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Article appeared Friday, October 30, 2015 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation (399)

yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD

We know that it is a specific type of intelligence that separates humans from all other forms of
life. However, do we consciously think of the definition of intelligence or how it can be used
effectively? If one were to guess its meaning, an answer could be being aware of facts, i.e.,
knowing facts is an indicator of being intelligent. Looking up the dictionary {1}, however, we are
given the synonyms of mental activities rather than being in the possession of facts. Intelligence
is defined as an aptitude for grasping the truth, facts, relationships, meaning, etc., in addition to
synonyms, such as, reasoning and understanding.
Having looked up the dictionary {1} which has a list of facts, how can our intelligence be applied
and used effectively? Taking the example of the facts given in the dictionary {1}, how can
intelligence be applied to these facts? Essentially, we have to reason out the list of facts, link the
meanings with our personal experiences, i.e., take ownership of the meaning and come to a
personal conclusion about what intelligence means. To do this, lets revisit the facts given in the
paragraph above and come up with a personal definition of intelligence. Write this definition in
your diary or a piece of paper. Now compare your definition with another personal definition:
intelligence is the ability to reason out the relationship between facts with a view to working out
the truth.
In the above exercise, how did we use our intelligence? We started with a question about
intelligence. Then: 1. we guessed the meaning of intelligence. 2. We found facts about
intelligence in a dictionary. 3. We reasoned out the facts to come up with a personal definition.
4. Finally, we compared our definition with that of another person. Furthermore, it is up to our
personal choice to keep on improving the definition of intelligence as well as applying it properly.
Lets, then, look at another example of use. Imagine that a wealthy person has started a new
company. To meet the objectives of the company, he employs 20 people. Lets imagine that both
you and I are among the 20.
We know that our employment has a purpose and all final decisions depend on the owner.
Among the employees there are three types of persons. The first type (Type I) is concerned
mainly about his/her own status and looks for status symbols such as size of table,
spaciousness of the room provided, salaries and perks. So the person approaches the owner
regularly as well as others in the company to see where he/she can derive benefit. The second
type (Type II) is one who believes he/she is self-sufficient and thinks of forming his/her own
company he/she does not approach the owner. He/she is enjoying employment, yet does not
believe in the power or purpose of the owner. The third type (Type III) realizes that the owner
has given existence in the company for a purpose to establish the name of the company as a
genuine provider. He/she tries to fulfill the purpose and please the owner.
The owner is now thinking of opening another company a bigger and better one. Who is the
owner likely to pick up from the existing 20 to promote to a higher status with trust in this new
position? This example is just an analogy. The application of the analogy would require a use of
intelligence. Can we apply this analogy to our own existence on earth? We can ask questions
and guess answers to each. We can then look up facts, compare our guessed answers and
come up with logical and personal conclusions. We can further compare our conclusions and
apply these to our individual life.
To start off, examples of questions could be: are we enjoying an intelligent life without a
purpose? Could there be a purpose? Whose purpose? We can ask even more fundamental
questions. Can randomness create logical intelligence or would the existence of being of higher
intelligence be a pre-requisite? More specifically, can intelligence be created by emptiness or by

nothing? Brainstorm to see whether you can come up with more questions and also guess
possible answers to these questions.
One place to find facts related to such questions would be the Holy Scriptures. For example, let
us examine Verse 18 of Chapter 14 in the Quran.

14.18 The parable of those who reject their Lord, is, that their works are like as
ashes, on which the wind blows furiously on a tempestuous day. No power have
they over anything that they have earned. That is the straying far far (from the
In this Verse we are given an analogy. The work done by those who reject the purpose of the
Creator are like ashes which will not stand the test of a wind. If we think for a moment about
the owner of the company, how would he evaluate the output? In the analogy of the company,
how should he evaluate the work of type I and type II persons? Equally, how should the Creator
evaluate the work of a person who does not take into account His existence and purpose?

14.19 Have you not considered that Allah created the Heavens and the earth in
truth? If He so wills (wishes), He can remove you and put (in your place) a new
Having created each individual and everything else from nothing, the Creator is our Owner. We
need to use our intelligence to establish the significance of what this means in our hearts and
help others understand as well. If we do not use our intelligence to recognize and establish the
truth of His contribution to our life, can He replace us with a creation who would use their
intelligence in a better way?

14.20 Nor is that for Allah any great matter.

He could replace any one of us, whenever He pleases. Could the owner of the company hire or
fire anyone easily?

14.21 They will all be placed before Allah together, then will the weak say to
those who were arrogant, "For us, we, but followed you; can you then help us at
all against the wrath of Allah?" They will reply, "If we had received the guidance
of Allah we should have given it to you; to us it makes no difference (now)
whether we rage or bear (these torments) with patience; for ourselves there is no
way of escape."
On the Day of Judgment, who will succeed to a better place? Type I, type II or type III?

14.22 And Satan will say when the matter is decided, "It was Allah Who gave you
a promise of truth; I too promised but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you
except to call you, but you listened to me; then reproach not me but reproach
your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries nor can you listen to mine. I reject
your former act in associating me with Allah. For wrongdoers, there must be a
Grievous Penalty."
On the Day of Judgment, we would only have our faulty reasoning to blame.

14.23 But those who believe and work righteousness will be admitted to Gardens
beneath which rivers flow to dwell therein for aye with the leave of their Lord:
their greeting therein will be: "Peace!"

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