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Danger Years for life

( for KP and Nadi Astrology )

By Basilioli Sandro ( Vediko)
In Jasa Journal Mar-Apr 2012 Issue have given a method for longevity Pam using a specific formula ,
the formula is based from the Nadi astrology book of ( Umang Taneja) . Going forward in my research
i elaborated the formula in many more combinations from A to E6, that will give specific dangerous
years that could be the end of life for the native. Here you will find a different method for the second
block written in Mar-Apr 2012 Issue given directly from the combinations of years. The excel sheet is
change to help the reader in calculations but it could be done also by hand. I will not explane how to
reach block one so Readers must go thrue article written in Issue July-August 2011.
1) Find Block one
2) Look at the combinations to find Block two A and block two B
3) Find danger years between these periods.
Illustration ( only in this case i will give full table of significations of planets for space).
Chalton Heston 04/10/1923 Tob 07:55 am , Place USA

Longevity 85 years

Table of planets in own sign ,in star and sub ( not using cuspal sub lords significations)
Su: 11




Lu: 9,10




Sa :4,5,12




Ju: 1,3,6

Ve: 1,8,12

Sa: 4,5,12








Ke:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 Ma.2,7,11
Ke 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12
Ra: 2,7,10,11


Looking at the table to find the second block A & B, we check for the most closest combination to
block one from 62 to 93 years that is 62 ( comb. B2 & D2) to 88 years ( E6) second block A . Next
possible second block ( B ) is from 78 y ( C 5 ) to 85 years ( E 2 ).
In my research nomaly the second block ( B )is the exact period so in this case we should choose the
combinations that falls in this period. The dangerous years for longevity will be : 78, 80, 81, 85, 88 .
Chalton Heston died in his 85Th years of life.
Next illustration
Farrah Fancett 02/02/1947 Tob 15:10 Place USA Longevity 62 years.

In this case Block one is from 34 to 72 years so we must choose years close to this period, Block
two A is from 38 y ( A2) to 71 y ( D5) and Block two B is from 41 y ( C, C2 ) to 62 y ( E1).
Dangerous years : 42, 45, 47, 50, 51, 54, 55, 57, 60, 62.
She died at age 62 years that is combination E1 ( 1,(3,8),5,9,10,11 and mrk, bdk.
Gianni Versace 02/12/1946 tob 06:00 am Place Italy. Longevity 50 years.

Gianni Versace first block M-M-M from 34 to 72 years combination for second block A are formula
B and B2 from 39 to 70 years, to go a little closer we will look for block two B formula A2 and C3
from 42 to 68 years. This long period will give many different possible danger years but could be a
very useful tool for the astrologer to find exact year, dangerous years are. 42, 45 , 50, 53, 54, 56, 58,
60, 64, 67, 68.
Versace died at age 50 years formula : A1 .
Italian Actor called Toto 05/02/1889, tob 7:30 am Place Napoli , Italy. Longevity 69 years.

Block one is from 34 to 72y so for block two ( A )we do not choose 30 y ( comb : A ) because is
short life, we choose 47y formula B and 72y formula B1, next block two (B ) we will choose the

next close to 47 and 72y that will be 53y formula A3 with formula D2 = 69 years. In this period
dangerous years will be : 47, 53, 54, 57, 61, 65, 66, 69.
Toto died at 69 years.
Michael Schumacher 03/01/1969 tob 13:45:40 pm, Place Hurth, Germany TZ 1 hrs Est. Age 45

In this last illustration I will follow this theory and try to predict his possible danger years.

As we all know his health is very bad and of course we pray God he will recover, his longevity is
medium from 32,4 to 67 years and we want to go forward in the analysis .
Block two ( A ) is quite the same 32 to 66y so we check for block two ( B ) , formula C and formula
C2 from 46 to 64 years will be the end.
Dangerous possible years: 46, 48, 53, 56, 64.
I hope this new tool for readers and astrologers will be useful and research will go forward.

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