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Interaction of Europe and the rest of the world

- Ottomans distract Charles V from dealing with Martin Luther (Land

invasion through Balkans, piracy, Mediterranean, Vienna)
- Economic inflation distracts Charles V (Gold, Silver, New World)

Poverty and Prosperity

o Nobility controlling all of the land mixed with Reformation leads to
Peasants Revolt (Luther, Peasants Revolt, Twelve Articles, Munzer,
Against the Murdering, thieving hordes of peasants)
o Taxes were raised during the Thirty Years War led to uprisings (Nupieds in France)
Objective Knowledge and Subjective Visions
o Martin Luther starts the Reformation and opposes the knowledge
claims of the Church (Martin Luther, Frederick of Saxony, John Wycliffe,
Jan Hus, Erasmus, John Calvin, Zwingli, Edict of Worms, printing press,
Phillip Melanchthon, Augsburg Confession )
o Erasmus and Thomas More translate the bible (More, Erasmus, Greek,
Hebrew, Vernacular,
o John Calvin presents his form of Protestantism (Institutes of the
Christian Religion, Geneva, Hugonauts,
o Zwingli presents his form of Protestantism (Zurich,
o Anabaptists break up from Zwingli (Adult Baptism, Munster, Menno
o The English Reformation occurs in Europe (Henry VIII, defender of the
faith, Ann Boleyn, Catherine of Aragon, Charles V, Pope Clement VII,
Act in Restraint of Appeals, Act of Succession, Act of Supremacy)
o Papacy tries to maintain power (Counter-Reformation)
States and other institutions of Power
o Papal abuses of power were happening (Indulgences, Simony, Multiple
Benefices, Tetzel, Pope Leo X, materialism, Renaissance Popes,
Nepotism, Pope Paul II)
o Great Schism discredits the church (Pope Boniface VIII, Umam
Sanctum, Clement V)
o Avignon Papacy discredits the church (Clement V)
o Concilarism tries to fix the Church (Council of Constance, Martin V, John
Hus, William of Occam, Pope Pius II)
o Investure Controversy discredits church
o Individual and Printing Press allows for printing of bibles in the
Vernacular which challenges Papal authority and their monopoly on
translations of the Bible (Erasmus, More)
o Charles V inherits and controls a lot of land (Spain, Spanish Empire,
Duke of Burgundy, Ruler of Netherlands, Duke of Austria, Ruler of
Hereditary lands of Hapsburgs in Hungary and Bohemia, ruler of Holy
Roman Empire)


Charles V has opposition (Valois Kings, Ottoman Turks, reformers, King

Francis I, Schmalkaldic League,)
Toleration made towards reformers (Diet of Speyer, Peace of Augsburg,
cuius regio, eiuis religio)

Individual and Society

o Urban cities allowed the spread of Reformation ideas (HRE
decentralized, German Towns)
o Lay Piety was occurring (Thomas Kempis, Imitatio Christi, Brethren of
the Common Life)

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