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Tanaya Redwine

November 3, 2015
Nutritional needs ad
Due: November 8, 2015

The first thing I would like to discuss is the Embryo and Fetus. An embryo is the
period of pregnancy that lasts only until the 8th week after the egg has been fertilized. The
embryo gets its nourishment from the lining of the womans uterus and from the placenta.
The embryo breaks it down and takes all of its nutrients. A fetus is from the 9th week of
pregnancy until that little baby is born. The fetus also gets its nourishment from the
placenta. The placenta gives out hormones and gives the oxygen from the mothers blood
to the fetus. Whatever the mother eats, the fetus gets the same nutrients and essentials
from the mother.
There are many risks to not eating a healthy well balanced diet. Having poor diet
during pregnancy can cause things such as

Fetal growth retardation

Low birth weight

Premature birth
Spontaneous abortion
And stillbirth.

But also not getting the right amounts of folate, or folic acid, calcium, vitamin d,
iron and zinc, can cause other birth defects. Not having the right amounts of calcium can
increase the chances of preeclampsia and eclampsia, which are harmful to the mother and
the baby. Preeclampsia is a raise in blood pressure, protein in the urine, and edema.
Eclampsia is seizures during or immediately after pregnancy, that can lead to coma or
death. Iron efficiency during pregnancy is key for helping form the babys hemoglobin
which is in the blood. Iron deficiency can lead to low birth weight, and premature babies.
Zinc is needed for the creation, and function of DNA and RNA, a lack of zinc can cause
fetal malformation, premature babies, and low birth weight.
In order to get the right nutritional needs, a lot of doctors recommend that women
take prenatal vitamins, or folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy. The neural
tubes that help form a babys brain and spinal cord, are effected if the mother does not
have high enough folate or folic acid. The neural tube development takes place around
the 21st and 28th days after the mother conceives. Most women do not even find out that
they are pregnant until after that. Not having enough folic acid, can cause the neural tubes
to not close, and not form the brain, and spinal cord right, which can cause spina bifida.
Spina Bifida, is when the spinal column does not close, causing parts of the spinal
cord or nerves to protrude through the spine, causing too much fluid in the brain, swelling

in the brain, and pressure on the brain. There are four types of spina bifida, the less severe
is called spina bifida occulta, this is less severe and the child or parent may not even
know that they have this condition. The most severe is myelomeningocele also known as
spina bifida cystica, which is the one that causes swelling in and on the brain, and
pressure on the brain that could cause brain damage, and other things.

Good nutritional choices for a pregnant woman include things like

whole grain bread, cereal, and pasta.

Fresh non-processed fruits like oranges, strawberries, and bananas.
Non-processed vegetables, like broccoli, carrots, and greens, like lettuce.
Milk, yogurt, cheese.
Fully cooked meats, and fish low in mercury.
Beans, nuts, seeds, and peanut butter.

Women should eat at least five ounces of grains daily, two and a half cups of
veggies, one and a half cups of fruits, three cups of dairy, five ounces of protein, and
drink 8 to 12 cups of water every day. Women should try and stay away from too much
oil, salad dressing, and butter, as well as caffeine, and sugar substitutes. Women should
avoid, raw, uncooked meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. Women should also try to avoid,
eating things like feta cheese, brie cheese, blue cheese, shark meat, swordfish, mackerel,
herbal teas, and too much caffeine.

A pregnant woman should try to stay away from foods, and meals that are high in
fat, sodium, and sugar. Take-out meals or fast food, can also be very unhealthy for a
pregnant woman if they eat way too much or if they choose a meal high in the
components that I listed above. Eating fast food on a daily basis or even a couple times a
week can cause obesity, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, leg pain, and even the
need for a cesarean section or C-section. PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD AVOID,
Breast feeding versus formula. There are pros and cons for both breast feeding,
and formula feeding. The pros for breast feeding include

Helps fight infections antibodies and germ fighting factors pass from

mother to child to help strengthen immune system.

Lower chances of ear infections, diarrhea, respiratory infections, and

Helps prevent allergies, asthma, diabetes, obesity, and SIDS.
Costs nothing, and does not require bottles, nipples, or equipment.
Studies say that breastfed babies have a slightly higher IQ
Promotes bonding between mother and child.

Cons include

Latch on pain.
Breast fed babies have to be fed more often because breast milk digests

Mom needs to watch what she eats and drinks because it could be harmful

to the baby.
Milk taste changes with the mothers diet.

Formula feeding pros include

People other than the mother can feed the baby, and bond with the baby.
Less feedings
Digests slower so the baby feels fuller longer
Taste does not change
Mother thinks it is better to see how much milk the baby has drunk.

Formula feeding cons include

It is expensive, you have to buy the formula, bottles, nipples, sterilization

Time consuming, cleaning and sterilizing, and making the bottles.
Not as nutritional
Does not have the germ fighting antibodies that help strengthen the immune

system, and help fight infections, as well as prevent allergies, and asthma.
There are so many different things to learn about becoming a mother, or even
before you want to become a mother. Knowledge is the key to a healthy pregnancy. The

more you know, the sooner you know, the better the pregnancy, that is what I think.
People who want to know more about any of the topics that I have discussed in this ad,
can do more research on websites like

You could also go to your local gym, your doctors office will have information,
pregnancy hotlines, and you can visit your local health department and local library has
information, books on nutrition, pregnancy and other things we discussed. You can
research to get all types of help with anything your big ole baby loving heart desires.

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