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Bincangkan bagaimana ujian tersebut dijalankan dan akhirnya menjadi ujian yang sah.

kerja anda dengan senarai rujukan ( Sekurangnya 5 rujukan)
Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa terdapat pelbagai ujian yang boleh digunakan untuk
mengukur kecergasan aerobik. Antaranya Ujian Larian/ Berjalan Satu Batu, Larian/ Berjalan 12

PACER dan sebagainya.

Menurut Ahmad Hashim


Progressive Aerobic

Cardiovascular Endurance Run (PACER) mempunyai kesahan yang tinggi bagi pengukuran
pengambilan isipadu maksima oksigen dan merupakan ujian lapangan baru untuk mengukur
kecergasan aerobik.
Berdasarkan kajian-kajian lampau sebelum Pacer diperkenalkan, dalam tahun 1943, Lucien
Brouha dan rakan-rakan telah mencipta ujian Harvard Step Test. This test requires the athlete to
step up and down off a gym bench for 5 minutes at a rate 30 steps/minute. The athlete steps up
and down onto a standard gym bench once every two seconds for five minutes (150 steps). Ujian
ini berhenti selepas 5 minit. Pembantu rekod measures the athlete's heart rate (bpm) one minute
after finishing the test - Pulse1. The assistant measures the athlete's heart rate (bpm) two minutes
after finishing the test - Pulse2. The assistant measures the athlete's heart rate (bpm) three
minutes after finishing the test - Pulse3. Namun begitu, kekurangan ujian ini ialah akan
dipengaruhi oleh the accuracy of measurements (times, distances etc.), Is the athlete actually
applying maximum effort in maximal tests, Surface on which the test is conducted and
environmental conditions - wind, rain, etc.
Menurut Cooper (1968), dalam ujian Cooper 12 min, 115 US Air Force male officers and
airmen were asked to run a 12-minute performance test and then submit to a treadmill maximaloxygen-consumption test. Their average age was 22 years (range, 17 to 52 years). The 12-minute
performance test was accomplished first on all subjects using a flat, accurately measured 1.0 mile,
hard-surface course. Each test consisted of several three-minute runs separated by ten-minute
rest periods. The objective was to reach a point at which the oxygen consumption ceased to
increase or began to drop, ie, a "supermax." This method was used to determine that a true
maximum Vo2 had been attained. The correlation of the field-test data with the laboratorydetermined oxygen-consumption data was 0.897.
Rujuk: A-means-of-assessing-maximal-oxygen-intake-cooper-1968 edited

Menurut Leger dan Lambert. (1980), This test is, however, maximal from the beginning to
the end of the 12-min period, which is contrary to the current tendency to use multistage exercise
tests with adults (ACSM 1975). The 12-min run test also depends on the anaerobic capacity, the
motivation and the ability to run at an even pace throughout the test. A maximal multistage running
track test (Leger and Boucher 1980) for group testing was found to be as valid and reliable as
individual indirect maximal multistage treadmill tests, but could not be performed inside gymnasia
because of the high speeds achieved in the final stages of the test.
Rujuk: 56 edited
Menurut Leger dan Robert Boucher (1980), Universit de Montral Track Test (UM-TT)
telah diperkenalkan pada tahun 1980. The UM-Track Test was conducted on a 166.7 m indoor
track with inclined curves. Red pylons were placed at every quarter section of the track. The
subjects were paced with sound signals emitted at specific frequencies using a prerecorderl tape.
The speed of the multistage is initially set at 5 Mets (Le. 6.00 km' h-'); thereafter, the speed is
increased by I Met by stages of 2-minute duration. Subjects were instructed to complete as many
stages as possible. Time was announced every half-minute of the two minute stage to help the
subject to decide whether or not he should attempt to complete it. Test stopped when the subject
was at least 30 feet behind the appropriate red pylon at the sound signal or felt that he could not
complete the stage. This study has indicated that the UM-Track Test is highly reliable (Figure 4) for
trained and untrained subjects (35-52.5 and 56-70 ml

O2 kg1 min1 ), for young and middle

aged adults (20-30 and 30-40 years old) and for male and female adults. The discrete nature of the
test revealed that 9 and 4 subjects out of 60 had a higher and a lower score respectively by 1 Met
in the second test. None of the subjects had a difference greater than I Met. The 0.97 correlation
coefficient and the SD and Syx of 0.55 Mets or 1.92 ml

O2 kg1 min1 ).

Rujuk: 54 edited
Menurut Leger & Lambert (1980), ujian lari ulang alik 20m berperingkat telah menguji kumpulan
orang muda berumur 23 hingga 28 tahun, an inclined walking treadmill test, on rubber floor
(Mondo Rubber or Sportflex type) and on vinyl-asbestos tiles (hard and low friction type of

surface).The experimental protocol for the validation studies started at 8 km 9 h

and increased

by 0.5 km

every 2 min. Subjects were instructed to complete as many stages as possible.

Time was announced every -min of the 2-min stage to help the subject to decide whether or not
he should attempt to complete it. It was found that the maximal speed of the multistage 20-m
shuttle run test could predict the maximal aerobic power with an r of 0.84 and a standard error of

the estimate of 5.4 ml 9 kg

min1 , which is equal to 11.4% of the mean. In 1982, Leger and

Lambert reported a correlation of 0.84 and a standard error of the estimate of 10.5% for a newly
designed 20 m multistage shuttle run test with 2 min stages predicting the maximal oxygen uptake
( VO2

max) from maximal speed. 57 pdf(introduction)

Rujuk: 56 pdf & 57 pdf

Menurut L.A. Leger, D. Mercier, C. Gadouryl dan J. Lambert. (1988), indicated that
mechanical efficiency of running was proportional to age during growth and since 2 min stages
were found, psychologically boring for children, it was decided to design a I min stage version of
the 20 m
shuttle run and to validate it with children and adults. Test-retest reliability coefficients were 0.89 for
children (139 boys and girls 6-16 years old) and 0.95 for adults (81 men and women, 20-45 years
old). with a correlation of 0.71 and a standard error of the estimate of 5.9 ml
12.1 % Y. Validity in children,

VO2 max ((Y, ml kg1




min1 ) could be predicted from the

maximal aerobic shuttle running speed (Xl' km h -I) and age (X2 , year as the lower rounded
Y=31.025+3.238XI -3.248Xz +0.1536X1X z. Sex, height and weight were not significant predictors.
Rujuk: 57 edited
Pada tahun 1992, Prudential FITNESSGRAM menyediakan dua pilihan ujian bagi menilai
kecergasan kardiorespiratori iaitu Ujian PACER dan Ujian Lari/berjalan Sebatu. PACER adalah
ujian kecergasan disesuaikan daripada ujian larian ulang alik 20 meter yang diterbitkan oleh Leger
dan Lambert (1982) dan disemak semula pada tahun 1988 (Leger et al.). Menurut Ahmad dan
Mohd Sani (2008), this study was conducted was to test the similarity between the reliability of the
Mile Run/Walk Test and One- and-a-Half Mile Run or Walk Test and the Pacer Test using criterionreference and norm reference as a working framework. Sample was administered using two

attempts of the PACER test and one attempt of the Mile Run or Walk Test and One-and-a-Half Mile
Run or Walk (minimum age = 13.5 + 0.5 years). Scores on level of maximum volume of oxygen
consumption or cardiovascular fitness were obtained via the Mile Run/Walk Test, One and a Half
Mile Run/Walk Test and the PACER Test. Analysis was done using the Pearson Product Moment
correlation approach in order to determine the reliability of the Mile Run/Walk Test, One and a Half
Mile Run/Walk Test and the PACER Test. Results of the study showed that the Pacer Test had high
reliability for testing the maximum volume of oxygen among male and female students aged 13 to
15 years. The findings of this study are similar with research findings by Liu, Plowman and Looney
(1992) who reported multiple reliability for the PACER Test via the test and retest approach,
attaining .89 intra-class reliability value for 139 male and female subjects aged between 6 to 16
years (Leger, Mercier, Gadoury & Lambert, 1998).
Rujuk:11 Hashim pdf
Menurut FITNESSGRAM for the Presidential Youth Fitness Program, dalam Ujian
PACER, terdapat 21 peringkat, dan masa untuk larian 20 meter yang pertama ialah sembilan saat.
Kelajuan meningkat mengikut peringkat. Menurut

McClain, Welk, Ihmels, Schaben, J.W. (2006),

The PACER assessment protocol has many advantages over other commonly used field tests of
aerobic fitness such as the mile run. The protocol can be performed inside, which eliminates
environmental limitations and influences on testing. The PACER test avoids problems with pacing
since the tones on the audio CD indicate the required running pace. The validity of the PACER test
has been examined by comparing scores on the test (maximum running speed, number of levels
completed, number of laps, or estimated VO2) with measured VO2max from a treadmill-based
protocol. The validity has been well supported, as studies have reported correlation coefficients
ranging from r = 0.69 and r = 0.87. The reported test-retest reliability of laps performed for the
PACER protocol in school-age children is also high, with intraclass reliability coeffi cients of R =
0.82 to R = 0.93.
Rujuk: Pacer Comparison pdf
Because many gyms are not 20 meters in length, an alternative 15-meter PACER test is
available. The procedures described as follows are the same for the 15-meter distance, but an
alternative cadence and scoring sheet are required for tracking the number of laps. The 15-meter
PACER test is for use only in elementary schools. (Rujuk: fg-05-aerobic edited) Terdapat
pertanyaan tentang PACER 15m dan 20m sama ada berupaya menyediakan maklumat mengenai

kapasiti aerobik yang serupa. Menurut McClain, Welk, Ihmels, Schaben, J.W. (2006), included 82
fifth-grade students (49 M, 33 F) and 122 eighth-grade students (75 M, 47 F). Dalam Ujian
Comparison of Two Versions of the PACER Aerobic Fitness Test, differences in VO2max estimates
between the 15m protocol and 20m protocol were generally small and not of much practical
significance. The differences varied somewhat by grade and gender (range: 0.7 to 1.8 ml/kg/min),
but the effect sizes of the differences for all comparisons were less than 0.30. Oleh itu, keputusan
kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa PACER 15m boleh digunakan untuk menggantikan PACER
20m di mana kemudahan yang ada tidak sesuai untuk ujian PACER 20 meter.
Rujuk: pacer edited

Ahmad Hashim. (2015). Pengujian Pengukuran dan Penilaian Pendidikan Jasmani. Selangor:
Dubook Press Sdn Bhd
Ahmad Hashim & Mohd Sani Madon. Criterion-Referenced and Norm-Referenced Agreement
between the Mile Run/ Walk Test and the One-and-A-Half Mile Run/Walk Test and the PACER
Test. The Journal of International Management Studies, 3(2). 71-82.
Cooper. (1968). A Means of Assessing Maximal Oxygen Intake. Journal of the American Medical
Association, 203(3). 135-138.
FITNESSGRAM for the Presidential Youth Fitness Program. Aerobic Capacity. Diambil daripada
Leger, Mercier, Gadouryl & Lambert. (1988). The multistage 20 metre shuttle run test for aerobic
fitness. Journal of Sports Sciences, 6(1). 93-101.
Leger & Robert Boucher. (1980). An Indirect Continuous Running Multistage Field Test: The
Universite de Montreal Track Test. Canadian Journal Of Applied Sports Science, 1(1). 77-83.
Leger & Lambert. (1980). A Maximal Multistage 20-m Shuttle Run Test to Predict VO2 max.
European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 49(1). 1-12.
McClain, Welk, Ihmels, Schaben, J.W. (2006). Comparison of two versions of the PACER aerobic
fitness test. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 3(2), 47-57.

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