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GUY-NECOLOGY - Solutions to Male Sexual Problems

Stephen Byrnes, ND, RNCP

Its alright, dear. It happens to everyone sometimes.

Originally published in WellBeing Magazine, August 2001

Such caring words, spoken by spouses and partners of men who cant perform, offer little relief to a
mans bruised ego. While womens health issues are usually openly discussed, mens are not. Due to the
social perception of men needing to be "strong" and "virile," impotence, infertility, and premature
ejaculation are not something afflicted men like to admit to. These problems can therefore be sources of
much embarrassment and humiliation, and many men suffer in silence. Since many men the world over
identify their masculinity with their sexual prowess (as well as penile size), admitting to performance
problems is a virtual admission that one is not really a man.
The solutions proffered by mainstream medicine were few and far between until the creation of the antiimpotence drug Viagra. Suddenly, men who could not achieve erections were able to simply by popping a
few pills. For many men, the drug was a godsend. But as is often the case with drug therapies, there is a
price to pay for tampering with the bodys biochemistry. While it appears that the drug does work for
some (not all) men, drugs are really not a desirable option for the health-minded man. Drugs interfere
with the bodys chemistry and prevent true healing from taking place.
As with womens health problems, impotence, infertility, and premature ejaculation have been effectively
treated by natural therapies for thousands of years. While no one approach is likely to work for every
single man, it is still possible to give some general pointers on how to resolve male sexual problems.
Since nutrition is the foundation of all healing, a man needs to be sure he is eating right to avoid
potential health problems, as well as correct any imbalances. What this means is that a man should strive

at all times to have a nutrient-dense diet of unprocessed, whole foods that provide concentrated sources
of key nutrients to his reproductive system. These key nutrients are zinc, vitamins A, D, E and C, and
essential fatty acids.
Vitamins A & D: Both of these fat-soluble vitamins are potent antioxidants and immune system
stimulants. Deficiencies of both nutrients can lead to reproductive failure in both men and women. They
are also anti-infective and pivotal in maintaining healthy mucous membranes, the kind found, among
other places, in the urinary tract and the prostate gland.
It should be noted here that that vitamin A and full, usable complex vitamin D are only found in animal
fats. It is a very common error among many nutritionists to say things like, Yellow and orange fruits and
vegetables contain vitamin A. What plants contain is provitamin A, or plant carotenes, which the body
can convert into vitamin A IF certain conditions are present--it is not an automatic conversion. Infants
and children, diabetics, alcoholics, and those with liver disease or hypothyroidism cannot make the
conversion. Furthermore, the conversion can only take place in the presence of bile from the gall bladder.
What this means is that fat needs to be eaten with your carrots to enhance the conversion of
betacarotene into vitamin A.
In his pioneering studies of nutrition among native peoples, Dr. Weston Price, DDS, discovered that
traditional diets emphasized foods rich in what he called the fat-soluble activators, or vitamins A and D.
Furthermore, Price was surprised to learn that native peoples the world over emphasized foods rich in
these vitamins for prospective parents. Native peoples well understood the vital importance of proper
nourishment for BOTH parents (not just the mother) when planning for children (1).
A graphic example of this can be seen in this excerpt from Col. William Byrds official survey report of the
border between Virginia and North Carolina in the United States, written in 1728:
I will venture to publish a Secret of Importance, which our Indian [guide] disclosed to me. I asked him
the reason why few or none of his Countrywomen were barren? To which curious Question he answered,
with a Broad grin upon his Face, they had an INFALLIBLE secret for that. Upon my being importunate to
know what the secret might be, he informed me that, if any Indian woman did not prove with child at a
decent time after Marriage, the Husband, to save his Reputation with the women, forthwith entered into

a Bear-diet for Six Weeks, which in that time makes him so vigorous that he grows exceedingly
impertinent to his poor wife and tis great odds but he makes her a Mother in Nine Months. And thus I
am able to say, besides, for the Reputation of the Bear Diet, that all Married men of our Company were
joyful Fathers within forty weeks after they got Home, and most of the Single men had children sworn to
them within the same time . . . . (2). Bear is a very fatty animal and it was eaten with relish by many
Native American tribes.
While it is unlikely that any of us will be eating bear for dinner tonight, other rich food sources of
vitamins A and D are: all oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, liver, fish roe, eggs, full-fat
cheeses, especially raw and from pasture-fed animals, sour cream, and several varieties of insects (a
prime food source in many native diets).
Men are often warned to avoid animal fats for fear of clogged arteries and, by extension, impotence for
it is believed that the fats will, somehow, block the arteries leading to the penis and prevent an erection.
Indeed, an animal rights group in the USA recently ran billboard ads urging men to avoid eating beef
because it supposedly caused impotence! But the fears of clogged arteries from consuming animal fats
are unfounded as the fatty acids found in arterial clogs have been shown to be mostly UNsaturated
(about 75%), of which about 40% are polyunsaturated (3). Polyunsaturated fatty acids are
predominantly found in processed vegetable oils. For the health-minded man, all vegetable oils and foods
made with them need to eliminated from the diet at once. Vegetable oils include soy, safflower, corn,
cottonseed, canola, shortening and margarine. Shortening and margarine need to be especially avoided
as they contain substances called trans-fatty acids, which have been shown to contribute to infertility in
both men and women (4).
Vitamin C: In addition to being a general antibacterial and antioxidant, vitamin C is also a major
component of prostatic tissue and is found in seminal fluid. Good food sources are: potatoes, citrus fruits,
berries (especially acerola berries), greens, cantaloupe, and broccoli.
Zinc: Medical and nutritional research has linked zinc deficiency to prostate weakness and male and
female infertility. Zinc supplementation is a virtual must for men with prostate problems as it inhibits the
conversion of testosterone precursors into the activated hormone (which leads to overgrowth of prostatic
tissue). Zinc is also highly concentrated in seminal fluid and is essential for reproduction. Good food

sources are sardines, oysters (very high amounts), lamb, poultry, beef, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, raw
nuts, and brewer's yeast. Its interesting to note here that oysters have had a long reputation as an
aphrodisiac food for men. This may be because of their high zinc content. When zinc deficiencies are
corrected, impotence and infertility disappear.
Readers should be aware that zinc from grains, nuts and seeds is poorly absorbed due to phytic acid and
enzyme inhibitors present. Phytate is an organic acid that binds to minerals and prevents their absorption
in the small intestine. When seed foods are soaked prior to cooking and eating, however, the water
initiates a chemical process that breaks down the phytate and enzyme inhibitors, thus freeing up the
foods minerals for better digestability. Recent studies done with brown rice in Japan, for example,
showed that soaked rice had much higher levels of certain amino acids and B vitamins than unsoaked rice
Whole grains should be soaked in acidulated water at room temperature for at least seven hours before
cooking or eating (simply stir 1 tbsp of either raw vinegar, lemon juice, or yogurt into the water). Nuts
and seeds should be soaked in lightly-salted water for at least seven hours and then air or oven-dried.
Soaking seed foods before consuming them is another interesting feature of traditional diets.
Essential Fatty Acids:As with zinc, deficiency in EFA's has been shown to hinder prostate
function.EFA's are used to help control allergies, resolve eczema and psoriasis, eliminate menstrual
cramps, and, like the other nutrients discussed, stimulate immune function. EFAs act to nourish the
prostate gland and, by their conversion into substances called prostaglandins, help facilitate hormonal
activity on the cellular level. Good food sources are mackerel; sardines; flax, walnut, and fish oils; dark
green leafy vegetables; and salmon.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E, like zinc and vitamin C, is a major component of prostatic tissue, helping to
stabilize it. This nutrient, along with zinc and C, is also necessary for the formation of sperm. Good
sources are olive oil, raw nuts and seeds, fresh wheat germ, wheat germ oil (the highest source), and
animal fats (smaller amounts).
Arginine: Emphasizing arginine-rich foods is also a good idea as this amino acid is excellent for
enhancing circulation and for helping to dilate the capillaries which leads to increased blood flow to the

penis. Arginine also helps to increase low sperm counts and is a standard supplement for infertility in
men (6). Dosage should be 3-4 grams a day. Foods rich in arginine are primarily the plant protein
sources such as nuts and legumes.
It goes without saying that, to help maintain a high level of male hormones, you should avoid food
sources of both natural and synthetic estrogens. Commercially-raised animals are routinely given
estrogenic hormones to fatten them up. Residues of these estrogens end up on your plate and serve to
lower sperm counts. If you eat meat, consume only FREE RANGE meats. The same goes for milk and
eggs: look for organic only to avoid estrogenic hormones.
One other food to avoid is soy as it is high in plant, or phyto, estrogens like genistein and daidzein.
Avoidance of soy is especially crucial for infant boys whose circulating estrogen levels rise to skyrocketing
proportions when on soy formula (7). Buddhist monks have the habit of eating lots of tofu specifically to
dampen libido (8).

The phytoestrogens in soy also are known to depress thyroid function by

interfering with the glands ability to uptake iodine (9). Though hypothyroidism mostly afflicts postmenopausal women, it is not unknown in men and is a prime factor in low libido. This condition needs to
be ruled out if your sex drive is diminished, especially if other signs of the disorder are present:
depression, feeling cold, extreme fatigue in the mornings, constipation, dull hair, etc. The nutrients and
foods that help stimulate and maintain thyroid function are vitamin A, iodine, the B complex, the amino
acid tyrosine, butter, raw milk cheeses, blackstrap molasses, eggs, parsley, and apricots. Other foods
which can interfere with thyroid function if consumed to excess include millet; raw cabbage, kale,
cauliflower, broccoli, and mustard greens; turnips; peaches; and pears (10).
Men facing sexual difficulties should strongly consider quitting smoking and reducing their alcohol intake.
Smoking restricts blood flow through the capillaries, including those of the penis, and has been shown to
hinder a mans ability to get and maintain an erection. Alcohol in large amounts has a detrimental effect
on sexual performance. You certainly cant expect to perform very well if youre falling over drunk!

The herbs damiana, sarsaparilla, and gotu kola have been traditionally employed for male impotence.
Damiana has a long history as an aphrodisiac. Sarsaparilla is plentiful in male hormones, and gotu kola
helps with peripheral circulation and increases blood flow to the penis. All these herbs are available over
the counter as capsules and/or tinctures.
Other herbs to consider would be yohimbe and cayenne. Cayenne is used mostly for its positive effect on
circulation. Yohimbe, an African herb, has a long history of use for male impotence. Dosage, of course,
will vary according to the man invovled. Yohime has, unfortunately, been restricted in some countries. In
the USA, for example, it is impossible to buy the herb on its own and can only be found in commerciallyprepared herbal blends.
Another herb that has been shown to safely elevate testosterone levels in both men and women is

Tribulus terrestris. Tribulus has become a popular herb among athletes due to its supposed musclebuilding properties (through its ability to stimulate testosterone production). Studies have not shown,
however, any substantial gains in muscle strength or size, though heightened sex drive was a pleasant
side effect (11).
Use Lycopodium for long-term impotence, Nux vomica for temporary impotence caused by nervousness
or over-consumption of drugs or alcohol, Arnica montana for impotence caused by injury, and Sabal

serrulata for impotence if you are elderly. Conium and Selenium are both very good for premature
ejaculation. Potency strength will vary from man to man but, for home use the 6C potency should be OK.
Consulting with a homeopathic practitioner will help you ascertain the best potency and remedy for
With sexual difficulties usually come feelings of emotional and physical inadequacy as well as feelings of
helplessness and increased irritability due to the inability to perform or produce a child. Flower remedies
that can help would be the Bach remedy Agrimony for fear of bad sexual performance and Crab Apple for
a negative body image. The Australian Bush essences can also be employed, especially the Relationship

or Confid blends.
Taoist Technique for Premature Ejaculation
Though I cannot remember the source, I memorized this little technique from a Taoist handbook many
years ago and have successfully used it many times over the years. Best of all, your partner need not
know you are doing it as it can be done inconspicuously. Here is the technique: when you feel the urge
to ejaculate, stop all movement and fold your tongue back while pressing it to the roof of your mouth.
While in this position, hold your breath for about 10 seconds then release and commence movement. If
you need to hold back another time, simply repeat the technique. If your partner continues to move
while youre doing the exercise, gently ask them to stay still for a moment.
According to the Taoists, the technique works by temporarily diverting chi, or energy, away from the root
chakra, the one associated with the sexual organs. Whatever the explanation, the technique works and I
encourage you to try it.
Emotional Support
A supportive partner always helps when facing a sexual problem. Bear in mind that your inability to
perform (or perform well) may be a sign that part of you does not want the relationship or, if youre not
with a permanent partner, a sign that, deep-down, you really dont want a casual sexual encounter. Your
inability to get and maintain an erection may be a drastic defense mechanism against intimacy or further
involvement in a situation you do not want, but have not admitted to yet. Life stresses can also get in the
way of a mans abilities and need to be considered as causes as well. If psychological issues are not at
stake, however, work to discover the ultimate causes of your problems and work to resolve them.
Remember: there can be several reasons why you cannot function sexually so its important to treat the
WHOLE you.
Many Ways
Finally, men need to realize that they do not need an erect penis to love and please their partner. Popular
American advice columnist Ann Landers ran a readers poll a few years ago asking women what would
they prefer, having sex with their partners or being lovingly held and kissed by them. The majority chose

the latter. It wasnt that the women disliked sex; what they valued more was really feeling loved,
appreciated, and desired by their mates. Good sex does not always revolve around being able to achieve
an erection and last a long time. On those occasions where you cannot perform for various reasons, dont
view it as a dead end. If youre at a loss as to what you could do to please your partner emotionally and
sexually, then ask them what theyd like you to do for them. You never know: your bout of impotence
might open up a whole new world of exciting sexual possibilities for you and your partner.
1. Weston A. Price. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation; 1943).
2. Col. William Byrd, II. Histories of the Dividing Line Betwixt Virginia and North Carolina , reprinted 1967
by Dover Publications, Inc. New York, pp. 250-252.
3. C.V. Felton, et al., Lancet 344:1195, 1994.
4. Mary Enig. Know Your Fats (Bethesda Press; Maryland), 2000, p. 86.
5. See
6. Jonathan Wright, MD. Dr. Wrights Guide to Healing with Nutrition. (Keats Publishing; USA), 1984, pp.
414-416. See also JP Pryor, et al., Brit Jnl of Urol, vol. 50, 1978, 47-50.
7. KD Setchell, et al. Amer Jnl of Clin Nutr, December 1998, Supplement 1453S-1461S.
8. Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. Tragedy & Hype. Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, July 2000.
Posted at
9. Stephen Langer, MD, and James Scheer. Solved: The Riddle of Illness. (Keats Publishing; USA), 1995,
pp. 39-40
10. James Balch and Phyllis Balch, Prescription for Nutritional Healing. (Avery Publishing; USA), 1995, p.

11. James Burke and Daniel Gastelu. Averys Sports Nutrition Almanac (Avery Publishing; New York),
1999, p. 171.

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