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Influence Of Islamic Educational Games For Interest

Of The Child's Learning

Zulfikar Ghazali, North Ring Road No. 2A Yogyakarta,
Education is a tool to guide someone into good person especially religious
education. Islamic education in particular regarding the basic knowledge of Islam has
been introduced when the students sit in Class I to Class VI of elementary school
level. But in the era globalization, we still found the naughtiness of teenager or
children who far from noble character such as disobedient to the parents and teachers,
often fighting, stealing and etc. One of the factors that caused the children have bad
personality is less embedded of religious soul on each person in society. Based on
these problems were built an Islamic educational game that expected to contribute to
society and children as an alternative media in delivering learning about the science
of religion especially Islam religion, so that after playing this game the player can
know and inflict the spirit to study Islam religion. In this educational game, there are
elements learning by doing (learning while playing) which combines three learning
methods, namely the demonstration method, story method, and play method.
Keywords: Islamic educational game, educational game, Islamic education, religious
education game
A. Introduction
Education is a tool to be able to guide the person to become a good person,
especially religious education. Islamic religious education, especially regarding basic
knowledge of Islam was introduced at the time of male and female students occupied
the first grade to sixth grade elementary school level. Religious education is a matter
of education guidance and direction is religion, which is intended for humans to
believe wholeheartedly in God, obey and submit to carry out his commands in the
form of worship, and morality (Saleh, 2005). But in the era of globalization is still a
lot we meet naughtiness teens and children are far from noble character as
disobedient to parents and teachers, often fighting, stealing, and so on. Factors that
cause bad personality children one of which is less embedded in the religious life of
each person in the community (zakiah Daradjat, 1971).
Teenagers are very sensitive to external influences. Adolescence is a time of
transition, the transition from childhood into adulthood is marked by emotional
instability and trying to indicate the identity. Parental guidance and attention is
needed for teenagers not to fall on negative things. Good religious education in the
family is one example of the attention to the child's parents in order to grow and
develop into a moral man. Another factor that contributed to the delinquency is the

lack of religious education in the family. (Sudarsono, 1995) explains that the family
may be because the onset delinkuensi, can be a family that is not normal (broken
home / Quasi broken home), family economic circumstances are minimal raises
complex issues that will encourage children to become delinkuen. In addition it also
lacks the provision of parents in educating children and the lack of religious
education in it. Families who do not instill children's education since childhood, so
they can not understand the norms prevailing in society. Good habits in accordance
with religious teachings are not exemplified parents to children since childhood.
Good habits formed at birth will be the principal basis of the formation of the child's
personality. If personality is filled by religious values, then the child will terhindarlah
of behavior-behavior that is not good.
In an effort to improve the efficiency of the application that contains the elements
necessary education alternatives and new innovations in terms of programming to be
applied as a tool to facilitate the learning process. One of instructional media can be a
game, because the game (games) is an essential part of a child's life and play an
integral part of the process of formation of the child's personality (Andang Ismail,
2009). Game (game) is one of information technology products are quite popular
today, the game is also an educational application form, means it can be used as a
medium of learning in which the process can be done with the concept of learning
while playing. Definition of educational games themselves are all forms of the game
are designed to provide an educational experience or learning experience to the
players, including traditional games and "modern" which was given charge of
education and teaching, while according to (Jong, et al., 2008), one of the media
learning can be used as a medium of learning by using educational games.
B. Definition of Religion
Religion (AGAMA) comes from the Sanskrit word, which consists of two words:
"A" means no, and "Gama" means a mess, a mess, which is synonymous with the
word "chaos". So does the word religion is organized, sorted, ie a rule governing the
human condition, as well as an unseen, know manners, social life together and others
(Ansari, 1979). The word "deen" (religion) in the Arabic term derived from the verb
"daana" - "yadienu", according lughat (etymologically) has various meanings, among
others: the way or customs, regulations, laws, tha 'at or submissive, menunggalkan
divinity, al-Jaza; retaliation, al-reckoning; calculation, yaum al-Qiyamat. advice and
Shirat al Mustaqim; the straight and true. Meanwhile, according to the terms
(terminology) Religion is the belief in the existence of God Almighty and the law
revealed to His messengers to the happiness of human life in the world and in the
Hereafter (Ali, 1962).

C. efinition of Education
Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning
and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him
to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble
character, and skills needed him, the community, the nation and the State (Law
National Education No. 20, 2003). In addition, Carter V. Good (interpreted by
Djumransjah 2008) suggests that "Education is a social process that can affect an
individual. Education determines a person's way of life, because the modification in
view of a person is caused also by the influence of the interaction between
keceradasan, attention, experience and so on. "
D. Definition of Religious Education
Islamic religious education meant efforts systematic and pragmatic in helping the
students so that they live according to the teachings of Islam (Zuhairini, 1983).
Islamic Sharia will not be fully appreciated and realized that only taught the course,
but must be educated through the educational process according to the teachings of
the Prophet of Islam with various methods and approaches of the terms we see that
Islamic education was more devoted to the improvement of the mental attitude that
will manifest in deeds both for the purposes of self or others. Other terms, Islamic
education is not theoretical but also practical. The teachings of Islam does not
separate between faith and righteous deeds. Therefore, Islam is at once educational
education of faith and charity and education as well as the teachings of Islam contains
the teachings of personal attitudes and behavior of society towards individual and
collective welfare, then the Islamic education is the education of individuals and
community education. Initially, the task of educating is the Prophets and Apostles
further the scholars, and cleverly as successor tasks, and their obligations (Daradjat,
E. Media Education
In education, often the term or medium of communication tools used
interchangeably or in lieu of the term media education (learning). The use of tools
such as communication media, communication links will be able to run smoothly and
with maximum results (Hamalik, 1994). Implicitly, the media is all the physical tools
that are used to convey the contents of the teaching materials Reiser and Gagne (in
Criticos, 1996). In this sense, the book / modules, tape recorders, cassettes, video
recorder, video camera, television, radio, films, slides, photographs, images, and the
computer is a medium of learning. Based on the limitations of the medium as
mentioned above, it can be said that the learning media is everything related to
software and hardware that can be used to present the contents of the teaching
materials of learning resources to learners (individual or group), which can stimulate

the mind, feelings , the attention and interest of learners such that the process of
learning (in or outside the classroom) to be more effective
F. Types of Media Education
Instructional media were divided into four groups based on the technology,
namely: media technology results in print, audio-visual results, media results based
on computer technology, and the media results of the combined print and computer
technology. Each of these media groups have distinctive characteristics and distinct
from one another. The characteristics of each of these media groups are as follows
(Arsyad, 2002):
1) Media Graphics
In principle, all types of media in this group is delivering a message through
visual symbols and involves stimulation of the senses of sight. Their
characteristics are: are concrete, can overcome the limitations of space and
time, can clarify a problem in any problem areas and at any age level, cheap
and easy to get
2) Media Audio
The nature of the types of media in this group is in the form of the message or
poured into symbols auditory (verbal and / or non-verbal), which involves the
stimulation of the sense of hearing. In general audio media have
characteristics or traits as follows: able to overcome the limitations of space
and time (easily removable and broad reach), the message / programs can be
recorded and played back at will, can develop the imagination and stimulate
the active participation of listeners, can overcome the problem of shortage of
teachers , nature is only one-way communication, it is appropriate for the
teaching of music and language, and message / information or programs tied
to the broadcast schedule (on radio media types).
3) Media Silent Projection
Some media types are included in this group requires a tool (eg projector) in
its presentation. There are times when the media is only presented with the
visual appearance alone, or accompanied by an audio recording. A common
characteristic of these media are: The same message can be distributed to all
students simultaneously, presentation under the control of the teacher, it is
stored is (practically), can overcome the limitations of space, time, and senses,
serving -obyek object is stationary (in the media visual appearance alone),
sometimes in the presentation requires a dark room, more expensive than the
graphics media group, according to teach specific skills, according to study in
groups or individually, practically used for all sizes of classrooms, able to
present the theory and practice in an integrated manner, using techniques of
color, animation, slow motion to show the object / certain events (especially
on the type of film media), and the medium of film more realistic, repeatable,
stopped, and so on, according to the needs.

4) Media Games and Simulations

There are several other terms for this instructional media group, for example,
simulations and role plays, simulations or games. Despite the differences, all
of them can be grouped into a single term that game (Sadiman, 1990). Traits
or characteristics of this medium is: involve learners actively in the learning
process, the role of teachers is not so visible but the standout is the activity of
the interaction between learners, can provide immediate feedback, allowing
the application of concepts or roles to the real situation in society, has the
flexible nature because it can be used for a variety of learning goals by
changing tools and a little problem, can improve the communicative abilities
of learners, learners are able to overcome the limitations of hard study with
traditional methods, and the presentation is created and propagated
G. Methods of Education
Learning methods are used as follows (Moeslichatoen, 1999):
1) Storytelling is one form of learning experience for children by bringing the
story orally either with direct reading of books and by using illustrations.
Through storytelling, children are trained to be critical and creative listener.
Critical listener is able to find a match between what has been heard to the
already understood. While the creative listener is able to find new ideas from
what he had heard
2) Demonstration method is a way to show and explain ways of doing things.
This method is useful to illustrate in explaining an event or events to children.
In addition, it can also improve children's cognitive, especially in improving
the ability to know, remember and think both critically and creatively.
3) Method of playing a means for children to practice, exploit and manipulate
performed repeatedly with or without the use of tools to obtain information,
pleasure and develop imagination
H. Definition of Game
There are two senses game. First, the game is a pure play activities for pleasure
without seeking to win or lose. Secondly, the game play is defined as activities
undertaken in order to seek pleasure and satisfaction, but marked the search win - lose
(Andang Ismail, 2009). Game much loved by children and adults. The game is
actually important for brain development, to improve concentration and trained to
solve problems accurately and quickly because the game there is any conflict or
problem that requires us to solve it quickly and precisely. Positive game not only be

something that relaxes, but able to develop the intelligence of right brain and left
brain with very high growth (As'adi Muhammad, 2010).

I. Definition of Educational Game

Games that have educational content, better known as educational games. Type
games education aims to provoke interest in children's learning of subject matter as
you play, so with a sense of excitement expected that children can more easily
understand the subject matter presented this Types of actually refers to the content
and purpose of the game, not the real kind. Game has the potential to regrow children
learning motivation decreased. Based on research conducted by Randel in 1991 noted
that the use of the game is very beneficial to the materials related to mathematics,
physics and language skills (such as social studies, biology and logic).
J. Impact of Educational Game
Some important points also noted the benefits of the game on the forum
Computer Assisted Investing Special Interest Group (SIG CAI) (, 2009) are
as follows:
1) Types of games that require problem-solving strategies can improve the
cognitive abilities of children
2) Men and women who are trained to play a video game for 1 (one) month
showed gains in tests of memory, and the ability to perform various tasks
3) Video games can make players sharpen their thinking.
4) Requires children to be more creative. And children are required to learn to
take a decision on any action taken
5) Build a spirit of cooperation or teamwork when playing with other gamers in
6) Develop skills in reading, mathematics, and solve the problem or task.
Making children feel comfortable and familiar with technology, especially
girls, who do not use technology as often as boys.
7) Train coordination between eye and hand, as well as motor skills
8) Improve self-confidence and self-esteem when they are able to master the
K. Conclusion
Based on the above explanation is expected by the Islamic educational games can
make children more creative and can make a decision of any action taken. Improve
self-confidence and self-esteem that aims to control the emotions that do not fall on
negative things. The role of Islamic educational game is very important in guiding

children to be able to trust wholeheartedly in God, obey and submit to carry out his
commands in the form of worship, and morality.

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