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Step 1: A BEE~Matrix representative has provided you with the Rating Pack (this
document) and an Engagement Letter. The Rating pack is a guiding document to use to prepare
documents for verification. Read through the Rating Pack carefully and compile the relevant
documents, pertaining to your company. Some documents are a compulsory requirement and
verification cannot be conducted without them.
Step 2: Once you have compiled all the relevant documents, it will be returned to BEE~Matrix
together with the Engagement Letter and Rating Pack (signed). BEE~Matrix will evaluate the
submitted information. After evaluation, you will be contacted for either, outstanding information,
or to agree on the onsite verification date, if necessary. Verification will not be conducted or
completed should there be outstanding issues.
Step 3: The verification plan will be sent to you requesting information and should an on-site be
necessary, the verification team will send you a date and time which you would be required to
confirm via e-mail. Information required will be sent to you and must be available on the day of
the onsite verification. Should an on-site not be required, the requested documents can be
scanned and e-mailed or couriered to the allocated verification team leader.
Step 4: The onsite verification will be conducted, whereby original documents will be sampled,
interviews conducted etc.


Tick where submitted
Signed Verification Agreement & Rating Pack
Proof of 50% deposit payment
Last audited financials (indicate if management accounts)
Income Statements for the preceding 4 years
Tax Clearance Certificate
VAT 201s for the period under review


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Company Name:
Company Registration Number:
Trading Name:
Type of Organisation (CC, Pty (Ltd), Trust etc.)
Company Physical Address:

Company Postal Address:

VAT Number:
Contact Person:



I acknowledge that:
(a) The information is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
(b) If the information is found to be incorrect, BEE~Matrix will cancel the rating status of the entity.
This done and signed at

on this the ______

day of _____________________ 2014.

For and on behalf of

(Company Name)
(Authorised Person)



Please compile the necessary documentation listed below and indicate with a tick
which documents you are going to submit.


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Only to be completed if there is black ownership. Must reflect current year and not
as per the financial statement.
Company registration documents E.g. CM1, CK1 & 2, Trust Deed (Whichever applicable)
Detailed ownership structure E.g. Organogram
List of shareholders indicating race and gender, with IDs
Share Certificates & CM42s
Share Register
AgreementsShareholders Agreements, Buy & Sell Agreements , Loan Agreements (indicate if not
Trust Deed/Constitution of any Broad based Scheme (indicate if not applicable)
Audited Financials of the Trust Deed/Broad Based Schemes
Minutes of last Shareholders meeting/Board Meeting
Do the black shareholding parties owe a 3rd party for their shares



If Yes, supply the following: (Consult your company secretary or accountant if uncertain)
Purchase Consideration

Amount still owing

Current value of business

A Letter from the auditor confirming the valuation of the company/amount that had been paid and the
outstanding debt.
If No letter from auditor confirming no third party liabilities for the shares held by black shareholding
Proof of Dividends paid


Only to be completed if there is black representation. Must reflect current year and
not as per the financial statement.
Management* is classified as Directors / Members in a CC / Trustees / EXCO
Statutory documents E.g. CM29 or CK1 & 2 (Whichever applicable)
List of top management, indicating race, gender, and voting rights attach certified copies IDs
Letter from Management confirming that Senior Management form part of Top Management

Common Examples of Top Management:

CEO, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Head
of Marketing and Sales, Head of PR, Head of HR, etc.


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Must reflect current year and not as per the financial statement.

Most recent Employment Equity Report (unless exempt) - proof of submission

Current Employee listing indicating employee name, identity number , gender, race, positions.
Organogram indicating managers race, gender, position (Senior/Middle/Junior Management)
Letter from management confirming the company does not distinguish between Middle Management and
Junior Management(Only for Generics and only if Applicable)
EEA1 declaration for disabled employees
Confirmation from a medical practitioner confirming the disability
Only for Construction Generic Contractors & BEPs
Total listing of all office based employees ( Black and White )
Current Payroll indicating employee and salary payment


Note: All information in this element must correspond with the financial period as
per the financial statements supplied.
Most recent Work Place Skills Plan & Annual Training Report & Proof of submission
Copies of EMP201s for 12 months as per the period under review
List of black employees on registered learnerships/apprenticeships gender, salary
Salary of Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) proof of SDF registration with the relevant SETA must be
Summary of Skills Development Spent of black employees (See example below)
Additional information only for Construction Sector Companies
Inclusion of Skill spent on white employees, black managers, & black female managers
List of white employees on registered learnerships/apprenticeships salary
Scholarships/Bursaries for black students
Mentorship Program

E.g. Only for African, Indian, Coloured & S.A Chinese citizens
Name & Surname

Date of Training

Training Course

Male or Female


Generic companies without SETA membership and WSPs will not be evaluated
on this element




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A spreadsheet indicating Supplier Name and VAT Exclusive Amount spent for 12 months as per the
financial period submitted
Copies of valid supplier BEE certificates
Exempted suppliers: Letters from your suppliers accountants stipulating their turnover is less than R5m

List of Imports Spend during the period under review ( if applicable)

Confirmation Letter from Management that no local production of the product imported, that the imported
product differ from locally produced products in terms of Brand and or technical specifications and/or is
used for value added products
Value-Added Tax Declaration in respect of the imported services from SARS
Copy of the measured entitys Imported Registration Certificate from SARS
Only for Companies in the Forestry Sector Contracting Schemes Only
Compliance with Industry Codes of Conduct on contracting in the Forest Sector


Note: All information in this element must correspond with the financial period that
is under review.
Quantifiable Proof of contributions towards Enterprise Development Initiatives. For examples go to - P67-70
Enterprise Development agreements ( if Applicable)
BEE certificate of beneficiary or proof of ownership(Company Docs/Share certificates/ID copies)
Letters of Appreciation from beneficiary entities
Copies of ID Documents of beneficiaries
Only for companies in the Construction Sector Generic Contractors & BEPs
Implementation of an Enterprise Development Program



Enterprise Development Program (only if yes)

Only for companies in the Forestry Sector
Annual Sales of logs and saw timber (as a % of total sales in terms of tonnage) to enterprises based on
their BEE procurement Recognition Levels
Annual Sales of logs and saw timber (as a % of total sales in terms of tonnage) to enterprises that are: (a)
50% black owned, or (b) 30% black woman owned


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Note: All information in this element must correspond with the financial period as per
the financial statements supplied.
Quantifiable proof of SED contributions, letters of gratitude from beneficiaries ,proof of payments and a
letter confirming the percentage of black beneficiaries.
For examples go to - P74-77
Socio Economic Agreements (If Applicable)
Declaration from the beneficiary confirming race and gender
ID Copies of the beneficiaries (If applicable)
Only for Companies in the Tourism Sector
Status of TOMSA levy collector


All copies of documents can be posted to BEE~Matrix (Pty) Ltd, Postnet Suite 400,
Private Bag 1510, Glenvista, 2058, or delivered to 5 Cathcart Drive, Oakdene,
Should you have any queries, please contact a BEE~Matrix representative on (011) 436
1921 / 41.

Please Note
Ownership, management and employment equity must reflect the current year and not as
per the financial statement.
It is important to note that all requested information per element needs to be submitted
before the day of verification. If the information is not sufficient for verification purposes,
the element will not be verified and information will not be collected and captured on the
day of verification.


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