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Objectives: Oklahoma: Standard 1:2 Identify and apply knowledge of the principles of design...,
Standard 1:6 Discuss visual arts skills and processes used to identify and solve design problems in
visual art and other creative disciplines. Standard 3:1 Create original 2 & 3 dimensional works of
visual art from observation, memory & imagination using a variety of media, Standard 3:3
Demonstrate safe & proper use, care, & storage of media, materials, & equipment while creating visual
art. Standard 3:4 Apply knowledge of a basic art vocabulary through experiences in making original
works of visual art., Standard 4:2 Demonstrate respect for personal artwork & the artwork of

National Standards: 1:A apply media, techniques, and processes with sufficient skill, confidence, and
sensitivity that their intentions are carried out in their artworks. Standard 1:B conceive & create
works of visual art that demonstrate an understanding of how the communication of their ideas relates
to the media, techniques, and processes they use., Standard 4:B describe the function and explore the
meaning of specific art objects within varied cultures, times and places.

Objectives: Oklahoma: Standard 1:1 Compare and constrast works which are similar or different in
expressive quality, composition, and style. Standard 1:5 Analyze how the elements of art and principles
of design are used in the presentation of visual arts. Standard 1:6 Discuss visual arts skills and
processes used to identify and solve design problems in visual art and other creative disciplines.
Standard 2:1 Research works of art within their cultural and historical context, Standard 2:3
Compare cultural and ethnic art forms throughout the world that have influenced visual art. Standard

3:4 Apply knowledge of a basic art vocabulary through experiences in making original works of visual
art., Standard 4:2 Demonstrate respect for personal artwork & the artwork of others. Standard 4:4
Make learning connections between visual art and other disciplines, such as mathematics, science,
English Language Arts, social studies and media arts.

National Standards: 2:D demonstrate the ability to compare two or more perspectives about the use of
organizational principles and functions in artwork and to defend personal evaluations of these
perspectives. Standard 3:A reflect on how artworks differ visually, spatially temporally and describe
how these are related to history and culture., Standard 4:B describe the function and explore the
meaning of specific art objects within varied cultures, times and places., Standard 5:B describe
meanings of artworks by analyzing how specific works are created and how they relate to historical and
cultural contexts.

Components Addressed

The entire set of lesson plans covers all comprehensive art components. Criticism, Aesthetics,
Production, & History.

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