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Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

October 12th
Kahoot Review-Cellular
Assessment-Cell Processes Quiz
Moodle reading-Biomolecule
Study Guide
Students fill out a biomolecule
graphic organizer
Vote- On the back of their
organizer, students vote on
biomolecule posters created by AP
students and turn them in before

October 13th
Kahoot Review-Cellular
Assessment- Cell Processes Quiz
Moodle reading-Biomolecule
Study Guide
Students fill out a biomolecule
graphic organizer
Vote- On the back of their
organizer, students vote on
biomolecule posters created by AP
students and turn them in before

October 14th
I can distinguish between
Autotroph and Heterotroph
Last day of lesson on prior unit.
Kahoot Review- Biomolecules,
reminder quiz on Monday and
Tuesday of next week. The data
from the kahoot is evaluated to
formatively assess student
understanding of biomolecules
according to the scales.
Notes- Power Point on
Photosynthesis. Students are
instructed to take notes on the
various aspects of photosynthesis.
Assignment: Upon completion of
their diagram, students are
assigned section questions 8.1 &
8.2 from the textbook
(Questions are assigned, however
there was not enough time in class
for students to complete the

October 15th
I can distinguish between
Autotroph and Heterotroph
Last day of lesson on prior unit.
Kahoot Review- Biomolecules,
reminder quiz on Monday and
Tuesday of next week. The data
from the kahoot is evaluated to
formatively assess student
understanding of biomolecules
according to the scales.
Notes- Power Point on
Photosynthesis. Students are
instructed to take notes on the
various aspects of photosynthesis.
Assignment: Upon completion of
their diagram, students are
assigned section questions 8.1 &
8.2 from the textbook (Questions
are assigned, however there was
not enough time in class for
students to complete the

October 18th
I can explain the role of
Chloroplast in Photosynthesis.
Review- Students are given 10
minutes to study or ask questions

October 19th
I can describe the importance of
light energy for photosynthesis.
Review- Students are given 10
minutes to study or ask questions

October 20th
I can describe the importance of
light energy for photosynthesis.
Review- Using Dry Erase boards,

October 21th
I can describe factors that affect

October 16th
I can explain the role of
Chloroplast in Photosynthesis.
Review (ATP) Students review
the connection between
photosynthesis and ATP, which
they already have previous
knowledge about from Active
Transport that it is energy for the
cell. Review- Students are
prompted to draw ATP and ADP
on their dry erase boards. Students
are then prompted to explore how
ATP is like a rechargeable battery.
Misconception Target:
Discussion- Students discuss how
the different parts of chloroplast
are involved in photosynthesis.
Students are directed to a diagram
of the chloroplast and asked to
explore the parts, we then discuss
from the text what the structures
are and what they do in
Explore- Chloroplast Organelle
Diagram Handout- Students are
given a diagram of the chloroplast
and use the text to explore what
the parts of the chloroplast do.
They label the structure, and list
the functions. Next the write the
equation for photosynthesis and
label the reactants and products.
Assignment: Upon completion of
their diagram, students are
assigned section questions 8.1 &
8.2 from the textbook
No School



Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

Unit Calendar

and discuss biomolecules prior to
being assessed.
Assessment: Students take the
biomolecule quiz
Review- Students are prompted to
draw ATP and ADP on their dry
erase boards. Students are then
prompted to explore how ATP is
like a rechargeable battery.
Discussion- Students discuss how
the different parts of chloroplast
are involved in photosynthesis.
Students are directed to a diagram
of the chloroplast and asked to
explore the parts of chloroplast,
we then discuss from the text what
the structures are and what they do
in photosynthesis.
Misconception Target:
=2KZb2_vcNTgExploreChloroplast Organelle Diagram
Handout- Students are given a
diagram of the chloroplast and use
the text to explore what the parts
of the chloroplast do. They label
the structure, and list the
functions. Next the write the
equation for photosynthesis and
label the reactants and products.

Assignment: Upon completion of

their diagram, students are
assigned section questions 8.1 &
8.2 from the textbook
October 26th
I can describe factors that affect
Discussion- Why do scientists
study photosynthesis? Food,
Energy Source (wood), Fibers
(Cotton Clothing), Environment,
Agriculture, Electronics, Medicine

Unit Calendar


Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

and discuss biomolecules prior to

being assessed.
Assessment: Students take the
biomolecule quiz
Inquiry Experiment-Starting
with a demonstration, students are
shown how to set-up a lab
experiment that will illustrate how
light is needed for photosynthesis.
In the demonstration, the dark
variable is set-up for the students.
Students then are instructed to
gather their materials and perform
the experiment.
Students remove the air from leaf
disks, causing them to fall. Next
the disks in carbonated liquid are
moved into the light. Students
record data timed data as they
begin to float. This is compared to
the dark reaction, in which no
disks float, showing the need for
light for photosynthesis to occur.
A photosynthesis song is played as
students are putting away their

Students review ATP, and how it

is involved in photosynthesis
Inquiry Experiment-Starting
with a demonstration, students are
shown how to set-up a lab
experiment that will illustrate how
light is needed for photosynthesis.
In the demonstration, the dark
variable is set-up for the students.
Students then are instructed to
gather their materials and perform
the experiment.
Students remove the air from leaf
disks, causing them to fall. Next
the disks in carbonated liquid are
moved into the light. Students
record data timed data as they
begin to float. This is compared to
the dark reaction, in which no
disks float, showing the need for
light for photosynthesis to occur.
A photosynthesis song is played as
students are putting away their

Transition- Replay the

Photosynthesis song &
Photosynthesis rap as students are
getting computers out
Performance Assessment:
Virtual Labs- Students work on
virtual labs factors affecting the
rate of photosynthesis.

Level 2- There are two

labs include how light
intensity affects
Photosynthesis and how
light color affects
Students answer 4
questions for level 2 on
each experiment 1)
What is your
hypothesis? 2) What is
your lab design (the step
by step procedure)? 3)
What data did you
gather and 4) How the
variable (Light Distance,
or Light Color) affected
Students turn in their
responses on a sheet of
Level 3-After turning in their level
2 assignment, students are given
an Independent lab design sheet,
and open a third experiment with
multiple variables. Here they
choose variables to test, and
perform their own experiment.

October 27th
I can identify the reactants and
products of photosynthesis
Discussion- Why do scientists
study photosynthesis? Food,
Energy Source (wood), Fibers
(Cotton Clothing), Environment,
Agriculture, Electronics, Medicine

October 28th
I can identify the reactants and
products of photosynthesis
Review- From yesterday, what
variables did you see affecting
White Boards: Using their new
knowledge of photosynthesis,

October 29th
I can describe the process of
Pass Back papers
Complete Performance
Assessment: (30 minutes)
Photosynthesis Game:
(Copy/Paste Link)
Group Activity (30 minutes):

October 30th
I can describe the process of
Pass Back Papers
Complete Performance
Assessment: (30 minutes):
Photosynthesis Game:
(Copy/Paste Link)
Group Activity (30 minutes):

Experiment worksheet answers
Transition- Replay the
Photosynthesis song &
Photosynthesis rap as students are
getting computers out
Virtual Labs- Students work on
virtual labs factors affecting the
rate of photosynthesis.

Level 2- There are two

labs include how light
intensity affects
Photosynthesis and how
light color affects
Students answer 4
questions for level 2 on
each experiment 1)
What is your
hypothesis? 2) What is
your lab design (the step
by step procedure)? 3)
What data did you
gather and 4) How the
variable (Light Distance,
or Light Color) affected
Students turn in their
responses on a sheet of
Level 3-After turning in their level
2 assignment, students are given
an Independent lab design sheet,
and open a third experiment with
multiple variables. Here they
choose variables to test, and
perform their own experiment.

Unit Calendar

Review- From yesterday, what
variables did you see affecting
White Boards: Using their new
knowledge of how light affects
photosynthesis, students are asked
to draw a graph of how
photosynthesis activity might look
like over the course of the day.
Describe why photosynthesis
Discussion: Describe why the
rate of photosynthesis might
naturally fluctuate. Consider
fluctuation over Days, Seasons,
Years, Location.
Transition- Replay the
Photosynthesis rap as students are
getting computers out
Virtual Labs (Performance
Assessment)- Students are given
time to complete the virtual labs
on photosynthesis
Inquiry Lab- Reactants and
Products of Photosynthesis
Students are given Carbon,
Hydrogen and Oxygen
Molecules along with words
such as Reactants, Products,
Arrows, Sunlight. They then
arrange these into the chemical
formula which they have come up
Discussion- What are the
ingredients needed for
photosynthesis? What are the
products? Students craft the
equation for photosynthesis on the
Photosynthesis Reaction Group
In groups of 4 (rows of students)
Students are assigned the roles of
Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon and
Reaction words. They are then
asked to form the reactants of

students are asked to draw a graph

of how photosynthesis activity
might look like over the course of
the day. Describe why
photosynthesis fluctuates?
Discussion: Describe why the
rate of photosynthesis might
naturally fluctuate. Consider
fluctuation over Days, Seasons,
Years, Location.
Transition- Replay the
Photosynthesis rap as students are
getting computers out
Virtual Labs (Performance
Assessment)- Students are given
time to complete the virtual labs
on photosynthesis
Inquiry Lab- Reactants and
Products of Photosynthesis
Students are given Carbon,
Hydrogen and Oxygen
Molecules along with words
such as Reactants, Products,
Arrows, Sunlight. They then
arrange these into the chemical
formula which they have come up
Discussion- What are the
ingredients needed for
photosynthesis? What are the
products? Students craft the
equation for photosynthesis on the
Photosynthesis Reaction Group
In groups of 4 (rows of students)
Students are assigned the roles of
Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon and
Reaction words. They are then
asked to form the reactants of
photosynthesis using cards. This is
recorded by the group. Then they
are asked to re-arrange their
elements into the products.
Discussion questions:

Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

Students are challenged to come

up with a unique project to explain
photosynthesis. They have 20
minutes to plan in groups of 4.
The prompt is: Create a 5 minute
presentation in the form of a
A)Rap B)Song C)Play D)Poem
or E)Story to show the process of
photosynthesis from a plants
perspective. Include: Chlorophyll,
Pigments, Chloroplast,
Autotrophs, Heterotrophs,
Glucose, Carbon Dioxide, Water,
Sunlight, ATP and Oxygen. Share
your project with the class.

Students are challenged to come

up with a unique project to explain
photosynthesis. They have 20
minutes to plan in groups of 4.
The prompt is: Create a 5 minute
presentation in the form of a
A)Rap B)Song C)Play D)Poem
or E)Story to show the process of
photosynthesis from a plants
perspective. Include: Chlorophyll,
Pigments, Chloroplast,
Autotrophs, Heterotrophs,
Glucose, Carbon Dioxide, Water,
Sunlight, ATP and Oxygen. Share
your project with the class.


November 2nd
I can describe the process of
Presentations: (5 minutes, get
together with your partner, get
ready, be quick!) (40 minutes)
Review: Crash Course
Photosynthesis, Overview
Power Point Notes: (8 slides).
Kahoot Review (20 minutes):
(First Name, Last Initial) For a
Photosynthesis review using
Kahoot, with a reminder that the
quiz will be on Thursday and
Review Sheet to Go: Available
for students to take home and

Unit Calendar

photosynthesis using cards. This is
recorded by the group. Then they
are asked to re-arrange their
elements into the products.
Discussion questions:
How many molecules of carbon
dioxide and how many molecules
of water are needed for green
plants to synthesize one molecule
of glucose and six molecules of
What type of nutrient is glucose
(carbohydrate, protein, nucleic
acid or lipid)?
What are other sources of carbon
dioxide (besides animals
What gas do plants release?

How many molecules of carbon

dioxide and how many molecules
of water are needed for green
plants to synthesize one molecule
of glucose and six molecules of
What type of nutrient is glucose
(carbohydrate, protein, nucleic
acid or lipid)?
What are other sources of carbon
dioxide (besides animals
What gas do plants release?

November 3rd
I can describe the process of
Presentations: (5 minutes, get
together with your partner, get
ready, be quick!) (40 minutes)
Review: Crash Course
Photosynthesis, Overview
Power Point Notes: (8 slides)
Kahoot Review (20 minutes):
(First Name, Last Initial) For a
Photosynthesis review using
Kahoot, with a reminder that the
quiz will be on Thursday and
Review Sheet to Go: Available
for students to take home and

November 4th
I can identify the reactants and
products of Cellular Respiration
I can compare and contrast
Photosynthesis and Cellular
Photosynthesis Unit Summative
Assessment: 9 level 2 questions
including 6 matching questions,
two fill in the blank questions and
one multiple choice question
2 level 3 questions that are open
ended requiring a written response
to explain the process of
photosynthesis, as well as factors
that affect the rate of
Virtual Demonstration
Introduction: Screaming Jelly
Babies (Gummy Bears) What if
our body used food like this?
(Released all of the energy stored
in food at once!) Remember from
our beginning notes, our body
releases the energy from glucose
in a series of carefully controlled
reactions so that a small,

Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

November 5th
I can identify the reactants and
products of Cellular Respiration
I can compare and contrast
Photosynthesis and Cellular
Photosynthesis Unit Summative
Assessment: 9 level 2 questions
including 6 matching questions,
two fill in the blank questions and
one multiple choice question
2 level 3 questions that are open
ended requiring a written response
to explain the process of
photosynthesis, as well as factors
that affect the rate of
Virtual Demonstration
Introduction: Screaming Jelly
Babies (Gummy Bears)
(Released all of the energy stored
in food at once!) Remember from
our beginning notes, our body
releases the energy from glucose
in a series of carefully controlled
reactions so that a small,
collectable amount of energy is

November 6th
I can describe the relationship
between cellular respiration and
Video Clip: Amoeba Sisters,
Cellular Respiration &
Inquiry Lab: (Exercise lab from
Rierson.) Students explore the
relationship between cellular
respiration and exercise.


Unit Calendar


November 9th

November 10th

Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

collectable amount of energy is

released at any one time). (2
minute online demonstration)
Introduce Cellular Respiration:
What if our body used food like
this? What do you think the
process of cellular respiration is
Individual White Boards
Prompt: on your white boards,
list a fact you know, and a
question you have about Cellular
Whole class- On the front white
board, create a T chart of Facts
and Questions. Gather a list from
the students facts they know, and
questions they have. Use the
questions for discussion.
Discussion: What did you notice
about the relationship between the
photosynthesis equation and the
cellular respiration equation
Group Work: In groups students
work to create the equation of
cellular respiration.
What are the reactants of cellular
Respiration? What is produced
that could be used to make other
macromolecule compounds?
Assignment: Draw a picture of
the relationship between
photosynthesis and cellular
respiration. Label Autotrophs,
Heterotrophs, Glucose, Water,
Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and

released at any one time). (2

minute online demonstration)
Introduce Cellular Respiration:
What if our body used food like
this? What do you think the
process of cellular respiration is
Individual White Boards
Prompt: on your white boards,
list a fact you know, and a
question you have about Cellular
Whole class- On the front white
board, create a T chart of Facts
and Questions. Gather a list from
the students facts they know, and
questions they have. Use the
questions for discussion.
Discussion: What did you notice
about the relationship between the
photosynthesis equation and the
cellular respiration equation
Group Work: In groups students
work to create the equation of
cellular respiration.
What are the reactants of cellular
Respiration? What is produced
that could be used to make other
macromolecule compounds?
Assignment: Draw a picture of
the relationship between
photosynthesis and cellular
respiration. Label Autotrophs,
Heterotrophs, Glucose, Water,
Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and

November 11

November 12

November 13

Video Clip: Amoeba Sisters,
Cellular Respiration &
Inquiry Lab: (Exercise lab from
Rierson.) Students explore the
relationship between cellular
respiration and exercise. (3545minutes)
Notes: Power Point, Summarized

I can describe the differences
between aerobic and anaerobic
Inquiry Demonstration: Balloon
Demonstration of Fermentation.
(Sugar, water, yeast, balloon, Test
Discussion: Slice of Bread:
Anaerobic Respiration Holes in
the bread (Fermentation is a
type of cellular respiration in
which the cell does not use oxygen
to make energy. Yeast that is used
to bake bread goes through this
process. The yeast in bread breaks
down sugar and the products given
off are energy, alcohol, which
evaporated in the baking process,
and carbon dioxide. The carbon
dioxide causes the bread to rise
and leaves the holes that are seen
in the bread when it is sliced.)
Exit Ticket: Put your name &
period on a half sheet of paper.
Explain the process of cellular
respiration that yeast go through
when baked into bread.
Notes: Power Point, Summarized
Working time: Finish lab
interpretation & finish relationship

I can describe the differences

between aerobic and anaerobic
Inquiry Demonstration: Balloon
Demonstration of Fermentation.
(Sugar, water, yeast, balloon, Test
Discussion: Slice of Bread:
Anaerobic Respiration Holes in
the bread (Fermentation is a
type of cellular respiration in
which the cell does not use oxygen
to make energy. Yeast that is used
to bake bread goes through this
process. The yeast in bread breaks
down sugar and the products given
off are energy, alcohol, which
evaporated in the baking process,
and carbon dioxide. The carbon
dioxide causes the bread to rise
and leaves the holes that are seen
in the bread when it is sliced.)
Exit Ticket: Put your name &
period on a half sheet of paper.
Explain the process of cellular
respiration that yeast go through
when baked into bread.
Notes: Power Point, Summarized
Working time: Finish lab
interpretation & finish relationship

Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

Review: Cellular Respiration

through discussion/ use of white
Working Time: Finish lab
questions, Finish relationship
Moodle As students finish their
lab questions and their drawings,
they may review with the cellular
respiration activities in moodle.
Assessment: Last 25 minutes of

Review: Cellular Respiration

through discussion/ use of white
Working Time: Finish lab
questions, Finish relationship
Moodle As students finish their
lab questions and their drawings,
they may review with the cellular
respiration activities in moodle.
Assessment: Last 25 minutes of

Optional Supplemental

Traits PPT: various genetic traits

are examined, we include
examples of dominant and
recessive traits and discussion of
what makes a trait dominant or
Gathering Student Data:
Students then examine their own
personal traits in pairs to help with

Traits PPT: various genetic traits

are examined, we include
examples of dominant and
recessive traits and discussion of
what makes a trait dominant or
Gathering Student Data:
Students then examine their own

Unit Calendar

traits that are less visible. This is
followed by the data being
gathered as a class with some
Graphing: Lastly, the data is
graphed and then analyzed.

Unit Calendar

personal traits in pairs to help with
traits that are less visible. This is
followed by the data being
gathered as a class with some
Graphing: Lastly, the data is
graphed and then analyzed.

Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

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