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Stasi Roots of the German-Jewish Anti-Racist Left and Its

Program of Destroying Ethnic Germany

October 5, 2015 14 Comments

Francis Carr Begbie

From Anetta Kahane Watch (@Anetta_Kahane) _ Twitter

For professional German anti-racist Anetta Kahane, last week was a very good week. For one
of her many organisations is slated to lead the campaign to shut down opposition to the
immigrant invasion on Facebook.
This clampdown on Facebook free speech is now one of the German governments highest
priorities following a meeting between between Angela Merkel and Mark Zuckerburg, and
means that henceforth all criticism of the immigrant invasion will be severely curtailed. Such a
vast initiative will need an army of loyal and trusted functionaries, and who better but Ms
Kahane and her Network Against Nazis. (Netz gegen Nazis) to show they mean business.
Just to make sure ordinary Germans get the message the government have charged the leader of
the dissident PEGIDA movement for anti-immigrant comments he made on Facebook.

In the lucrative anti-racism sector, Anetta Kahane is without doubt a shrewd and far-seeing
operator. She recognised earlier than most that there were huge amounts of money to be had by
re-packaging ordinary peoples concerns about immigration into Neo-Nazi scares, and she
worked hard to ramp up this industry and turn it into the money-making machine that it is today.
Like so many Jewish leaders in Europe these days, Kahane is quite brazen in expressing her wish
for the destruction of White Europe. You have to really change the policy of immigration inside
Europe. This is very important; you have to change the educational system and the selfunderstanding of the states. They are not only white anymore or only Swedish or only
Portuguese or only German. They are multicultural places in the world.

It was her founding of an organisation called the Amadeu Antonio Foundation in 1998 that has
been her springboard to fame. This well-funded outfit aims to smear and defame all White
resistance to immigration as neo-Nazi and works closely with magazines such as Stern and
Die Welt to that end. Modelled after the Stephen Lawrence campaign in the UK, it receives
lavish funding from the German government, the EU and a host of international NGOs including
the Ford Foundation.
Her work has earned her a huge profile, and she is frequently sought out by the media for her
views. She is not slow to oblige. Except, perhaps, when it comes to one matter.
This is her role as a collaborator for the Stasi or East German Ministry of State Security between
1974 and 1982. From the age of nineteen, Kahane codename: Victoria was an
enthusiastic informer or inoffiziele Mitarbeiter (IM) and submitted monthly secret reports on the
political reliability of dozens of fellow students, journalists, actors and writers she mixed with.
Her own file shows her controller considered her to be zealous and reliable. Her role as a trusted
informant in the state apparatus meant privileges denied to ordinary East Germans such as
foreign travel. At the East German embassy in Mozambique she worked as a translator and
informed on her colleagues there. She was paid in money and gifts for her services.

Collaborators like Kahane wielded a terrible power. The spraying of graffiti or even written
criticism of the regime could result in years of imprisonment and hard labour. A wrong word out
of place and a career could be blighted forever.
She was far from the only one. John Koehler, author of The Stasi, estimates that if part-time
collaborators were included, there could have been one for every 6.5 citizens, far more than were
used in Nazi Germany. Only North Korea has imposed a comparable level of surveillance over
its citizens.
Another prominent East German Jew was also unmasked as a Stasi IM informant. His name is
Gregor Gysi; TOO readers may remember the YouTube video of this man gloating at the
prospect of the race-replacement of Germans by immigrant invaders. (See also this article by
Max Blumenthal, a critic of Israel. Blumenthal writes that Gysi felt compelled to engineer the
campaign to suppress our speech. White advocating the destruction of ethnic Germany, Gysi is
nothing if not a Jewish patriot.)
After reunification, Gysi tried to persuade the former Soviet authorities to hide or destroy the
Stasi files identifying collaborators like himself. Ultimately he failed, but he has since fought a
vigorous legal battle to suppress discussion of his time as a Stasi informant. He has bounced
back from this humiliation, and today is the leader of the left-wing Die Linke (The Left),
Germanys third largest party.
As with Anette Kahane, Gregor Gysi enjoyed a privileged upbringing as the offspring of a senior
Jewish Communist Party apparatchik. Gysis father Klaus was a member of the Politburo and a
close friend of East German leader Erich Honecker. Klaus Gysi enjoyed a number of senior
foreign postings including ambassador to the Vatican.
And they were far from the only ones. German Jews flocked to East Germany after the war and
many enjoyed a rapid rise through the Party machinery. As in the Soviet Union in the early
decades and throughout Eastern Europe after World War II (e.g., Poland; see here, p. 66), Jews
became prominent in the security police. An infamous example is Colonel General Marcus
Wolfe, chief of the Stasis foreign espionage directorate.
Jews were important cogs in the apparatus of communist oppression because they were not
ethnically German and thought by Moscow to be therefore more trustworthy. It was a role for
which there are many historic parallels the Jews as loyal overseer for a foreign ruler, over a
sullen, unwilling population.
After the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there was a huge cry for justice against the communists. But
the pursuit of this justice was a halting affair. Many of the guilty escaped punishment as their
cases became stalled and abandoned. This is in stark comparison with what happened at the end
of World War II when the East Germans arrested so many of their own citizens they had to reopen or establish eleven concentration camps including Buchanwald and Sacksenhausen.
In the five years after 1945 some 160,000 Germans disappeared into these camps. Of these
about 65,000 died, 36,000 were shipped to the Soviet Union, and 36,000 were freed.

For though many Jews obviously enjoyed a privileged existence in the former East Germany,
they now insist their lives were blighted by an anti-Semitism every bit as bad as anywhere else.
As far as Anetta Kahane is concerned, in East Germany she was a victim too, forced to conceal
or bury her Jewish identity. But in fact socialist dogma frowned on all as an outmoded construct
that belonged in the dustbin of history.
Kahane typifies the deceptive and often self-deceptive nature of Jewish identification under
communism (see above link, passim), noting My parents were Marxist-Leninists and had
nothing to do with religion. But my father liked to talk about his grandparents, which was for
him the romantic side of Judaism. But here is a curious paradox where religion in
submerged, ethnic identity typically remained intact. For while many Jews pled persecution, they
seem to have had no problem pursuing specifically Jewish ethnic causes and preoccupations.
Kahanes father, the famous journalist Max Kahane, is a case in point. He covered the case of
Adolf Eichmann, the alleged Nazi war criminal. Institutional East German anti-Semitism did
not stop him from covering this story from beginning to end and journeying from Argentina to
the trial itself in Israel.
Another Stasi IM collaborator was the head of East Berlins Jewish Community Dr. Peter
Kirchner. Although publicly a strong supporter of Israel, he was also an informant, known to his
controller as Burg. He does not seem to have suffered.
Jewish historian and documentary filmmaker Helmut Eshwege is yet another. Throughout his
time in the GDR he was a vocal supporter of Israel, and in his autobiography, claimed to have
suffered greatly from anti-Semitism. Its a shame that in this book he did not feel able to write
about his role as a Stasi informant called Ferdinand, which was revealed afterwards. (At his
last meeting with his controllers on 15 November, 1989 he handed over the constitution of the
new left-wing party which was to replace the communists).
There are numerous similar examples of Jews who made the successfully made the transition
from communism. Take Kahane and Gysis old comrade, the famous Stalinist writer Stefan
Heym. Having sat out the war safely in the United States he returned to East Germany and a
distinguished writers position, as a fanatical cheerleader for the regime. After the death of Stalin
he wrote of how the murderer of tens of millions was the most loved man of our times. After
reunification he lost no time in rediscovering his Jewish victimhood card. In 1995 he said the
political climate is very similar to that of 1933, and this frightens me.
So where was the East German anti-Semitism? The more this issue is teased out, the more it
seems obvious that Jews were not singled out for persecution but at the same time were not given
the special status they felt they deserved as the self-styled pre-eminent victims of the
Holocaust. In East Germany it was taught that it was communists who were singled out by the

Two East German policies, in particular, grated with Jews and have been described as Antisemitism. One was the GDRs refusal to recognise Israel which was consistent with their
position of opposing US-backed colonial power.
The second was East Germanys refusal to pay Holocaust reparations. While Israel received vast
subventions and armaments from West Germany after 1945, the East refused to pay a dime. This
infuriated the Jews who ascribed both these positions to anti-Semitism.
Both Anette Kahane and Gregor Gysi have made an effortless transformation into pillars of the
new progressive Germany and have achieved great success. They both shrugged off their past as
informers and prefer to concentrate on the present and how the stain on German society can
only be removed by the mass immigration of alien hordes from the Middle East.
The eradication of White Germany is not their only enthusiasm. They are both tireless defenders
of Israel and are quite willing to hound and harass and purge not just their own left-wing
comrades, but even other Jews who do not toe the line.
Gysi declared Anti-Zionism can no longer be an acceptable position for the left in general, and
the Die Linke party in particular. He has echoed the words of Angela Merkel in saying that
solidarity with Israel as an essential component of Germanys reason of state.
He has led campaigns against fellow Die Linke members accused of supporting the BDS
(Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) campaign against Israel and also of those who joined the Free
Gaza Flotilla. His campaigns have been successful and resulted in cancelled speaking
engagements and withdrawn bookings for Holocaust Industry author Norman Finkelstein and
Israel critic Illan Pappe, both notable dissident Jews.
As for Anetta Kahane, what effect did her reports have on the lives of the people she
denounced? A good example might have been the talented young actor Klaus Brasch who,
together with his brother Thomas, met Kahane in 1976.
Her confidential report on them contained the following sentence. The enemies of the GDR
primarily include Klaus Brasch and Thomas Brasch. It would be interesting to ask Klaus Brasch
about the effects that Kahanes reports had on their careers but sadly that is not possible. Thomas
Brasch died of a heart attack in 2001. His brother Klaus died from an overdose in 1980.

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