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Q)what is the significane of dry & wet adiabatic lapse rate in cloud formation?


Dry adiabatic lapse rate is the decrease in temperature of an unsaturated air mass in it's
vertical movement through a stable 9equilibrium) atmosphere where temperature is
decreasing @ 1(degree)celcius/100m ascend.
Saturated adiabetic lapse rate is the decrease in temperature of a sturated air mass in
it's vertical movement through the atmosphere where thedecrease in temperature of a
saturated airmass in it's vertical movement through the atmosphere where temperature
decreases @ 0.4(degrees)C - 0.9(degrees)C ascend.At the altitudes SALR(Satuated
Aiabetic Lapse Rate) has no independent exixtence in the sense that
SALR=DALR(approximately)which is due to the fact that SALR depends on water vapour
concentration & temperature.
When condensation takes place in a air parcel undergoing DALR,esults in decreased
temperature due to expansion of air parcel since ENVIRONMENAL LAPSE RATE (ELR) is
less than the DALR & emergene of SALR conversion air mass from DALR to SALR results
in instability resulting in updraughts as a esult of concentration of water vapour droplets
increase in the zone above line of condensation.

The water vapour droplets increase in the zone above the line of condensation level.the
increased concentration can be atributed to the fact that ater the heat loss due to
condensation the water vapour particles contracts & it's density increases & the number
of condensation nuclei becomes relatively more than the water vapour particles making
the air mass more saturated.thus,air mass under going DALR has limited capacity for
vertical process(like mountains or a front) initiates the displacement or if the equilibrium is
restored just above the dew-point level,& will result in the development of cumulus humilis
cloudsshallow,fair weather cloud with distinct flatened tops).
While air parcel undergoing SALR will form high altitude clouds.During
absolute instabilty ELR is greater than both SALR & DALR,at 300m.The parcel rises to
untill 7500m. forming cumulus congestus.Thus,in the end it should be conclued that the
diference between DALR & SALR results in formation of various cloud types varying both
in depth as well as in their height of formation(layering of clouds at different altitudes).for
example:- if displaced warm air is asociated with absolute stability then cloud
development is restricted to less than 3000m. & stratocumulus clouds are more
common.this difference also influence the precipitation regime in different region.

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