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FROM FAX HO. :715 01463 Jun.

09 2O6 12:03PM P3


PCB Rc)x $57, Buff ks, NY 14205 Websire: www.stcanewaUdemocr

] MENT S t) A R^ - F RH C liv LE(!SLATUR

Before you conti , please understand that:

Stonewall Democrats of WHY may publicize your responses in press releases and voters' guides, on our web site, and
via other channels of communication. Stonewall Democrats of WHY will also identify candidates who :fail to respond to
this questionnaire.
Stonewall Democrats will hold you publicly scxunttbis .(br actions intonsi;Qtent with your responses during your
carnpajgn and if cl od during your term in office.

Please writ your typewritten responses to the following quesUions on a separate met.

I) Why are you seeking h tis office?

2) Why are you seeking the endorsement of the Stonewall Democrats of W NY?
3) What three issues do you consider to be meat important to the people served by the office you seek? For each issue
a) Provide an example of specitc ac:tian(s) you have previously taken -either as a public official or as a private cit es
-to bring about positive Change rciativo to this i ce;, and
b) Specify what additional action(s) in regard to this Wue you intend to propose it elected to the office you seek.
4) What. three civil rights issues do you perceive to be the most important to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
(GLRT) community? For each issue:
a) Provide an example ple of speci& action(s) you have previously takers—ei ther as a public ofilcial oras a private citiren-
-to bring about positive change relative to this issue; and
b) Specify what additional action(s) in regaid to this issue you intend to propose if elected to the offlec you sock,
5) Stonewall Democrats of WHY strongly behoves that candidates have a responsibility to provide voters with truthful, fair
and ckau campalgna for public office and to conduct themselves in a manner conducive to a civil. issue-oriented debate
with the r fellow candidates Will you sign a written pledge tO conduct your campaign accordingly?
6) If endorsed by the Stonewall D nocrats of WHY, will you list the endorsement on all applicable campaign literature
(i.e., all literature listing any other endorsements)?
7) If endorsed by the Stonewall Democrats of WNY, will you attend a OLBT community forum to introduce endorsed

n-county legislative matters, if elected you will have the ability to

Although the office you seek has no direct authority in no
indirectly influence the region's low, std and federal ciocicd o ftials, Please indicate your support or opposition for:

IAiglslatimulssue SuPFORT OPPOSE

A.6^i89/5.37.53 - C (Duan^CIC^): Prohibits discrim b tiou
based on gender identity or expression; *flees "gender identity or
expression" as having or being perceived as having a gender identity, self
ice, appearance, behavior or expression whether or not that gender
identity, self image, appearance, behavior or expression is difilnunt from
that traditionally associated with the sex assigned to that person at birth;
frtrther includes offenses regarding gender identity or expression wi thin
the list of offenses subject to e
ir auneritas hate mines.
FROM : FAX NO. :7168961463 Jun. 09 20OG 1204PM P4

A 1613 - , 9EFTY Act (Scarborough): Authorizes the officc of children

and Ibmily scMces to establish policies and procedures affording all
chili in OCF5 facilities an environment f= or haacsmetitand
discrigniu tioo based on actual or perceived race, national ori gi n, ethnic
group, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex requires

s^ urYsxc uau^V„ t (Llva UiJ[atttdll): The domestic rddadon$ law yw43 t

is amended by . wing a new section to read as follows: A Man ialgc that is
otherwise valid Shall be valid regardless of whether the parses to the V4 k tt
a^[l8Cri a 8rc; 4Ct11E 5ert^c^ Or different seX. Ott'''us
.u.) ^ ^i.

(Dtine)Provideg tl orders of prottcction may be entered against any

member of the same family or household; expands the definition of
"Members of the same family or household", for purposes of issuance of
order of protection and temporary orders of protection and the
can rrmnt JunsdictioO of family courts and criminal courts, to former
spouse whethe r or not living together and dated pies who
continually or at regular intervals reside in the value houwho d or have
done so in the post, and pemons who are or hwe been in a dating or

All Students Ac1."; authonm the 'miasinner of eduralion to establirtih

policies and procedures affording all students in public schools an
environment free amasmeni
t and discriitlimtion based on actual or
perceived rice, national origin, ethnic group, religion, disability, sexual
orientation, gender or sex, requires reporting harassment and
discrimination to such commission_ maiden vxpmnti^,na

(Maltese/Serainerie): Makes 4 marriage absoiutoly void if contracted

two ns ofthe same s x
AMC; - officers Comj safiojil en lfts 1beioinestic no's (John):
Includes domestic partners in oe t in provisions concerning disability V/
benefits and defines the term domesticpartner.
A 21% -. svrnr v for tomeatic pnrtners {Glick}: Provides that
beieawment. le i be granted to individuals involved in same-sex
relationships on the Mme basis as those granted to employees who are
A3869/S2800 - Domestic A. (Glick)' To wide legal status for
domestic patUffftps and to extend provisions of laws that currently
aspiy to spouses or next-of-kin to domestic no wt.

Please indicate whether !you would sponsor, co-sponsor, vote for and/or vote against the £oltowing proposed county

Prohibit diScrimination based on gender identity or

expression; define "gender identity or expression" as
having or being perceived as having a gender identity,
seltimago. appearance, behavior or exprsswn t hat is
di f cot from that traditionally associated with the sex V
assigned to that person at birth
Uy - ri slatinn: To provide
legal status lbr domestic partnerships and to extend
provisions of lams that curren tly apply to spou ses or
1 Xt-of kin to domestic partners. Iv
SYane "11 Dumoel eta 15W)' — {,rig Cm n ly l gislo'twv 2007 Qwwsfwneriiu, page 2
FROM : FAX NO. :71+50961463 Jun. 09 2006 1204PM P5

Provide that beravement leave be granted to

#nf}fvi duals involved in same-sex rel tioi►&hips an the
game bssis as those tented to employees who are

I attest that this questionnaire represents my opinion of the issues on this questionnaire:


Dec: r

Piense complete the auachcd issues surveys, sign below and return questionnaire, surveys and your resume to:
Stonefvall Democrats of WNY
Pa Box t57
Boo, NY 142O5 -(}8 7
Or fix tc^: (116$62-5052

Sfrra wdl Dle ► u(s WNY . gLIacsn 2007Qmmjj wnnwre, p ge 3

FROM PAX NO. : ?1G %14€3 Jun. 09 2 lOG 12:05PM1 PG

Stonewall Democrats of Western New York

P.O. Box 857
Buffalo, New York 14205

Endorsement Questionnaire

1, 1 am seeking this office because 1 believe I will do an excellent job serving the
residents of the 7th Legislative District. I was appointed to fill the remaining time
on former Legislator Demonc A. Smith's term, which ends December 31, 2007.
2. 1 have sought your endorsement, in the past, since running for public office in
1999. Some years, I have been successful in gaining your endorsement.

3. `Three issues that residents in my district are concerned about and I believe
important are: Keeping the level of county services stable and consistent* keeping
property taxes down and adequate fimditig for the arts and cultural institutions.
As a county legislator, I voted to maintain the .75% tax increase that was put in
place last year. I believe this action will keep our regional cultural institutions
healthy as well as reduce the need to raise county property taxes. I also voted to
expand Erie County Community College which will assist in the move to make
Buffalo a more attractive place to work, go to school and live. I support the move
to restore (increase) funding for the Buffalo/Niagara Convention and Visitors
Bureau to their former level before the `red budget-green budget' debacle.

4. Rights of partners to inherit and advocate for irate * Recognition of marriage and
domestic partnership * freedom - from discrimination based on sexual preferences
and/or gender identity.
On many of these issues, I work closely with now Senator, Antoine M. Thompson
when he was a city councilmember and helped to draft the resolution that
appeared before the common council.

5. Yes, 1 will sign a written pledge to conduct a clean, honest and truthful campaign.

6. Yes.

7. Yes, I will attend a forum for endorsed candidates.

Betty rean Grant

Candidate for
Eric County Legislature
7th Legislative District

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