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Q)Discuss the effect of green house effect on global warming?


Green house efect is an expression referring to the process to describe how short-ave
radiation passes easily through the atmosphere to reach Eart's surface whereas outgoing
radiation passes easily through the atmosphere to reach Earth's surface whreas outgoing
radiation is absorbrd & reradiated by water vapour droplets & cabon-di-oxide.the burning
of fossil fuel is a reason for the accentuation of this effect.The current annual increase of
carbon-di-oxide is 0.4%.
the effects of green house effect could be as follows:-
1)Future sea level rise:Environmental & Socio-political considerations
two processe will contribute to the rise in mean sea level.An atmospheric warming of
severl degrees would warm the upper layer of the ocean,causing it to expand in volume
like the liquid mercury in a hospital thermometre.Melting of mountain top glacirs would
find it's ways into oceans by the increased runn-off & such melting of mountain glaciers
would raise the average sea level by 20cm - 100cm (with the best guess of 60cm) by the
next century.the zones of greatest vulnarability would be loew lying flat areas.For eg.-a
study on Nile delta found that a rise of sea level by 100cm will submerge 15% of Egypt's
settlement & 15% of cultivable area.Richard warrick & Atiq rehman has pointed out local
factors like upliftment & subsidence of the coastal areas,the local biotic system 7 efforts
to protect coastal structures by human societies will play vital role.
2)effect of climate change on the food production:
Rapid change in temperature & precipitation will have negative effect on the food
production even if agricultural technology,enhaned by modern chemistry & biotechnology
achieves dramatical increase in yeilds per hectare,the amount & location of lands suitable
for the traitional practises may schrink/change dramatically.Weeds & pests will profit from
this change.It should be noted that already 80% of the world's potential arable land has
been broken.
3)Effect of climate change on shared freshwater resources:-
Even if a green house warming does'nt increase the frequency & severity of storms,it is
likely to alter the timing,duration & distribution of rain & snowfall.As Gleick observes
,there willbe little reason for confidence in the ability of current models to predict the
regional distribution of ainfall in a warmer world.For eg.-It would be unpredictable ,which
regions/river suggest that mid-latitude areas would be drier especially in sumer.The most
reliable conclusion is simply that precipitation,run-off & soil moisture-all critical variables
in areas which depend on rain-fed agriculture- will be quite different from what they are
today.Internationally shared resources of clean,potable water will be streched to cover
larger irrigated areas & serve increasingly thirsty population.
4)Effect of climae change on weather related disasters:
Frequency of large storms & extreme weather conditions could be altered as well.The
evidence linking such effects to an enhanced green house effect is inconclusive at present
with the exception of some model results that suggests a likely increse in the number of
extreme rainstorms.Milchell & Ericksen after reviewing historical data argue it is poor both
within the country & among the nations who will experience the largest damages from
weather related disasters as measured by the percentage of annual income lost in these
5)Effect of changing climate on population:
the more rapidly the population grows the more dificult it will be to deal with the effects of
rapid climate change.Poor people living in low lying flat areas,those with no land &
dependind on subsistence agriculture would be seriously affected.Keyfitz suggests there
will be an immense urgency for the migration from poor to wealthy nations.the advanced
industrial nations would be buffered for some time by their wealth & technological
6)change in air patterns & ocean currents:-
Due to global warming temperature of polar regions is expected to raise by 2 to 3 times
while at lower altitudes near the equator that would be 50%-75% of global average.the
temperature gradient between cold polar regions 7 warm tropics would sink leading to
alteration of ocean currents & patterns of air.for instances,if the Gulf Stream were to move
westwards by 200 Km from it's present position near European continent.It would lead to
hotter Europe,on an average ,& colder & wetter Great Britain.

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