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SJVC Lesson 3

Compiled and Edited by J Sarat Chander,


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s prayer

OM nryaa parovyaktdaamavyaktasambhavama
aasyntastitvame lok saptadp ca medin

OM. Narayana is beyond (much above) the unmanifest. The Brahmanda (cosmic egg) evolves from the
unmanifest. The Brahmanda contains all the worlds including this earth with its seven continents.
This prayer of Adi Sankara has been taken from a smriti and gives the ultimate objective of every birth
in this world at least. Thus, Sri Ramanujacharya has given the best mantra that will guide us to this
penultimate goal.

What is Jyotish
Having created the Brahmanda and srishtikarta Brahma, Maha Vishnu handed him the four Vedas (Rig
Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda). This form of Maha Vishnu is worshipped as Jagannath at
Puri where the division of the Veda into four parts was the beginning of the passing down of the knowledge
in the Parampara. Brahma then began creation of srishti (nature) and created his manasaputra Manu and
manasaputri Satarupa who became Manus wife and thus began a whole process of creation of mankind.
Man possessed the Rajas and Tamas guna also along with the Satva guna because of which he is more likely
to stray away from the path of Dharma and proper Karma. Therefore, the knowledge of the Vedas was
passed to bind mankind to the path of Dharma and thereby, self-realization. The Vedas were passed on to
the mankind through the Maharishis.
The Maharishis codified the Vedas and the knowledge was spread to the human beings. Different Maharishis
worked on different portions of the Vedas. The Vedas and other Sruti Literature themselves were too difficult
for the understanding of common people. Hence, the essence of Veda was explained by the different schools
of thought through the different Purana, Upanishad etc which were a part of the Smriti literature. The
different ancillaries through which Veda was explained to people came to be known as the Vedanga (literally
translated, it means Veda + Anga where Anga means parts or limbs). There are six such limbs of the
Veda or Vedanga. They are (i) Siksha (phonology or phonetics); (ii) Vyakarana (grammar); (iii) Chhanda
(prosody); (iv) Nirukta (etymology); (v) Jyotish (astronomy and astrology); and (vi) Kalpa (procedure or
code of conduct for Vedic rituals).
As the Vedas emanated entirely from Maha Vishnu, it has been equated to Him in body and shape and
the six Vedanga meaning the six limbs, represent the different body parts of Maha Vishnu and the same
theory is extended to we human beings as well for Maha Vishnu is ultimately our creator & benefactor and
is omnipresent in all, both animate and inanimate, including us. The representation of the body parts is
given in Figure 1.
From the above we will now be able to deduce the importance of Jyotish which are the Eyes of Maha
Vishnu. Thus, Jyotish Shastra assumes the second most important Anga of the Veda (it is subservient to
Kalpha or Brahmarandhra which is the Head and the seat of the Diksha Guru while The THIRD EYE is the
seat of the Jyotish Siksha Guru). Besides, this Shastra enables the Jyotisha to see the Will of God in the
horoscope of the person and is then able to guide him (To guide is a function of sight or vision) to perform
the right karma to be able to attain Him.

SJVC Lesson 3



Kalpa or Religious/ Spiritual Code
Jyotish or Astronomy/Astrology
Nirukta or Etymology
Siksha or Phonetics
Vyakarana or Grammar
Chhanda or Prosody

Raths Lectures

Body Part
Face or Mouth


Figure 1: Vedangas, Body Parts and Tatwas



Birth (Appearance to be precise)
Life form (mortal form)
Death (Disappearance to be precise)



Figure 2: Gunas
It maybe noted that Narayana is pure Satwa and the first differentiation was done by Brahma (Rajas) the
deity of Saturn. Thus, Rajas Guna implies differentiation and the six weaknesses resulting from this Guna
are called the Shadripu. The divisional chart for studying these in the physical plane is the Shastamsa (D-6
Chart), and in the sub-conscious plane is the Trimsamsa (D-30 Chart as 30 = 12 2 + 6).
We have already learnt, Jyoti is light and Isha is God. Thus, Jyotish is the light (meaning the light
of knowledge, wisdom) that leads us to our goalNarayana. Jyotish is the eye of the Vedas the aspect
which throws light on the Vedas and teaches its importance and relevance to man. Jyotish is the biggest
(voluminous) branch of all Vedas which is unfathomable.

What is the relevance to Jyotish?

To know the meaning of having been born and leading a mortal form of life, it is important to know God
and his creation and the reason for our birth. Maharishi Parasara has clearly emphasized the importance
of this understanding in his very first chapters of the Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra. He has explained the
importance of the understanding and distinguishing the two aspects of the Atma viz., the Paramatma and
the Jeevatma; the Das Avatar of Maha Vishnu and the relevance to Jyotish; the Panch Tatwa (the five
elemental forms of existence) and their relevance etc.
The mortal form in which we are born comprises the Atma, known as the soul and Mana known as the
mind which binds the Atma to the physical body. The higher and purer form of the Atma is Paramatma,
known as God. Though we are a part of the same Paramatma (God), our Atma is lesser as it has Karma
attached to it and is called Jeevatma. It is, thus, entirely different from Paramatma, which is actually a
manifestation of God himself in a physical form (avatars such as Ram & Krishna) as he had no Karma
attached to it. Such forms of manifestation of the Lord happen for a specific cause and purpose. However,
there are different schools of thought on this subject of Paramatma and Jeevatma as propounded in the
Advaita and Dvaita philosophies, which is a never-ending debate considering the infiniteness of the Lord. A
debate on this is not the scope of Jyotish, but of the Kalpa and hence we are leaving this open.
It is enlightenment or the knowledge of Para Vidya that allows us to perform Satwik karma (actions/deeds)
and delivers us from this cycle of births and rebirths and transcends the Jeevatma to the higher level to
become one with the Paramatma. To know how to break from this cycle, it is very important to understand
the concept of Karma without desire for which purpose a reading of the Bhagavat Gita-As it is by Srila

 rAm k Z

hare rma ka

SJVC Lesson 3


Sri Matsya
Sri Koorma
Sri Vamana
Sri Buddha
Sri Parasurama
Sri Varaha
Sri Narasimha
Sri Rama
Sri Krishna
Sri Kalki

Dwarf Brahmin
Angry Brahmin

Predominant Amsa

End of Kali Yug

Raths Lectures


Figure 3: Das Avatar

Prabhupada is recommended.

Das Avatar
Lord Vishnu, also known as Maha Vishnu, is the supremeAlmighty. He is creator and preserver of this
Universe (Bramhanda). What we know as the Universe, the Sun, the stars, the planets, the mortal life
forms, the inanimate objects etc., are all born out of Him, and hence He is the natural Pater. He is
unfathomable and imperceptible. The Dasavatar (Ten Appearances or Incarnations of the Lord Himself) are
given in Figure 3. There are other authorities who have given different list of Avatar and also their planetary
representations like replacing Buddha Avatar with Sri Balaram and the planet for Him has been mentioned
as Jupiter. However, all these authorities are incorrect in view of Parasaras teachings.
Vishnu (Sarva Vyaapakeshwara Devata) is Omnipresent in His imperceptible form. Truly as Sri Aurobindo
had said, it is beyond the realms of the human life to be able to perceive him. Since the Graha (Planets
affecting Life) have represented Vishnu, they have been ordained to guide the cycles of re-birth and to
determine the Karma Phala (results of past Karma).
To explain this, Maharishi Parasara divided the whole universal expanse or Narayana into four parts. This
four-fold division of the Universe is also carried further into Jyotish as its second fundamental division of the Bha-Chakra (Zodiac symbolizing the body of Narayana) into four
parts called Kendra (Quadrants).
Coming back to the Universe, three parts of the four are imperceptible (beyond the reach or understanding
or perception of mortals) and are full of amrita (nectar or immortality & purity). These are: 1. Maha Vishnu having Yoga with Shri Shakti (Maha Lakshmi- Hrim Beeja) in Satwa Guna;
2. Param Brahma having Yoga with Bhu Shakti (Maha Saraswati-Aim Beeja) in Rajas Guna; and
3. Sada Shiva having Yoga with Nila Shakti (Maha Kali- Kleem Bija) in Tamas Guna.
4. The fourth part is Vasudeva. This part is both partly perceptible and partly imperceptible (see Figure
4; for our convenience and understanding, let us call these parts Vasudeva and Krishna). The two
portions of the fourth part are further defined as follows:
(a) Vasudeva in the imperceptible portion having yoga with Sri Shakti and Bhu Shakti with the
Guna Satwa and Rajas respectively; and

 rAm k Z

hare rma ka

SJVC Lesson 3


Raths Lectures

Param Brahma
Yoga: Bhu Shakti
Rajas Guna

Maha Vishnu
Yoga: Shri Shakti
Satwa Guna

Yoga: Shri Shakti
& Bhu Shakti
Satwa &
Yoga: Shri, Bhu
& Nila Shakti as
Rukmini, Satyabhama,
& Radhika
Satwa, Rajas & Tamas Guna

Sada Shiva
Yoga: Nila Shakti
Tamas Guna

Figure 4: Schematic Representation of


(b) Krishna in the perceptible portion having Yoga with Sri Shakti, Bhu Shakti and Nila Shakti
with Satwa, Rajas and Tamas Guna respectively. For further ease of understanding we define Sri
Shakti as Rukmini (Lakshmi), Bhu Shakti as Satyabhama (Saraswati) and Nila Shakti as Radhika
The discussion on the imperceptible part is beyond this lecture. Suffice is to say that it is a question of
individual deliverance. The perceptible portion of the Universe is what we are aware of in the form of
various galaxies, solar systems and other creation. In this perceptible portion the Guna (modes of nature)
are intermixed and at any point of time and at any place, all three Guna co-exist. However, there will always
be a predominance of one of the three Guna. This is defined as the prevailing Guna. From the Jyotish
viewpoint, this is the third fundamental division of the Bha-chakra and is called Trikona
From a Jyotish standpoint, compare 4A & 4B. The main difference is the absence of Tamas Guna. Since all
beings exist in the three Guna in Part 4B, the primary effort should be to get over the effect of the Tamas
Guna. This can be done by worshipping Radhika with Krishna and due to the effect of the Yoga, the Tamas
Guna will be gradually destroyed. It is only a question of perception and Nila Shakti can also be defined as
Kali and then the Yogeshwara will take the form of Shiva for the destruction of Tamas.

Bha-Chakra: Its Development

Now, if we had to make a two-dimensional representation of Narayana as perceived from the central axis of
this earth (i.e. Standing at the North pole), then the same would be a circle of 360 Degrees where the radius
is infinite. However, as Jyotisha we are interested in defining a finite radius or range that will affect the lives
of mortals living in this planet. This is the dual concept of Narayana (Infinite) and Nara (Finite) popularly

 rAm k Z

hare rma ka

SJVC Lesson 3


Raths Lectures

called Nara-Narayana. This finite radius is defined by the Graha (planets or other points of the zodiac) that
can affect human lives and the limit is the Saptama Dwipa or the area traversed by Saturn in its revolution.
Why Saptama Dwipa is answered by the Prayer of Sankaracharya at the beginning of this
The next step is to accommodate the four-fold and three-fold division in the Bha-Chakra. For this purpose,
we take the least common Multiple of the numbers (4 & 3) and arrive at the twelve fold division of the
Bha-Chakra. The result is what is popularly called the Rasi Chakra where the 360 Degrees of the circle are
divided into 12 equal parts of 30 Degrees each. The question of the starting point for this division shall be
taken up at a later stage. Suffice is to say that this is defined as the Zero degree of Aries.

1. The next question is which Graha should be given the over-lordship of this twelve-fold division or the
twelve signs of the zodiac and why?
2. Make a schematic representation of the Earth, Bha-Chakra with its 12 spokes and mark out the areas
of Nara & Narayana.

: tt^ st^

 rAm k Z

hare rma ka

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