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Survey Result Analysis

Whilst creating our questionnaire we have initially decided to allow the first few
questions to be non-continuous data in which we could gather quantitate data on
research into our primary audience. The first question consisted of what gender
are you? The results show that 25% of the participants were male and 75% were
female. This clearly shows that more than half of our audience/participants were
female. R&B is a very unisex genre which appeals to both genders, however
different aspects of R&B appeal to different gender. For example we have a very
strong love aspect engaged into our R&B genre which would appeal to females
more due to the scenes generating empathy and struggles of a relationship.
The second question asked was how old are you? In which 100% were 16-19
which is classified as teenagers. Teenagers will fall under the category E in the
demographic table, this leads to supporting the statement due to the next
question asked what social class are you? in which 100% choose working class.
Working class teenagers were selected to be our primary audience as they tend
to have a lot more free time and enjoy watching videos where life seems ideal,
woman are sexualised, and men are seen high status. Teenagers also seem to be
Aspirers in which they seek status and oriented to images and appearance which
our music video would present for them.

Our other questions varied starting off with how important is releasing a music
video alongside the audio to you? In which the results were categorised by 60%
important and 40% very important therefore practically making it 100% vital.
This allowed us to understand that our audience takes value and interest in
music videos and shows how vital they are alongside the music audio. Next
question was how long do you spend watching music videos per month? Results
showed a variety of results from 40% stated they watch 11+ hours and 4-7
Hours and 20% stated they watch 0-3 hours. Majority of our participants spend
more than 4 hours of watching music videos showing that they are willing to
engage with the music videos presented. After asking what genre is your
favourite our results showed that 75% stated R&B and 25% stated pop. Most of
our participants will be our primary audience in which the results reveal more
criticism which would be useful for our genre.

In the question How do you prefer woman being presented in music videos half
of the participants have choose sexualise objects and half have choose powerful
and independent. These results favour to our music video as we plan to involve
both aspects into our music video. Where the female is being seen from the
males view she will have shots where she is seen in a sexual way whereas where
she goes about her day to day life she will be presented in an independent and
powerful way. Following with would you prefer if the main artist being in the
music video? the results showed 80% said yes and 20% said no. Majority
favoured in main artist being in the music video in which that is what we plan to
do favouring our primary audience. Last question was how do you prefer your
music videos being arranged? 35% had choose performance and 65% choose
narrative. More than half were in favour of narrative yet we decided to combine

both aspects and create a hybrid of both performance and narrative to create a
balance where it asppealed to a large aspect of our primary audience.

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