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Political Correctness and how it is Diluting Western Culture

I. Introduction
1. Politically Correct Language is a way to control, and dilute western culture. Being
politically correct not only destroys your culture, but impedes on free speech, so do not use
political correct language in the public arena
2. What are words? How do they affect people? What does it mean to be politically correct?
3. Being politically correct controls your language, making you less like to “offend” or so they
4. To be sensitive
5. But a large part of it is to emphasize euphemisms and control.
6. Part of it's goal is to diminish Western Culture. By being politically correct, we're trying to
be like everyone else, rather than being ourselves.
II. Euphemisms
1. Euphemisms, is the beginning of the destruction, the beginning of a long, ridiculous chain,
in order to diminish our individuality, and try to include everyone.
2. Let's give some gross and ridiculous euphemisms.
1. Midget has been replaced by Horizontally challenged
2. Fat people are now vertically challenged
3. Cripples are not the “handicapalable” , don't even get me started on this one, and the
most unfortunate part about is s, that those people actually believe it.
4. More phrases: Corpse is now Permanently Static Post Human Mass
5. Manning- Staffing the project
6. Blacklisted- Banned
7. Manhole- Utility Cover
8. “White” Lie- Lie (somehow racist)
3. How can you possibly be OK with using such diluted and ridiculous language?
4. Does not help people who are crippled or who are slow. The euphemisms make's people feel
sorry for them, but does nothing to help their problems.
5. Where does it end?
III. Controlling
1. Used to control
2. Comparison to 1984 “News/Double Speak”
3. Phasing out certain words
4. Trying to be “All inclusive” rather than allowing people to have their differences (race,
gender, disability etc.)
5. Trying to make everyone the same, institute one ideology, and remove all individual thought
IV. Politically Correct Language, The School System, and The Liberal Agenda
1. Usually instituted by small liberal education boards in major states like New York and
California, leaving smaller states behind
2. Indoctrinates using the school system, by inserting politically correct language they allow
the liberal agenda to be spread
3. Students seem to no longer have a choice unless previously educated about other political
4. Both Wrong, and unacceptable
V. Diluting Western Culture
1. Western culture is under attack due to politically correct language
2. It is no longer acceptable to show a woman as a nurse, and now you have to show both male
and female nurses in a photo
3. Even better, and more disgusting, is forcing textbooks to put in pictures that have an
“African American, Hispanic American, Differently able individual (i.e. crippled child in a
wheel chair) as well as various other ethnic groups.
4. Undermining Christianity, traditional American culture and values, inserting other cultures
values and ideas into textbooks instead, as well as liberal ideology, pro homosexual
ideology, pro-choice ideology, among others.
5. This is a direct attack on not only the American people, but on Western Culture in general.
VI. Conclusion
1. Why would you ever want to dilute your language and submit to a nanny government?
2. What right does the government, and special interests groups have to lobby so that your
children can be indoctrinated with a language and ideology that they don't agree with?
3. Politically correct language does nothing to help people, it does nothing for Western culture,
and it does nothing for America.
4. This is used to control your thought, and to control your beliefs.
5. Ladies and gentlemen, the American that I know and love, and the America that some of
you know and love, is under attack. The culture that we have grown up with, the culture that
we are apart above, is being targeted and diluted. Soon the America, that we have all grown
up with and loved, The United States Constitution, and the Declaration of independence,
will just become another diluted word, in the politically correct dictionary.

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