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Str. Morilor nr. 160-162, Galati, Romania, 800305.

Tel/Fax: 40 236 466798; 40 745 090478 (mobile)
email:; web:
“Small groups for evangelisation and discipleship”

...our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who has destroyed death and has brought life and
immortality to light through the Gospel. 2 Timothy 1:10

Newsletter 38 Greetings from your friends at “Emanuel”

March 2010
Greetings from Galati in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Despite the ongoing difficult economic times, we continue to praise God for His faithfulness and
for His enduring love for us.
Although many have had their incomes reduced, have lost their jobs or are threatened with
losing their jobs, and although some are suffering with severe illnesses, we know that God is our
provider and cares for us on a daily basis.
We want to present to you here a summary of some of the events that have taken place in
Galati in recent months.
Mihai Dumitrascu
Winter Witness in Galati
Winter usually means a lessening of outdoor activities, and this year was no exception. We
For donations: suffered one of the coldest winters for some years, with many snow falls bringing joy to the
children’s hearts, and ever increasing despair to the adults!
Pastor Kermit Bell Despite a very heavy snow fall right on the weekend of our Christmas activities, these went
Glad Tidings Church ahead, many getting to the events with great difficulty.
2700 Northland Dr.
Austin, TX 78756
Emanuel Galati

Direct to Romania:
Bank: Banca
Comerciala Romana,
Branch: Galati,
Str. Brailei nr. 35,
Galati 800306;
Account name:
Biserica Crestina
Emanuel; A scene from the Carols concert Students’ Carols concert
Account nr. (IBAN) We continued with our usual tradition of holding Carols concerts for the university students, the
(for $US) children and the adults, each with their own specific programmes. Friends and family were invited
RO43 RNCB 0141 to these events, where they not only heard the lovely Christmas Carols, but also a Gospel
0328 7920 0002; Message relevant to the season.
(for Euro)
RO16 RNCB 0141 Please pray for those who heard the Gospel, that the seed sown will grow into a life-long
0328 7920 0003; faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
(for £)
RO37 RNCB 0141 Winter camps
0328 7920 0013;
During the school break in February, two
winter camps were held.
The first was for high school students at
Please notify us one of our favourite camping location,
Lepsa, when 35 teenagers, some from non-
when sending
Christian backgrounds, enjoyed 3 days of
money, letting us
fun, in the mountains, at the same time
know the
hearing the Gospel message.
amount and its
High schoolers’ camp
The second camp was held as an
evangelistic outreach among the university
students run by the “ProVeritas”, which is a
group of university students from “Emanuel”
WEB SITE who regularly hold outreaches on the
Take a look at campuses. 40 students had a good time in
our web site in the ski fields of Romania.
English and Please pray that those who were
Romanian! touched by the events of these camps will continue in their spiritual growth. Often at
baptism services we hear a testimony or two
of how they became Christians at camps
such as these. Uni. students’ camp

A new village outreach

Ionel, who was baptised last June at
Emanuel, lives in a village called Frumusita. His
concern for his neighbours has brought about
the start of a new outreach in this locality,
where about 20 people meet every Sunday
evening for a service. Each Wednesday a
group from among them has begun to meet to
prepare for baptism, by undergoing the
catechism course.
Please pray for this new work, that the
Lord’s Name will be glorified in Frumusita, and
that many will come to proclaim Him as their
Lord and Saviour. Pray that this might end with
The group at Frumusita them deciding to be baptised.
Please also pray for those who lead the
work, Marian, Adi and Stefanica.

Other village news

We have two baptism services planned during May, one in Tudor Vladimirescu on 9 May and
one in Tecuci on 30 May.
Please pray for those who are preparing to take this major step in their lives; that they will
remain steadfast and will remain on the path they have chosen to take. Praise God for this fruit of
our labours over recent times!

Construction of the Sanctuary

Over the winter months, the construction of
the Sanctuary naturally ceased. Due to the
many snow falls this year, we had to be ever on
the alert to make sure that the basement was
not flooded as the snow melted.
This week we have begun to work again on
the site, and we are praying that we will be able
to complete the basement.
As we currently meet on two levels of the
Education centre, our desire is to move the
services into the basement, so that we may all
be together during the services.
Winter working bee on construction site
- Clearing the snow

We still have a debt to pay, and we pray that during this year the Lord will provide the means for
us to be able to complete the basement so that we can move our services there. This means a
huge financial commitment.
Inside the basement On top of the basement

Please pray that God will provide the finances we need to pay our debts and to continue with
the arrangement of the basement.

Upcoming events
Easter is almost upon us, and we plan to hold services to commemorate the resurrection of
our Lord on both Saturday evening, and Sunday morning, using the privilege to invite our non-
Christian friends and colleagues to one of the services.
11 April – celebrated in Romania as “Doubting Thomas Sunday: it is an occasion for us to
have a public evangelistic outreach at the local Dramatic Theatre.
18 April – a baptism service will be held at Emanuel.

During April we also have two teams visiting from USA for various activities.
3-5 May we have three evenings when we’ll be presenting “A second chance”, an
evangelistic play. The first two evenings are dedicated especially to the university students, and on
the third evening we will be able to invite other friends and relatives.
Please pray that these events will be attended by many who are open to hear the Lord’s

Special prayer needs!!!

Apart from the requests listed above, we also covet your prayers for two of our members
who are going through a difficult time with their health. Pray that they’ll be restored to full health!
Diana: after two courses of chemotherapy, Diana finally underwent a (very) radical mastectomy.
The doctors were pleased with how the operation went, but she must now undergo another course
of chemotherapy.
Viorel: has recently undergone another operation for cysts on his brain. This operation was
much more complicated than the previous ones, and he is having many post-operative problems,
and doctors are reserved about his chances of survival.
Pray also for the Church’s leaders, that God will continue to use them and guide them in all
they do for Him!
Please also pray with us for spiritual revival at “Emanuel” and in Romania!

May the Lord bless you as you seek to do His will !

Mihai D.
Mihai Dumitrascu

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