

f. Sing Dance Josey using solfege and hand signs following dance josey
10-12 minutes C. Activity/ Movement (Rocky Mountain on recorders)
a. sing rocky mountain to them ask them some questions
i. how many times did I say rocky mountain
ii. where is the highest point in the song
b. sing the song again with hand signs and have the students imitate you
i. repeat sections as necessary
c. Sing entire song.
d. introduce the recorder part to it
i students should be comfortable with it
e. spit class in half one half sing the song while the other plays on
i. trade sections
5 minutes
D. Song/Drill and Practice (Cubix Rhythmic Dictation)
a. Pass out cubix blocks
i. have another student do so
ii. explain that they should not open the bags until I tell them to
b. Explain what we will be doing
i. I will give the rhythm and they will dictate it back to me
c. Focus on syncopa rhythm
i begin on simple rhythms they know
ii. move onto more difficult rhythms
3-4 minutes

E. Closure (Good bye Everyone)

a. Sing this to the students
i. repeat the necessary number of times
b. Have students sing back to you
c. Say goodbye to their teacher

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