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6 Reasons To Do A Masters Degree - Yahoo Singapore Finance

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6 Reasons To Do A Masters Degree

By student advisor | Wed, Sep 24, 2014 8:01 AM SGT

Pursuing a masters degree is both time consuming and mentally taxing. It can also be a huge financial burden unless you
are on a scholarship. Many students feel like a masters degree is a pre-requisite for a good career in todays job market; yet
others feel like a masters degree is needed for a decent salary. There are, however, many more reasons for you to take up a
masters degree. If you are unsure of your future plans after studying your bachelors, a masters degree is worth
Earlier this week, we have discussed who should not go to graduate school. Below, we talk about the 6 ways pursuing a
masters degree will benefit you and your career.

1. Intellectual Growth
This may seem obvious to you, but many students forget (or chose to ignore) that at the end of the day, graduate school
is about the academics. You will be taught with professors who are established in your field and specialize in areas that you
aspire to learn. A masters degree often involves research. This will help you develop intellectually and also be more
knowledgeable in your field.
2. Increased Job Prospects
Other than the academic gains, the increased job prospects are one of the best reasons to pursue a masters. A masters
degree is a step to becoming an expert in your field. Its a lifelong achievement you will have. This opens the door to more
jobs which might require masters degree. Some positions in the industry you are currently in, will also open up to you. A
masters degree makes you qualified for higher level positions, maybe even on the same career path that youre already on.

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6 Reasons To Do A Masters Degree - Yahoo Singapore Finance

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3. Increased Mobility
With a masters degree, you are going to be intensively studying a subject. Did you know that this can increase your
mobility in terms of your job? This is the ideal time for you to ask yourself if you are happy with the field or industry you
are currently in. If you are considering a career change, a masters degree might be your ticket to a new role. You can move
into another field or industry based on what you study; for example engineering students working in a technical role who
wish to switch to a management or marketing position should consider getting an MBA. An MBA, combined with the
technical work experience, will make them ideal candidates for a management track. Similarly, a masters can help you
specialize within your field; for example, if you are a law student practicing in general law and you wish to switch to the
mining industry, a masters focused on mineral and mining law will help you qualify for that transition.
4. Networking
The people you meet in graduate school are much more likely to rise to the top and become powerful leaders and
influencers of tomorrow, just like you. Graduate school is a great place to network with them because it is a casual setting.
You will often be in the same groups for projects or maybe neighbors in the residences. This gives you ample opportunities
for networking and building up your contacts. Often, the connections you build in graduate school may help you on your
own journey to your dream job.

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6 Reasons To Do A Masters Degree - Yahoo Singapore Finance

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5. A Break From The Real World
As a graduate student, you are still counted as a student in many ways. This means that you get to re-live the life of a
student if you wish to. Graduate students often have special residences for them, they have access to all campus facilities,
they go to class, write assignments, complain about exams, and slack off. If you miss this and want a break from your day
job, or if you just finished your bachelors and arent ready to let go yet, graduate school is the cure for you. And for those of
you who are cynical and think this isnt a good enough reason, graduate school allows you the space and time for personal
growth so that you can go back into the workforce more prepared.
6. Higher Pay
While there are non-financial benefits of a masters degree, its undeniable that with a degree that makes you more capable
and knowledgeable, you will get a nice salary bump. An MBA graduate makes more than someone with a BBA. In addition,
having a masters degree also increases your chances of promotion and decreases the time it takes to get that promotion,
leading to higher pay, faster.

So, there you have it, 6 reasons to get a masters degree. If you have another reason to pursue a masters degree or youre
still unsure that you should pursue one, tell us why!

9/26/2014 9:52 AM

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