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Homily of the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Dear brothers and sisters the Word of God of this Sunday teach us ones more
the great generosity of our Lord who have prepared for those who love him
good things that no eye can see as says the opening prayer.
Whats happening when you love some? You prepare you house, you decorate
it, you put some flowers, you spread the table, you chose a very good wine, you
prepare a meal that going to rejoice your guest of honour and you buy a gift as a
sine of your love for him. Our God who is wiser than us, do something better
and go further. He sent out his mains and he calls from the heights out over the
city, because of the urgency of receiving you. He dont wait that you come, but
because of his pressing love he come to invite you to enter and eat of his food
and drink of his wine because he see that you are thirsty and hungry because of
forsaking foolishness. Only in the wisdom of God we can find real life, lasting
life, everlasting life.
The good news for us today is that we can taste and see the goodness of the
Lord, as we sung in se Psalm, because Life as became manifest in the flesh of
Jesus Christ true God and true man. The love of God is so high that he doesnt
only want to make us happy with the weeding of his son, but he want to remain
with us, in us. He became one of us for we became like him. When we eat the
flesh of the living God we take part of his life and we become God through him,
and with him, and in him.
How much did you pay for such a grace? Nothing. Because nothing can worth
the love of god, no money, no gold, and no dollar can rich the price of the blood
of Christ spread for us on Calvary.
But in front of such a great generosity we can have two attitudes. The one,
that suits to the simple and humble one who sees his poverty and weakness and
receives the love of God. And the other one, who suit to the proud person who
says: How can this man give us his flesh to eat?, and he reject the gift of life
and stand firm without life.
Every man and woman has the right to receive this good news to rich eternal
life in this life. Nobody his excluded from this true food and true drink. If today
we can receive this unexpected gift of God its because somebody announce
Jesus-Christ to us. Maybe our parents or grand parents first, and the priests and
bishops had announced us the love of God and gave us the possibility to rich
God with the communion of the Blessed Sacrament. But whats about the people
of Madagascar? In this island that sits in the Indian ocean more than 23 million
people expect the light of salvation. Less than 60% of them are Christians, and
half of them are Catholics. But Madagascar is one of the most difficult missions
because of the archaically mentality and a traditional religion based on fear of
the ancestors. The people of Madagascar his one of the poorest of our world,
they seat like the last of this world, far from every things and without hope of a
better future because of the corruption. Only 10% of the population that have

access to clean water and electricity, they dont earn a dollar a day, living in
houses made with mud walls. In this situation of poverty and of abandonment
from the State of Madagascar, the social work of the Catholic Church is
indispensable. The Church as built medical clinics, schools, orphanage, wells
and churches. The Work of a missionary need to be sustained, like from the
beginning of the Church St Paul invited the Christian community to do
collections to sustain the Church of Jerusalem and their numerous missionaries.
The missionaries spend their life for announcing the Good News that God love
us and redeemed us from sin and death through Jesus Christ risen from the
death. But they need our prayer and our economical contribution to continue to
built the Kingdom of God. We need to take care of our missionaries, of their
health, of their food, of their moves. To help people to become person you need
to sustain the Gospel that you preach with the construction of schools to give
them the possibility to rich their own autonomy. Today the Church of
Madagascar is not yet autonomous, they need your help. That why Im stand
before you today, with the permission of your bishop and your parish preast.

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