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8 groups of meds for respiratory

1- Bronchodilators
- A) anti-cholinergic; dry secretions relax,relaxes smooth muscle
- B) beta-adrenergic agonists; adrenaline (epinephrine) open airways causes bronchi to
dilate; works with adrenaline, stimulates beta receptors in the lungs there by causing
bronchi to dilate; sympathetic nervous system main neurotransmitters are epinephrine and
nor-epinephrine (adrenaline and norarenaline; parasympathetic nervous system
neurotransmitters are acetylcholine(chol in drug name has something to do with
- C) inhaled anti-inflammatory (corticoid steroid agents) decrease inflammatory, decrease
mucus secretions; thus taking a steroid inhaler
- D) leukotriene modifiers (antagonists-works against) LONG TERM TREATMENT OF ASTHMA
Claritin, Allegra, Zyrtec, Clarinex
Leukotriene is a fatty acid compound causes inflammation & broncho
constriction (bad guys) if in lungs swelling in lungs. Attracts Eosinophils (allergic
reaction)more swelling mucus and broncho constriction (immune system tries to fight
2- Antihistamines
3- Mucolytic agent (mucus)
4- Anti-tubercular agent (TB)
5- Vaso-constrictor
6- Antibiotics and anti-infectives
7- Decongestant
8- Monochlonal biologic modifier (igE blockers)immune globulin = antibody (IG=AB) immune
system; modifying immune system to fight allergy - usually asthma XOLAIR given subQ

Mucomyst (antidote to Tylenol-acetaminophen) mucolytic agent side fx broncho spasms bad taste
mix w/ soft drink
Aminophyline (Theophylline)bronchodilator monitor serum levels so they do not become toxic
(chemistry section of lab - drug samples)
Azatidine (antihistamine)allergy and colds; side fx same as anti-cholonergics confusion, dry mouth,
drowsiness, constipation, less respiratory secretions; avoid alcohol or CNS depressants. Most
popular antihistamine is Benadryl (diphenhydramine)
Albuterol Proventil Ventolin short acting Beta-adrenergic agonists; use it with acute asthma attack;
cause bronchodilation-cardiac palpitations; nervousness; speed heart rate
Serevent (salmeterol)(discus dry powder inhaler) long acting Beta-adrenergic agonists; do not use in
acute attack; used in exercising induced asthma; avoid OTC meds
Prednisone (corticosteroids) anti-inflammatory agents; pills inhalers; taken on a regular basis long
acting; do not use in acute attack; side fx suppresses immune system, water retention, buffalo
hump, hyperglycemia, increase appetite ; must take GI med (Pepcid) or it will tare up stomach;
never stop suddenly
Flovent (inhaled corticosteroid) must rinse out mouth after use or yeast infection can occur; side fx
osteoporosis, blotted, muscle weakness (potassium low) mood swings, behavior changes
Epinephrine (Adrenaline) bronchodilators and vasoconstriction; breathe easier b/p goes up; caution in
cardiac disease; OTC cough or cold could double side fx
Pulmicort (gluco-corticoid steroid) glucose metabolism; powerful anti-inflammatory

INH (Isoniazid) TB (tube bacterium) must take with vit B6 (Pyridoxine) side fx toxic to liver (chemistry
lab) AST ALT ALPHOS (3 tests) side fx nerve pain, SLE syndrome Lupis; taken over 6 months
to 2 years
Accolate / Singulair (leukotriene modifiers)bronchodilator - long term treatment of asthma
Afrin (vasoconstrictor) used for nasal constriction; stops bleeding draining from nasal passages relieves
congestion; only use 4 days - rebound congestion
Rifampin (anti tubercular agent) turns orange coloration of body fluids; long term therapy weeks to
months (like INH)
Theophyline identical to (Aminophyline)bronchodilator; anxiety GI side fx; monitor serum levels; do not
crush, avoid caffeine, affected by other meds


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